Lily feels underwhelming, when she doesn't have her super, it feels kinda hard but when you get it, if you don't miss it's most likely gonna be a kill and almost back to a full super
I've only pushed her to 15 as of now, but I couldn't agree more...maybe even just increasing the size of her trait could be useful in itself. And/or be able to see everyone on the map despite using the vanish gadget
lily is really underwhelming tbh. She really lacks the dps and she doesnt have a way to get close to people, except for the ultimate which has to be charged. The other close range brawlers have a better way to get close (like tank trait) and have better dps and damage overall
Lily feels underwhelming, when she doesn't have her super, it feels kinda hard but when you get it, if you don't miss it's most likely gonna be a kill and almost back to a full super
Something really op would be oilling up
Not you to man...
I feel Lily would be so much better if they just increased her damage. She should feel like an actual assassin. Not a discount Edgar
Give her some heal after landing a successful super
I've only pushed her to 15 as of now, but I couldn't agree more...maybe even just increasing the size of her trait could be useful in itself. And/or be able to see everyone on the map despite using the vanish gadget
Trait size could be useful, didn't actually think of that
Maybe being able to one shot half the cast and go into a cordelius ult is op 💀
I think its refreshing to see a brawler release and not be op, but she does seem quite situational
Shes a great counter pick but she does have hard counters
I have her on 2 accounts, shes good at solo/duo showdown, but not really on other events
I never play showdown
Man I be forgetting to play brawl and play for them Godzilla eggs 😅
That means balanced.
Close but not there.
lily is really underwhelming tbh. She really lacks the dps and she doesnt have a way to get close to people, except for the ultimate which has to be charged. The other close range brawlers have a better way to get close (like tank trait) and have better dps and damage overall
My mini account has a brawler I don't have on my main account....named Lily😂
jam pls oil up and dance to crazy frog at 2k
Youre all sick and twisted
@@JAMBS_ ever brawl stars youtuber has these comments, its a meme now
I know......................
Guys jam is recording a mechagodzilla nita skin review
Yo chill man 😂
@@JAMBS_ should've accepted that team request
I'm busy maaannnn
@@JAMBS_ excuses
How am I gonna unlock draco, we need more credits, and coins
Coins for sure. Can't speak on credits cause I've had ever brawler for a while now, but if you don't im sure it's an issue
@@JAMBS_ Trust me not a lot of people will get draco because lily is already a mythic
jam told me he'll oil up at 2k
I did?