Thank you Pastor Isaac for this three chapters of Exodus bible study. Yes, we need The Word to sanctifies us, death to self daily and becomes the living Torah for His glory.
When I cannot find your recent teaching- it's good to go back and again to listen your wisdom and Torah knowledge - thanks 🙏 Rabbi- G..d blessings 🙏 to you all 🙌 always 🙌 !!
I decided today to commit myself and friends and family to following the weekly portions with Rabbi Isaac. thankyou so much for each and every portion.. your words bless us with a deeper understanding
You are very welcome... we are very happy to hear the parashot are blessing you each week with deeper understanding! Many blessings in your continued studies and spiritual growth and thank you for sharing them with others!
Awesome Torah portion Instruction. We do love the Sacred Scrolls being Opened up daily to us, thru Moreh Yissac. Hallaluyah. Chazak Chazak V'tzichazak. In Ya'sh'u'ah Ha Mashiach.
Thank you for your teaching. So glad to have found your ministry. We are starting to do the Torah portions every week and keep shabbat. I love the depth of meaning that you bring out in the Hebrew. It makes me hungry to know more. God has led me to seek my Hebraic roots. I have been on this journey for a few years now and so it is such a blessing to have found your teachings. I have been a believer for 40yearsand was taught at the beginning of my walk the importance of Israel and the Jewish people. It was a good foundation to build on. I have always loved God's Word and have always tried to follow Him. Trials of life prove Him faithful as He want's us to be pure gold that's been tested in the fire. Thank you once again. From the UK.
So much revelation being revealed indeed. God is so good that He is revealing so much of His word so that as many as can be saved will be saved. This ministry is being raised for such a time as this so that we can return to the path that we were and are meant for. All praise be to God Most High. Such truth is leading me to love Him more and more. Thanks be to o the God of my Salvation. Hallelujah!! 🤠🇨🇦
HalleluYah!!! Oh my!!! What a revelation!!! Another amazing teaching. This is incredible and magnificent! I have to watch this again and again. It’s so rich! 🙌🙌🙌❤️❤️❤️
Such Great explanation- everything what happens is for our good!!!! - wow!!- such helpful to understand and live with harmony - love !!!💖 Amazing 👏 teaching 🙌 🙏
HalleluYah As I’ve been reading from Bereshit on forward every time I see the witnesses the witness the testimony the testimonies I cannot help but understand that it is His Word and definitely the two houses declaring and holding onto His word in the last days 🙌🏻 “The testimony of Y’hoshua is no different than the testimony of His Father” confirmation the very thing we were speaking about yesterday hallelu Yah I love Elohim so much with all of my heart with all of my being He confirms 🎉 💃🏻
last night was my was really special getting this Torah portion for my birthday... thank you for all that i have learned from you Isaac...i genuinely appreciate it.. your friend chris t.-'💙'.
I love how you unpack the bible!Much deeper significance being taught to me.Thankyou I struggle to keep up with notes..maybe it might be possible to include a copy of diagrams to print at home, its difficult to see
🔰NOTES 🔰 0:37 : ‘ TERUMAH= meaning of the names ▪️” up lifted”.(0:22) offerings to the LORD ” (0:30) ▪️MATERIALS [Gold,Bronze& silver (20:01 )- (20:36 )..
before He lead me to your teachings I was destroying my life and those around mme. I could have been to jail,😮 regular church teachings were not helping. I felt it is easier to be angry and blame others self medicate… it was hard for me to just have faith and move on. I need more understanding and your videos provide just that. I pray for you Issacc may you keep blessing.
I wonder if the Altar of Incense wasn't mentioned in Exodus 25 because YHWH was dwelling with them early on, but later after His glory lifted they needed to offer up their prayers to Him in heaven. Therefore the separation of Ark, Menorah and Table of Show bread from the Altar of Incense coming later represents our need to offer up sweet prayers after His glory ascends to His throne in Heaven when He is no longer physically dwelling with us on earth. Our prayers of sanctification and daily offerings to our unseen God??? Wonderful teaching! Always a blessing to my soul to hear your teachings.
@@AssemblyofCalledOutBelievers you know the meaning of your response, but you must answer in a more simpler way. That went straight over my head! Could you rephrase it, please?
I was wondering if there's any correlation between our bones being likened to the silver (that was offered for use in the building of the mikdash), and Yeshua's bones not having been broken?
Yes the spiritual character is represented by pure gold, whereas the physical body or vessel is represented by silver as in the sockets of the pillars that supported the frame of the temple. Good job connecting the symbolism! 😊🙏❤
thank you, lots to glean from. I love Fathers word. When the word says " Father will destroy in 1 Cor 3:16-17 @57:16 why do you translate it to be as "their own destruction, through their own disobedience and not as if Father destroy? It says, He will destroy like in the end days with all the wicked. Not one thing on this Earth is destroyed without Fathers say destruction, He is Sovereign over everything, the words of Samuel to King Saul when Father says Destroy He means Destroy.
I love your teachings YAHUSHUAS NAME MEANS YAHUAH IS SALVATION not the son but our FATHER YAHUAH. When you use the sons name as being salvation that would be confusing. YAHUSHUA always pointed to the FATHER
John 14:10 CJB 10 Don't you believe that I am united with the Father, and the Father united with me? What I am telling you, I am not saying on my own initiative; the Father living in me is DOING HIS OWN WORKS.
Yeshua means Salvation in the Hebrew...its in all the manuscripts as exactly that...ישוע YESHUA...if you knew Hebrew you would not be adding any letters to His Name for any reason....fear God, and dont change what God has gone to great lengths to make plain...Yeshua is the name of His one called him what you are trying to teach...not his mother, brothers, disciples or rabbis...if you could read and understand the meanings of each letter and their placement you would understand the story of Salvation ישוע ..go and learn the truth.
Yeshua is the name of the one who gave his life for us means Salvation in Hebrew ישוע ...the Holy One of Israel...Yeshua...for whom the volumn of the book was written of.
Esta porción es un verdadero Tesoro para los que se nos a revelado la verdad del Dios de los Hebreos , seamos pues santos porque yo soy santo ,pero santos cómo dijo EL lo manda ,no como dicen los hombres, pues el pecado es la transgresión de la ley ,y el que está en Dios no peca ósea que debemos dejar el pecado para ser santos sin la cual nadie verá a Dios,
VERY VERY VERY SOON !!!! Love John !!!!
Todah Rabbah Rabbi Yitzach for your wonderful Parashah, Baruch Hasshem
Thank you Pastor Isaac for this three chapters of Exodus bible study. Yes, we need The Word to sanctifies us, death to self daily and becomes the living Torah for His glory.
When I cannot find your recent teaching- it's good to go back and again to listen your wisdom and Torah knowledge - thanks 🙏 Rabbi- G..d blessings 🙏 to you all 🙌 always 🙌 !!
Thank you
Thank you brother Paul for helping us take Torah to the Nations!
Shabbat Shalom, great teaching today.
Thanks for explaining Sanctification . Thanks, thanks, thanks Rsbbi
I decided today to commit myself and friends and family to following the weekly portions with Rabbi Isaac. thankyou so much for each and every portion.. your words bless us with a deeper understanding
You are very welcome... we are very happy to hear the parashot are blessing you each week with deeper understanding! Many blessings in your continued studies and spiritual growth and thank you for sharing them with others!
Listened to this particular teaching twice.,THANK YOU SO MUCH, FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE TO SERVE YESHUA 🙏
Awesome Torah portion Instruction.
We do love the Sacred Scrolls being Opened up daily to us, thru Moreh Yissac.
Chazak Chazak V'tzichazak.
In Ya'sh'u'ah Ha Mashiach.
Thank you for your teaching. So glad to have found your ministry. We are starting to do the Torah portions every week and keep shabbat. I love the depth of meaning that you bring out in the Hebrew. It makes me hungry to know more. God has led me to seek my Hebraic roots. I have been on this journey for a few years now and so it is such a blessing to have found your teachings. I have been a believer for 40yearsand was taught at the beginning of my walk the importance of Israel and the Jewish people. It was a good foundation to build on. I have always loved God's Word and have always tried to follow Him. Trials of life prove Him faithful as He want's us to be pure gold that's been tested in the fire. Thank you once again. From the UK.
Thank you for your teachings, great learnings, pls continue to post more latest Shabbat shalom ❤🇵🇭🙏❤️💐
Each time when I listened to you- something new I learned 🙌 🙌 🙌 410- cleanse- hear+ to do- temple- Holly!!!
Great teaching ❤
Thank you for the teaching of Torah that we might return
You are very welcome... Thank you for hearing the call and returning!
So much revelation being revealed indeed. God is so good that He is revealing so much of His word so that as many as can be saved will be saved. This ministry is being raised for such a time as this so that we can return to the path that we were and are meant for. All praise be to God Most High. Such truth is leading me to love Him more and more. Thanks be to o the God of my Salvation. Hallelujah!! 🤠🇨🇦
HalleluYah!!! Oh my!!! What a revelation!!! Another amazing teaching. This is incredible and magnificent! I have to watch this again and again. It’s so rich! 🙌🙌🙌❤️❤️❤️
Amen and Amen, Incredible Rich Teaching for me too (in South Africa)
Shabbat Shalom.
I Praise The LORD for you're teaching.
Thank you Pastor for your love towards God's Word and gives us in depth knowledge on 19th Torah portion reflecting Yeshiva. Glory be to YHVH
Such Great explanation- everything what happens is for our good!!!! - wow!!- such helpful to understand and live with harmony - love !!!💖 Amazing 👏 teaching 🙌 🙏
Love teaching
Such beautiful- soul inside us is true identity !!! 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
As always, very good study! Praise Yahuah!
Thank you! Yah bless you!
Always good to revisit these great teachings!! Shalom
Astounding! I must listen again!
I receive this confirmation of what the Spirit is speaking to me.
Thank you AoCoB for this teaching,
Thank u for ur precious teaching 👏👏
As I’ve been reading from Bereshit on forward every time I see the witnesses the witness the testimony the testimonies I cannot help but understand that it is His Word and definitely the two houses declaring and holding onto His word in the last days 🙌🏻
“The testimony of Y’hoshua is no different than the testimony of His Father”
the very thing we were speaking about yesterday hallelu Yah I love Elohim so much with all of my heart with all of my being
He confirms 🎉 💃🏻
Amen! 😊🙏❤
last night was my was really special getting this Torah portion for my birthday... thank you for all that i have learned from you Isaac...i genuinely appreciate it.. your friend chris t.-'💙'.
Shalom all I Love Torah
I love how you unpack the bible!Much deeper significance being taught to me.Thankyou
I struggle to keep up with notes..maybe it might be possible to include a copy of diagrams to print at home, its difficult to see
Beautiful teaching. Praise YAH
The thorny acacia tree & gold and us 🤩
I was truly pondering 🤔 why this particular tree???? HalleluYah
Thank you so much for the truth may Yahweh bless you more abundantly
I am always inspired by your teaching and wisdom. Allahayam Blessed you.
Toda rabba! Thank you kindly!
0:37 : ‘ TERUMAH= meaning of the names
▪️” up lifted”.(0:22)
offerings to the LORD ” (0:30)
▪️MATERIALS [Gold,Bronze& silver (20:01 )- (20:36 )..
before He lead me to your teachings I was destroying my life and those around mme. I could have been to jail,😮 regular church teachings were not helping. I felt it is easier to be angry and blame others self medicate… it was hard for me to just have faith and move on. I need more understanding and your videos provide just that. I pray for you Issacc may you keep blessing.
This is wonderful to hear... all glory to Heavenly Father!
Is there a teaching about the human body correlation to the tabernacle as mentioned in the video? 😃
This may bless you:
Also our new video on Parashah Terumah covers the tabernacle correlation with the body at 35:47 into it.
HalleluYAH, amein. 🙏😇
I wonder if the Altar of Incense wasn't mentioned in Exodus 25 because YHWH was dwelling with them early on, but later after His glory lifted they needed to offer up their prayers to Him in heaven. Therefore the separation of Ark, Menorah and Table of Show bread from the Altar of Incense coming later represents our need to offer up sweet prayers after His glory ascends to His throne in Heaven when He is no longer physically dwelling with us on earth. Our prayers of sanctification and daily offerings to our unseen God???
Wonderful teaching! Always a blessing to my soul to hear your teachings.
Do you have the teachings of the sabbath
I Kings 5:26-6 doesn’t exist in KJV! Why? Only 18!
the difference between the Jewish scriptures reckoning of each verse in contrast to the English western reckoning
@@AssemblyofCalledOutBelievers you know the meaning of your response, but you must answer in a more simpler way. That went straight over my head! Could you rephrase it, please?
Excellent teaching!! Where can I find knowledge on the 7 earthly principles?
Essene writings
I’m not able to find the other teaching on the Tabernacle and the body - could you link it here please? Shalom and Thank you
I was wondering if there's any correlation between our bones being likened to the silver (that was offered for use in the building of the mikdash), and Yeshua's bones not having been broken?
Yes the spiritual character is represented by pure gold, whereas the physical body or vessel is represented by silver as in the sockets of the pillars that supported the frame of the temple. Good job connecting the symbolism! 😊🙏❤
thank you, lots to glean from. I love Fathers word. When the word says " Father will destroy in 1 Cor 3:16-17 @57:16 why do you translate it to be as "their own destruction, through their own disobedience and not as if Father destroy? It says, He will destroy like in the end days with all the wicked. Not one thing on this Earth is destroyed without Fathers say destruction, He is Sovereign over everything, the words of Samuel to King Saul when Father says Destroy He means Destroy.
I think this just demonstrates G-d's gift to humanity:
Choosing to live in peace or choosing destruction.
If Yeshua was all over the Hebrew Bible why did those priests reject him
Not all of the priest's rejected him... Zechariah the Zadok Priest and many others recognized him as the fulfillment of Devarim 18:18
Because of the talmudic teachings that yeshua rejected. It's still the same story today
The word says that for ENVY they killed Him.
I love your teachings
When you use the sons name as being salvation that would be confusing.
YAHUSHUA always pointed to the FATHER
John 14:10 CJB
10 Don't you believe that I am united with the Father, and the Father united with me? What I am telling you, I am not saying on my own initiative; the Father living in me is DOING HIS OWN WORKS.
Yeshua means Salvation in the Hebrew...its in all the manuscripts as exactly that...ישוע YESHUA...if you knew Hebrew you would not be adding any letters to His Name for any reason....fear God, and dont change what God has gone to great lengths to make plain...Yeshua is the name of His one called him what you are trying to teach...not his mother, brothers, disciples or rabbis...if you could read and understand the meanings of each letter and their placement you would understand the story of Salvation ישוע ..go and learn the truth.
Who is yeshiva? That several times during the lecture you have included his name that yeshuva had said that we should live on a spiritual food
Yeshua is the name of the one who gave his life for us means Salvation in Hebrew ישוע ...the Holy One of Israel...Yeshua...for whom the volumn of the book was written of.
@@mandohoney ie yeshua Jesus ? ... Are you talking about Jesus ? ...Because there are lots of messianic people so I am asking you
Esta porción es un verdadero Tesoro para los que se nos a revelado la verdad del Dios de los Hebreos , seamos pues santos porque yo soy santo ,pero santos cómo dijo EL lo manda ,no como dicen los hombres, pues el pecado es la transgresión de la ley ,y el que está en Dios no peca ósea que debemos dejar el pecado para ser santos sin la cual nadie verá a Dios,
Genesis 1:1 את ואת
Psalm 96:13 כי בא כי בא
He has come, and He will come again
Thank you