Edit: Killer awakening got buffed. I made a new video. It's 13 minutes. Hello! My complete guide is posted on Reddit. See it over there. www.reddit.com/r/PuzzleAndDragons/comments/1fq2gah/sn3_title_kallen_x_euphemia_tbuild_16_minutes/ This is a specialized one-shot setup for SN3. The team will not work for other dungeons. You can add more HP to Shana and go through the dungeon slower (~21 minutes). F1 one shot depends on the Shana board. F9 Meimei is one shot with Decker. F10 one shot is also 100% with Decker active. Floor guide: IMPORTANT: One major change is Decker has devil killer latent. 1. 1st Shana, Decker, Kallen, 1st Shana again, Euphemia, Kallen. 1. 2 fire T's and heal L (or only 2 fire T's if Decker uses devil killer. You need 8 heart orbs to do this). Otherwise stall out 2 or 3 turns. 2. 2nd Shana, Kallen. 3. 2 turn Fujin equip. 4. 2x fire L. Decker 2nd turn. 5. Kallen, Shana first turn. Kaname 2nd turn. Decker 3rd turn and MATCH HEAL L. 6. Varies. Water sucks. 1. If dark spawns = Euphemia OC haste, 2x Shana, Kallen OC haste. Stall for Euphemia if needed. 2. If water spawns = Kallen, Shana, Euphemia first turn (Penguins should be ~40% HP). Target VDP shield until combo shield is down. Decker to kill. 7. Kaname + heal L first turn. Decker 2nd or 3rd turn. 8. Euphemia. 9. Meimei Tortoise = Decker and heal L one shot. Leilan Pheasant = 2 hits. Karan Dragon = 3 hits. 10. 2x VDP heal 1st and 2nd turns. STOP. Choose one shot or two turns: Decker + 2 fire T's one shot. Otherwise dmg first turn. Decker 2nd turn. 11. 2 hits to 50%. Then Kaname, heal L, then heal VDP for rage. Last two turns are Decker and Euphemia, respectively.
Edit: Killer awakening got buffed. I made a new video. It's 13 minutes.
Hello! My complete guide is posted on Reddit. See it over there. www.reddit.com/r/PuzzleAndDragons/comments/1fq2gah/sn3_title_kallen_x_euphemia_tbuild_16_minutes/
This is a specialized one-shot setup for SN3. The team will not work for other dungeons. You can add more HP to Shana and go through the dungeon slower (~21 minutes).
F1 one shot depends on the Shana board. F9 Meimei is one shot with Decker. F10 one shot is also 100% with Decker active.
Floor guide:
IMPORTANT: One major change is Decker has devil killer latent.
1. 1st Shana, Decker, Kallen, 1st Shana again, Euphemia, Kallen.
1. 2 fire T's and heal L (or only 2 fire T's if Decker uses devil killer. You need 8 heart orbs to do this). Otherwise stall out 2 or 3 turns.
2. 2nd Shana, Kallen.
3. 2 turn Fujin equip.
4. 2x fire L. Decker 2nd turn.
5. Kallen, Shana first turn. Kaname 2nd turn. Decker 3rd turn and MATCH HEAL L.
6. Varies. Water sucks.
1. If dark spawns = Euphemia OC haste, 2x Shana, Kallen OC haste. Stall for Euphemia if needed.
2. If water spawns = Kallen, Shana, Euphemia first turn (Penguins should be ~40% HP). Target VDP shield until combo shield is down. Decker to kill.
7. Kaname + heal L first turn. Decker 2nd or 3rd turn.
8. Euphemia.
9. Meimei Tortoise = Decker and heal L one shot. Leilan Pheasant = 2 hits. Karan Dragon = 3 hits.
10. 2x VDP heal 1st and 2nd turns. STOP. Choose one shot or two turns: Decker + 2 fire T's one shot. Otherwise dmg first turn. Decker 2nd turn.
11. 2 hits to 50%. Then Kaname, heal L, then heal VDP for rage. Last two turns are Decker and Euphemia, respectively.