I'm so glad that there were so many ppl supporting jeongyeon, hopefully she's feeling better knowing that onces are so happy to see her back and she can make a full recovery
Got a lil emotional at how loud people got seeing Jeongyeon in the center for the final chorus! I'm so happy at how loving people are towards the memebers
aww seeing the green candy bong warms my heart for jeongyeon! ik onces were so proud seeing them performing live as much as we are as people who may or may not have been able to go so we are watching through youtube LOLL.
I'm happy to see them perform as WOMEN and not as the girly girls sometimes the company wants them to be, just to sell. These women are amazing hardworking and performers! Let's gooo TWICE, and I'm not even an Once but I support them so much!
Wtf omg im so proud and so happy, thank you ONCE for support our girls like that ,those scream were umbelivable never heard that much noise at a concert ,i have goosebump thank you ONCE again Its beautiful . TWICE ❤ONCE 💜 FOREVER
I’m so glad jeongyeon is back but she can’t do some dance moves she tries to do dance moves that she can’t do I hope jeongyeon will have a full recovery and come back as the Jeongyeon we know :)
I love how people are literally losing their sh!t everytime Jeongyeon sings coz bitch I would toooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeongyeoooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!
I'm so glad that there were so many ppl supporting jeongyeon, hopefully she's feeling better knowing that onces are so happy to see her back and she can make a full recovery
I literally started crying when she started singing and Once all cheered for her. That is the Once I'm part of.
Got a lil emotional at how loud people got seeing Jeongyeon in the center for the final chorus! I'm so happy at how loving people are towards the memebers
It is so sweet and heart warming :)
The same goes for feel special performances
She's the best
I don't know why I cry whenever I see jeongyeon on stage. I'm so proud of her, she's doing great. And I'm so glad that people are supporting her.
I thought that was just me ! especially when it comes to the circle part I start sobbing, I’m so proud of her :)
Like Misamo we need a trio album of Jeongyeon Jihyo and Nayeon.
people supporting and cheering jeongyeon heals my heart, thank you so much
2:22 look at jihyo .... her dance is on next to next to next level ... LOVE IT and jeongyeon in the centre mannn its awesome and wholesome
that last chorus part actually hits diffrently sang by Jongyeon.
Jihyo did great, but Jongyeon presence in that last chorus is everything.
2:22 Goosebumps!
Twice will always be one of the best group of their generation if not the best they’re just so perfect
This is so crazy. They got a lot of energy from ONCES 💜💜💜💜💜
aww seeing the green candy bong warms my heart for jeongyeon! ik onces were so proud seeing them performing live as much as we are as people who may or may not have been able to go so we are watching through youtube LOLL.
A los 17 segundos del vídeo Jeongyeon 😍 girando su cabello de forma sexy
I'm happy to see them perform as WOMEN and not as the girly girls sometimes the company wants them to be, just to sell. These women are amazing hardworking and performers! Let's gooo TWICE, and I'm not even an Once but I support them so much!
I'm not a fan of twice but it shows that they are very hardworking women, I like them and I support them
Jeongyeon 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wtf omg im so proud and so happy, thank you ONCE for support our girls like that ,those scream were umbelivable never heard that much noise at a concert ,i have goosebump thank you ONCE again
Its beautiful .
I’m so glad jeongyeon is back but she can’t do some dance moves she tries to do dance moves that she can’t do I hope jeongyeon will have a full recovery and come back as the Jeongyeon we know :)
Finally an outfit that actually suits Jeongyeon's body!!
0:15 I can’t Sana just hits different 😩🤌🏼
Luv you jeongyeon
This fan cam makes me crying. Thank you
Damnnnn Sana
It's LEGENDARY !!!!!!!!
nayeonn so pretty !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love how people are literally losing their sh!t everytime Jeongyeon sings coz bitch I would toooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeongyeoooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!
Thank you for sharing the great performance video! I'm jealous that you saw TWICE's performance up close!
결국 미나와 사나.... 미국이 부럽네요...
Thank you for uploading the video! Their hard work and full effort make me so touched!!!!! Proud of the girls and I’m proud to be once!!!!!
Me stating to myself to focus only to JEONGYEON: * nod *
Other members just passing by, me: Ooh interesting, Oh wait!
Jeongyeon 💚
this makes me cry,, had me shaking,.. i want this for myself
i wanna experience this tooooo!!! god please
but damn those screams when sana comes in
I was laughing & smiling at the same time when she did it at the beginning😂❤ like her moves are so so fiiiine EVERYTIME
So awesome having everyone together!!
Twice is energy saving
Jeongyeon is not my bias , but why my focus is on her ❤️❤️❤️
멋진 영상 감사해요. 항상 응원해요 트와이스!!
대단한 트와이스
This performance such an awesome and so powerful!
Omg I love them
2:05 damn Mina is so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank a lot
2:03 the way she looked at the camera xDD
LA once r no joke😂😂🔥🔥🔥
Momo 😻😋
Ot9 we wanttt
화질 좋당
What a goddemn seat!!ww
Sana omg
1:26 That one lightstick distracted me more than my bias wrecker.
3:12 hahaha omg suena como el fanboy de Jonghyun que lo seguia a cada concierto en el tour de u.s.a gritaba igual hahah
the screams were loud wtf! i love my girls
Twice mis novias, Sana y Mina mis esposas
🔥🔥🔥😭يارتني هناك
I love it when jeongyeon is in the middle of the square and I hope jeongyeon get her skinny body back too.😇😇😇
For some reason this song in my head since came out ....very catching and so attractive Korean woman omg 😲 sexy n gorgeous they are
The people miss jeongyeon so much
Im suprised they didnt sing the english version. But either way what a bop.
is there a possibility that they are wanting to make a compilation of the shows? like a documentary? I saw the cameras mans... 🤔
아캔스도 좋지 히히
Mis mujeres
I just hope they could have sung the english version tho
Thanks your video
Don't forget to watch Twice new comeback Moonlight Sunrise right now. Please check out
Let's give love and support for them
Sumbody snatch that damn green lightstick and yeet it somewhere far pls...
근데 아캔스는 인간적으로 음역대가 개높음,,ㅠ
They are probably so cold bc it is winter
I have more horse power than all race horses combined on earth
Yo escucho playback
Jeongyon looks like a one of the member’s mom who dance with her daughter as a guest
If you don't have anything nice to say, please just shut up and keep moving, ffs.
The outfit are ugly
They had much better clothes last time
It's a legend of ICSM's performance
Incredible 🔥🔥