I 100% agree!!! My breed research led me to Rui. After a couple of conversations he was able to select the perfect puppy for my family. Over the last year that puppy has developed into my perfect vision of a family guard dog. ❤ Elite Boerboels.
Bom dia, comprei um Boerboel fêmea têm 2 meses e gostaria de saber qual é a melhor maneira para treinar ela para fazer as necessidades num certo lugar tipo num canteiro de areia.
I 100% agree!!! My breed research led me to Rui. After a couple of conversations he was able to select the perfect puppy for my family. Over the last year that puppy has developed into my perfect vision of a family guard dog. ❤ Elite Boerboels.
Thanks so much for the positive comments you send always Steven =)
Great video on choosing the perfect puppy ❤❤ well done😊
This is an amazing information Rui, so many homes had problems because they did not follow all, even some, of these basic rules!
100% 👌👌👌
Beautiful pups been following elite for a couple years now and nothing but solid boerbels 🔥 One day I will own my very own elite boerbel
Thanks so much !!! 💪💪💪
Great Video Rui
Thanks my friend !
Bom dia, comprei um Boerboel fêmea têm 2 meses e gostaria de saber qual é a melhor maneira para treinar ela para fazer as necessidades num certo lugar tipo num canteiro de areia.
Difícil responder num comentário :) mas talvez faça um vídeo sobre isso
Do you have a job opening babysitting your puppies 😊😂
ahah no sorry im responsabile for that part in the kennel ahah
I've gotten several requests to attempt to interview you. That automated email you have is giving me hell. 😂
ahah =) i did reply and ask for you to send me a example of a podcast so i can see the format thanks!
send by email its always me replying by email
@@EliteBoerboels th-cam.com/video/W8yXUFnPXTg/w-d-xo.htmlsi=8890fg1_KCOEEUoo
Being from UK means I can never get to see these boss dogs in real life. 😞