I've got the Honda DN01 and I love it. I've also currently have got BMW R250RT LE with all of then toys, and a lovely old Kawasaki VN1500 Custom Cruiser. So having have all things from ZXR6R to VFR750, Triumph 955i SP, VFR 800i Anniversary, VFR 1200 and the Honda CTX1300 to name but a few, I have to say that the DN01 is so much fun.
The Honda DN01 is really quiet and u can hardly hear them... I am looking for a good exhaust to put on mine. I want it to sound like a Bike. Has a V Twin so hoping i can get some noise out of her. Fingers Crossed
I've got the Honda DN01 and I love it. I've also currently have got BMW R250RT LE with all of then toys, and a lovely old Kawasaki VN1500 Custom Cruiser. So having have all things from ZXR6R to VFR750, Triumph 955i SP, VFR 800i Anniversary, VFR 1200 and the Honda CTX1300 to name but a few, I have to say that the DN01 is so much fun.
Everyone is so happy and getting along. Wish America was like that.
Fantastico! Congratulazioni per il raduno! Ci sto facendo un pensierino anche io al DN !
DN - 01 👍
very nice!
1:28 where to get this leg protective thing?
Grande DCT !
How does it do with a passenger? I am looking to buy one as a second bike, for my wife and I.
hi do you guys have a forum about this bike? thx
toc toc c'è posto per il mio vultus?
I am a Korean dn01 user I would love to ride with you.
Hi, I drive at 2 Years a DN01 in Germany and find it very great. Because in Germany I can't find a Club for DN01. :-( Drive slow and life long
Potrete registrarvi e controllare gli eventuali meeting al sito www.abchonda.it/
azz mi manca una cifra la mia DN01 (rubata NEL 2015)
Would love to hear the motorcycles and not the music
They sound like sewing machines, not very interesting.
The Honda DN01 is really quiet and u can hardly hear them...
I am looking for a good exhaust to put on mine.
I want it to sound like a Bike.
Has a V Twin so hoping i can get some noise out of her.
Fingers Crossed
Posso dire semplicemente : " Io c'ero " :-)
mai vista tanta gente col sinistro atrofizzato
Accessori per onda dn 01
vorrei anche io partecipare con la mia Dn01 3407187070