Rhett’s that guy that explains something once in charades and then just keeps looking at you like you’re an idiot for not getting it instead of trying to continue to give more clues😂😂😂
"ok tell me the serial number" proceeds to headbutt the microphone, press a button with "detonate" written on it and push every button in simon says until the bomb blows up
Link: "I hit red and got a strike!" *hits red again* Link: "Oh no I got another strike! If I hit red again it'll blow up!" *hits red again* *explodes* Me: *facepalm*
To be fair someone should have absolutely taken the time to at least familiarize themselves with the game, so they could explain to them what is going on. They take the time to make Possum-Corndogs, but watch a video of someone playing this before handing it off to the people on the show? Noooooooo, haha.
Message Man There is a fine line between not helping them and purposely hindering them. While i agree that it's part of the entertainment value, i still find it to be poor form to not at least say "read the Simon Says one a little closer, you were on the right track".
Clay Goeke Rhett didn’t do any better, they didn’t know the controls and didn’t really know the game that well to be fair. He got upset when it was literally his fault the entire time such as criticizing Link for not saying something he said many times (not listening, which listening is necessary to be good at the game)or giving false info, Link was just struggling to grasp the concepts and get used to the game which is understandable as there’s a lot of pressure due to the small time limit. Communication was a huge issue..
And he claimed Link messed up his description of the other wire module when Link clearly said it had ABC 123 on it. Rhett is super ready to place blame and is consistently the one in the wrong here.
If you search other videos of people playing this game, you would find that a recurring theme... They speak a lot, without actually saying useful stuff...
Valosar Aria well, clearly he puts up with it quite well, because they are still friends. And if it bothers you that. much, just don't watch. Problem solved.
Valosar Aria I'm so sorry if I sounded rude. I was just a little frustrated with school and how busy everything's been, and I took it out on you a little bit. I'm really sorry. But, we're both mythical beasts, so we're all one happy mythical family. 😊 did you see the 1000th episode ?
Link: Bomb Defusal Master 13:21 “I’ve snoozed it, I think we’re gonna be okay.” 4:48 *hits button to detonate the bomb* 4:31 *gives himself a concussion* Master, I tell you
This was sooo funny! And for the ones complaining because they are bad, they always said they were! That's why they were so hesitant to do this episodes for so long, so please stop it and let the rest of us enjoy this.
The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Link repeatedly pressed the red button on the Simon Says module and expected different results.
Rhett didn't give him accurate information. Rhett was supposed to guide him through, telling him which color input corresponded with each color flash. Not just "now it's just like Simon Says."
In this exact example, the odds actually got better, since the color you have to press, changes w for every New strike. So at some point it could be correct :D
Rhett: Okay, I'm going to need you to give me the serial number of the bomb. Link: *Leans in to look under the bomb* (Hits microphone) Everyone else: *Dies laughing* 😂💀😂💀
Everyone going on about colours and 123's and ABC's and all I can think about is Link head butting the mike and marveling at being inside the module 😂😂😂
They really should have tried "Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes" a few times before to get the basics of it. This was just sad, its like watching a kid put a keyboard in his mouth thinking he's playing the game, heh.
I was super excited for this episode, but I feel like they should have gone with the tutorial levels instead of just using random modules - some of these are kinda difficult if you are completely new to the game. Or, if they would want to go with the random modules, maybe have had someone from the crew play through them all, and understand the manual so they could help them, e.g. with the Simon Says module, which should be kinda easy if someone could have informed them that you have to keep clicking the blinking colors 'counterpart' from the manual (in order).
I think the crew DID know. They have a tendency to not tell RandL things to force them to figure games out themselves and to help create entertainment. They were very detailed in getting them to orientate and get the game started but then stopped helping after that.
Two of my friends had the rest of our group play this and we didn't do a tutorial, nor did they really tell us what the heck we were doing. it was frustrating as hell and we didn't wanna play it then we figured it out and got hooked. not having any idea what we're doing is most of the fun. now we can't stop playing it
In Link's defense he actually did shout out "Wires! ABC 123!"
yep that bothered me a lot
That's right Rhett! You owe Link an apology.
I know
And also when Rhett was doing the wires be said 2nd red instead of 4th red 😂 link wasn't actually in the wrong
I came to the comments to say this! THANK YOU!!
These two men have engineering degrees, may I remind you.
Engineers do be like that sometimes
Bro engineers are complete goofs, i would know since I'm majoring in it now lol
They sure don’t act like it xD
Markiplier was also studying to be an engineer and look at him lol
But they quit there job cause it wasn’t giving them satisfaction in life, that’s when they made the channel we all know and love
Bomb: *has 30 seconds until it explodes*
Link: *plays with alarm clock*
Rhett’s that guy that explains something once in charades and then just keeps looking at you like you’re an idiot for not getting it instead of trying to continue to give more clues😂😂😂
link, repeatedly: “123!!! ABC!!!”
rhett, after not listening to him for several minutes: “the one with the 123 ABC? thanks for telling me link”
orphcnqueen , if you don’t know, Rhett blames Link for EVERYTHING all the time.
I thought this was my comment because that Profile Pic was my last Profile Pic. XD
This is entertaining but frustrating at the same time
When they realize that you need to map red to blue, then they immediately fall back on direct copying for Simon (Red, Yellow). :'(
I know right because you want to be in control of the remote XD
Samantha Lusher exactly. I could totally continue watching though.
NWRIBronco6 haha it physically hurt me.. and they ask the crew and no one knows!
"I've snoozed it, i think we're gonna be okay" 😂😂😂
Story of my life
but yas
why was this pinned
Link -2016. best comment ever xD
"why is it striking me"
u cute
@@alexanderabrashev1366 Don't be weird.
@@ExperiMentalDon It''s okay, you're cute too. Compliments all around! It's not weird to compliment someone.
"ok tell me the serial number"
proceeds to headbutt the microphone, press a button with "detonate" written on it and push every button in simon says until the bomb blows up
“A backwards p with the pftttt filled in” 😂
Link: "I hit red and got a strike!"
*hits red again*
Link: "Oh no I got another strike! If I hit red again it'll blow up!"
*hits red again*
Me: *facepalm*
To be fair they got the instructions wrong, so it wasn't Link's fault.
To be fair someone should have absolutely taken the time to at least familiarize themselves with the game, so they could explain to them what is going on.
They take the time to make Possum-Corndogs, but watch a video of someone playing this before handing it off to the people on the show? Noooooooo, haha.
Ethan Kirk ikr! 😂 lol Link is hilarious
Message Man There is a fine line between not helping them and purposely hindering them. While i agree that it's part of the entertainment value, i still find it to be poor form to not at least say "read the Simon Says one a little closer, you were on the right track".
That Crazed Dane you are right so people are just haters.
rhetts all saying link didnt say anything about the 123 and abc but like he said that 5 times hahaha
KerushiiKELSEY I assume he thought Link was just yelling random things as he often does, and tuned it out. Still his fault but yeah XD
Rhett often gets salty when they play games together and idk why! Haha
Markus Aurelius I know why Rhett gets “salty”, it’s because he is so competitive, he has no problem belittling Link at any cost.
Because Link wasn't being descriptive. When I say wheel wheel! How would you know I was on a motorcycle with one flat tire?
When you know Link DID tell him there were numbers and letters and just get frustrated for him XD
Rhett blaming everyone but himself 😂
Typical Libra 😂😂
@@thelisabarone how ridiculous
@@Goldi-Luc fr
the simon says was supposed to be with the corresponding colors on the table, not the straight colors that flashed, that's why it was striking him
I was pretty much yelling that at my screen lol
Why did they even think the diagram of the controller was in there with the bomb!? Ha
I would have enjoyed watching an hour of this :)
LordMortus same!
I know, I really wanted to watch until they figured it out!
toughluck8012 you and I have the same profile pic
They need to make a series out of this
LordMortus even if Link were to mess up each and every time!! :D
TheRocknRollZebra yessss!
All 4 of them.
I think the should do an episode on this after they understood how it works.
When Link said "Like a backwards P with the pff filled in" I couldn't stop laughing
"30 seconds left AGHHHH" still link calmly " look theres a clock"
For the record Link did tell/describe to Rhett the wires letters and numbers 😭😂
He was super passive aggressive this episode lol 🧡🤣
Clay Goeke Rhett didn’t do any better, they didn’t know the controls and didn’t really know the game that well to be fair. He got upset when it was literally his fault the entire time such as criticizing Link for not saying something he said many times (not listening, which listening is necessary to be good at the game)or giving false info, Link was just struggling to grasp the concepts and get used to the game which is understandable as there’s a lot of pressure due to the small time limit.
Communication was a huge issue..
No it was entertainment but for the record link hit detonate and spoke too fast
I was dying when Link started reading the Manual "Uhhhhhh, what" legit balling 😂
I'm balling
Threat so I'm takin my time in my ride
Cactus Jones .
*bawling. Not balling like in basketball. This lowkey pisses me off :P
Link rolling his eyes after "You're right, it's my fault." xD
Oh my God I love these guys. Rhett literally had the Simon says instructions and then ignored them all
2:05 link looking around randomly when Rhett is talking 😂😂😂😂😂😂
“ *S L U R M P* “
Rhett was reading the Simon module wrong he had to keep using the color map not just play Simon
This is the ONE game I wanted them to play so badly! Dreams do come true...
Tiaan Engelbrecht |-/
Fam |-/
Too bad they sucked at it lol
*Link sucked at it
Tiaan Engelbrecht stay alive fren
I could watch them play this for hours XD
You should probably get on with your life...
I said could, not would
Ohhh snappity dappity!
SamPlushyFive k
I could only if they got better at it. Otherwise it would just cause a lot of frustration
Rhett actually screwed it up. When he said that it was the second red wire, it was really the fourth.
I came here to see if anyone else noticed that xD
Guess we got a bomb refusal expert here:
@@kinghotcoc0 refusal 😂😂
A or C
And he claimed Link messed up his description of the other wire module when Link clearly said it had ABC 123 on it. Rhett is super ready to place blame and is consistently the one in the wrong here.
They kept misunderstanding the instructions.
Not even kidding, we played this at school because it involves communicating with others... It was amazing.
This was hilarious! Am I the only one that wants to see a part two??
Stephanie Adair yes you are the only person
Stephanie Adair Nope
Stephanie Adair yeah you are
Stephanie Adair What do you think?
Stephanie Adair same here
Link is me learning in every class
I related to him spiritually when he just slammed his face into the microphone.
Hahaha the ending "You know what time it is"
Rhett asking everyone what they did wrong when he has the instructions...
The people who played before didn't know what he did wrong either 😕
This was so frustrating to watch lol
Tyler Robblee yep
Ikr XD
Ya they should of played the easiest bomb first
"Link's the last person in this room I would want to be in this situation with in real life"
Abry Swanson He was right...
Sad but true lol
Abry Swanson he'd blow every one up for the heck of it XD
Abry Swanson he'd be like, "ooh what's this flickering red button over here? Let me press it! It looks cool!" 💥
Abry Swanson lol
Why do you have to end the video..??? I want to watch them play.
Joshua Lorenzo IKR it's so much fun to watch them play.
Joshua Lorenzo same
"you didnt tell me about 1s,2s,3s, As, Bs and Cs"
5 minutes earlier
...just sayin'
Rhett's comments+Link's cluelessness= ME ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING 😂
I want to see more of this. Like u guys playing till u complete it!
Games James --- I have a feeling that would take them HOURS
Baltimore Z-Wad lmao yea for sure. I'd watch it! Every min.
Hell yeah
Games James yes!!!
They both suck at communicating LOL
If you search other videos of people playing this game, you would find that a recurring theme... They speak a lot, without actually saying useful stuff...
when me and my friends play, we don't have issues communicating cause it aint a hard game.
wow, you are very cool, Milf Hunter.
Imagine the look on their faces seeing some of the Steam Workshop mods :P
Use clear language, but in the least amount of words. Time's a factor
Mfw link clearly said 123 abc twice.
Gunslinger yeah I know right like what the hell
Gunslinger well, he was just confused because Link didn't know that there were 2 more, and they were all one row.
Valosar Aria well, clearly he puts up with it quite well, because they are still friends. And if it bothers you that. much, just don't watch. Problem solved.
Valosar Aria I'm so sorry if I sounded rude. I was just a little frustrated with school and how busy everything's been, and I took it out on you a little bit. I'm really sorry. But, we're both mythical beasts, so we're all one happy mythical family. 😊 did you see the 1000th episode ?
Link: Bomb Defusal Master
13:21 “I’ve snoozed it, I think we’re gonna be okay.”
4:48 *hits button to detonate the bomb*
4:31 *gives himself a concussion*
Master, I tell you
Rhett lying thru his teeth 😂 Link fasho said 123, ABC AND the 456 one too lol
I'm glad the GMMore episode was longer but I honestly want to see them play this game more
I hope you guys kept recording while you played. If you did, upload it!
I didnt want this to end.
You should absolutely play this again on the channel
At the beginning Link is so confused about everything around him. It is hilarious!!!!
link: "I'm inside the box"
crowd: *laughs*
link: *is distracted by being inside the box*
me when I heard that: "I swear link is my spirit animal"😂
Link is such an old man when it comes to technology.
I don't think he was ever good at it.
somebody needs to animate this
Alright im on it
it is pewdiepies vid is animated
Were Rhett's ears turned off when Link said there were wires going across with ABC and 123 at the beginning? o__O
Oh, Link. Bless your heart.
"I hit detonate, and it blew up"
ya don't say
I could have watched for another ten minutes, I really have no life to get on with.
The Nunnery Experience same
The Nunnery Experience SAME
Then look up matpat doign it. He did really great.
I laughed really loud reading this!
Joakim Hallgren same
meto oso mu cht ime
try to read It
it says
me too so much time
Me too!
Joakim Hallgren me 2
Joakim Hallgren same
This was sooo funny! And for the ones complaining because they are bad, they always said they were! That's why they were so hesitant to do this episodes for so long, so please stop it and let the rest of us enjoy this.
Tatiana Gromyk because gamer nerds are the worst people in the comment section
sphinx onyx them and political idiots
Heather Bee lol I was literally gonna mention them as well!
Shut up
They should do this with the one saying instructions with speech jammers on!!!
Who agrees?
Creative Now THAT is a recipe for disaster! 💣💥
Creative they clearly don't need further impediment.
@@WickdPerfekT i absolutely agree with ui on that one
That would be impossible
Rhett, the second strike was from you telling Link that it was the second red occurrence when it was the fourth.
it hurts so much to watch this :D
|-/ hey fren
***** no need to be sorry. definitely same :3
Jesse Pinkman - Panik! at the fall out phandom your profile pic and username is amazing
"It blew up."
Well if that doesn't describe my social life I don't know what does.
I feel that pain
Yeah I realized it as soon as I posted it but I meant it as in it blew up and doesn't exist anymore.
Link did say there was ABC and 123 on the module
Coming to you from quarantine 2020! And omg Rhett looks so young! I remember watching this the first time but dang! ❤️❤️
The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Link repeatedly pressed the red button on the Simon Says module and expected different results.
don't worry, we already knew he was insane. We already knew that we were all insane. Right? No just me. Mmmkay
Rhett didn't give him accurate information. Rhett was supposed to guide him through, telling him which color input corresponded with each color flash. Not just "now it's just like Simon Says."
That’s not the definition of insanity
In this exact example, the odds actually got better, since the color you have to press, changes w for every New strike. So at some point it could be correct :D
Link is so cute in this lol "lets spin the wheel again"
Who thinks they should do GMM gaming livestreams?
IPOD_man02468 nah
IPOD_man02468 Meh
Leah C yeah
Link: *looking inside the bomb
Rhett: “I HAVE ITTT”
Link: I'm going to defuse this bomb.
Link: _immediately presses detonate_
4:31 i can't stop laughing SEND HELP 😂😂
I'm so happy they decided to try out this game but this was extremely frustrating to watch lmao
I wonder if anyone watches GMMore and doesn't realize it's the after show.
Shawn McQuate there's text at the bottom of every gmmore saying it's the show after the show...
Yeah but a lot of people might not actually read that, you know.
after show?
dude that would be painful
Wait there’s an after show? .-.
Rhett: Okay, I'm going to need you to give me the serial number of the bomb.
Link: *Leans in to look under the bomb* (Hits microphone)
Everyone else: *Dies laughing*
Rhett, he did tell you about 1 2 3s and ABCs :(
I could've watched them play this all day
This was awfully frustrating, but I want to see them playing it for hours because it was somehow extremely entertaining.
I can't watch these ones, I'm yelling at my iPad, cause they are DOING IT WRONG! Lol
Zyona then just don't watch them. Problem solved.
They are silly beasts
Zyona that's what makes it enjoyable
Elliot Sullivan Why so serious? Relax, I was just expressing my feelings. like everyone else commenting. :)
Zyona I'm sorry. I was just kind of in a bad mood and I took it out on you a little bit.
Watching this was actually so hard for me i was screaming at my screen "GO TO THE NEXT WIRES!!! OMGGGG!!!!" 😂😂
Id love for them to play again and really try and/or practice
*As a whole, "Let's Play" needs to make a comeback!*
9:36 😂😂😂😂😂😂 "with the pffhh filled in"
"You know what time it is. Let's spin the wheel again!!"
Dallas Wade
I've played this with my boyfriend and we could win every time but ONLY if I was the one with the manual
Men don't like reading instructions.
+Joshua Schmitz Troll. Men that honestly think like that are a disgrace.
Epic_Rager *Alpha
+Joshua Schmitz Are you saying Alpha Males think like that?
I dunno I love reading manuals :P
16:15 He says cut it and then shrugs like I don’t know
Their dadness really shows whenever they play any video game and I love it XD
I would love to see more of this game!!!
This hurts to watch.
To watch... this hurts
This watch hurts too.
TastyCoffee I dont understand people like you
Ratatoskr I enjoyed this video, but for me it was painful how bad they were at it.
tomfoolyaface lol yah
When the alarm went off I really thought it was my own. I got up and started walking to my room.
Devin Stipe lol
Everyone going on about colours and 123's and ABC's and all I can think about is Link head butting the mike and marveling at being inside the module 😂😂😂
Link, I love you. But you're such a dad.😂😂😂
Oh my goodness you guys need to play this again 😂😂 I loved it
They really should have tried "Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes" a few times before to get the basics of it.
This was just sad, its like watching a kid put a keyboard in his mouth thinking he's playing the game, heh.
What's the fun in that?
I was super excited for this episode, but I feel like they should have gone with the tutorial levels instead of just using random modules - some of these are kinda difficult if you are completely new to the game. Or, if they would want to go with the random modules, maybe have had someone from the crew play through them all, and understand the manual so they could help them, e.g. with the Simon Says module, which should be kinda easy if someone could have informed them that you have to keep clicking the blinking colors 'counterpart' from the manual (in order).
exactly lol. this game came out so long ago, you would think the crew at least knew something about it
I think the crew DID know. They have a tendency to not tell RandL things to force them to figure games out themselves and to help create entertainment. They were very detailed in getting them to orientate and get the game started but then stopped helping after that.
Eddie told him to hit the yellow button. Link was the one who hit red anyways.
My bad, I meant to write yellow. Still would have been incorrect - they were just guessing.
Two of my friends had the rest of our group play this and we didn't do a tutorial, nor did they really tell us what the heck we were doing. it was frustrating as hell and we didn't wanna play it then we figured it out and got hooked. not having any idea what we're doing is most of the fun. now we can't stop playing it
*rhett actually trying to defuse the bomb*
Link: *slapping an alarm clock* “I SNOOZED AN ALARM CLOCK”
"Ooh... I'm inside the bomb." lol
Happy Monday Mythical Beasts 😊☺
Twenty Øne Phans you too!;)
Twenty Øne Phans |-/
Twenty Øne Phans |-/
Jet- Same 😩😩😩
Can you play this again pleeeeeeeeeeaase
"Like a backwards 'p' with the 'pfff' filled in" - Funniest thing I've ever heard on GMM
"I've snoozed it. I think we're going to be ok."
Timer: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. *bomb explodes*