Another thing to keep in mind is that you don't need to the server to be 100% done before you open it. If I were you, I would unwhitelist the server for a day and maybe mess with the kb a little bit but not to much. Then ask the community what would need to be done. Make some minor tweaks and then open it up for another day. Do the same thing for about a week or two until you feel like you have a solid server. After that the devs can just make minor adjustments. Just an idea!
I wish I knew enough to develop :( I mean idk what they really do. Do devs just like mess around with gamerules or do they actually code stuff? I could definitely learn how to, but I don't know enough right now. So if its gamerules and things like that its probably not that hard but if its actually like code and everything that seems a bit harder.... I would love to get into developing, but it seems like you are looking for somebody who already knows what they are doing lol. Hopefully you can get this server up and running soon!
This guy hits very good shots with the cane, this guy is professional
really sucks that the server got dropped, hopefully something new will come up soon! great vid bud
AtReality causally looking at 4 creepers at 0:58 LMAO
Another thing to keep in mind is that you don't need to the server to be 100% done before you open it. If I were you, I would unwhitelist the server for a day and maybe mess with the kb a little bit but not to much. Then ask the community what would need to be done. Make some minor tweaks and then open it up for another day. Do the same thing for about a week or two until you feel like you have a solid server. After that the devs can just make minor adjustments. Just an idea!
Best NA uhc And build uhc player
Jajaja RosameElCulo se llamaba jajajaja
I'm hype for Azru :)
I Miss you guy
Make a video showing your minecraft video settings pls.
UHC Élite?
I wish I knew enough to develop :( I mean idk what they really do. Do devs just like mess around with gamerules or do they actually code stuff? I could definitely learn how to, but I don't know enough right now. So if its gamerules and things like that its probably not that hard but if its actually like code and everything that seems a bit harder.... I would love to get into developing, but it seems like you are looking for somebody who already knows what they are doing lol. Hopefully you can get this server up and running soon!
U’re a god, subed
Pack name is shant pack v4
What about your uhc purple pack?
11:10 karma
And btw im #5 in hypixel ranked duels
GOD :3
Alguien que me diga como se llama ese texturepack ?
Shant pack v4
How is cheatbreaker work for u ?
he not using cheatbreaker he is using mods
Can you give me that mod for inventory
just look for mods for forge like cheatbreaker
Zylr he played this game in June.. so yeah he was obviously using cb
Zylr ye
Do you know what`s his mouse guys?
razer deathder
When is azru coming out
Izasla je ima mjesec
texture pack??
What is a ip servers
And this server crack or premi
Pack PLS
shant pack v4
shant pack v4
Ip sever pls
The server is.. ?
Freaz_XV5 production
I heard someone speaking Spanish... did you guys hear it
Goood gaaame
With which program do you record with?
I’m not 100% sure but 90% of people on pc use obs, judging by the recording he probably uses obs
IP serveru
TomMan Oulicky
Pack in video
shant pack v4
do uhc chompions on hypixel pls
@@ultrag0d785 thank you man
Which texture pack?
shant pack v4
Mod ?
Atreality when I was afk on mmc u msged me if I was gappl from badlion and yeah I am
You have the worst luck when it comes to trusting people to help you get big projects done
Colin Moon yeah ik. especially when they promise it’ll be done on time and shit.
Hey atreality my friend ima call him R but his ign is resiliency you should play with him again
whats uhc xxxd
Bro talk with hasvik about that u server
Felipe Orozco WITH*
Idk many things abput developing etc but i could be an admin to ur server :)
shant v4
@@dooitnastyy399 no v4 no
The girl speak spanish
1st nice video.