I seen this on ABC channel 7 news this is such an amazing story. You never know who that homeless person is or where they come from everyone has a story before some unfortunate hardship put them in a situation of homeless... God bless this lady and the people who came to her aide . I know there are many talented singers doctors ball players and many of talent among the homeless people in the streets.. May Allah God rectify each and every person who is experiencing some type of homelessness ....
I seen this on ABC channel 7 news this is such an amazing story. You never know who that homeless person is or where they come from everyone has a story before some unfortunate hardship put them in a situation of homeless... God bless this lady and the people who came to her aide . I know there are many talented singers doctors ball players and many of talent among the homeless people in the streets.. May Allah God rectify each and every person who is experiencing some type of homelessness ....
Elton te rujt zoti per cdo ndim qe ti .i dhe Parashkevis simakut je me fat qe je pran saj te prsh shum
Tan Shqiptaret duhet me e Ndihmu Ikonen Shqiptare se e Meriton se asht nje Ikon e Muzikes tone🌠🌠🌠🌠💎💎💎💎💎
ajo ne mes te amerikes ju i qani hallin aa popull rrk
C'do gje ndodh per nje arsye
Hajt ma se pe teproni
Na plasi trapi