The lava is such a gentleman in this game. IT ALWAYS STEPS BACK WHEN IT HITS YOU!! It's like "aah I'm sorry man I tried to hug you, y'know being born this way it's kinda hard for me specially in the social thing, aaah so awkward"
I found out about it in the deviled gardens when I accidentally fell into the lava during the escape, only to just bounce out of it as if it wasn't there.
local sober alcoholic demolitionist literally too angry to die from advancing wall of doom, more at 6
To be fair, you ARE hijacking an overglorified, hedgetrimmer exoskeleton, custom tuned to survive Hell's fire
It's honestly really funny the first time i experienced it I was like "the fu*k?.... This doesn't even damage me Bruh"
The reason is that you can't be hurt in that transformation
The lava is such a gentleman in this game. IT ALWAYS STEPS BACK WHEN IT HITS YOU!! It's like "aah I'm sorry man I tried to hug you, y'know being born this way it's kinda hard for me specially in the social thing, aaah so awkward"
I found out about it in the deviled gardens when I accidentally fell into the lava during the escape, only to just bounce out of it as if it wasn't there.
A wise man once said “if you only censor the C of the F cuss, you’re either drunk or high”(or dizzy
@@TAFRG379_wine_moyai a wise man once said TH-cam doesn't care either way (I can't even drink I'm too young)
That steven universe episode where steven discovers the trial the gems set up for him was all fake
Lava proof mecha suit
Same applies to the one in Deviled Gardens
The wall said die! Yours supposed to die!
"Its blasting hour." 0:21
thats hilarious lol
I should try it this out.
It's 'cause the mech suit is immune to lava. I didn't think it would push the lava back though LOL
never evennnoticed there was a wall of fire there lol
what spraypaint is this, it looks good
I use tsalbnotna, wristwatch or starry night
I’m not the type of guy who uses outfits other than the base one
I use cganton/cgannie
sa2 gun truck ass gameplay
at least it deals actual damage when it gets to you
How did you get to that part with THEEE MINUTES LEFT!?!?
I find the Brulo mech parts pretty boring. It’s impossible to lose.