Alex B. It would have been great to have made a "Making Of" video that shows you singing this in the studio and maybe some behind the scenes footage. Do you have any video of when you made the studio recording?
It's high time I commented. Alex this video is stunning on several fronts. You kept it simple, just you and your dance partner. And you danced with GraceAnn so well. The background was understated and was sensitive to the song. Best of all was your singing. You're maturing so well. I really loved everything about this video.
Alex B. Thanks holydays have been relaxing after some mounths hard work with the new boyband I am signed to now (Suite 16) if you havent seen our first song and want to can find it here:
That's great! like the song. Ive got a new EP coming out soon with video's to follow. Im headed into the studio to record an album then it's serious time. Gonna take the leap. I hope our paths cross soon. It would be nice to meet you in person. best of luck to ya.
Alex, that video is great! The video production itself is beautifully done, sufficient variation to maintain interest but not the choppy frenetic style some producers use. You voice--great as usual. And the dancing--well, you really started working on dance last Spring, right? You move smoothly and confidently. Nice work!
I've just found your videos last week and I've heard some of your songs some years ago. The first video I've watched was when "Story of Your Life" and all I said before was just wow and now hearing this, I couldn't even say anything at all. Your voice is really good especially for your age. You should really keep it up. And your singing has really improved. You're really amazing and I can see that you have a lot of potential.
Great video Alex! Love the originality. The dancing was a nice touch and of course it is a Great song from Ed Sheeran. Good song choice for you. Well done bro! The Dawg
Alex B, you are very original. You have one of the best voices we've ever heard. We don't understand why you would get any dislikes. Also, what a beautiful dancer you found! She was so graceful and talented. - Meghana & Thanvi
Your voice has a lot of tone and is resonant you keep working on your singing with this qualities you can go so far... This was a spot on cover you were on pitch and key... and I like how you made it fit into your range many children your age for know how to do that... Keep singing and make sure you take care of your instrument (your voice)... Sincerely the vocal coach
THIS. IS. REALLY. AMAZING. what a professional cover! I mean, you're just a cute kid and all, and you already have covers like this! You have covers that looks exactly like an artist music videos. And you have an amazing voice! You're very talented! And I hope you become an artist in the future! Xoxo~
What do u think?? Comment, share and subscribe!!
i love that song so much and i love the music video to
Good love you
Alex B. It would have been great to have made a "Making Of" video that shows you singing this in the studio and maybe some behind the scenes footage. Do you have any video of when you made the studio recording?
Ur right Johnny but no I don't. Im working on a lot of original stuff. should consider that for those.
Hi Alex Amazing Voice❤
dude ed sheeran is my favorite music artist, this is like christmas
It's high time I commented. Alex this video is stunning on several fronts. You kept it simple, just you and your dance partner. And you danced with GraceAnn so well. The background was understated and was sensitive to the song. Best of all was your singing. You're maturing so well. I really loved everything about this video.
***** Thank you!!! Have you seen any of my new original stuff? Here is Too Cool,
Alex, I checked out your latest videos and commented. You're just getting better and better :)
I smile every time I watch this!
Good job!
I really love this and your voice. Keep up the good work.
Alex b your a great singer continue to do what you like and one day your going to be a big star bigger than mattyb 😍😍😍😘😗
Style....and great voice Alex ...Happy New Year :-)
Happy New Year too Alexandru. Hope your holidays where great. All good with u?
Alex B. Thanks holydays have been relaxing after some mounths hard work with the new boyband I am signed to now (Suite 16) if you havent seen our first song and want to can find it here:
That's great! like the song. Ive got a new EP coming out soon with video's to follow. Im headed into the studio to record an album then it's serious time. Gonna take the leap. I hope our paths cross soon. It would be nice to meet you in person. best of luck to ya.
Alex and Alex and then Alexandar from Bulgaria. The three musketeers :p
I loved the whole performance. Your singing is getting better all the time Alex. Great job buddy!
I love this. One of his best.
when you sung the first note all i could think was so beautiful!!!
Alex, that video is great! The video production itself is beautifully done, sufficient variation to maintain interest but not the choppy frenetic style some producers use. You voice--great as usual. And the dancing--well, you really started working on dance last Spring, right? You move smoothly and confidently. Nice work!
When i saw this i was amazed. Finally there are people on youtube that care about music as much as i do.
Wow Alex!
Your voice is really beautiful
I believe you will be a BIG BIG star one day :)
I remember listening to him way back in 2014-2015 :') Time flew so fast..
This is my fave video from you! Your absolutely amazing at singing!
Your voice is changing and it sounds great. Awesome video Alex!
y do I love ur voice so much!!! I sing to but not publicly,u r like really amazingly talented! I hope u keep going
I've just found your videos last week and I've heard some of your songs some years ago. The first video I've watched was when "Story of Your Life" and all I said before was just wow and now hearing this, I couldn't even say anything at all. Your voice is really good especially for your age. You should really keep it up. And your singing has really improved. You're really amazing and I can see that you have a lot of potential.
Great video Alex! Love the originality. The dancing was a nice touch and of course it is a Great song from Ed Sheeran. Good song choice for you. Well done bro! The Dawg
You're so talented in what you do
I hope you never stop :)
This video is just... Amazing!
You have a great voice!!! I love you so much and keep up the great work!
Love it!!❤️
I love this one! Thinking out loud is my favourite song by Ed Sheeran 😊
Why are you so amazing I have no idea but thanks for always making these great videos it always puts a smile on my face
The ending got me emotional, loved it so much!! ❤️❤️
Alex B, you are very original. You have one of the best voices we've ever heard. We don't understand why you would get any dislikes. Also, what a beautiful dancer you found! She was so graceful and talented. - Meghana & Thanvi
Alex, why do you hate us so much? We sent you a letter 6 months ago and we commented on your music videos and YOU NEVER RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im soooo sorry my big sister hacked into my account. Dont take that seriously again so sorry im embarrassed.(Time to kill my sister) (im not kidding)
Thank you so much I was the dancer I really appreciate the comment ❤️it was amazing working with Alex
really?????!!!!!!!! and ur welcome about the comment.
Amazing ! Love your voice so much
i love love love this cover so much your voice is so beautiful you are incredibly talented and the video is just so adorable keep up the awesome work
That's perfection!!xx
I just loved this song more than I did before, what a great voice u have and your a cutie
Most of the great ballad singers are gone now Alex you are great at it keep it up! WE will enjoy...
Perfect 👌 oh my! Sweet ending
Hey Alex this is Lala's mom & I just want to say that you have an amazing talent! Great job !!
Love you Alex!! ❤️ keep it up you got what it takes💜
I love it. Your voice is amazing Alex
I love this song and it sounds awsome when you sing
i love this this song Alex B. keep up the good work you sing the songs better than the actual artist
Your voice has a lot of tone and is resonant you keep working on your singing with this qualities you can go so far... This was a spot on cover you were on pitch and key... and I like how you made it fit into your range many children your age for know how to do that... Keep singing and make sure you take care of your instrument (your voice)... Sincerely the vocal coach
I love you Alex b! Your so talented!
That was lovely! Very nice and well done cover!
Your one of the best singers I know of Alex
OMG!!!! I love this song. I also love your singing!
Beautiful Song, great Voice & excellente Performance. Thanks for the Sharing Alex :-)
Omg!! Left me crying
Wonderful cover Alex! :)
Hes so cute omg great singer 😍❤
OMG I love it. You're so talented.
I'm soo excited to meet u. Your such a good singer
OMG That's soooo awesome,you did a great job Alex I love uu,you're amazing :D
OMG my 2 favourite things ed sheeran songs and you ❤❤❤
hey alex who is that girl that is dancing with you?? 😕😕
The video is realy good and the performance is perfect! I love this song, your voice is so beautiful!
Oh my fav song ♥
Amazing job alex 🙌💕
Great song
Saw you sing this in Love Park today! Awesome job!!!
Love it so much😍😍😍
Amazing performance. U did a great job Alex.
Amazing performance. U did a fantastic job alex and nice dress
wow... this is amazing xx love you alex (: im obsessed with 'off the deep end' by the way haha
This is amazing Alex! You have a great career ahead of you, in fact you already started it :-)
THIS. IS. REALLY. AMAZING. what a professional cover! I mean, you're just a cute kid and all, and you already have covers like this! You have covers that looks exactly like an artist music videos. And you have an amazing voice! You're very talented! And I hope you become an artist in the future! Xoxo~
Amazing I Loved Every Part About It
Good job Alex like always😝😝😝
The girl dance so good!!!! in love with her
he's so cute and his voice s amazing!!!!!
I love this song
So perfect😍
I adore it really
Awesome cover Alex!!!
Tom from Philly
Holy crap, this is amazing.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love it so so so much♥♥♥
Talented kid....he'll go very far
You the best Alex and the song is great
Fantastic voice! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nagyon győnyőtű!!!!hogy lehet valakinek ennyire szép hangja!!!megörülők!!!!!már csak Alex,a 1D,a The Vamps és a 5SOS hangját tudom hallani!!!!!
Great vocals!
Wow I'm shocked😍😍
Love your signing Alex.
this is so perfect exactly like a smaller version of ed sheeran its absolutely incredible
Alex it was amazing to work with you during this video your voice
2. Love u
3. Wish we new each other
4. Beauty! That's what you are
Ur so amezing and I love ur vids so much ur awesome at singing and ur perfect the way u r keep singing 👍🏻😊 I love this vid
Awesome video! Glad you're having a successful music career!
I remember when he song will you be my girl and i love alex
I love alexb
You got it Alex b
beautiful !!!
Omg😱 i love your voice ❤️❤️
Alex b..eres un chico super talentoso..mexico te ama..eres mi artista favorito
!!!!!!you and Mattyb have actually inspired to make covers on songs so I'm gonna make my own TH-cam channel by myself and sing
huge fan
Wow Alex! Your voice is so good!😍I'm a new supporter and I hope I will be one for a long time.☺️ I love your voice and your style!👌it's perfect!!🙈💘
amazing work Alex! #level #up
Alex is brighter than my Future ❤️😂
So good Alex :D