The show has been on hiatus many times before due to Scaremaster's reactionary behavior. Perry is why they don't do the show currently (Perry is earning enough from Perry Caravello Live to not need Don's money), but that doesn't mean they won't do any more, it just means Perry needs to be more financially desperate, and the show will continue. I have also heard there was a real falling out between Tom B. and Don Barris, over how to handle Perry. Don feels he sees Perry as he truly is, a scumbag, a liar, a thief, and a sexual predator whose ineptness is the only thing that keeps him from victimizing people, whereas Tom B. sees Perry as a genuinely handicapped person, who is incapable of helping himself and is trapped in a dated and warped view of the world which comes from the likely real abuse Perry faced. Don revels in fucking on Perry, and Tom B. enjoys poking the bear too, but watch PCL and you'll see Tom B. is genuinely trying to help Perry run a livestream and make himself money, so they come at Perry from different perspectives .
This shit never gets old
51:49 “What if I’m the high bidder’s plus one?”
34:25 Mole asks a question
Perry straight up bogarting his CD collection! 50:30
7:16 perry wants to see him hes dead.......coincidence??? I think not!!!!
50:32 “why not? Yeah they can!”
biiiiiiiiig thrrrreeee
30:14 Mole almost broke his character and called Don by his name lmao
Why don't they do the show any more?
They did when you wrote that comment. But now perry has figured out he can make money from being a monkey on the Internet so he doesn’t need Dan
The show has been on hiatus many times before due to Scaremaster's reactionary behavior. Perry is why they don't do the show currently (Perry is earning enough from Perry Caravello Live to not need Don's money), but that doesn't mean they won't do any more, it just means Perry needs to be more financially desperate, and the show will continue.
I have also heard there was a real falling out between Tom B. and Don Barris, over how to handle Perry. Don feels he sees Perry as he truly is, a scumbag, a liar, a thief, and a sexual predator whose ineptness is the only thing that keeps him from victimizing people, whereas Tom B. sees Perry as a genuinely handicapped person, who is incapable of helping himself and is trapped in a dated and warped view of the world which comes from the likely real abuse Perry faced. Don revels in fucking on Perry, and Tom B. enjoys poking the bear too, but watch PCL and you'll see Tom B. is genuinely trying to help Perry run a livestream and make himself money, so they come at Perry from different perspectives .
Perry made a big stinky
@@DoublePaprika what did he do?
He quit and just Livestreams now for his apartment 7722 Reseda boulevard Blvd California #102.
Oh Ohh ohhhhhh
ooh ooh oooooh
Ew ew ew ew ewwwww
Parry going to a CA meeting sounds like a great skit! 😂 Crack addicts anonymous…
Perry and Sandy Gallagher must have had a rough break up, he won't even acknowledge their romance.
Perry's a joke in the bag.
He couldn't suck his fuckin way out of one
Hes actual comedy gold