ALLAHU AKBAR.MASHAALLAH.BismillahirRAHMANnirRAHIIM.Salaam brothers and sisters,one of the best reciters that with his reading of ALQURANnulKARIM awaken us,inspires us and electrify our qalbs thus make us cry for the love of ALLAH TAALA and increasing our spiritual knowledge. listening to ALLAH's reminders, best act.hamdqadrAMAN.
Ma sha Allah beautiful recitation
МашаАллох Аллохумма Барик
ALLAHU AKBAR.MASHAALLAH.BismillahirRAHMANnirRAHIIM.Salaam brothers and sisters,one of the best reciters that with his reading of ALQURANnulKARIM awaken us,inspires us and electrify our qalbs thus make us cry for the love of ALLAH TAALA and increasing our spiritual knowledge. listening to ALLAH's reminders, best act.hamdqadrAMAN.