Pay me back. The wife and I sent our son to college and paid for it. Neither of us ever made more than $25 an hour. We sacrificed and made sure he graduated with zero debt. He also worked the entire time and paid for his overpriced books.
Yup, and how about those of us who paid off 189K$ for our doctoral degrees which now allow us to provide healthcare meanwhile people bitch about having to pay us for our services.... because in the Leftie’s mind my labor should be free despite the hefty price tag I paid in the investment to deliver said service. There’s a reason there are no Lefties in the Economics departments.... they did the freaking math and the only way it works is with capitalism!
You're the best of what America is! Don't worry, rhe more they promise for free, the more Republicans stay in power. They HAVE NO POLICIES. THEY ARE BANKRUPT OF IDEAS AND AMBITION. Thats why they're pandering to the Muslim population to storm out borders. Theyve brokered a secret deal. Damn they're nasty!
On the job training, trade schools, and lots of reading up on things using applicable books will always get a person much further than most college courses. Of course there are certain trades that require college, but these days most students are wasting the opportunity on useless courses simply to have the "college experience" as portrayed in many low budget teen movies.
How dare you, sir! First my masters in Beyonce, theater, Madonna, film ambiance, and Pulp Fiction are god sends and benefit me and everyone around me daily... This is me channeling, my psycho cousin who "barrowed" over $74,000.00 for these (listed above) majors and now works 10 to 14 hours a week at Joann Fabrics for $9.95 an hour. She is also a huge Bernie supporter and loves Obama care! Can"t make this Schiff up! What happened to personal responsibility and common basic sense?
@@michaelbrown2678 It is! This video reminded of our family gathering this past weekend. She tried to instill the virtues of Bernie and his plan to save the USA! Everything free but can't answer the basic question, "how do you pay for it all? " It's why I listed her majors.
Damnit man! I like this guy... I didn't get to go to college. I went to the school of hard knocks. Go to work, do the best you can and don't cry about it.
Common sense? Educating people is an investment in our future! I am finding it hard to understand how so many people don't grasp this fact! Representative Democracies require critically thinking citizens! THINK ABOUT THIS: It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance! For tyranny cannot live in any nation with critically thinking citizens! While other nations provide free or low-cost education to their citizens we are putting our selves and our children into debt! This short-sightedness will be reducing the number of critically thinking citizens capable of understanding how to be proactive intelligent productive participants in Our nation! A Government Of The People requires critically thinking citizens! Give this particular solution some thought: A reverse GI-Bill. Educate, then after graduation, people must serve Our nation as doctors, programmer, health cair worker ETC. not only as soldiers! Bottom line: If We are to survive as a nation We must be Educated!!!
@MissZoey007 Communists run the schools iaw infamous Antonio Gramsci concept "Long march thru the institutions." Frankfurt School of Germany continues this subversion of our culture. Read: Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt (1999).
There is already help for lower income families to send their children to college. It is called the Pell Grant. It wont make the student rich. But it will get the fees paid for those who need assistance to get through college so they have the ability to make themselves able to strive for a better life.
My granddad graduated from Rice University, which is the #5 private university in the country and even harder to get into than an Ivy League school. His tuition was completely free. The university didn't even start charging tuition until 1965. So, yes, it is possible to have free college education in America, because that was the norm for many universities going all the way back to the 1800s for some. The naysayers are simply uneducated on this subject and only listen to the GOP talking points, which provide no substance to the so-called "argument". How do other countries pay for "free" education? Yes, taxes. But you know how low the amount of taxes are? The equivalent to about $2-$10 a year per person, depending on the country. What would you rather have? Pay an extra $10 a year in taxes with the opportunity to go to college tuition free? Or, having to take out loans when you don't qualify for Pell grants and going into lifetime debt?
As a sixth generation California family, those who were born and graduated from school here in California (homeschoolers included) used to get free university if they got into one of the University of California campuses. But then we also majored in something that guaranteed a job when one graduated that required math and science. So I personally don't want the government funding college. Not to mention not every one is college material or NEEDS a college degree to get a well paying job.
I put myself through college. My wife put herself through college. We paid half my sons and he paid the other. Guess what we still survived.. its no different than if you buy a car you still need to pay for the damn thing. God bless the republic
Tuition's have skyrocketed since the government started guaranteeing loans to basically anyone who applied. History tell us, via the housing crisis, that guaranteeing subprime loans is a bad idea. There are several private schools in my area that out perform the public schools test results by a large margin every year, not having government involved seems to equate to a better education.
Just finished Grad school with 4-kids and do you know what I plan on doing next? Paying my loans back because I'm an adult and want to show my kids what keeping a commitment looks like even when I don't feel like doing it!
Here's a small chip in the cost of education few have considered - text books! My son had to pay $300 for ONE text book, and that was a used one at that. Just a thought.
Its not impossible, Chad. We had free university education - as we call it - here in Australia. It was later modified to what was called the Higher Dedication Contribution Scheme - or HECS. Students still had to prove they were worthy of admission, and when they secured employment after graduating, they repaid a proportional amount. Before that only 2% of graduates came from working class families. Poor kids had no hope, irrespective of how smart they were, unless they landed a scholarship. There weren't a lot of those. I'm just sharing that with you, becuase there are many benefits derived from having an educated population. It would be nice is fewer people felt that the military was the best career option. How high is the GI bill now? PS: love your buddy. I have one just like him.
Glad to see you got the truck back so we all can see Willie again. Oh wait it's not your truck. And you thought your videos were about you and your message. When you get the truck back will you do a video shooting the truck to see if the new security upgrades actually work. You go Pokahonkie!
Only about $5 or $10 extra a year in taxes per person. That's how other countries do it. What would you rather have? Pay an extra $10 a year with the opportunity to go to college tuition free, or go into lifetime debt when you don't qualify for a Pell grant?
@@Seiferboi, Your statement is utter BS! It would cost at least $10.000 per working taxpayer just to pay off what's owed right now! But I see you love to troll and spew nothing besides BS! But you would also have to deduct the millions of low income workers that do not pay in taxes, so that means the ones that do will have to pick that up also. So it's most likely $15.000 per working taxpayer to pay off just what is owed as of right now.
Student loans were not all used for tuition!! Much of that money is used for food, rent, electronic devices, cars etc etc. Will the govt reimburse my husband and I for all those costs we paid out of pocket? There should be a requirement to show how that money is used OR pay directly to school for tuition and books.
There are many ways to create competition without adding extra stress weight on the shoulders of young adults that went to college. Most of the american kids freshly out of college, go to work in china and vietnam to pay their debt back home in the usa, due to the high salary in rapport with life cost. That speaks volumes on how good the system in the usa works for them. Throughout most european countries college is FREE and we are well educated here. Those that are not free offer affordable tuition so no one goes out of college with debt. I had american colleagues during college and they could not be happier. Plus we always had options of scholarships fully paid throughout europe based on performance only! So you should see the competition there. In the USA..having free college unfortunately for your kids it is not sustainable since it was not built that way. Does it mean that not having to pay for college makes you less competitive? Not at all. You need more comparison terms. When it comes to education most americans think that american education is best. It is not. Her idea was not bad ..but it is simply not sustainable for your system. I lived and worked in 13 countries and i am educated internationally having went through educational modules stretching far beyond college. I am relatively young - 30 years old. The EU at the moment sponsord high achieving individuals with educational modules in europe in any country of their choice, as many times as they want to. This changed lives and attitudes at a grand scale here. People that were poor as the back of my palm could finally afford a luxurious education in high settings at high standards. Education outside usa is so much better than inside the usa.
When you sign your name on the line for a loan of any kind then YOU, and NO ONE ELSE, accept the responsibility to pay that loan back to the lender with the interest agreed upon. If you do not like those conditions of the agreement then do not sign your name. Only YOU possibly benefitted from that loan and no one else. Only YOU choose which major to pursue to be able to earn more once YOU graduate. And if you do not graduate whose fault is that? Either you did not study enough or you partied too much. YOU had the opportunity and you either made it and graduated or you blew off that opportunity for some other reason. It is YOUR responsibility and your's alone to pay back the debt obligation that YOU agreed to. Now GROW UP and accept and fulfill the debt obligation that YOU agreed to and benefitted from. It is not MY loan and not MY name on that loan agreement and I am under NO obligation to pay back YOUR loan. By the way, I chose to not take out a student loan and worked full time while carrying a full load in college to get my degree so do not give me that BS that it cannot be done. I did it and so can you IF you are focused and willing to work hard for it.
Wow! She'll put an end to the telemarketing calls about reduction of my non existing student loan....something to consider. Loved the poop a buffalo patty reference!
Sir , how about this idea? 2 years in college and last 2 years on field experience , and college SHOULD hold accountable for that. I'm just sayin' , sir.
Want to appreciate something, work for it. Nothing given to you ever means as much as something earned. What kind of courses do you think they will take when it's free? They'll take the easiest courses they can to coast thru school, and when they do graduate expect to earn big money. Case in point, #15 on US Women's Soccer team. Liberal arts degree in gender studies.
Guess that everyone who wants to go to college would now be able to go. Yippie! Fill those colleges with senior citizens! That way they can redo their life decisions. If she wants to make it free, let’s all do college! Hell, only 23% of 18-23 year olds in America today are qualified to join our military. Only 11% of that 23% are even interested in serving, but yeah, let’s all do college for free!!!
If you can walk and talk, you can graduate college Result? Decreased validity and value of degrees Dear parents, tough love.....half our children have an IQ under average Because too many of these children become students.... there's been an increase of classes and majors that don't require extraordinary book smarts
You mentioned the "donations" for getting into some of the so called "elite" schools. I would think that has been going on for some time. In my mind hearing that some one has a degree from of one these schools no longer has a degree of prestige about. If they can buy their way in, are they also able to buy their grades? I'll never know, but always wonder. For many, I think trade school is a better option.
Oh Chad! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 "pocohaunty!" She's a real tough job to follow for any socionaziracistopath in America! Lol! "Headdress made in China!" Love you Brother!
The thing I wonder about... When they say college education will be free and college debt will be wiped out... does that mean they plan to pay all the living expenses as well?. Most college kids stay in the dorms the first year but after they typically move out. Many take out additional money to cover those living expenses and to pay for books, paper, pens, backpacks, a computer etc. especially those going for a masters - a lawyer, doctor... so while they try to sell this to the American people... what exactly are they promising? Free living for how many years? Why would anybody graduate?
I dont feel like my tax dollars should pay for other people's bad decisions. I do agree that colleges are too expensive and loans are to darn easy to get. But the first lesson you should have to learn in college is dont borrow more than you can pay back.
As it is...public education is "free" (k-12) hard, keep your grades up, and college tuition can be partially or fully funded through scholarships and grants. Giving FREE college to everyone just makes "professional students" and lowers standards. It would also have more people with degrees and no job! Somebody has to start at the bottom and work their way up. Just doesn't make sense to me!
Free college, free health care, free housing, free food stamps, free cell phones, free abortions, and whatever else they can think of. Only problem is that someone will have to pay for it and that someone is you, Mr. or Ms. taxpayer who works 9-5. Only problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.
I paid my own debts for a College Education. I did get assistance from the Veteran's Administration for Vocational Rehab as a Disabled Veteran, but, the VA would NOT pay for me to take the course of study that I REALLY wanted to follow (Computer Information Systems) but rather they paid for the course of study that THEY wanted me to follow (Mathematics Teacher). NOW, I don't want to pay for some idiot's "Art Studies" degree or some nonsense that will not even come close to improving their ability to improve themselves or the country. If they want to study those kinds of things, fine, but let them pay for it themselves!
I did not get my college paid for. My son has a Master's Degree and he has student loans. Let people who want to go to college work or get student loans. That is how things are done-there are no free rides! When will people learn that nothing is free! You would give up your freedoms and capitalism for free college, free healthcare, open borders, and socialism?
If you don’t pay for something yourself, you don’t appreciate it as much. Therefore a college student who is getting college paid for by the American taxpayers will have no incentive to go or to appreciate this education. But the money will still becoming out of our pockets.
Maybe the colleges and universities need to learn how to control their costs and expenses first . They're just using this student loan program as cash cow.
I am all for free college. You want a four year degree; pledge and do four years of Military or Peace Corp service, and We the tax payers will pay your way. Plus also make women have to sign up for selective service at the age of 18; if that has not already passed.
MissZoey007 it is not a lack of respect. It is a lack of equality of service. Men have to sign up for selective service to obtain any government aid, women do not. I think both sexes should have to sign up. If both serve why can't both sign up?
Here is my advice to young adults thinking of going to post secondary education, don't get a freaking useless degree that won't get you a job flipping burgers at Rotten Ronnie's for minimum wage. You need to get a diploma or degree where you KNOW that you will have job opportunities. Oh, and between years, find a job related to that field so you have some practical experience Secondly, the school doesn't have to be Ivy league. A state university teaches the same classes as a ivy league or expensive private school Oh, and LISTEN to Mike Rowe and learn a trade! You can make good money if you start apprenticeship in high school and have your ticket by 20, 21 when your friends are still in university
To top it off traditional "College" is not what a very large portion of our job forces need. Technical Degrees (2 & 3 year) Trade Degrees - Hey we will always need plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. (Try to find a fully qualified one some time - good luck with that) College for everyone is a waste of this nations human and fiscal resources.
Someone needs to ask her on camera, "Why should I, as a tax-payer, pay for somebody else's college?" I couldn't afford to finish college to get a degree for myself, why should I be forced to pay your way?
If libtards want things how bout we tell them to go work hard for it. Oh wait I'm going to run for president I will give everyone 2000 a month and free houses and free ferraris
Your description of Warren is hilarious/brilliant and WAY better than anything from Warren.
"pokahonkey" ... I'll never be the same!! 😅😆🤣
Glad to see you and Willie back in the truck God bless you and Willie and God Bless America
Pay me back. The wife and I sent our son to college and paid for it. Neither of us ever made more than $25 an hour. We sacrificed and made sure he graduated with zero debt. He also worked the entire time and paid for his overpriced books.
amazing that can don't need a $200,000 degree
Yup, and how about those of us who paid off 189K$ for our doctoral degrees which now allow us to provide healthcare meanwhile people bitch about having to pay us for our services.... because in the Leftie’s mind my labor should be free despite the hefty price tag I paid in the investment to deliver said service. There’s a reason there are no Lefties in the Economics departments.... they did the freaking math and the only way it works is with capitalism!
You're the best of what America is! Don't worry, rhe more they promise for free, the more Republicans stay in power. They HAVE NO POLICIES. THEY ARE BANKRUPT OF IDEAS AND AMBITION. Thats why they're pandering to the Muslim population to storm out borders. Theyve brokered a secret deal. Damn they're nasty!
What about young adults who went straight into the workplace in Industries that didn't require a degree and got work sponsored certifications?
Amen brother! Love the Bernie breadline Sanders line it's so true lol
There are no ‘free lunches’ Someone paid for everything. Wake up and smell the coffee
Starbucks is part of the problem
Sadly I dropped my brcc cup and it broke
Lol pocahonkey
“As hip as a hip replacement”
Pokahonkey, that's even better than Fauxcohantas. Kudos.
When i heard pocahonkey, I was thinking -- did he just quote George Jefferson (somewhat). Pocahonkey -- that's hilarious.
rentme2011 good one !
I just LOVE it when you do these!!! Truth delivered via jokes!!
Always, on point, direct and 100% true!
On the job training, trade schools, and lots of reading up on things using applicable books will always get a person much further than most college courses. Of course there are certain trades that require college, but these days most students are wasting the opportunity on useless courses simply to have the "college experience" as portrayed in many low budget teen movies.
Movies aren't real life.
@@Seiferboi we know that but they are some that think you believe hard enough its true
Willy went and buckled up I saw it he said oh boy here we go 😎
How dare you, sir! First my masters in Beyonce, theater, Madonna, film ambiance, and Pulp Fiction are god sends and benefit me and everyone around me daily... This is me channeling, my psycho cousin who "barrowed" over $74,000.00 for these (listed above) majors and now works 10 to 14 hours a week at Joann Fabrics for $9.95 an hour. She is also a huge Bernie supporter and loves Obama care! Can"t make this Schiff up! What happened to personal responsibility and common basic sense?
MissZoey007 I think you missed the sarcastic intent! At least I pray to God it was sarcasm! 🤣👍🥃🇺🇸
@@michaelbrown2678 It is! This video reminded of our family gathering this past weekend. She tried to instill the virtues of Bernie and his plan to save the USA! Everything free but can't answer the basic question, "how do you pay for it all? " It's why I listed her majors.
Jeffrey O'neil
Great Satire.
Your Sarcasm is showing.........
Let Obama care get her sterilized, lest she get knocked up and produce another generation of stupid worthless libtard shitfucks like herself.
Something that is given away freely will soon have no value.
So you'd rather go into debt for it? That's not very smart.
Didn't Confucius say that? lol
@@Seiferboi Well if youre studying Liberal Arts, then yeah thats stupid.
How true that statement is?
Love your videos! I really look forward to them!
Damnit man! I like this guy... I didn't get to go to college. I went to the school of hard knocks. Go to work, do the best you can and don't cry about it.
When are you gonna get a cowboy hat for Willie?!
I like the fact that Willie turned away the minute you said Elizabeth Warren's name. Willie's cute.
It's definitely worth saying again common sense isn't common anymore teachers professors educators are totally unable to teach what they do not have
Common sense? Educating people is an investment in our future!
I am finding it hard to understand how so many people don't grasp this fact! Representative Democracies require critically thinking citizens!
THINK ABOUT THIS: It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance! For tyranny cannot live in any nation with critically thinking citizens!
While other nations provide free or low-cost education to their citizens we are putting our selves and our children into debt! This short-sightedness will be reducing the number of critically thinking citizens capable of understanding how to be proactive intelligent productive participants in Our nation!
A Government Of The People requires critically thinking citizens!
Give this particular solution some thought: A reverse GI-Bill. Educate, then after graduation, people must serve Our nation as doctors, programmer, health cair worker ETC. not only as soldiers!
Bottom line: If We are to survive as a nation We must be Educated!!!
Communists run the schools iaw infamous
Antonio Gramsci concept
"Long march thru the institutions."
Frankfurt School
of Germany continues this subversion of our culture. Read:
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by
Charlotte Iserbyt
Hi Chad... glad to see you and Willie👍😊
Hell yeah I missed these thank you
I have a unique idea, try feeding and housing people before you worry about collage payments
There is already help for lower income families to send their children to college.
It is called the Pell Grant.
It wont make the student rich. But it will get the fees paid for those who need assistance to get through college so they have the ability to make themselves able to strive for a better life.
Not everyone qualifies for the Pell grant, hence the lifetime of student loan debt.
That opening killed me lol!!! Humming colors of the wind!!! Bahahahaha!!
My granddad graduated from Rice University, which is the #5 private university in the country and even harder to get into than an Ivy League school. His tuition was completely free. The university didn't even start charging tuition until 1965. So, yes, it is possible to have free college education in America, because that was the norm for many universities going all the way back to the 1800s for some.
The naysayers are simply uneducated on this subject and only listen to the GOP talking points, which provide no substance to the so-called "argument". How do other countries pay for "free" education? Yes, taxes. But you know how low the amount of taxes are? The equivalent to about $2-$10 a year per person, depending on the country. What would you rather have? Pay an extra $10 a year in taxes with the opportunity to go to college tuition free? Or, having to take out loans when you don't qualify for Pell grants and going into lifetime debt?
New subscriber wanted to say hi from Tulsa,Oklahoma!
“Pocohonky!” 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Chief Shitting Bull
Dances with Beers
Mr Chad Prather, the concept you are beginning to elucidate is separation of economics and state. Keep it up, and thank you for standing for liberty!
As a sixth generation California family, those who were born and graduated from school here in California (homeschoolers included) used to get free university if they got into one of the University of California campuses. But then we also majored in something that guaranteed a job when one graduated that required math and science.
So I personally don't want the government funding college. Not to mention not every one is college material or NEEDS a college degree to get a well paying job.
Love that blue ‘70 Chevy in the upper left!
Willeh is a FINE looking dog!
I put myself through college. My wife put herself through college. We paid half my sons and he paid the other. Guess what we still survived.. its no different than if you buy a car you still need to pay for the damn thing. God bless the republic
Some perspective;
1 million seconds = 11.74 days
1 billion seconds = 31.7 years
1 trillion seconds = 31, 688 years
Another great video. Well done Chad.
Tuition's have skyrocketed since the government started guaranteeing loans to basically anyone who applied. History tell us, via the housing crisis, that guaranteeing subprime loans is a bad idea. There are several private schools in my area that out perform the public schools test results by a large margin every year, not having government involved seems to equate to a better education.
Just finished Grad school with 4-kids and do you know what I plan on doing next? Paying my loans back because I'm an adult and want to show my kids what keeping a commitment looks like even when I don't feel like doing it!
She is hip as her hip replacement...Pocahontas herself. I'm dying. 😂😅😂😄
Here's a small chip in the cost of education few have considered - text books! My son had to pay $300 for ONE text book, and that was a used one at that. Just a thought.
Its not impossible, Chad. We had free university education - as we call it - here in Australia. It was later modified to what was called the Higher Dedication Contribution Scheme - or HECS. Students still had to prove they were worthy of admission, and when they secured employment after graduating, they repaid a proportional amount. Before that only 2% of graduates came from working class families. Poor kids had no hope, irrespective of how smart they were, unless they landed a scholarship. There weren't a lot of those. I'm just sharing that with you, becuase there are many benefits derived from having an educated population.
It would be nice is fewer people felt that the military was the best career option. How high is the GI bill now?
PS: love your buddy. I have one just like him.
College tuitions (and university faculty paychecks) skyrocketed once the government expanded college loan programs and grants.
I like the "Dances with Bad Ideas," and definitely! "Pocohonky"!!
Spot on! Everyone wants the Freebies, but no one is admitting that it’s just not sustainable! Common sense people!
I will want all the money back that my family , over time, has spent on ANY college, my ancestors have attended , as well.
Glad to see you got the truck back so we all can see Willie again. Oh wait it's not your truck. And you thought your videos were about you and your message. When you get the truck back will you do a video shooting the truck to see if the new security upgrades actually work. You go Pokahonkie!
Exactly! Free is NOT free.
Only about $5 or $10 extra a year in taxes per person. That's how other countries do it. What would you rather have? Pay an extra $10 a year with the opportunity to go to college tuition free, or go into lifetime debt when you don't qualify for a Pell grant?
@@Seiferboi, Your statement is utter BS! It would cost at least $10.000 per working taxpayer just to pay off what's owed right now! But I see you love to troll and spew nothing besides BS!
But you would also have to deduct the millions of low income workers that do not pay in taxes, so that means the ones that do will have to pick that up also. So it's most likely $15.000 per working taxpayer to pay off just what is owed as of right now.
@@calvinh.8882 Thank you for that. As you can see I was not going to respond. I despise stupidity. God Bless. Be well and stay safe. ❤🇺🇸
yes,and let's give all an appreciation trophy too.
How did I miss you last year? Common sense, amazing.
I was in tears laughing at "pocahonkey"
Don’t know how to do memes. If I could it would be of a guy in a tuxedo clapping and yelling bravo. Well done.
Student loans were not all used for tuition!! Much of that money is used for food, rent, electronic devices, cars etc etc. Will the govt reimburse my husband and I for all those costs we paid out of pocket? There should be a requirement to show how that money is used OR pay directly to school for tuition and books.
You are so correct.
There are many ways to create competition without adding extra stress weight on the shoulders of young adults that went to college. Most of the american kids freshly out of college, go to work in china and vietnam to pay their debt back home in the usa, due to the high salary in rapport with life cost. That speaks volumes on how good the system in the usa works for them. Throughout most european countries college is FREE and we are well educated here. Those that are not free offer affordable tuition so no one goes out of college with debt. I had american colleagues during college and they could not be happier. Plus we always had options of scholarships fully paid throughout europe based on performance only! So you should see the competition there. In the USA..having free college unfortunately for your kids it is not sustainable since it was not built that way. Does it mean that not having to pay for college makes you less competitive? Not at all. You need more comparison terms. When it comes to education most americans think that american education is best. It is not. Her idea was not bad ..but it is simply not sustainable for your system. I lived and worked in 13 countries and i am educated internationally having went through educational modules stretching far beyond college. I am relatively young - 30 years old. The EU at the moment sponsord high achieving individuals with educational modules in europe in any country of their choice, as many times as they want to. This changed lives and attitudes at a grand scale here. People that were poor as the back of my palm could finally afford a luxurious education in high settings at high standards. Education outside usa is so much better than inside the usa.
You look different....something is ya in Christ brother! haha it's Willie!!
PS......born and bred in Mass..NOT going back!
😂😂😂😂Love listening to you Chad.
As usual, your comments are right in the bullseye on Sen Warren's bs. Nice shirt, Chad.
Hello Chad Prather from Texas. It's wish in one hand and sh**t in the other and see which one fills up faster! LOL
I love these
College used to mean something. it just means one is completely indoctrinated into "America Last" thinking.
When you sign your name on the line for a loan of any kind then YOU, and NO ONE ELSE, accept the responsibility to pay that loan back to the lender with the interest agreed upon. If you do not like those conditions of the agreement then do not sign your name. Only YOU possibly benefitted from that loan and no one else. Only YOU choose which major to pursue to be able to earn more once YOU graduate. And if you do not graduate whose fault is that? Either you did not study enough or you partied too much. YOU had the opportunity and you either made it and graduated or you blew off that opportunity for some other reason. It is YOUR responsibility and your's alone to pay back the debt obligation that YOU agreed to. Now GROW UP and accept and fulfill the debt obligation that YOU agreed to and benefitted from. It is not MY loan and not MY name on that loan agreement and I am under NO obligation to pay back YOUR loan. By the way, I chose to not take out a student loan and worked full time while carrying a full load in college to get my degree so do not give me that BS that it cannot be done. I did it and so can you IF you are focused and willing to work hard for it.
Wow! She'll put an end to the telemarketing calls about reduction of my non existing student loan....something to consider. Loved the poop a buffalo patty reference!
Willie taking it easy
Sir , how about this idea?
2 years in college and last 2 years on field experience , and college SHOULD hold accountable for that.
I'm just sayin' , sir.
Want to appreciate something, work for it. Nothing given to you ever means as much as something earned. What kind of courses do you think they will take when it's free? They'll take the easiest courses they can to coast thru school, and when they do graduate expect to earn big money. Case in point, #15 on US Women's Soccer team. Liberal arts degree in gender studies.
Guess that everyone who wants to go to college would now be able to go. Yippie! Fill those colleges with senior citizens! That way they can redo their life decisions. If she wants to make it free, let’s all do college! Hell, only 23% of 18-23 year olds in America today are qualified to join our military. Only 11% of that 23% are even interested in serving, but yeah, let’s all do college for free!!!
Need a chill pill call Slam Bang fishing lodge west coast of Vancouver Island floating paradise we specialize in great fishing food and good times
My favorite description of Warren...Pocahonky! 👍
Awesome video chad
If you can walk and talk, you can graduate college
Decreased validity and value of degrees
Dear parents, tough love.....half our children have an IQ under average
Because too many of these children become students.... there's been an increase of classes and majors that don't require extraordinary book smarts
Marc Pagan when uncle Sam backs the loans, the indoctrination institutions will figure a way to get that money...... make no mistake
You mentioned the "donations" for getting into some of the so called "elite" schools. I would think that has been going on for some time. In my mind hearing that some one has a degree from of one these schools no longer has a degree of prestige about. If they can buy their way in, are they also able to buy their grades? I'll never know, but always wonder. For many, I think trade school is a better option.
Oh Chad! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 "pocohaunty!" She's a real tough job to follow for any socionaziracistopath in America! Lol! "Headdress made in China!" Love you Brother!
Chris Prather for president 2024 with all his common sense no other politician ever had or at least hasn't used it if they did!!!
The thing I wonder about... When they say college education will be free and college debt will be wiped out... does that mean they plan to pay all the living expenses as well?. Most college kids stay in the dorms the first year but after they typically move out. Many take out additional money to cover those living expenses and to pay for books, paper, pens, backpacks, a computer etc. especially those going for a masters - a lawyer, doctor... so while they try to sell this to the American people... what exactly are they promising? Free living for how many years? Why would anybody graduate?
I dont feel like my tax dollars should pay for other people's bad decisions. I do agree that colleges are too expensive and loans are to darn easy to get. But the first lesson you should have to learn in college is dont borrow more than you can pay back.
Now folks, this is quid pro quo "If you vote for me, I will use tax dollars to pay off your student loans."
As it is...public education is "free" (k-12) hard, keep your grades up, and college tuition can be partially or fully funded through scholarships and grants. Giving FREE college to everyone just makes "professional students" and lowers standards. It would also have more people with degrees and no job! Somebody has to start at the bottom and work their way up. Just doesn't make sense to me!
Chad’s dog can’t even stand this drivel😂😂😂. What a joke
i like your gay farmer cosplay.
"Dances with Beeyahs"
So is Chad broadcasting from a mini van??
Need a "LMBO" button!!!
There's somewhere around 15 Americans that have over $1 million in student debt. Holy Crap! They'll be voting for Thin Lizzy for sure.
Free college, free health care, free housing, free food stamps, free cell phones, free abortions, and whatever else they can think of. Only problem is that someone will have to pay for it and that someone is you, Mr. or Ms. taxpayer who works 9-5. Only problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.
THAT SHIT IS FUNNY! Jumping the shark. Fonzi lived!
I paid my own debts for a College Education. I did get assistance from the Veteran's Administration for Vocational Rehab as a Disabled Veteran, but, the VA would NOT pay for me to take the course of study that I REALLY wanted to follow (Computer Information Systems) but rather they paid for the course of study that THEY wanted me to follow (Mathematics Teacher). NOW, I don't want to pay for some idiot's "Art Studies" degree or some nonsense that will not even come close to improving their ability to improve themselves or the country. If they want to study those kinds of things, fine, but let them pay for it themselves!
I still think you, Chad should run for president...
Willie for president,!!
Because he is more qualified to be president, than anyone running under the democrat party line.
I did not get my college paid for. My son has a Master's Degree and he has student loans. Let people who want to go to college work or get student loans. That is how things are done-there are no free rides! When will people learn that nothing is free! You would give up your freedoms and capitalism for free college, free healthcare, open borders, and socialism?
If you don’t pay for something yourself, you don’t appreciate it as much. Therefore a college student who is getting college paid for by the American taxpayers will have no incentive to go or to appreciate this education. But the money will still becoming out of our pockets.
Willy rocks!!!
Why do you want to go to College in the first place?
Maybe the colleges and universities need to learn how to control their costs and expenses first . They're just using this student loan program as cash cow.
I don't want the as-holes covering my 6.
I am all for free college. You want a four year degree; pledge and do four years of Military or Peace Corp service, and We the tax payers will pay your way. Plus also make women have to sign up for selective service at the age of 18; if that has not already passed.
MissZoey007 it is not a lack of respect. It is a lack of equality of service. Men have to sign up for selective service to obtain any government aid, women do not. I think both sexes should have to sign up. If both serve why can't both sign up?
Here is my advice to young adults thinking of going to post secondary education, don't get a freaking useless degree that won't get you a job flipping burgers at Rotten Ronnie's for minimum wage. You need to get a diploma or degree where you KNOW that you will have job opportunities. Oh, and between years, find a job related to that field so you have some practical experience
Secondly, the school doesn't have to be Ivy league. A state university teaches the same classes as a ivy league or expensive private school
Oh, and LISTEN to Mike Rowe and learn a trade! You can make good money if you start apprenticeship in high school and have your ticket by 20, 21 when your friends are still in university
To top it off traditional "College" is not what a very large portion of our job forces need. Technical Degrees (2 & 3 year) Trade Degrees - Hey we will always need plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. (Try to find a fully qualified one some time - good luck with that)
College for everyone is a waste of this nations human and fiscal resources.
Someone needs to ask her on camera, "Why should I, as a tax-payer, pay for somebody else's college?" I couldn't afford to finish college to get a degree for myself, why should I be forced to pay your way?
Howdy Willie!
I ❤️ Willy !
If libtards want things how bout we tell them to go work hard for it. Oh wait I'm going to run for president I will give everyone 2000 a month and free houses and free ferraris
Ya who ever is the most insane wins the Democrat nomination.
Free college for teachers and medical professionals .
Get Government out of college loans all together and price will drop or at least level off.
What did he say? Warren WHO? I was watching Willy.