Thank you so much, I am a Hong Konger, have been studying in the UK for ten years. Although I've been staying in the UK for ten years but I never ever wanted to apply for a British Passport because I love Hong Kong and no matter how bad the political situation is right now, I still don't think it's the right time to give up and it just doesn't seems right to me at any point to give up my own home.When I heard you're saying '' you don't want to leave'', I can highly relate to that, that's the exact feeling of me as well. What you're doing is really great, sustainable, environmental friendly and caring. Thanks a lot in respecting the culture of Hong Kong and helping out fellow '' family members'' in our Home Kong, I can truly feel the '' Hong Kong Spirit'' from your interview and I'm glad to have you as the member of the Hong Kong family, you're a true Hong Konger. Lastly, please don't be nervous when you speak cantonese cause your cantonese is seriously really good! Be confident :) Practice makes perfect ! 多謝你嘅分享希望多啲外國人唔好淨係當香港係賺錢嘅地方, 都會真心尊重同埋鍾意香港嘅文化, 所有熱愛呢篇土地嘅,無論係咩膚色咩種族, 都係真香港人. 雖然我已經留咗係英國10年讀書, 但係從來都冇諗住申請英國護照,畢業就會返香港. 希望想移民嘅你哋諗清楚, 香港係我哋嘅屋企, 我哋係咪真係就咁放棄離開? 明白每個人都有唔同嘅考慮有唔同嘅因素, 明白每個決定都有背後嘅原因, 亦都尊重你哋, 但係希望多啲人可以深思熟慮先決定離開, 香港係我屋企, 呢個諗法希望就算移咗民嘅大家 永遠都會為身為一個香港人自豪, 而我會繼續留喺度守護屬於我哋嘅屋企, 亦都希望多啲人會決定留低. #HomeKong
I whole-heartedly welcome you to join to this family, Hong Kong. It is the matter of inner value. HK is for people holding the same vision. Otherwise, please do not come. HK no more a place as stepping stone, just go directly to other places.
can i join you guys team?i can cook some food and send to you give to homeless people,i do the same things like you doing now, but alone to do it,so pretty hard to me.can't carry too much food every time.
粵語真係好難學, 咁短時間可以講到噉樣, 已經好叻叻。而且, 佢講起上嚟, 仲令佢顯得好可愛。真係一個令人感覺好窩心嘅暖男!👍🏻👍🏻
多謝 James🙏🙏🙏香港好需要你這些人幫助無家者同老人家,非常感謝您呀🙇
好有 heart 同 passion 👍👍👍
主祐好人,James 💖
Thank you so much, I am a Hong Konger, have been studying in the UK for ten years.
Although I've been staying in the UK for ten years but I never ever wanted to apply for a British Passport because I love Hong Kong and no matter how bad the political situation is right now, I still don't think it's the right time to give up and it just doesn't seems right to me at any point to give up my own home.When I heard you're saying '' you don't want to leave'', I can highly relate to that, that's the exact feeling of me as well. What you're doing is really great, sustainable, environmental friendly and caring. Thanks a lot in respecting the culture of Hong Kong and helping out fellow '' family members'' in our Home Kong, I can truly feel the '' Hong Kong Spirit'' from your interview and I'm glad to have you as the member of the Hong Kong family, you're a true Hong Konger. Lastly, please don't be nervous when you speak cantonese cause your cantonese is seriously really good! Be confident :) Practice makes perfect !
多謝你嘅分享希望多啲外國人唔好淨係當香港係賺錢嘅地方, 都會真心尊重同埋鍾意香港嘅文化,
所有熱愛呢篇土地嘅,無論係咩膚色咩種族, 都係真香港人.
希望想移民嘅你哋諗清楚, 香港係我哋嘅屋企, 我哋係咪真係就咁放棄離開?
明白每個人都有唔同嘅考慮有唔同嘅因素, 明白每個決定都有背後嘅原因, 亦都尊重你哋,
但係希望多啲人可以深思熟慮先決定離開, 香港係我屋企, 呢個諗法希望就算移咗民嘅大家
永遠都會為身為一個香港人自豪, 而我會繼續留喺度守護屬於我哋嘅屋企, 亦都希望多啲人會決定留低. #HomeKong
You are my inspiration, a true global hero.
如果華人曰後做到係外國派物資 咁真係現代化成功左Evolution
Thankyou James!👍😘
God bless you James 👍👌
Absouletly support your move !! Superb !! 👍👍👏👏
touching! support!
I am very appreciated that you contribute to H.K. 😍👍
👍🏻 keep it up
amazing! keep up the good work!
You do the good job.
香港係一過好神奇的地方, 過去係英國殖民地, 道理上97前應該係英國人當香港係一個搵錢嘅地方唔會投入感情, 但係當97前英國人培養香港成為國際金融城市, 而又令好多英國人黎香港居住或旅遊, 枉枉令呢班旅居或居住香港的英國人感受到香港的中西合璧的強烈感受從而愛上左香港而居住, 感受97前香港的中西合璧氣息!! 可惜的是, 2020年7月1 日開始, 過去香港的特色己不復再!!!
Thank you!
welcome to Hong Kong
真係天大嘅笑話,同樣係外國人,愛香港嘅如 James,身體力行去學習,融入,什至回饋香港,真希望請 James 去同資深高級律師“戴啟思”傾下計……
I whole-heartedly welcome you to join to this family, Hong Kong. It is the matter of inner value. HK is for people holding the same vision. Otherwise, please do not come. HK no more a place as stepping stone, just go directly to other places.
can i join you guys team?i can cook some food and send to you give to homeless people,i do the same things like you doing now, but alone to do it,so pretty hard to me.can't carry too much food every time.
1年前 美心西餅 找他們合作 派賣唔晒既餅! 1年 後 美心 卻 拖欠人地良家婦女薪酬 = =
香港遲啲俾哂鬼佬住都可能係好事 有著數#交換#我地走佢地黎 🥹
I don't love Hong Kong especially peoples. They're so rude. If you don't have money peoples look down on you.