I think this Sneak peek is somewhere near the Semaphore signal sneak peek because we look at the right of the picture It has the semaphore pole same as the semaphore picture
I guess the new extension could be called Riloth Bay or Remth Bay. And it would be probably comming with a grand station of R.... Central or East. But it won't be coming between Northshore and Llyn, due to being messy. It would rather fit between Millcastle and Westwyvern, where Connect And Express drives the very long branch without any scenery around it. [Tell me your opinions below]
The 170 def looks better, also I'm guessing that the Llyn area will be revamped. Also thanks for training me yesterday!
cant wait for 2.0
This could be somewhere near Eden Quay as I recognise the rainbow tower.
I refresh the Class 171 and the stations have Esterfield University, and Leighton Hospital patched this area
Rawmouth bay?
I’m have actually been on you’re QD training
Radworth Bay
The answer is too long but it could be
Reth Rant rath or something
Rulth ig
or "south bay"
@@minedexx9750 the first word starts from R, not S
😊😊😊 nice!
finally no more fully yellow front
When is the next update?
You can really see the cookery now
The station might be Routh bay since i checked the wikipedia
I think this place is a new extension that's after the semaphore signal place.
Is it "Rich Bay"???
This deserves the mesh
I agree. Class 170 168 and 357 is so bad, that's cool that they are remodeling it
Danke for the shoutout!
....... just add it to ur other comment
Too late :/
lately I've been seeing SCR updates that don't add anything but roblox considers them to be updates. will the preparations for the release be?
Same here
Every time there is a change to a place file is uploaded to Roblox it is counted as a update.
Probably adding the files for the new stations!
@@Mr_MushReal Rather bug fixes
An update mean anything from scenery to features to extensions to the play area
Play area 💀
Can you do a video of conducting a training as LD.
Rowth Bay (real)
The class 170 was going
I think the terminal station will be ned Ruth bay. The 170 looks amazing. I’m hyped for 2.0
How i hate the word "terminal" for railway stations is insane. You can use whatever you want tho
@@osstuff123 why?
@@TodorH3123 Becuase some guy on the Wiki started editing "Terminus" info "Terminal" for no reason
@@osstuff123 Oh Im sorry
@@osstuff123 i think there was a reason.
railighy bay something like that
I think this Sneak peek is somewhere near the Semaphore signal sneak peek because we look at the right of the picture It has the semaphore pole same as the semaphore picture
Might be Rosyth Bay
i think it doesnt look like a t but more like a c
My guess is Ruth Bay
Why Ruth? Thats so random
Why not:
North bay
South Bay
@@tophatmannetjebc in the northshore sneakpeak shows an R
@@EndIessProductions well that could be a different station but youre probs right now i think abt it
Raith bay?
Maybe “Roth/Ruth Bay”?
That’s what I think too! The word fits into it easily and is very catchy, just like any other station
that name is short
@@Mr_MushReal Yay! Someone that understands! Also, the R zone from before might be a hint for Roth/Ruth
@@rafflesrblx There are many short names, like Llyn-by-the-sea or High Street.
It must be Routh bay
ruth bay or ringworth bay
i wonder when its going to be 🎉
Soon 🔜
Rayleigh bay
I think it is Beach Bay.
Is _ _ _ t h not ch
For my guess for the line name I think it will be Kawa bay.
How i think this is near city hospital😂
thats also what i thought before 2.0, it looked very similar on the sneakpeak
Routh bay
Hey jonedaaa, are you filipino?
Roseworth bay
Desto board seems like it will say wentworth bay lol
starts with R though
Oh nice to see you again mate, forgot to tell you I’m also half Aussie.
Well it says “th bay” and there’s no R.
@@MaxLovesSingapore we know it starts with R because of the sneak peek near northshore
@@thisis_mudchute fine you win it was Rayleigh bay
South bay
I guess the new extension could be called Riloth Bay or Remth Bay. And it would be probably comming with a grand station of R.... Central or East.
But it won't be coming between Northshore and Llyn, due to being messy. It would rather fit between Millcastle and Westwyvern, where Connect And Express drives the very long branch without any scenery around it.
[Tell me your opinions below]
What about 168? Or 171?
Official, or unofficial, but hey, thats just a theory, AN SCR THEORY!
@@Cartonies what?
The phrase thats just a theory is not copyrighted like do you even see the copyright symbol i thought not @TodorHristoski
@@gtavstepfordcounty1733 where and when did i say it is copyrighted???
I guess class 168 will be updated too
Jonedaaa I think the new station is Edith Bay because we can see th before bay.
wrong, it has a letter R.
No thats a t
not edith bay, why would you custom it? it starts with r, ends with th.
Brown Sandra Jackson Ruth Williams Dorothy
I get revamped for Express…😅
routh bay