When you were wondering if the game mechanics were bad or if it was just a skill issue, it reminded me of the other day when I was playing a GameCube game that had very buggy mechanics and my brother said "they need to patch this game." 😂
There are some games on older consoles that did get "patches" of sorts. They would just release newer versions into stores without really saying anything. The one game that I know did this was Ocarina of Time on 64. I don't think any patch could fix the problems with this game haha
When you were wondering if the game mechanics were bad or if it was just a skill issue, it reminded me of the other day when I was playing a GameCube game that had very buggy mechanics and my brother said "they need to patch this game." 😂
There are some games on older consoles that did get "patches" of sorts. They would just release newer versions into stores without really saying anything. The one game that I know did this was Ocarina of Time on 64. I don't think any patch could fix the problems with this game haha
The web swinging in this game is absolutely atrocious.
probably my biggest complaint. If they kept the mechanics from the console version then that would be the one redeeming factor for me!