예전에 구매한거라 못 찾을 줄 알았는데 구매기록에서 찾아써요 🤍🫧 m.smartstore.naver.com/__centmarket/products/4854825933?NaPm=ct%3Dlj96ioiz%7Cci%3Dcheckout%7Ctr%3Dppc%7Ctrx%3Dnull%7Chk%3Dafefb0b0a73ae7e7a8e8a6ef396d694d4787e7de
The video that you showed about Singapore and its botanical gardens is beautiful. Colorful flowers make the place cosy. I love your vlog, it looks like you enjoy it, the great thing in life is traveling. Thanks Semini.💖
Singapore is one of the desired countries for Koreans and it is admirable to see the wonders of the cities, the food, it is an unforgettable experience. Subtitles would be recommended.😊
혹시 어떤 호텔 가셨었는지 알려주실 수 있나요??
예전에 싱가폴에서 한달동안 살았던 적이 있는데 추억이 새록새록하네요! 혹시 세민님 검정가죽?가방 어느 제품인지 알 수 있을까요?!
예전에 구매한거라 못 찾을 줄 알았는데 구매기록에서 찾아써요 🤍🫧
꺄호2탄! 잘볼게요 세민님👍
저도 1월에 보타닉 가든 다녀왔는데 날씨는 우중충하고 습하고 더워서 힘들었는데 이때는 날씨가 좋아보이네요! 부럽네요😊
싱가폴.. 너무 덥더라구요 ㅠㅠㅠ 🥹🥹🥹
The video that you showed about Singapore and its botanical gardens is beautiful. Colorful flowers make the place cosy. I love your vlog, it looks like you enjoy it, the great thing in life is traveling. Thanks Semini.💖
Singapore is one of the desired countries for Koreans and it is admirable to see the wonders of the cities, the food, it is an unforgettable experience. Subtitles would be recommended.😊
10년전에 가본 싱가폴... 추억 돋네여
You're cute and beautiful.🥰💖✌
발바닥 냄새가 궁금함
아우 예쁘당