I was 11 when this came out during the derg time. People were desperate to find happiness at that time. Freedom of speech was a no no at the time. Even thou we were limited with resources we found a way to laugh with each other and most of all love each other. Maybe because I was kid I was to naive not to see the hate for a fellow human being. But then again I was blinded with love amongst my parents, my neighborhood, my environment. No Facebook, no Instagram, no snap chat, just people. God bless their souls who are no longer with us.
I was 11 when this came out during the derg time. People were desperate to find happiness at that time. Freedom of speech was a no no at the time. Even thou we were limited with resources we found a way to laugh with each other and most of all love each other. Maybe because I was kid I was to naive not to see the hate for a fellow human being. But then again I was blinded with love amongst my parents, my neighborhood, my environment. No Facebook, no Instagram, no snap chat, just people. God bless their souls who are no longer with us.
Even በ አሁኑ ጊዜ እንዲ አይነት የትወና ብቃት የለም። nice n funny
Even .... nice n funny 🤣😅😂😂🤣😅
Honey Ethioia Lezelam Nurie Our mom.
ምን ዓይነት የፈጠራ ብቃት ያላቸው ነበሩ ግን?
Weyyy alebe
ባለ አምስት ኮከብ ኮራጅ ይሉሃል ይሄ ነው 😆ጥበባዊ ለዛ ያለው ቀልድ ከሰማሁ ቆየሁ እናመሰግናለን 🙏
ሁለተኛው ጥያቄ ሲጠየቅ አለባቸው መልሱን ከመናገሩ በፊት የመለሳችሁ የዘመኔ ልጆች እንዴት አላችሁ😂
Hi Selam 🙏🙏
ለዛ ያለው ቀልድ ነበር የኽው ዛሬ
በነ ፍልፍሉ ፈጣጤዎች ላይ ደረስን
ብደርግ ግዚ ከ 30 ዓመት በፊት አስመራ አይቸው ነበር እግዝአቢሄር ይባርካቸው
እንግዳ እና አለቤ ነብስ ይማር ልመህ ፍፁም አዝንኝ ነብሩ .
@Payton Billy tough luck bro find away .
Sky’s the limit I wanna be like you when I grow up yooo
ይሄ የኩመካዎች ሁሉ ድንቅ ኩመካ ነው፤ እናመሰግናለን ጠቢባን!
ባየውት ቁጥር በሳቅ የሚገደል 😂😂😂😂
ሁሉ ነገር በእናንተ ጊዜ ቃር በሕይወት ያላችሁ እድሜ ይሰጣችሁ የሞታቸው ነብስ ይማር
that is really funny, i thought it wasn't going to be funny until i get to the end. it is great.
Great memories. Thanks ethioNIGisT ;)
ነብሳቹሁ ይማር እግድዬ አና አለቤ
ኩርጃ የስራክን ይስጥክ እኔንም ምርጥ ኮኮብ ተውዳዳሪ የሌለኝ ደድቢት ያረከኝ ኩርጃ አይደል 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ለዚህ አይደል ውስጥን በጨፍላቂ የሞላሽው!!!ዕውቀት በየት ይግባ?
ጥበብ እናንተ ላይ ቆመች
ምንም ጥርጥር የለውም ።ያሁኖቹ እኮ ልብ ያሳምማሉ።
Waw waw amazing comedy ewkate yetakelnt thanks 💚💛♥️💯
አየ ደመቀ መኮንን፡ ለካም ድሮ ይዞ ነበር ስሌቱም እምቢ ብሎት የቀረው።
ክክክክክክወይ ኩርጃ ዱሮም ነበርሽ
Degu zemen 😢😭❤️
kkkkkk ለካ የድሮ ኩሬ ሀይለኛ ነው
nefsachu begenet tnur ENGDAZER & ALEBEA
it's funny
Piece of Ethiopian Comic creativity.
ክክክክ አይ ጉረጃ
Waw !!!! sweet ❤❤❤ nabes yemar
የሁልግዜ ምርጦች
I love it
ነፍስ ይማር
የዘንድሮ ልጅ የበፊት ቀልዱን በተግባርእየፈፀመው
ነው ኩረጃ ይኸው ነው።
I miss the old time
Very funny hahahaahaahhahah i like it
😀😀😀😀😀 ....tnk u
😂 😂 😂 😂
ወይ ኩረጃ
Ametemiretu meche new
ene yemilew?Lemenh abede yemibalew ewnet new?
B T wow
uffff nabse ymre ulam atrsum bserachu
ክክክክክክወይ ኩርጃ ዱሮም ነበርሽ
😂 😂 😂 😂
ክክክክክክወይ ኩርጃ ዱሮም ነበርሽ