i really like how he states "intent", i believe thats what happens a lot of the time, people end up frightening themselves with unknown power of the mind.
333magic9 Astrology & Psychic Readings i thought about an experiment to try. since typically its said an outside source is moving to the answers, what would happen if someone was to monitor the answers while the people who use the board are blindfolded or they have to keep their eyes shut and heads pointed up some.
Rather than sink to your level of foul language and ignorance I will answer you with the words of a Scientist. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Albert Einstein
Spiritualist Minister. Spiritualism is a religion that began in the US in the late 1800's and has spread around the world. It is based on the belief that spirit contact as evidenced in the bible is a natural phenomena that proves the continuity of life.
Many people have differing experiences with the paranormal. Our entertainment industry has dramatized these and blown them out of proportion. This is not to say that these experiences don't exist but that you need to have control of yourself and your imagination when using them. Just common sense.
if your a psychic u will see that the borde is just a tool u wont look at the devil or evil be couse your programming wude be more postive and u look at higher level things
zaraazoo, You ask an important and controversial question which elicits different opinions in different belief systems. By the way, they each tell you that their theory is the truth. I am not smart enough to know THE TRUTH and I would suggest no one else does either. Listen to your heart, not the beliefs of others no matter how well intentioned they may be. But remember more people have been killed by differing beliefs than most other causes.
Saturn is not associated with the vibration of the number nine which is more inclusive and Spiritual while Saturn would tend to be more restrictive, materialistic and focused.
puppylover223 Like he said it burns. Now if a demon is connected to it then you want to cut it up into 7 pieces, sprinkle it with holy water, and bury it.
Dearest PuppyLoverWhosePuppySatOnTheOuijaBoardAndMadeTheSpiritsMadAndStuff..........So, as I see it........the most telling result will be that your hair will fall out piece by piece and within a year you will have to wear a nasty looking wig that makes you look like Richard Nixon and stuff.......happy wig buying.......!
How can you call yourself a Reverand, SHAME on you. Far too many people have become oppressed, and possessed by using this evil tool. The same goes for " angel " boards, same thing different names. The Bible warns us not to get involved in ANY form of divination. God forgive you both.
Isis, I'm glad that you took the time to express your experience. There is a great deal of superstition that really distorts the idea of spiritual communication. ALL the people who are afraid of spirit communication should read about St Joan of Arc.
what do you know about symbolic symbols? this young lady mentioned that you can use sigils so you can choose which entity to speak with. what do you know about this?
Smart Recycler sigils are powerful and ancient symbols. You could summon a particular spirit by invoking there name and/or their symbol. By doing this, you are placing your intent toward a particular entity. In magick, symbols, titles, names, objects...all have particular meaning and power is placed upon those items.
Dearest SmartGarbageRecyclerAndStuff........Well, here's a good example of how it works.....say you want to contact the spirit of the clown (like you see in the circus and stuff)........You sit at the board and put on a BIG RED NOSE......and request for the spirit of Big Clown to speak to you. If you don't use the big red nose thingie........the only response you will get will be from Mickey Mouse........Bye for now.
My cousin has a ouija board and I saved my aunt from dying because she was already half dead. Zozo told me because he had seen her. But like people say you control the board so do I have a gift. Please respond to what you believe how this happened.
It is especially helpful for mediums such as myself. KNOWLEDGE is advanced with or without a board. I have seen things happen told to me through a ouija . It all depends on who is using it.
I have a oujia board and if it says hasbaro games is it still real and I had to put battiers in my planchett I haven't got any answers yet I'm playin alone and wanna no if I got to touch it or ask a question to make it move by it self
You are somewhat correct. Some people can do this without an "official" Ouija board. We were trying to demystify the idea that the Ouija Board is dangerous. Keep up the good work Google Scam
do all people go to the spirit realm once they die? do you need to have a certain religion to go to the spirit realm after you die? what do you believe happens when you die?
Dearest ZaraazooWhoWantsToKnowStuff.........Well, my dear, in your case.......you will go to the planet of PIE.........there, you will gorge your li'l mouth daily with all kinds of pies.......some even not known to earthlings.........Happy eating in the hereafter!!!!
Here's my thought ... Why did any of you below have anything Negative to say at all.. please tell me why your on this page anyhow! U looked .. U clicked on this Link, you still listened & watched the Video, so you must have had some Curiosity of it yourselves!!!!!!!! And ummmm buddy sown below Albert Einstein ... Who r u to judge any1???? Why are you putting someone else down? What do you believe in? Beliefs?? Hmmmm.... Whatever they are, I could give a shit less!! Cause Bae, their your beliefs .. Not HIS-Not mine .. YOURS ! Two each their own.. We might believe in Bigfoot.. So? Why does someones elses beliefs bother u so bad ... U aint no one .
A paragraph of your personal opinion..about someone else opinions expressed.. outwardly...that aint even about you..nor is their comments directed towards you..dont take it so personal.. You already know how people are.. Your job is to hear and know.. how and when to respond..ignorance doesnt need a response.. Love and light!!
And when they will say to you; seek mediums, and wizards, that peep and mutter: should not a people instead seek after their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? ISAIAH 8:19
Dearest DonWhoPeeps..........OK.......them's fightin' words, partner!!!......My (wonderful) last name happens to be PEEP........Just for that, you will stub your big toe soon..........bye for now.
while looking for the proper equipment with her ...we come accross a ouija board with no oracle and as well as a book entitled "kingship and the gods a study of acient near eastern religion as the integration of society and nature" out in the open...i asked her about it and had no clue where they came from or whos they are...she let me have them but just a few days earlier i was doing research on the same topic for personal knowledge...this is more than just a coincedence......thoughts guys?????
Dearest SmartTrashHaulerAndStuff.........OK.......you came to the very right source of all sources........Ready? A ghost wears a nice white sheet with a very high thread count (none of that el cheapo fabric for them) BUT a spirit is too cheap for a sheet.......he just goes around in his undies and hopes that no one notices stuff.........Bye for now.
i tried it by myself and got a few slow resposes, next day after improperly using it my mom and aunt got on it and started talking to my grandma,it said that i was in danger of black magic, 45 mins later my mom got on it to contact my grandma again.she did the initial test.what is my middle name..it guessed wrong...my mom asked who is this and it spelled out 'you dont wanna know.she ask what do you want and it spelled my name..she told it im leaving and the thing went ape shit and we have seen
Jennifer Gamble all that is evil don't let these people manipulate you God in the Bible warns us of messing with sorcery these demons will manipulate you lie to you and could shape-shift into things get rid of that thing don't be scared though praying in the name of Jesus Christ to get rid of any spirits in your life or in your home I never play with those things again they will ruin your life demons hate us human beings because we are created by God and He Loves Us and he will protect us don't dabble in that anymore God bless
i love spirt bords i us to collect thousends of them the art is amazing keep up the good work the spirt borde is a tool just like the tarot and to connect with your higher selfs dont be scarde of them its all programming
+Richard Burt Richard, there is a long history of Spirit helping people. The problem is that many people who have been influenced by the teachings fear through religion think that contacting spirit is dangerous or sinful. They don't realize that much of their religious foundation revolves around belief in spirits and angels. Its sad because as it is stated in Star Wars, spirit is always with you.
Dearest SmartTrashHaulerYetAgainAndStuff..........Yes, spirits are very helpful if you ask the right way. In your case, it would go something like this: (You) Spirit, please help me with my next load of trash to be taken to the dump.....2) (Spirit) Why I'd be glad to help you with your nasty load of crap to be removed out of your nasty yard and house and to be taken to the awful smelling dump yard........BUT, first you must do this.......go to the fridge and put me out a BIG glass of milk........and put some choc chip cookies beside it.........just because I am in spirit, does NOT mean my sweet tookth went away.........Now, get moving!!!!
two demons trying to talk everyone into doing it...only a demon would say"personally i don't believe in demons myself"wow....for someone who doesn't believe in demons , he is selling the portal to communicate with them.....
yes demons are real...and I dont want anyone to start communicating with them...that board you have there is one big way to communicate with them...when you play your game you are not only talking to them but giving them legal right to enter into your flesh...they will control your mind and mess up your thinking...thats what you have done to yourself,...thats why you are trying to make it seem so innocent ...demons are completely controlling you...so sorry...i can tell you how to be free from them ....Eve
I am not here to dismiss! But there is nothing called the ANGEL BOARD! If someone gets or belives an ANGEL - complete;y opposes the motto of your video. With my short experience - I would suggest to understand OUIJA board! If there is a ying for yang - A positive to a negative There is a high possibility that - the angels would always have demons as a counter question!
Tinyflyonthewall, you have proven yourself worthy of your name. I have never made any money on selling a Ouija board. But what about the holier than thou people who ask for money all the time. Save your comments for them.
They make it sound like they really know about how the boards work. Believe it, they don't. By the way I'm not a fundamentalist, just a sensible person.
Can i use it to ONLY connect with my highest self/ spirit / God within me ? And NO PLEASE NO other spirits under any circumstance I don’t want any beef with them i just want to communicate with my subconscious mind/ highest self/spirit/god within me. That’s it. Like 90 percent of the videos on TH-cam are so scary and negative so I’m contemplating 😭😭
my sister played with one with her friends.they started to be harrased, once a teacher took it from them for playing in class.after a day he gave it back he couldnt keep it a week like he was supose to,they tried to get rid of it they couldnt.until a guy stole my sister board ,thats the only way to get rid of it.
Dearest MariaWhosePlanchetteHasALazyAssAndStuff..........Your problem as I see it (I am a wonderful SEER who sees all in the known universe and beyond), you have a lazy ass yourself......when you get up and get off of it, your nice planchette will start to move around a little. While you're up, fix me a sandwich with some milk and mail it to me........Bye for now.
Ethan, We've explained the Ouija Board in a common sense approach. That might be helpful to people who have been prejudiced through the teachings of fear. Check out my over 1000+ videos on TH-cam.
Dearest 333MagicWhoLIkesToBeFoolishWhenHeVisitsTheWhiteHouseAndStuff.........Please.......when you visit the WH and see his Honor Donald Duck Trump........don't be foolish.........seeing as he is the most foolish of all and it is not polite to UPSTAGE your nice president........Bye.
Hi there i was watching your video, and i feel i should let you know that i myself have had a spirit attachment from using an ouija board. It is real, although the reason it happened was because i had alcohol in my system at the time. the next day after waking i was aware of a black spot in front of my head on my left side within my aura. i knew something was wrong because i shouldn't have been seeing that with me. i went to a spiritualist church the next day and one person gave me some healing to remove the attachment from my aura. As the healer was doing it i could see the spirit not wanting to leave because it was holding on to my aura and then after a few minutes i could see it moving further and further away from me until it was out of my visual sight. it was removed but the spiritualists later told me the spirit was now in the church so they had to find out who it was and eventually they sent it over into the light. they did use an ouija board properly to communicate with the spirit to do this and they found out that it was a male from a gang in London, England who had killed someone during his life, he himself was later murdered by someone and when he had died he was afraid to cross over into the light because of the fear of what the person he had killed might do to him, therefore he wandered the earth plane and decided to attach to me that particular time. the reason he attached to me was because he could at the time where i had been drinking alcohol which weakened my auric fields protection which made it easy for him to attach to me. i soon learned not to drink alcohol when using the ouija board again. i do use ouija boards properly now and from learning the right way from the spiritualists i have had very successful and only positive experiences when using it! Many blessings and light to you :) xx
I am a psychic and would never use this. I seeked it long ago with a board and it brought trouble. I was not seeking bad. They are doors open to strangers.
Isn't it? I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Saturns number are 3,9,15,45. Saturn is 9 on the Kabbistic tree. Saturn is satan, the number 9 wanting to be above God who is 10, and go to 11. 9-11, get it?
Dearest TheKith88AndStuff..............You lost me when you got to Uranus or whatever.........I get lost when I just go to the moon and stuff........And as to the appletree thingie.......I do like apples lots...........Bye for now.
Its real...I set up night vision cameras in the upstairs of my house and used the board down stairs...everytime we would ask "it" to do something for us, it would right away...we would ask it to make certain toys that make sounds to move or make sounds, and THEY WOULD! Sadly my family has been slowly destroyed and in a living hell since we used the board that night all those years ago. Truth is stranger than fiction...
Ouija cannot be played as a game...You might not believe it, but spirits DO exist. I am listening,but I'm a person with(half unfortunate/fortunate) a bit of a sixth sense. Hearing,seeing things that aren't there. I understand that they are made in a factory, but the INTENT they are made for is to have our questions be answered by the supernatural. [Even though they don't want to be bothered at all :P] For crying out loud, you can make it out of a pizza board ! It will STILL WORK
i really like how he states "intent", i believe thats what happens a lot of the time, people end up frightening themselves with unknown power of the mind.
Its refreshing to see someone with the light of reason making a comment on TH-cam. Thanks
333magic9 Astrology & Psychic Readings i thought about an experiment to try. since typically its said an outside source is moving to the answers, what would happen if someone was to monitor the answers while the people who use the board are blindfolded or they have to keep their eyes shut and heads pointed up some.
Rather than sink to your level of foul language and ignorance I will answer you with the words of a Scientist. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Albert Einstein
Spiritualist Minister. Spiritualism is a religion that began in the US in the late 1800's and has spread around the world. It is based on the belief that spirit contact as evidenced in the bible is a natural phenomena that proves the continuity of life.
I guess you didn't listen. The power over your fear is yours to take or give away.
Why would you ask a silly question about an important teaching that removes fear rather than enhances the teachings of fear?
Yolanda, There are many things we still don't understand about this world as well as the world of spirit. We need to remain open and curious.
If you are fearful and superstitious anything can be dangerous
Many people have differing experiences with the paranormal. Our entertainment industry has dramatized these and blown them out of proportion. This is not to say that these experiences don't exist but that you need to have control of yourself and your imagination when using them. Just common sense.
Thank you for your kind comment. We just want to help people understand and mot fear the unknown.
Not as much damage as you are doing by fostering fear and superstition. Shine a little light in dark places and you may surprise yourself.
if your a psychic u will see that the borde is just a tool u wont look at the devil or evil be couse your programming wude be more postive and u look at higher level things
how do we get out of the maxtricks with postive way of thinking and opening up r minds to possibletys of things
Thank you for your comment.
Thank you for making a comment on the Ouija Board. Each persons experience is different.
Actually we are strong believers in reality and the power of the mind
I'm glad you like the video but we must remember everyone is at a different level of understanding. They need more love not fear.
zaraazoo, You ask an important and controversial question which elicits different opinions in different belief systems. By the way, they each tell you that their theory is the truth. I am not smart enough to know THE TRUTH and I would suggest no one else does either. Listen to your heart, not the beliefs of others no matter how well intentioned they may be. But remember more people have been killed by differing beliefs than most other causes.
Saturn is not associated with the vibration of the number nine which is more inclusive and Spiritual while Saturn would tend to be more restrictive, materialistic and focused.
OK can someone tell me what happens when a friend uses a Ouija board and they give you it and you burn it?
Like any other object that is burned, it turns to ashes. End of story.
puppylover223 Like he said it burns. Now if a demon is connected to it then you want to cut it up into 7 pieces, sprinkle it with holy water, and bury it.
Dearest PuppyLoverWhosePuppySatOnTheOuijaBoardAndMadeTheSpiritsMadAndStuff..........So, as I see it........the most telling result will be that your hair will fall out piece by piece and within a year you will have to wear a nasty looking wig that makes you look like Richard Nixon and stuff.......happy wig buying.......!
im asking you. have you encountered both?
How can you call yourself a Reverand, SHAME on you. Far too many people have become oppressed, and possessed by using this evil tool. The same goes for " angel " boards, same thing different names. The Bible warns us not to get involved in ANY form of divination. God forgive you both.
Isis, I'm glad that you took the time to express your experience. There is a great deal of superstition that really distorts the idea of spiritual communication. ALL the people who are afraid of spirit communication should read about St Joan of Arc.
Thanks for your comments
Thank you for your kind comments. The energy for the flying cup could come from your friend himself.
Karina, great story thanks for sharing. I'm sure there have been many people with different experiences. Many blessings!
I have a question is it a possibility that a Oujia board might kill you or easily posses you? I mean my dad has a Oujia board.
no problem man im just glad i have entertaining videos to watch like these it kind of makes my summer when im at home and bored.
what do you know about symbolic symbols? this young lady mentioned that you can use sigils so you can choose which entity to speak with. what do you know about this?
Smart Recycler sigils are powerful and ancient symbols. You could summon a particular spirit by invoking there name and/or their symbol. By doing this, you are placing your intent toward a particular entity. In magick, symbols, titles, names, objects...all have particular meaning and power is placed upon those items.
Dearest SmartGarbageRecyclerAndStuff........Well, here's a good example of how it works.....say you want to contact the spirit of the clown (like you see in the circus and stuff)........You sit at the board and put on a BIG RED NOSE......and request for the spirit of Big Clown to speak to you. If you don't use the big red nose thingie........the only response you will get will be from Mickey Mouse........Bye for now.
Will something go rong if u dont say good by for the angel bord
What a joke yeah its all a game till someone starts experiencing some demonic entity
There are many different spiritual belief systems. Do you believe them all blindly? That would be a mistake.
50 million dollars wouldn't get me to fuck with these
My cousin has a ouija board and I saved my aunt from dying because she was already half dead. Zozo told me because he had seen her. But like people say you control the board so do I have a gift. Please respond to what you believe how this happened.
It all very interesting.... isn't it. It's all about intent. Your intent is your truth. Don't worry about anybody else's. Own it.
That astrology board... Never seen one of those before! Where could I get one?
Contact Ernie Van Den Bossche, Northport Maine - zohrala.com
It's a psychic Circle
It is especially helpful for mediums such as myself. KNOWLEDGE is advanced with or without a board. I have seen things happen told to me through a ouija . It all depends on who is using it.
I have a oujia board and if it says hasbaro games is it still real and I had to put battiers in my planchett I haven't got any answers yet I'm playin alone and wanna no if I got to touch it or ask a question to make it move by it self
Yea, all oujia boards are dangerous
They are all real man. I would stay away from it. I had a pretty bad experience with it after one use and never played again.
You are somewhat correct. Some people can do this without an "official" Ouija board. We were trying to demystify the idea that the Ouija Board is dangerous. Keep up the good work Google Scam
y is there not a goodby on the angleboard?
do all people go to the spirit realm once they die? do you need to have a certain religion to go to the spirit realm after you die? what do you believe happens when you die?
Dearest ZaraazooWhoWantsToKnowStuff.........Well, my dear, in your case.......you will go to the planet of PIE.........there, you will gorge your li'l mouth daily with all kinds of pies.......some even not known to earthlings.........Happy eating in the hereafter!!!!
Here's my thought ... Why did any of you below have anything Negative to say at all.. please tell me why your on this page anyhow!
U looked .. U clicked on this Link, you still listened & watched the Video, so you must have had some Curiosity of it yourselves!!!!!!!! And ummmm buddy sown below Albert Einstein ... Who r u to judge any1???? Why are you putting someone else down? What do you believe in? Beliefs?? Hmmmm.... Whatever they are, I could give a shit less!! Cause Bae, their your beliefs .. Not HIS-Not mine .. YOURS ! Two each their own.. We might believe in Bigfoot.. So? Why does someones elses beliefs bother u so bad ... U aint no one .
You are forgiven. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6.
A paragraph of your personal opinion..about someone else opinions expressed.. outwardly...that aint even about you..nor is their comments directed towards you..dont take it so personal.. You already know how people are.. Your job is to hear and know.. how and when to respond..ignorance doesnt need a response.. Love and light!!
ok soo if i wanted to sell my soul lets say "does not mean im going too" could i use a ouija board to contact demons?
And when they will say to you; seek mediums, and wizards, that peep and mutter: should not a people instead seek after their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living?
Dearest DonWhoPeeps..........OK.......them's fightin' words, partner!!!......My (wonderful) last name happens to be PEEP........Just for that, you will stub your big toe soon..........bye for now.
It is said that God created everything. That is beyond the power of my comprehension and truthfully the comprehension of everyone else
You are correct, this is not a detached view. This is a view based on many years of experience and common sense.
while looking for the proper equipment with her ...we come accross a ouija board with no oracle and as well as a book entitled "kingship and the gods a study of acient near eastern religion as the integration of society and nature" out in the open...i asked her about it and had no clue where they came from or whos they are...she let me have them but just a few days earlier i was doing research on the same topic for personal knowledge...this is more than just a coincedence......thoughts guys?????
what is the difference between ghosts and spirits?
Smart Recycler Nothing. They're the same thing, just different names.
Dearest SmartTrashHaulerAndStuff.........OK.......you came to the very right source of all sources........Ready? A ghost wears a nice white sheet with a very high thread count (none of that el cheapo fabric for them) BUT a spirit is too cheap for a sheet.......he just goes around in his undies and hopes that no one notices stuff.........Bye for now.
i tried it by myself and got a few slow resposes, next day after improperly using it my mom and aunt got on it and started talking to my grandma,it said that i was in danger of black magic, 45 mins later my mom got on it to contact my grandma again.she did the initial test.what is my middle name..it guessed wrong...my mom asked who is this and it spelled out 'you dont wanna know.she ask what do you want and it spelled my name..she told it im leaving and the thing went ape shit and we have seen
if you dont believe. then why do you play?
It's only an effect of your body , you do some movements that you don't know intentional
I have a Ouija bord in my room is that bad or good?
don't use this
I play it alot at my house with my frends and nothing never happend to me or my frends
Not a good idea to pop some acid. My teacher once told me never to promote drugs or other activities that could be harmful to others. Bad Karma
Jennifer Gamble all that is evil don't let these people manipulate you God in the Bible warns us of messing with sorcery these demons will manipulate you lie to you and could shape-shift into things get rid of that thing don't be scared though praying in the name of Jesus Christ to get rid of any spirits in your life or in your home I never play with those things again they will ruin your life demons hate us human beings because we are created by God and He Loves Us and he will protect us don't dabble in that anymore God bless
Jennifer Gamble don't wait for things to start happening get rid of it
Dan, I think it would help you to study the laws of spirituality. If you seek the negative you will find it!
I have a Lottery Ouija board!
i love spirt bords i us to collect thousends of them the art is amazing keep up the good work the spirt borde is a tool just like the tarot and to connect with your higher selfs dont be scarde of them its all programming
do you think spirits can help with things?
+Richard Burt Richard, there is a long history of Spirit helping people. The problem is that many people who have been influenced by the teachings fear through religion think that contacting spirit is dangerous or sinful. They don't realize that much of their religious foundation revolves around belief in spirits and angels. Its sad because as it is stated in Star Wars, spirit is always with you.
yes it can
Dearest SmartTrashHaulerYetAgainAndStuff..........Yes, spirits are very helpful if you ask the right way. In your case, it would go something like this: (You) Spirit, please help me with my next load of trash to be taken to the dump.....2) (Spirit) Why I'd be glad to help you with your nasty load of crap to be removed out of your nasty yard and house and to be taken to the awful smelling dump yard........BUT, first you must do this.......go to the fridge and put me out a BIG glass of milk........and put some choc chip cookies beside it.........just because I am in spirit, does NOT mean my sweet tookth went away.........Now, get moving!!!!
Glad you can do that
so do you believe that there are good and bad entities on this earth?
two demons trying to talk everyone into doing it...only a demon would say"personally i don't believe in demons myself"wow....for someone who doesn't believe in demons , he is selling the portal to communicate with them.....
Sounds like you're the one who is promoting belief in demons.
yes demons are real...and I dont want anyone to start communicating with them...that board you have there is one big way to communicate with them...when you play your game you are not only talking to them but giving them legal right to enter into your flesh...they will control your mind and mess up your thinking...thats what you have done to yourself,...thats why you are trying to make it seem so innocent ...demons are completely controlling you...so sorry...i can tell you how to be free from them ....Eve
oh, just look at your name 333magic9 it really means 3 6's ...how obvious can you be
John Foster you may really improve your life by getting some insight from a therapist.
but i get all my questions answered by my father..and this is Eve
I am not here to dismiss!
But there is nothing called the ANGEL BOARD!
If someone gets or belives an ANGEL - complete;y opposes the motto of your video.
With my short experience - I would suggest to understand OUIJA board!
If there is a ying for yang -
A positive to a negative
There is a high possibility that - the angels would always have demons as a counter question!
Sunil Tamhankar What?
hi guys do you all share the same soiled under garments out in the wild!?
Well we all know, that nit spirits, but very dangerous demons
Tinyflyonthewall, you have proven yourself worthy of your name. I have never made any money on selling a Ouija board. But what about the holier than thou people who ask for money all the time. Save your comments for them.
So what's the secret power? There's no explanation for this secret power. I guess the secret is you can sell them on their website.
Not quite.
They make it sound like they really know about how the boards work. Believe it, they don't.
By the way I'm not a fundamentalist, just a sensible person.
Misty, sorry you think you know what others know or don't know. Wow you're incredible!
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Their presentation is hilarious! These guys are fantastic.
Hi Rev. Kearnes i remember you from MANY years ago, maybe 25 years ago?....nice to see you again! Hope you are well...Peace!
Nice to hear from you, hope you are well also. have a great year.
Thank you....your video was a breath of fresh air on the subject. I am glad you are still enriching and expanding the world. Sincerely, Ravenoptima1
Can i use it to ONLY connect with my highest self/ spirit / God within me ? And NO PLEASE NO other spirits under any circumstance I don’t want any beef with them i just want to communicate with my subconscious mind/ highest self/spirit/god within me. That’s it. Like 90 percent of the videos on TH-cam are so scary and negative so I’m contemplating 😭😭
my sister played with one with her friends.they started to be harrased, once a teacher took it from them for playing in class.after a day he gave it back he couldnt keep it a week like he was supose to,they tried to get rid of it they couldnt.until a guy stole my sister board ,thats the only way to get rid of it.
Great logic.
Thank you I like to see more of this stuff in your videos
I am just taking notes
Very well done. Subbing!
so pretty mutch what your saying is all of these paranormal occurrences are psychological I dig it
Is he 100 years old
My planchette never moves lol
I hope that's not a personal problem.
Dearest MariaWhosePlanchetteHasALazyAssAndStuff..........Your problem as I see it (I am a wonderful SEER who sees all in the known universe and beyond), you have a lazy ass yourself......when you get up and get off of it, your nice planchette will start to move around a little. While you're up, fix me a sandwich with some milk and mail it to me........Bye for now.
why would anyonr subscribe u didn't do anything
Ethan, We've explained the Ouija Board in a common sense approach. That might be helpful to people who have been prejudiced through the teachings of fear. Check out my over 1000+ videos on TH-cam.
That would be a silly waste of your time. You don't need a board to be foolish.
Dearest 333MagicWhoLIkesToBeFoolishWhenHeVisitsTheWhiteHouseAndStuff.........Please.......when you visit the WH and see his Honor Donald Duck Trump........don't be foolish.........seeing as he is the most foolish of all and it is not polite to UPSTAGE your nice president........Bye.
Hi there i was watching your video, and i feel i should let you know that i myself have had a spirit attachment from using an ouija board. It is real, although the reason it happened was because i had alcohol in my system at the time. the next day after waking i was aware of a black spot in front of my head on my left side within my aura. i knew something was wrong because i shouldn't have been seeing that with me. i went to a spiritualist church the next day and one person gave me some healing to remove the attachment from my aura. As the healer was doing it i could see the spirit not wanting to leave because it was holding on to my aura and then after a few minutes i could see it moving further and further away from me until it was out of my visual sight. it was removed but the spiritualists later told me the spirit was now in the church so they had to find out who it was and eventually they sent it over into the light. they did use an ouija board properly to communicate with the spirit to do this and they found out that it was a male from a gang in London, England who had killed someone during his life, he himself was later murdered by someone and when he had died he was afraid to cross over into the light because of the fear of what the person he had killed might do to him, therefore he wandered the earth plane and decided to attach to me that particular time. the reason he attached to me was because he could at the time where i had been drinking alcohol which weakened my auric fields protection which made it easy for him to attach to me. i soon learned not to drink alcohol when using the ouija board again. i do use ouija boards properly now and from learning the right way from the spiritualists i have had very successful and only positive experiences when using it! Many blessings and light to you :) xx
The secret power is your intention and imagination.
Do you mean years of experience counting money made from the sale of Ouija boards?
These are not games and very dangerous. Would you invite a stranger into your home? That is what will happen.
I am a psychic and would never use this. I seeked it long ago with a board and it brought trouble. I was not seeking bad. They are doors open to strangers.
Still shaking my head. Just absurd. God please take the veil off of their eyes.
To mediate and seek spirit guides is one thing. But this board is not safe in my opinion.
yes spirits can attached to people not boards
Isn't it? I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Saturns number are 3,9,15,45. Saturn is 9 on the Kabbistic tree. Saturn is satan, the number 9 wanting to be above God who is 10, and go to 11. 9-11, get it?
Dearest TheKith88AndStuff..............You lost me when you got to Uranus or whatever.........I get lost when I just go to the moon and stuff........And as to the appletree thingie.......I do like apples lots...........Bye for now.
says the man who is SELLING the Ouija boards. Yeah that doesn't sound like a detached viewpoint at all that you're espousing here.
Not quite.100 years
"it's only a wooden board" Of course it's a wooden board it still works but i guess you don't think so.......
Its real...I set up night vision cameras in the upstairs of my house and used the board down stairs...everytime we would ask "it" to do something for us, it would right away...we would ask it to make certain toys that make sounds to move or make sounds, and THEY WOULD! Sadly my family has been slowly destroyed and in a living hell since we used the board that night all those years ago. Truth is stranger than fiction...
i am going to do the angel board
My dog died yesterday is she in heaven? She believed in jesus...
I would only like to use one to communicate with my grandpa
your welcome sir thank you
LeoLove 77, Good comment!
You should be proud of yourself.
Ouija cannot be played as a game...You might not believe it, but spirits DO exist. I am listening,but I'm a person with(half unfortunate/fortunate) a bit of a sixth sense. Hearing,seeing things that aren't there. I understand that they are made in a factory, but the INTENT they are made for is to have our questions be answered by the supernatural. [Even though they don't want to be bothered at all :P] For crying out loud, you can make it out of a pizza board ! It will STILL WORK
This video is sad. You guys make me sad.
You are quoting a book that told people to kill their neighbors and steal their land. Nice!