The Promise Season 2 Episode 133

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024

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  • @mrinalagarwal6
    @mrinalagarwal6 2 ปีที่แล้ว +85

    Emir calling himself her husband despite the divorce was so cute. He really needs to be credited for not giving up on their relationship, no matter how hard things got.

  • @firstladyshah8971
    @firstladyshah8971 3 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    He is so much in love with her, he doesn't know what to do with her. Finally, we see she so didn't cry. Bravo.

  • @elsiedlembula3130
    @elsiedlembula3130 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I'm loving it when Kemal switch off the electricity and Emir on the other side closing the water supply to the house for Reyhan to stop working but Rey is going to dust if there's no water. Kemal bashing the security guy is awesome. Nephew and uncle think alike

  • @khojistakamgar3635
    @khojistakamgar3635 4 ปีที่แล้ว +907

    Dir non Turkish viewers:
    R: but how is it possible? They called me here for cleanliness, what r u doing here? They said it’s orhan‘s house
    E: orhan... is my friend and in fact I called u here for work-- oh I see, they told me the house owner is Vega und a bit strange, now I understood what did they mean!-- orhan is a good guy, it just is a bit asocial, that means people call asocial people abnormal! -- anyways I wanna leave-- sorry to say but u will b with me here unless I learn about that secret behind our divorce!
    E: what r u trying to do?- R: Lerche open the window do that fresh air can come in- do u think u will ignore talking by doing all this? Earlier or later I will have to explain it to me! Whatever the reason behind our divorce was, I have to know it-( i can’t! I can’t tell u and believe me it will b worse than how u feel now!)-- ahhh u can’t keep silent for ever do u hear me? Come on tell me whatever it is I’ll solve it I promise! Believe me nothing can b more hurting than this silence and unknown situation for me!-( do u think it’s easy for me to keep silent? U can’t live if u learn about it! U will feel guilty and ruin your life! I caused all this to u and I called u to that factory!) ... let me do my work plz, for which I have come here!- and I have come here to learn the truth! So I won’t let u go anywhere unless u explain everything to me!!
    R: how more long will u stay there? Come on leave finally!-- the glass will mailt! U have been pressing it since half an hour! What can u b thinking about? .... u will fell down!!!... how long will it last? This silence?.... I didn’t mean to make it on by complaining of silence!.... will I stop it plz?-- ja leave it! Let me work i have still too many things to do!-- your only job here is to tell me the truth!..... don’t waste your breath ( don’t tire yourself) it won’t end up this way!..... I... won’t allow u do cleaning for anyone!.... u keep thinking so
    R:how it difficult is! To resist against your insists, how long can I deny it that.... i never have given up from loving u! What happens to it! Why did it stopp?... I can’t believe u! Did u cut it!-- just to prevent the water to b waste!- give it to me!- don’t try in vain u can’t fix it!-- ok then I’ll deal with something else!
    Scene5: 33:45
    R: where are u lost reyhan! B careful
    It must b from his university time! How happy he seems here.... he’s coming! Who can this girl b? ... thing... I was cleaning it and the photos.....
    E: she’s sevcan! A lively girl! We were together till the end of our studies.... and this is orhan! The owner of this house and her.... boyfriend... they both were too much in love with one another -- so? Did they marry then?- no!-. It u said they loved one another -- yes it they couldn’t--why-- maybe it was so destined .... we lost sevcan in a traffic accident! After that orhan clouds never forget her and never could go on with his life, in fact he’s not like living after that accident! Maybe it’s called the true love! One can’t take the memories of his past and his first love just not out of his mind and can’t think about anything else! That’s why people call him asocial or unnormal!
    Police officer: is this the house u reported about?--aunty: yes! I saw this girl for the first time here! Normally no one come here to visit orhan sir so I called u maybe she’s a thief-- R: no I’m here for cleanliness job--aunty: but who is this man with her? There must b Something strange in it-E: no officer! I’m her husband and orhans close friend! U can see his photo -aunty: yes he is the owner of house! Sorry dear I doubted u ( she invites them for tea)
    Nigar demands one million lira from Cavidan
    E: where u going? Home?--R: I’m done with work - I think I couldn’t make u understand! We will b here unless u tell me everything! So? What do u prefer? Tea or coffee--plz let me go--in consideration of no progress in our deal, it will last longer as I thought, so we will b here tonight! But u can call police If u think I’m forcing you? Otherwise Let’s have a tea-- make it for yourself! I don’t want it!
    Talaz: u r finished girl! I’ll open the door anyhow and u will pay for what u did!
    Cemre: come on Emir pick up the phone plz!!!
    E: ah she fell asleep! Of course after working too hard..... she’s exhausted!
    .... why don’t u talk to me? Beleive me I’ll fix everything! It’s enough to tell me why did u divorce me? Whatever the reason behind your silence is! I can face it trust me! I know u love me no matter u deny it! It your eyes tell me everything u feel for me! They can’t lie like u! I so wish I could learn that secret... haven’t u realize it we can overcome anything if we stay by one another’s side, we have been going through the offset challenges and we still can do it! Our love will give us the strength to face anything! It enough for me to habe u by my side! Enough to break this silence and tell me everything!
    Who can b this?- Emir? Do u hear me?-- cemre? Where have u been? - Emir i..... -- yes I’m listening!! ( the end)

    • @shaziashakeel3442
      @shaziashakeel3442 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      1st 😄

    • @rhin_bhee1261
      @rhin_bhee1261 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thank You! Teşekkur ederim! Danke dir!
      Salamat! Shukran!

    • @zsidzs8203
      @zsidzs8203 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thanks 🎉 😘

    • @nayeemnayerm9094
      @nayeemnayerm9094 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Please pura drame ka tranleshion karo naa
      I am wait for watch this drama

    • @souhailahichour8620
      @souhailahichour8620 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thank you dear khojista right in time

  • @mrinalagarwal6
    @mrinalagarwal6 2 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Tarhun men would literally go to any extend to win their love back 😂❤

  • @melocoton1659
    @melocoton1659 4 ปีที่แล้ว +752

    Capitulo 133 en Español
    Reyhan dice eres el nuevo dueño de la casa, cómo lograste que la agencia me mandará para limpiar esta casa, quieres humillarme de esta forma, el hombre de la agencia me dijo que el dueño de esta casa no era una persona normal, ahora se a que se refería. Emir dice el nuevo dueño de la casa, Orsan es un viejo amigo mío es un poco raro sólo un poco antisocial, Reyhan dice lo siento yo me voy, Emir dice desafortunadamente hasta que no me digas por qué te divorciaste permaneceremos acá, solos. Oya está sorprendida al escuchar todo esto y le dice a Kemal que como es posible que haya hecho una cosa así, que si acaso esta loco, no se da cuenta que Narin ha pasado a ser una persona importante para Masal , Oya dice no puedo creer que estén pensando en divorciarse, pensé que harías todo por tu felicidad, como es posible, debes tratar de arreglar todo esto y pedir perdón, Kemal le dice que no habrá ningún divorcio, que no exageres es solo un pequeño problema y Narin no quiere escuchar. Emir dice mira, debemos conversar , necesito saber que es lo que pasa, Reyhan dice déjame irme por favor, emir niega con la cabeza, Reyhan dice entonces déjame hacer mi trabajo, Emir dice a dónde vas, Reyhan piensa solo espero estar haciendo lo correcto. Kemal explica a Narin que Oya cree que se están divorciando, le dice tienes razón en estar enojada pero debemos arreglar ésto, Narin culpa de todo lo que pasa a Kemal y le dice que se ira , Oya felicita a Kemal por provocar todos estos problemas y Kemal dice que puedo hacer ella se comporta como una cabra loca. Oya dice querido hermano debes hablar con ella y lograr por todos los medios que te perdone, busca la manera de acercarte a ella. Narin en la calle va diciendo no espero que el se disculpe , es un cabeza loca, la ve Sonya y se pregunta a donde ira tan molesta Narin. Reyhan comienza a limpiar la casa llega Emir y le pregunta que está haciendo , Ella responde abriendo las ventanas para que entre un poco de aire , Emir dice pretendes seguir con esta tontera, deja eso, déjalo, me dirás por qué te quieres divorciar, Reyhan recuerda las amenazas de Cemre, Emir grita no puedes callarte, no puede haber nada peor que ésto. Reyhan piensa, crees que es fácil callarme, pero no puedo decirte qué pasó, si descubres que el hombre está muerto, no podrás con tu conciencia y es mi culpa yo te llamé a la fábrica, Reyhan dice vine aquí a trabajar, vine por ésto. Talaz obliga a Cemre a levantarse y dice que deberá hacer el aseo del baño , Cemre dice que ella no puede hacer eso, Talaz la amenaza con coartarle los dedos y Cemre se ve obligada a aceptar, Reyhan comienza a limpiar los vidrios y piensa cuánto tiempo piensas permanecer aquí , vete por favor, Emir la mira y le dice trabaja cariño limpia bien qué crees que estas limpiando ahora, Reyhan quiere limpiar los vidrios por fuera y Emir la toma y dice te caerás y agrega ¿cuánto tiempo te llevó conseguir este silencio de muerte, no te aburres del silencio?. Reyhan comienza a aspirar Emir dice eso no es lo que quise decir cuando dijiste que no estabas aburrida, puedes apagar eso, como Reyhan no hace caso Emir saca el cable de la aspiradora lo toma en sus manos, Reyhan le dice puedes pasarme eso, tengo trabajo que hacer Emir dice tu único trabajo es decir la verdad y acerca a Reyhan hacia él envolviéndola con el cable y dice no te canses no permitiré que hagas el aseo de ninguna casa Reyhan responde sólo tu sigues pensando así. Sonya sigue a Narin hasta la casa que arrendó, y se pregunta que hace ahí Narin Tarhun, llama a Talaz para contar lo que vio. Kemal toca la puerta de casa de Narin , por teléfono esta ordenando una ceremonia del té para dos personas y galletas de chocolate , Narin cierra la puerta y no dejar que Kemal entre, Kemal le pide que abra la puerta porque tiene una sorpresa , Narin contesta estas realmente loco no me interesa tu sorpresa, Kemal dice como quieras es imposible tratar contigo. En el baño Reyhan piensa que difícil es todo esto cuando aún mi corazón grita que aún te amo como loca. se detiene el agua y dice qué pasó ahora. Narin llena el hervidor de agua y cuando intenta conectar la electricidad se da cuenta que no hay luz, se pregunta que pasó , es Kemal que ha cortado los cables. Reyhan ve a Emir con un cortapapeles en la mano y dice no puedo creerlo, tu lo hiciste , Emir dice sólo para que no se desperdicie el agua, Reyhan dice mostrando un paño , entonces haré otra cosa. Narin está mirando los cables , llega el dueño de la casa que dice me habían dicho que mi inquilina era hermosa pero no sabía que tanto, Narin se molesta y lo saca del lugar. Kemal está observando desde el auto. Cemre ha terminado de limpiar y continua molesta, llega Talaz llega con un plato de arroz, Cemre dice que no tiene hambre pero Talaz la obliga a comerlo. Reyhan está limpiando unos muebles y caen una foto , ve a Emir con unos amigos, y en otra fotografía con una mujer, se pregunta quien puede ser, llega Emir. Kemal intercepta al hombre y le advierte que no se vuelva a acercar a la casa ya que esa mujer es su esposa. Emir dice ella es Sevcan, que niña tan hermosa como su corazón, estuvimos juntos en la universidad. Orhan y Sevcan eran enamorados, se amaban mucho. Reyhan dice se casaron entonces, No dice Emir, se amaban pero pensaron que quizá no están destinados, perdimos a Cevcan en un accidente de tráfico, Orhan nunca ha podido olvidarla y no ha podido continuar con su vida es por eso que no es normal como dicen, parece no estar vivo, se vuelve como un extraño, quizá es eso lo que llaman el verdadero amor, quizá el amor llama una sola vez a la puerta, uno no puede quitar de la mente los recuerdos y a su primer amor y no deja de pensar en esa persona , tal vez uno nunca olvida a su primer amor y el amor nunca termina, tocan a la puerta. Es un oficial acompañado de una señora que denuncio que había una persona extraña en la casa, Reyhan dice que fue contratada para trabajar , la mujer dice que está mintiendo, aparece Emir que dice que es amigo de Orhan y esposo de Reyhan y muestra una foto para que le crean, la señora pide disculpa y ofrece una taza de té, pero Reyhan da las gracias pero no puede aceptar porque está trabajando. Narin está preocupada ya que está sin luz y teme que el hombre vuelva, tocan a la puerta, toma un fierro y abre, es Kemal que dice no puedo creerlo , ahora con un fierro, Narin pregunta a que fue y el dice voy a entrar , Narin intenta cerrar la puerta pero Kemal ingresa y le dice me quedare acá, Nigar que se ha quedado sin dinero vuelve a chantajear a Cavidan pero esta vez pide un millón de liras, Cavidan le dice que si está loca, de dónde va a sacar tanto dinero, Nigar la amenaza y la mujer dice que intentará pasarlo, pero Cavidan busca la forma de deshacerse de ese problema. Emir pregunta a Reyhan a donde vas , Reyhan responde termine de trabajar y me voy , Emir dice y que pasa si no te dejo ir , estaremos aquí hasta que me digas todo y en vista a que no quieres hablar estaremos acá por más tiempo del que pensaba, probablemente por toda la noche Reyhan insiste en que la deje ir, Emir dice o llama a la policía si quieres así que tomaremos te o café, Reyhan le dice no quiero así que hágalo usted mismo si quiere sabes que no beberé. Kemal y Narin están nuevamente discutiendo cuando tocan a la puerta, es el hijo del dueño de casa que se disculpa por intentar sobrepasarse con ella. Narin contesta esta bien te perdono. Narin le pone hielo ya que su mano está muy hinchada por el golpe que Kemal dio al hombre. Talaz nuevamente comienza a maltratar a Cemre , esta en un descuido logra arrancar de la habitación tomando el teléfono de Talaz , se encierra en una habitación mientras Talaz la persigue . Emir llega con el café, Reyhan aparentemente está dormida, Emir dice está dormida , claro está cansada después de trabajar tanto. Emir dice por que quieres el divorcio, porque no me hablas , es suficiente dime lo todo, era todo tan hermoso , habla no te calles Cualquiera sea la razón detrás de tu silencio puedo enfrentarlo, cree en mi, sé que me amas sin importar que lo niegues, puedo verlo en tus ojos , tus ojos no pueden mentir como tú, Ojalá pudiera saber ese secreto se que aun me amas, no se si te das cuenta que no me puedo mantener en silencio como tu, ¿no te das cuenta de que podemos superar cualquier cosa si nos mantenemos unidos, hemos pasado por tantos problemas y aún podemos hacerlo, nuestro amor nos dará la fuerza para enfrentar cualquier cosa, Es suficiente para mí tenerte a mi lado, Suficiente para romper este silencio y contarme , sólo habla. Emir Recibe una llamada telefónica es Cemre que le dice Emir , el responde te escucho, dime que pasa , Cemre dice Emir yo... Emir responde si te escucho .....

  • @lindayahya7705
    @lindayahya7705 4 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Reyhan was looking at Emir's(Gokberk's
    ) pictures in his younger days. Lucky Gokberk. He became handsomer as he grew older.

    • @sowmyargopalan
      @sowmyargopalan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The beard is the reason. He looked soooo good with the full beard in end of s1. Even now if he removes it, he'll look less handsome.

    • @ale22751
      @ale22751 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Poor Gokberk, he had to bring his personal photos from home, because with this production, what else could he have done? Yes, he looks better now that with that long hair, hehehe. I remember that Halit Ergenc was having a long hair also. He cut it and the succes and a beautiful wife appeared. Let's hope those two will follow Halit and Berguzar's steps😊

  • @mariabangot4442
    @mariabangot4442 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I would like to appeal to the script writer & director to please make Reyhan character a sophisticated woman. Yes, she came from a village thus it doesn't mean that she is ignorant & dump. Thank you.

  • @gigileblo363
    @gigileblo363 3 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Emir has a hair stylist for every episode and his hair is so thick and with such a nice body to it❤️❤️

  • @tonisaavedra3042
    @tonisaavedra3042 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    These two (ReyMir) are so headstrong, but we all know it's always Emir who would break that wall and exhaust all means to get through her. Realizing that both couples ReyMir and KemRin are couples away from home trying to sort their issues out with Tarhun men and their tricky ways. 😄😆

  • @aquarius--it3ro
    @aquarius--it3ro 3 ปีที่แล้ว +98

    Emir turned off the water so that Reyhan will stop working while Kemal turned off the electric power so that Narin will going back to his house hahahah what a smart ass of an auncle and nephew 🤣🤣

    • @primrosechiworeso9266
      @primrosechiworeso9266 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Im smiling all the way where there's will there's away keep on until you have them in your arms 😍😍😍

    • @aquarius--it3ro
      @aquarius--it3ro 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@primrosechiworeso9266 🤣🤣

    • @geminielabado2837
      @geminielabado2837 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @tonisaavedra3042
      @tonisaavedra3042 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      They're not the tarhuns for nothing. It runs in the family 😆

    • @nadinemateta346
      @nadinemateta346 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I love the idea of them

  • @aquarius--it3ro
    @aquarius--it3ro 3 ปีที่แล้ว +205

    I imagined Cavigan and Talaz is married couple and their daughters Cemre and Yonga I love my imaginations.. the Psychopath Family 🤪👏👏

  • @veronicaayitey3234
    @veronicaayitey3234 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Emir and his uncle are the same in terms of anger and fighting. Hahaha

  • @dadiduda718
    @dadiduda718 4 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    By the time he got his senses, he was in a foul mood, which was pretty unusual for him as he was considered the level-headed peacemaker. But Reyhan had pushed him past the limits of his patience. If she wouldn’t talk to what he wanted, then he was going to make her talk, damn it. His own feeling was still in love with her, and it was going to stay there. Reyhan would see that it could be a good thing to be married to him. He was already enjoying the thought of being married to her. Waking up next to her every morning. Getting to smell that sweet, gorgeous body of hers every day and every night. Hearing her laugh whenever and wherever? He liked the thought of that more than he should. Neither one he saw as a problem. He didn’t understand Reyhan’s panic, either. Was she worried that he would be upset with her? She couldn’t be, not the way she’d touched him with soft, needy eyes every second. So he didn’t get her. And when she’d run away like a coward? He really didn’t get her. Just so she could avoid having to lose an argument with him? It was beyond frustrating.

    • @anjalidattal7125
      @anjalidattal7125 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You urself must be a story / romance writer ....nicely worded

  • @necladin9800
    @necladin9800 4 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    Reyhan hanımda kunuşsada sesini duysak vallahi gerildim artık diziyi seyrettim seyredeli herkes konuşuyor reyhan hep susuyor öf öf aaa gerildim yaa

    • @Melek861
      @Melek861 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      biz en iyisi emiri cemreye verelim bu iş bitsin yoksa bu reyhan bizi erem edecek

    • @belginozyigit-arslan1646
      @belginozyigit-arslan1646 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      aynen oyle

    • @dondusengul9934
      @dondusengul9934 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Emir ne olur reyhan i asla afetme başkası ni sev konuşan birisini sev lütfen reyhan pis reyhan kendini bişey saniyor yahu yönetmen sagirmi görmüyor mu emire yazık deilmi Reyhan diziden cik vede asla başka dizide onayipta mahvettme

  • @dmbailey5512
    @dmbailey5512 4 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    this episode was priceless kamal cut off the electricity emir shuts off the water. & cemre who looks down on people is forced to clean a filthy toilet.

    • @bilindamiranda5761
      @bilindamiranda5761 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @feyzos8704
    @feyzos8704 4 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    Emir diyorki reyhana nezaman konuscaksin sıkilmadinmi sesizlikten. O sıkilmadi ama biz biktik bunun sesiliyinden

  • @karine30
    @karine30 4 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    Kemal making me laugh a lot while cutting Narin's electricity, that's right Kemal try everything she can to get back to her house.

    • @shenazshariff3630
      @shenazshariff3630 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The man really loves her but she is impossible she is so stubborn

  • @katagorombei6228
    @katagorombei6228 4 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    Look! How many people love watchind the beautiful scenes with Talaz and Cemre, whitch of course proves the writer's good sense os taste, as well as the deadlock and the stalemate between the other two pairs (Reyhan and Emir, and Narin and Kemal). There is no hope this film is like the dead sea, viewers are floating on it, and can not do anything else, just watch the coast slip away..

    • @tayyabazareen3383
      @tayyabazareen3383 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @timeforalex
      @timeforalex 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Last couple of episodes has been kind of gross. The "Cemre's lunatic makeup, the "vomit" scene with Mr Hikmet and now the "so dirty toilet"....such a shame!!!!🤢

    • @anif8137
      @anif8137 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      WHAT? Lol.

    • @نننن-ف9ن
      @نننن-ف9ن 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@timeforalex but seriously the serie is not educating anything

    • @alianurmala4945
      @alianurmala4945 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @mariabangot4442
    @mariabangot4442 4 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    I would like to appeal to the script writer & director to please improve the character of Reyhan. Make her a litte bit Sophisticated woman. Though she came from a village, it dosen't mean that she is ignorant & innocent. Please let her talk and express herself verbally. Thank you very much & God bless all!

    • @ale22751
      @ale22751 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You should write this to them, on instantgram, or facebook. Here no one will read, except for us, hehehe

    • @roselindataib6632
      @roselindataib6632 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hope to see a Happy ending. With loving touch and hugs 🙂
      I can't bear to see Reyhan being torture on every episodes 😢
      As a woman in millinium year she should be able to defend herself

    • @foziashahjahan1651
      @foziashahjahan1651 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maria Bangot Agreed

  • @diamante1249
    @diamante1249 3 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    No se que tiene Emir pero es extremadamente atractivo,y no se le puede ver el rostro por la barba pero se ve hermoso❤❤❤❤❤

    • @f.a1231
      @f.a1231 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Y extremadamente tonto, nunca se dio cuenta de las maldades de Cemre y su madre como lo manipularon a su antojo. Tan arrogante y buen mozo que se cree y es más que tonto.

    • @crystalcastanon2958
      @crystalcastanon2958 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Bueno añadirle carisma es apuesto etc.

    • @Irina_L87
      @Irina_L87 ปีที่แล้ว

      @ . F. A. 👍👍👏👏🤔🤔

  • @aumbella5759
    @aumbella5759 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Reyhan should have done "The Wild Swans". Drop those rags & give Emir a hug & told him a story with no expectations. Go straight to "Once upon a time a young queen braved the nights of the churchyard cemetery for that's where nettles grow. Witches hover & so do spirits & demons too but she kept at it, the nettles to weave shirts & save her brothers. And all this under the cloak of silence, otherwise the spell would break. Her husband the King would denounced her, and set her to burn at the stake. And it is when the first fires flamed that her brothers flew in from the heavens and save their sacrificial sister." She need not say anything else but he'll get the message. But ahh these writers of The Oath! What do they know!

  • @larrainecarmona5068
    @larrainecarmona5068 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    True love still exist ....Emir don't get tired of living Reyhan 💞💞💞

  • @majakatic8922
    @majakatic8922 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Jako mi se dopadaju vase serije. Mislim da nisam propustila ni jednu, predivne glumce imate koji znaju svoj posao. Imate utisak dok gledate da ste tu, pored njih, da i sami ste ucesnik u njihovim tuznim i srecnim dogadjajima. Hvala vam na tako divnim serijama i predivnim glumcima. Zdravi i srecni uvek bili i stvarali nove serije. Pozdrav od Maje iz Majdanpeka iz Srbije.

  • @aidaamaroortiz1319
    @aidaamaroortiz1319 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Me encanta cuando él la regaña y ella lo mira asustada como niña pequeña

  • @brendamaharaj7937
    @brendamaharaj7937 3 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    If only admin Will put English subtitles you'll have ownership by the millions BUT I'm a legend watching promise AND emanet without English subtitles

  • @mamaterter8048
    @mamaterter8048 4 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    Emir ve Reyhan,Kemal ve Narin. ❤❤❤

  • @anthonyjackson594
    @anthonyjackson594 4 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    I was in stitches when cemre was cleaning the toilet, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. That's it girl heave away.

    • @shenazshariff3630
      @shenazshariff3630 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm not satisfied yet for cleaning the toilets I really want her to suffer a lot because she med so many people suffer including her mother

    • @marinesvilches4493
      @marinesvilches4493 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It was so great 😀😀😀 seeing her cleaning that toilet

  • @sallyyuruk7802
    @sallyyuruk7802 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    What Cemre is doing here (cleaning the toilet) is nothing compare to what she did to Reyhan. Pay back time Cemre.

    • @pamelanolan9523
      @pamelanolan9523 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pick up coockies crumbs ja ja 😀

  • @jaimielynrosecastillo8772
    @jaimielynrosecastillo8772 4 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Love u Reyhan & Emir❤❤❤

  • @melocoton1659
    @melocoton1659 4 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    Chapter 133 in English
    Reyhan says you are the new owner of the house, how did you get the agency to send me to clean this house, you want to humiliate me in this way, the agency man told me that the owner of this house was not a normal person, now he That he meant. Emir says the new owner of the house, Orsan is an old friend of mine is a bit weird just a little antisocial, Reyhan says I'm sorry I'm leaving, Emir says unfortunately until you tell me why you divorced we will stay here, alone. Oya is surprised to hear all this and tells Kemal that as it is possible that he has done such a thing, that if he is crazy, he does not realize that Narin has become an important person for Masal, Oya says I can not believe that they are thinking of divorcing, I thought you would do everything for your happiness, as possible, you should try to fix all this and ask for forgiveness, Kemal tells him that there will be no divorce, that you do not exaggerate is just a small problem and Narin does not want to listen . Emir says look, we have to talk, I need to know what is going on, Reyhan says let me go please, Emir shakes his head, Reyhan says then let me do my job, Emir says where you are going, Reyhan thinks I just hope I'm doing the right thing . Kemal explains to Narin that Oya thinks they are divorcing, she tells him you're right to be angry but we must fix this, Narin blames everything that happens to Kemal and tells him to leave, Oya congratulates Kemal for causing all these problems and Kemal says that I can do she behaves like a crazy goat. Oya says dear brother you should talk to her and achieve by all means that forgive you, find a way to approach her. Narin on the street goes saying I don't expect him to apologize, he's a crazy head, Sonya sees her and wonders where Narin is so upset. Reyhan begins to clean the house Emir arrives and asks what he is doing, She responds by opening the windows so that a little air enters, Emir says you intend to continue with this nonsense, leave that, leave it, you will tell me why you want to divorce, Reyhan Remember Cemre's threats, Emir screams you can't shut up, there can be nothing worse than this. Reyhan thinks, you think it's easy to shut up, but I can't tell you what happened, if you find out that the man is dead, you can't with your conscience and it's my fault I called you at the factory, Reyhan says I came here to work, I came for this . Talaz forces Cemre to get up and says he should do the toilet, Cemre says she can't do that, Talaz threatens to cut her fingers and Cemre is forced to accept, Reyhan starts cleaning the glass and thinks how long you plan to stay here, please go away, Emir looks at her and says she works clean clean honey well what do you think you are cleaning now, Reyhan wants to clean the glass outside and Emir takes it and says you will fall and add how long did it take you to get this silence of death, don't you get bored of silence? Reyhan starts to suck Emir says that is not what I meant when you said you weren't bored, you can turn that off, as Reyhan ignores Emir, he takes out the cable from the vacuum cleaner he takes it in his hands, Reyhan tells him you can pass that on to me, I have work to do Emir says your only job is to tell the truth and bring Reyhan to him by wrapping it with the cable and he says don't get tired I will not allow you to do the cleaning of any house Reyhan answers only you keep thinking like that. Sonya follows Narin to the house she leased, and wonders what Narin Tarhun does there, calls Talaz to tell what he saw. Kemal knocks on Narin's house door, on the phone he is ordering a tea ceremony for two people and chocolate cookies, Narin closes the door and doesn't let Kemal come in, Kemal asks him to open the door because he has a surprise, Narin answers You're really crazy I'm not interested in your surprise, Kemal says how you want it is impossible to deal with you. In the bathroom Reyhan thinks how difficult all this is when my heart still screams that I still love you as crazy. the water stops and tells what happened now. Narin fills the kettle and when he tries to connect the electricity he realizes that there is no light, he wonders what happened, it is Kemal who has cut the wires. Reyhan sees Emir with a clipboard in his hand and says I can't believe it, you did it, Emir says just so that the water isn't wasted, Reyhan says showing a cloth, then I'll do something else. Narin is looking at the cables, the owner of the house arrives who says they had told me that my tenant was beautiful but I didn't know how much, Narin gets upset and takes him out of the place. Kemal is watching from the car. Cemre has finished cleaning and remains annoying, Talaz arrives with a plate of rice, Cemre says she is not hungry but Talaz forces her to eat it. Reyhan is cleaning some furniture and a photo falls, sees Emir with some friends, and in another photograph with a woman, he wonders who it can be, Emir arrives. Kemal intercepts the man and warns him not to approach the house again since that woman is his wife. Emir says she is Sevcan, what a beautiful girl like her heart, we were together in college. Orhan and Sevcan were in love, they loved each other very much. Reyhan says they got married then, Emir doesn't say, they loved each other but they thought they might not be destined, we lost Cevcan in a traffic accident, Orhan has never been able to forget her and has not been able to continue with his life that is why it is not normal as they say, he seems not to be alive, he becomes like a stranger, maybe that's what they call true love, maybe love knocks on the door once, you can't take your memories and your first love out of your mind and don't leave to think of that person, maybe one never forgets his first love and love never ends, knock on the door. He is an officer accompanied by a lady who reported that there was a strange person in the house, Reyhan says she was hired to work, the woman says she is lying, Emir appears who says she is Orhan's friend and Reyhan's husband and shows a photo To be believed, the lady apologizes and offers a cup of tea, but Reyhan thanks but cannot accept because she is working. Narin is worried because she is without light and fears that the man will come back, knock on the door, take an iron and open it, it is Kemal who says I can't believe it, now with an iron, Narin asks what it was and he says I will go , Narin tries to close the door but Kemal enters and tells me I will stay here, Nigar who has run out of money again blackmails Cavidan but this time he asks for a million lire, Cavidan tells him that if she is crazy, where is she going to get So much money, Nigar the threat and the woman says she will try to pass it, but Cavidan looks for ways to get rid of that problem. Emir asks Reyhan where you are going, Reyhan responds, I finish working and I leave, Emir says and what happens if I don't let you go, we will be here until you tell me everything and considering that you do not want to talk we will be here for longer than you I thought, probably all night Reyhan insists that I let her go, Emir says or calls the police if you want so we'll have tea or coffee, Reyhan says I don't want to do it yourself if you want to know that I won't drink. Kemal and Narin are arguing again when they knock on the door, he is the son of the homeowner who apologizes for trying to overcome her. Narin answers, I'm fine, I forgive you. Narin puts ice on him since his hand is very swollen from the blow Kemal gave the man. Talaz again begins to mistreat Cemre, is in an oversight manage to boot from the room by taking Talaz's phone, is locked in a room while Talaz chases her. Emir arrives with coffee, Reyhan is apparently asleep, Emir says she is asleep, of course she is tired after working so hard. Emir says why you want a divorce, because you don't talk to me, it's enough tell me everything, it was all so beautiful, talk don't shut up Whatever the reason behind your silence I can face it, believe in me, I know you love me no matter what deny it, I can see it in your eyes, your eyes can't lie like you, I wish I could know that secret I know you still love me, I don't know if you realize I can't keep silent like you, don't you realize that we can overcome anything if we stay together, we have been through so many problems and we can still do it, our love will give us the strength to face anything, it is enough for me to have you by my side, enough to break this silence and tell me, just talk . Emir Receive a phone call is Cemre who tells Emir, he answers I hear you, tell me what happens, Cemre says Emir I ... Emir answers if I listen to you .....

  • @lelolahi
    @lelolahi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    When the police man and the old lady comes I just laughed Emir so relaxed and just say am her husband 🤣🤣🤣 just like that 😁 he is throwing that word right and left as if they are not divorced and the smile afterwards was just the thing we needed

    • @ale22751
      @ale22751 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      That is because his only neuron has worked and he understood that Reyhan has not divorced him because she was not loving him😄. Let's hope his brain will continue functioning well, and figure the things by himself. Reyhan keeps her mute mode and is tierying.

    • @lelolahi
      @lelolahi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      ale22751 exactly but the thing is he loses all his neurons when Reyhan looks at him with those huge eyes of hers

    • @ale22751
      @ale22751 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@lelolahi Yes, that's true. Poor guy, heehehehe

  • @adalatadoula7598
    @adalatadoula7598 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Oh emir you can't imagine how much i'm in love with your voice and your personality 😌😌

  • @alvingaspar8172
    @alvingaspar8172 3 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Emir so inlove with reyhan. 😍😍😍😍💓💓💓💓

    • @mariadoralbarestrepo1422
      @mariadoralbarestrepo1422 ปีที่แล้ว

      6⅞7⁷66967 yo 9777

    • @sahinabdullayev4590
      @sahinabdullayev4590 ปีที่แล้ว

      💓💓Emir só inlove with reyhan. 😍😍😍😍💓💓Alvin Gaspar

    • @lgal7289
      @lgal7289 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Emir is in love with Reyhan and I am in love with Emir 🤣🔥🔥🥰🥰🥰

    • @concepcionribesferrer514
      @concepcionribesferrer514 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@sahinabdullayev4590❤ .

    • @LindaKaiha
      @LindaKaiha 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​​@@lgal7289vous montrez déjà, que vous êtes les jalouses de reyhan ici ,pff alors là, dans tes rêves pff ,a vous foutres des baffes,une fois pour toutes ça vous ferez du bien,et vous apprendras de laisser émir avec la femme qu'il aime

  • @laylayasser4085
    @laylayasser4085 4 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    "Gerçek aşk asla ölmez"
    "True love never dies"

  • @amgelicazepeza7490
    @amgelicazepeza7490 4 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Que hombre gökberk, encantador, con esa mirada cualquier mujer pierda los sentidos, y además el timbre de voz que tiene , es hermoso, Que bueno que Cemre tenga que limpiar es solo un poco de su propia medicina, ahora va a saber lo que es ser humillada y maltratatada esa si tiene que sufrir por maldita la bruja

  • @sandraescobar4953
    @sandraescobar4953 3 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Verdaderamente que Emir tiene una mirada y su forma de el ser es encantadora,me encanta,tiene un porte de caballeroso.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘

    • @marciapadilha2371
      @marciapadilha2371 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Acho que por isso que sai casal na realidade

    • @CamilaSilva-nj6xy
      @CamilaSilva-nj6xy ปีที่แล้ว +1

      O emir é um sonho de homem, o personagem é um pouco bruto , mais acredito que ele na vida real é um sonho de consumo 🥰🥰

  • @violetamanaloto4062
    @violetamanaloto4062 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Cembre is sooo good in her psychopath role 🥰

  • @jonewalker7426
    @jonewalker7426 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I love emir and reyhan they are so beautiful couple love you both😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  • @ajmalpervaiz3034
    @ajmalpervaiz3034 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I love reyhan eye's. Her eye's very beautiful Masha Allah

  • @mrinalagarwal6
    @mrinalagarwal6 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Such a cute scene at 27:27 😍😂
    Emir looked so scared lol. They're love ❤

  • @redwana2
    @redwana2 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Her silence can poison the ocean,there is a huge difference between stupidity and sacrifice.

    • @aseelaisaa428
      @aseelaisaa428 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      True I love reyhan her part is fantastic of silent

    • @mariabangot4442
      @mariabangot4442 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Reyhan is just following what is wrtten on the script. God bless!

    • @haneymoon5272
      @haneymoon5272 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maria Bangot
      It is not in her hands when they will allow her she will speak

  • @Fighttiime1
    @Fighttiime1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Kemalın kavqa ederken en sevdiğim kısmı gözlüyünü çıkartması 😂

  • @sarvsahi2581
    @sarvsahi2581 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    If Narin makes Kemal lose his daughter not only him, I wouldn't forgive her either! 😖 But Emir is on the right path! 👌❤ And Reyhan is still silent! 🤐

    • @gloriamutoni5137
      @gloriamutoni5137 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      But Kemal rented a house for is his mistake

  • @kasiael6035
    @kasiael6035 4 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    "Because where there is a will there will be a way" like an uncle - such a nephew, Kemal electrician⚡, Emir plumber 💧 ... 😂😅

  • @Aa-mv2wk
    @Aa-mv2wk 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Kemal odunu sadece özur dilerim diyceksin bu kadar basit onu bile demiyo adam

  • @zareenislam6504
    @zareenislam6504 4 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Emir is toooooooo cute ...... his works prove that ..... he cut the water line how cutely then he tries to hide 😊😊😊😊😊😊

    • @rhin_bhee1261
      @rhin_bhee1261 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Like uncle like nephew.. 😂

    • @zareenislam6504
      @zareenislam6504 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@rhin_bhee1261 exactly

    • @cookingandlearningwithnazi1387
      @cookingandlearningwithnazi1387 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      very cute and handsome 2😊

    • @cookingandlearningwithnazi1387
      @cookingandlearningwithnazi1387 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      very cute and handsome 2😊

    • @sandrarendongarces4997
      @sandrarendongarces4997 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@rhin_bhee1261😂😂😂 luchando a tosa costa por lo de ellos, por qué cuál de las dos será más terca y cabezas de cabrá (Reyhan y Nerin) 😂😂😂 👋👋👋🙅🙏 Saludos, abrazos y bendiciones desde Medellin, Colombia 🇨🇴 09-09-2023.

  • @ellasyiem8482
    @ellasyiem8482 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    👌👌👌👌❤i love so much to watching this drama..nice story between emir &reyhan..but it's difficult a little without subtitle...🙆

  • @doreencamilleri4229
    @doreencamilleri4229 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    That statement from Emir to Reyhan about true love when he was telling her about his friend is real and to the point, in fact his friend didn't marry after he has lost his fiancee in a traffic accident. The only thing that was not real after seasons 3. & 4 of Yemin was his love for Reyhan. A contradiction of what he said to her and what he did . That's why Yemin after season 2 was a total crap.and Season 4 with 000000 rating.The story made no sense anymore. Emir's love has no meaning now and looks like a fake love.

    • @celiasantos7218
      @celiasantos7218 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Verdade, por isso que não assisti a terceira temporada sem Reyhan. Não faz sentido sem ela, pois a promessa foi feita por ela!!

    • @soulrelaxation5977
      @soulrelaxation5977 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      when a series is to long it looses interest from viewers

  • @naziarahman526
    @naziarahman526 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Rehymir become part of my life. whenever they are happy I am happy .

    • @sallyebenye8888
      @sallyebenye8888 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Reyhan dose not want us to be happy 😕

  • @marigold9736
    @marigold9736 4 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    Emir I wish you would make me a cup of coffee☕☕, you look very handsome when you're peaceful😉

    • @zuhurosman1687
      @zuhurosman1687 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      U Seriousss

    • @marigold9736
      @marigold9736 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@zuhurosman1687 Yes, I like handsome men making me super tasty coffee, that why I Starbucks 😋

    • @sallyebenye8888
      @sallyebenye8888 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Mari gold...... you know Reyhan is very jealous of that his Emir. She won't take it easy with u. Be careful. Ah ah ah ah

  • @mariadebicka6922
    @mariadebicka6922 4 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    Ok , odcinek Cemre & Cevidan nareszcie dostają swoją lekcje. Reyhan wykońcu się otworzy ,jest szczęśliwa, że uczucia Emira niezmieniły się 😍💖💖💖💖

  • @aliciacotto1893
    @aliciacotto1893 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Me duermo escuchando la voz de ese actor. Romántica

  • @naziarahman526
    @naziarahman526 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Why rehyan talk to herself more than anyone else.

    • @Isra_ahh
      @Isra_ahh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Literally that’s her character in this series.we can’t say anything about that...and it’s up to them .only we can do is watching whatever it is🙌🏻🤞🏻😅😜

  • @JusatBeatz
    @JusatBeatz 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I think Kemal's head is made of Stone everytime he hits the opponent falls 😂😂😂

  • @ruthkatug2126
    @ruthkatug2126 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Reyhan's revenge is not in Reyhan's hands but thru Talaz

  • @anajosefinacastrourdaneta1622
    @anajosefinacastrourdaneta1622 3 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Me encanta está pareja aparte de bellos, son demasiado tiernos. Me ha gustado mucho la novela Rayhan ha sufrido mucho pero Emir la ama demasiado y eso que no está en español, he sufrido por eso pero no la dejo de ver. Ojalá la pasen traducida al español para verla de nuevo.

  • @qonceqonce1704
    @qonceqonce1704 4 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    Cemre itdi Yonca bitdi. Bunlar nece ilandi.Dizini cox sevirem.Ancaq bu ilanlar bizi sebrden çıxarır.

  • @lorinaencontro2939
    @lorinaencontro2939 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    How nice emer,i wish i could find someone like emer😊🙏

  • @amnamohamed1253
    @amnamohamed1253 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Who is skipping over the parts where Chemre is getting her punishment?
    I’m enjoying it.

  • @karabidutta6013
    @karabidutta6013 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    All chemistry are absolutely excellent 💖💖💖💖

  • @bibiamenabonello2233
    @bibiamenabonello2233 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Reyna has beautiful eyes and she is very simple 😍

    • @gigileblo363
      @gigileblo363 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      This is why we love her so much❤️❤️

  • @angelinempofu3988
    @angelinempofu3988 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My favorite is Cerme cleaning the dirt toilets go rich I’m loving it I wish Cavidan do the same

    • @virginiadeblanc1485
      @virginiadeblanc1485 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes Cavidan cleaning toilet in Jail😂😂😂

  • @elnurisrafilov8570
    @elnurisrafilov8570 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Talasin haraketleri cok komik ya konuwtukdan sonra hhiiii demesi 😂boyle qiderse cemireye tum iwleri oyredicek cavidanida kowsa cok iyi olur 🇹🇷🇦🇿

  • @aidaamaroortiz1319
    @aidaamaroortiz1319 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Ella se ve muy tierna y el parece un profesor loco pero hacen una hermosa pareja

  • @savluktanas
    @savluktanas 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Смотрим и удивляемся задумке сценаристов, Эмир и Рейхан сближаются только, когда на них, кто-то нападает

  • @roselypontes5291
    @roselypontes5291 4 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    ❤Emir ❤💑
    ❤Rhyan ❤💑
    ❤Emir ❤.💑
    ❤Rhyan ❤💑

  • @taiticastro6621
    @taiticastro6621 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    Jajajajaja Cemre que pensaste; siempre todo iba hacer a tu gusto, no señorita hay algo que se llama "justicia divina". Ojalá que esto sea solo un adelanto.

    • @lucyfleitas3753
      @lucyfleitas3753 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      siiii... Cemre.. Decime que se siente.. Lavar..el WC....... Ella orgullosa y despectiva siempre con la dulce Reyhan...... Bueno.. Cemre.. Bebe tu propia receta..!

    • @taiticastro6621
      @taiticastro6621 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lucyfleitas3753 😁😁😁 nadie se va sin pagar.

    • @idiliamejia8890
      @idiliamejia8890 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Tati Castro como hago para verla en español veo que entiende el drama por mas que lo veo no entiendo

    • @idiliamejia8890
      @idiliamejia8890 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      La ve en español o el idioma que hablan los turcos yo no entiendo nada 😂😁

    • @taiticastro6621
      @taiticastro6621 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@idiliamejia8890 hola, busca Coban Yildizi Sukru y también melocotón, en la tarde todo los días, ella nos hace un resumen de cada capítulo.🤩🤩

  • @yagmurcumsudlu8863
    @yagmurcumsudlu8863 4 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Emir Reyhan sahneleri.♥️❤♥️❤🤗🥰😍♥️❤

    • @Aisha-_830
      @Aisha-_830 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      At last Cemre I already have my revenge on you. Good for you to clean 🧼 that bathroonm😛😛😛😛🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏

  • @amaliaflores8794
    @amaliaflores8794 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Narim le pone hielo en la mano a Kemal, de donde agarro el hielo si no tiene luz jajajaja

  • @urszulasmyt-sztejner8541
    @urszulasmyt-sztejner8541 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thank you , The Promise Official.Greetings from Canada.

  • @joycesornito
    @joycesornito 4 ปีที่แล้ว +69

    Let's talk about how Emir put the cord in his neck after Reyhan left. ☺️😁 Isn't it sexy? 😆

    • @heleniceoliveira9208
      @heleniceoliveira9208 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Sim!!! Yes!!!! Evet!!!!!😘🇧🇷

    • @hisqueen7419
      @hisqueen7419 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      How can i get english translate

    • @joycesornito
      @joycesornito 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@hisqueen7419 scroll down in comments and find Khojista. Or Meryem. Also you can search on Google Yemin English Subtitle. But they upload late

    • @hisqueen7419
      @hisqueen7419 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@joycesornito thank you so much

    • @roxanapedagogia8012
      @roxanapedagogia8012 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yeah! Too much!

  • @aybenizagayeva2887
    @aybenizagayeva2887 4 ปีที่แล้ว +274

    bu dizinin senaristinin deyişmesini istiyen kim vaaar

    • @zuhreozturk2041
      @zuhreozturk2041 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6


    • @aicharahimzadeagazade8424
      @aicharahimzadeagazade8424 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      yalnız bu dizi değil, emanet'de

    • @lalmuanzuali8775
      @lalmuanzuali8775 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@zuhreozturk2041 .

    • @_.miss.06.53
      @_.miss.06.53 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @simonealvesdesantanasimone6136
      @simonealvesdesantanasimone6136 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @kbrendavero8889
    @kbrendavero8889 4 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    I love Gökberk 😅😅😂😍😍🥰🥰

  • @iboshrip
    @iboshrip 4 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    Tuvaletin içini de neye gösteriyorlar be. İnsanlar yemek yerken izliyor belki 🥴🤢

  • @rhin_bhee1261
    @rhin_bhee1261 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    20:08 can i sing?
    🎼🎵ne olursun dile
    Birakip ta gitme
    Omrumu kat omrune 🎶

  • @rabiataflioglu9376
    @rabiataflioglu9376 4 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Birinci sezonda 70 bolum emir benle niye evlendin diye sordu . Ikinci sezonda bir 70 bolum de benden neden bosandin der . Böyle devam eder

  • @hadisaj1723
    @hadisaj1723 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Pls add the English subtitles...please am from pls..many persons are seeing this series from another countries..plsss🙁🙁🙁🙁

  • @mycedarridge
    @mycedarridge 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    How are these 2 going to make a marriage work?? There is no way! Communication and trust is EVERYTHING in a marriage. They have already lost both. 😳 So glad for the skip button! 🤷‍♀️

  • @carmenroche7471
    @carmenroche7471 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Ahora a esperar el resumen del capitulo 133!! Melocoton no se te olvide gracias.

  • @zahidkareemmahi
    @zahidkareemmahi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Please make better ending for this show we have so much hope to see this show as good ending so dont disappointing us thank you
    Much love from Pakistan 🇵🇰🇹🇷

    • @sumairakamran9917
      @sumairakamran9917 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bacche tum rozana yehi request kertay ho

    • @522204
      @522204 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Polen ♥

    • @shaziashakeel3442
      @shaziashakeel3442 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sumairakamran9917 😂😂😂

    • @mahwishjavaid8607
      @mahwishjavaid8607 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Woo is ley k Pakistan or turkey ka relationship khrab na ho😁😜

    • @shaniqbal8248
      @shaniqbal8248 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mehwish Javaid 😂😂😂

  • @НазгуляТаабалдиевна
    @НазгуляТаабалдиевна 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Бесит когда Нарин начинает орать,вести себя как девчонка. Сделайте сценарист из нее женщину настоящую

  • @g.grychtol7276
    @g.grychtol7276 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    W tym filmie wszyscy pyskuja dla odmiany Reyhan ciagle milczy i biedny Hikmet a Cavidan jak smie mowic " moj biedny mezu" gdzie ma sumienie po tym co mezowi zrobila......

  • @yeganekosayeva2609
    @yeganekosayeva2609 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Reyhan insanı çıltırtıyo...Yeter yaaaa...İnsan kendini neye layik biler onu da yapar... Reyhanın aklı-fikri ev temizliyi yapmaktadı, başka bir şey düşünmüyor ki... ve bir de aklı sıraca Emiri düşünmek, o da tam tersi Emiri çıltırtır...

  • @shirleysantos3788
    @shirleysantos3788 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Esse Emir ao mesmo tempo q demonstra imaturidade...
    Tbm demonstra uma atitude de homens forte viril sensível q sabe demonstrar o seu intento por quem ama♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @gunkaibragimova6373
    @gunkaibragimova6373 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Amca yigen ayni akilda, kemal elektirikleri kesdi emirde suyu😂

  • @karine30
    @karine30 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    My favorite couple, Narin and Kemal. Let them confess their mutual love soon.💘😍🥰❤

    • @نننن-ف9ن
      @نننن-ف9ن 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I love them but Narin barks alot ufff

    • @nitalopes515
      @nitalopes515 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I love Narin but i don’t think she knows how to talk in a normal tone or maybe she’s deaf needs too hear herself 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @colibribleu6747
      @colibribleu6747 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      you're gonna think I'm crazy but I think their relationship is more normal than Reyem.

    • @colibribleu6747
      @colibribleu6747 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@nitalopes515 I think she react that way because of frustration: she fell in love with Kemal without wanting it (she despised him at first remember) and with Masal and probably with Sehriya abla lol. She said it herself she feels like home BUT she thinks that Mr Frowning doesn't love her and in her place I'd be frustrated too. When she let her heart speak she's so lovely (with Masal, with Kemal when they were injured in the woods, the few times when they have a normal discussion)
      So for Narin yelling is a reaction to the fact that she thinks she can't tell how she feels because it's not mutual
      My God, I hope they won't drag out the confession because there's enough drama to keep the serie going on for a long time...enough of nonsense with Emir and Reyhan

    • @munoaxmed4060
      @munoaxmed4060 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@colibribleu6747 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 tonight kemal turns Mr hulk while he got jealousy mood as well as naughty cutting the electricity 😂😂😂😂 at least narin smiles at the end when she got to know that. So tomorrow that idiotic talaz will come narin's place, i don't know what he records about them.

  • @sakinaganda7169
    @sakinaganda7169 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If you think Emir is jealous try Kemal😂😂😂😂

  • @karinasandovalrojas8232
    @karinasandovalrojas8232 4 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    Me encanta emir y pues reyhan minimo se queda y no resiste tanto😍😍 ojala y ya pronto se reconcilien ya no aguanto mas😂😂

    • @lucyfleitas3753
      @lucyfleitas3753 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Siii.... Emir... INSISTE Y VENCERAS..!! 😂😂

    • @rosapadilla3256
      @rosapadilla3256 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Lucy Fleitas Ojal que si h no se vaya a cansar de tanto insistir por que Reyhan es dura de vencer 🙄

    • @lucyfleitas3753
      @lucyfleitas3753 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@rosapadilla3256 ahh... Probada esta la Paciencia de.. Emir.... Cuanto hace q la ba remando... Ayer creo dijo.... Que insistira! Hasta descubrir la verdad..

    • @idiliamejia8890
      @idiliamejia8890 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Karina Sandoval, no entiendo nada el idioma de ellos, como hago para verla rn español solo subieron hasta el capítulo 10 veo q ud comenta acaso sabe el idioma? Yo no nada solo veo 😁😂

    • @rosapadilla3256
      @rosapadilla3256 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Idilia Mejia n sabemos el idioma pero hay alguien que no los traduce se llama Melocotón está al principio de esta capítulo pero ya nosotros vamos el el capítulo 133 busca en cada capítulo el nombre de melocotón ella trace e cada capítulo

  • @ghibtaghazali6642
    @ghibtaghazali6642 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Want so Much Reymir Romance 🔥

  • @lamiyeosmanova3017
    @lamiyeosmanova3017 4 ปีที่แล้ว +106

    Cemire hak etdiyini tapdi inşallah cavidana nəsib olar

    • @СевдочкаДжамалова
      @СевдочкаДжамалова 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @zhraasiqiym2699
      @zhraasiqiym2699 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      cemre və cavidan uzunden bu diziyi izləmirdim artıg 1 ay olardı təsədufen izlədim bu bölumu cemreyə bu qeder bir gun uzuləcəyimi heç aglıma getirməzdim ama yenədə cemreye uzulurem yazık 😢kaşki cavidan yaşasaydı butun bu cemrenin yasadıglarını cadı cavıdann 👹

    • @СафарСафаров-р6к
      @СафарСафаров-р6к 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @zumrudkerimova8878
      @zumrudkerimova8878 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      İnşALLAH cavidanin ALLAH belasin versin

    • @user-kp9gi1bx8h
      @user-kp9gi1bx8h 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Что-то джемрее языглыгым гелди 🙄🙄🙄🙄

  • @maggyvergara5923
    @maggyvergara5923 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    muy bella la novela. lastima lastima que no esten todos los capitulos en español

    • @eneidabarre1092
      @eneidabarre1092 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maggy Vergara aquí en TH-cam te puedes subscribir Coban Yildizi Surku - series turcas. Ahí te dicen como ver los capítulos de yemin subtitulada en español y está hasta el capítulo 116 si no me equivocó. Y la están subiendo en español latino pero están en los primeros capítulos, espero q te sirva de ayuda

  • @sedaeren3133
    @sedaeren3133 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Amca yeğen aşk kafalarına vurmuş iyice sıyırmışlar😁😁 biri suyu kesiyor diğeri elektriği biri kızı rehin alıyor diğeri evine yerleşiyor bunların sevgiside öfke nefretleride nirvana ikiside çatlak ama süperler😍😍😍😍 emir ve kemal tarhun siz olmasanız bu dizi çekilir dert değil yeminlen

  • @rhin_bhee1261
    @rhin_bhee1261 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    People may not always tell you how they feel about you but they will always show you.
    Pay attention!

  • @elvinhasanov2431
    @elvinhasanov2431 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    "Cam inceldi" 👏👏
    "Sessizlikden sıkılmadin derken kast etdiyim bu deyildi." 😂
    Bu Narinde cox uzatdi amma. Bir de " bal kabagi" bos yere cox deyir.

    • @revansherifov8102
      @revansherifov8102 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Düz deyirsiz .Həm bu balkabağı sözü bizim sözümüz deyil ki.

  • @dadaisilva5928
    @dadaisilva5928 4 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Bravo Emir q venha mas um episódio como o de hoje!

    • @julietwilson206
      @julietwilson206 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This movie show more war and hatred more than love, I thought it was about love but I guess not.

  • @asraaalhajabdullah7027
    @asraaalhajabdullah7027 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    ريحان: لكن كيف حدث هذا، أنت...
    أنا أتيت هنا للتنظيف، أنت ماذا تفعل هنا.
    ريحان: لقد قالو ان صاحب البيت شخص غير عادي فهمت الان لماذا قالو هذا
    امير: اعرف اورهان منذ ان كان طفلا هو فقط ليس اجتماعيا
    اورهان لن ياتي، اورهان هو صاحب البيت وصديق قديم لي
    ريحان علي اية حال انا ذاهبة، اسمح لي رجاء
    امير:مع الاسف نحن هنا لوحدنا حتى اعرف السبب الحقيقي لطلاقنا
    أويا: كيف حدث هذا؟ الستم متزوجين
    كمال: اويا انظري، نحن في الاصل...
    أويا: في الاصل ماذا؟ كيف فعلتم شيئا كهذا؟
    نارين: نحن امم شيء...
    كمال: كنا سنقول لك
    اويا :ماذا ستقولون ؟ ماذا يعني هذا
    نارين كيف فعلتي شيء كهذا وأنت ياأخي ، ماذا يعني الانفصال الان
    كمال: اه انت تقولين هذا اذا
    اويا: نعم هذا ماقوله ماذا ساقول غير هذا ، يوجد معكم في هذا البيت طفله صغيره كيف تفعلون هذا
    نارين لم اتوقع منك هذا لقد اعتقدت انك ستفعلين كل شيء لاجل سعاده ماسال
    لا اصدق لن تتطلقوا صحيح!
    كمال: لا لايوجد شي كهذا يااويا لا يوجد طلاق او ماشابه
    لا تبالغي ياويا
    امير:هيا امشي لنتكلم
    انظري يجب ان تخبريني مهما كان ما حدث، من حقي معرفه الحقيقة
    ريحان:اسمحلي رجاءً
    بما انك لا تسمح لي بالذهاب فانا سأقوم بعملي هنا اذا
    امير: ماذا تقصدين بالقيام بالعمل ، الى اين تذهبين
    ريحان: فقط قومي بعملك ياريحان
    لاتتكلمي فقط اعملي
    نارين: اذا كنت تعتقد ببقاءك هكذا كحارس ستجعلني اتراجع، فدعني اقول لك أن هذا لن يحدث.
    كمال:لا أنا أحب الظلام والبرد كثيرًا، وسعيد بهذه الحالة، وليس للأمر علاقة بك.
    نارين:(تتكلم في سرها)
    كمال: ماذا قلت لم أفهم
    نارين:أقول كن أن هذا جميل ، ابقى بقدر ماتشاء إذا
    نارين:ماذا حدث ليدك
    كمال:على الاغلب اصدمت بشيء
    كمال:ماذا حدث لماذا خفتي؟
    نارين:ماعلاقه هذا لم أخف فقط كنت سرحانة
    نارين:ماذا قلت لك، انقلع هيا والا لن يحدث خير
    كمال: ماذا حدث ؟ هل توجد مشكلة؟
    نارين: هذا صاحب البيت سيذهب الآن، أليس كذلك؟
    الرجل:أتيت من جديد لأني أخطأت بحقك لاتؤاخذيني ولقد ندمت كثيرا وجئت لاعتذر منك
    والله لاأعرف كيف فعلت ذلك ، سامحيني
    هل سامحتيني؟
    نارين: تمام سامحتك
    الرجل:احترامي ياخي
    نارين:مد يدك التي ضربت لنراها
    انها منتفخه جدا لكنه يستحق ذلك
    هل تؤلمك
    جيمرا:امي لاتقلقي ساتحدث مع امير سأخبره بكل شيء ، سنتحدث لا تقلقي
    تالاز: (جافيدان تتصل) ماذا تريدين انت لن اجيب عليك
    تالاز: ماهذا يافتاة ، هيا انهضي ،لديك أعمال لتعمليها، هيا انهضي
    انظروا لهذه الحالة ، هيا امسب هيا انبعيني
    جيمرا: افتح افتح
    تالاز: انت انتهيتي انت انتهيتي
    افتحي الباب
    جيمرا: (تحاول ان تتصل بامير) هيا يامير هيا رجاءً
    أمير:بالتاكيد لو عملتي بهذا القدر ستنامين وتتعبين
    لماذا تصمتين، لو تتكلمين لو أعرف لماذا أردت الطلاق سينتهي كل هذا
    لازلت اتذكر كل الاشياء الجميلة صدقيني اتذكر كل الاشياء الجميلة
    يكفي تكلمي
    تكلمي معي لا تصمتي، اعلم انك مازلت تحبينني
    عيناكي لاتنجح في البقاء صامته
    أعرف انك مدركة لذلك لكن حبنا تغلب على اشياء اكبر بكثير لقد فعلنا ذلك من قبل، وسنفعل ذلك من جديد،يكفي تحدثي، اخبريني
    تالاز:افتحي الباب
    جيمرا:هيا هيا اتوسل اليك اشبك
    امير:من هذا الآن
    جيمرا ماذا حدث هل انت بخير
    جيمرا: أنا.....
    أمير: نعم اسمعك
    نهاية الحلقة

  • @twinmj
    @twinmj หลายเดือนก่อน

    Reyhan stop ignoring imer, please he tired also running after you...dont run away reyhan just sit down and talk....

  • @gerenciaconsultores1002
    @gerenciaconsultores1002 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Gokberk pudiera. leer poemas con esa voz tan potente y romántica

  • @hasretgurbet3723
    @hasretgurbet3723 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Eh biraz olsun icimizin yaylari eridi cemreye oh olsun ama yinede bir düsünün tam emire herseyi anlatacakti böyle oldu yani cemrenin kurtulmasini istiyoruz

    • @elgin_salamov3651
      @elgin_salamov3651 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Qurtaartsa demicaq hemiseki kimi vaz kecicaqlar