紅蘿蔔蛋糕,真的沒有紅蘿蔔的味道!(搭配改良後的台灣人口味乳酪糖霜) Carrot Cake

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
  • 我自己很喜歡這次的裝飾,簡單、典雅又大方,兩層蛋糕的高度可以一口塞,中間糖霜微微流出的感覺搭配木質蛋糕架,比我想像的更可愛。蛋糕的斷面可以看見紅蘿蔔絲跟核桃,咬到核桃顆粒很快樂,至於紅蘿蔔的味道,對我這個不愛紅蘿蔔的人來說真的不明顯。大家有機會真的可以試試看,紅蘿蔔蛋糕搭配奶油乳酪糖霜實在非常美味!

    As a carrot hater, I didn’t really trust this dessert before I tried to make it by myself. Now, I can promise all my carrot-hater partners that carrot cake is safe to eat! I adjusted the cream cheese frosting by adding some yogurt to institute a part of the butter. Therefore, my frosting is creamy but not greasy at all. The carrot cake and the frosting are perfect matches!
    食材 Ingredients▼
    ○奶油乳酪糖霜與裝飾 Frosting
    奶油乳酪 90 g
    cream cheese, 90 g
    無糖優格 65 g
    plain yogurt, 65 g
    無鹽奶油 40 g
    unsalted butter, 40 g
    糖粉 35 g
    powdered sugar, 35 g
    核桃碎 15 g
    walnut pieces, 15 g
    ○紅蘿蔔蛋糕 Cake Batter
    低筋麵粉 125 g
    cake flour, 125 g
    黑糖 80 g
    brown sugar, 80 g
    橄欖油 70 g
    olive oil, 70 g
    雞蛋 2顆
    egg, 2
    紅蘿蔔 180 g
    carrot, 180 g
    核桃碎 40 g
    walnut pieces, 40 g
    泡打粉 2小匙
    baking powder, 2 tsp
    小蘇打粉 1/2 小匙
    baking soda, 1/2 tsp
    肉桂粉 1/2 小匙
    ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp
    鹽 1/4 小匙
    salt, 1/4 tsp
    步驟 Instructions▼
    ●Making the Preparation
    1. Clean and peel the carrot.
    2. Grate the peeled carrot.
    3. Chop the walnuts.
    4. Prepare the baking paper.
    5. Brush a thin layer of oil in the baking pan.
    6. Line the baking pan with the baking paper.
    ●Making the Batter
    7. Crack 2 eggs into the mixing bowl.
    8. Add brown sugar.
    9. Beat the mixture at high speed.
    10. Continue to whisk until the mixture is thickened and the color becomes lighter like cappuccino.
    11. Stir in olive oil while whisking at medium speed.
    12. Mix it well.
    13. Add salt.
    14. Sieve cake flour, baking powder, baking soda, and ground cinnamon.
    15. Gently fold and mix well.
    ●Preheating the Oven to 350℉/180℃
    16. Add batter to the lined baking pan.
    17. Transfer to the preheated oven.
    ◆50 min. later ◆
    18. It is done when a pick is inserted and comes out clean.
    19. Remove the baking pan and baking paper. Then, let it cool down completely.
    ●Making the Frosting
    20. In another mixing bowl, add softened cream cheese and softened unsalted butter.
    21. Mix it well until smooth.
    22. Add powdered sugar.
    23. Add plain yogurt.
    24. Stir the mixture manually.
    25. Mix it well until smooth.
    26. Cover with a lid and transfer to the fridge until needed.
    27. Slice off the puff top of the cake.
    28. Rotate the cake to score the line all around the cake. 29. Cut the rest of the cake into halves horizontally in the same way. 30. Remove the frosting from the fridge and stir it well.
    31. Place the bottom layer of the cake on a cutting board. 32. Place half of the frosting on the top of the cake.
    33. Spread out the cream cheese frosting evenly.
    34. Add the second layer of the cake and slightly press down. 35. Place the rest of the frosting on the top of the cake.
    36. Spread out the cream cheese frosting evenly.
    37. Place walnut pieces around.
    38. Enjoy!
    ◆FB粉絲專頁:心心 Xinxin

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