Even a old CNC from 1999 can do it but not with the controller supplied back then. You can retrofit a CAM package tho for a lot less money then buying a new machine.
Hello the most CAM softwares have conventional Prime Turning included like MasterCAM, GibbsCAM, ESPRITCAM etc. there is also an code generator called (tool path) which you can order at the Sandvik homepage. If you want to use the y-axis there is just Gibbs for these tools so far.
When you thought everything had already been done and then this comes along. Amazing.
Awesome video! That chip management is great too
Badass Video and Promgramming!
Did the video mention the type of machine?
It seems the technology will only be limited by CAM package and machine...
It’s a DMG CTX1250, most modern machines can do it but CAM is really the key to it
Even a old CNC from 1999 can do it but not with the controller supplied back then. You can retrofit a CAM package tho for a lot less money then buying a new machine.
Which CAM packages can program prime turning?
Hello the most CAM softwares have conventional Prime Turning included like MasterCAM, GibbsCAM, ESPRITCAM etc. there is also an code generator called (tool path) which you can order at the Sandvik homepage.
If you want to use the y-axis there is just Gibbs for these tools so far.
that programming was awesome, what machine though?
Very impressive! Could you please calculate the material removal ratio for the Prime tools? Would be nice to see some more figures 😊
You can do it also 😉
Good demo
Skills 👍🏼👌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
The finishing movement is impressive, but the rough cut wasn't really efficient.
is this mastercam ?
hehe no is Gibbs CAM 😅
Should be also possible with the new MasterCAM 25 release 😉
Not a fan of turning away from spindle but whatever
Sandvik more durable and 1.5 x faster😊
0.9 per rev is hogging bro hahaha