I wanna hear about Desolation Jones! Ellis blew me away with Authority and Planetary, curious to see if this book is on par with his other stuff I’ve read. I absolutely love Manifest Destiny, just recently got my 2nd deluxe in and I am so glad to have the full series in this amazing format. Also got the Extremity Deluxe for Christmas, pumped to revisit that as well. Birthright is super fun, I read it digitally
I wanna hear about Desolation Jones! Ellis blew me away with Authority and Planetary, curious to see if this book is on par with his other stuff I’ve read. I absolutely love Manifest Destiny, just recently got my 2nd deluxe in and I am so glad to have the full series in this amazing format. Also got the Extremity Deluxe for Christmas, pumped to revisit that as well. Birthright is super fun, I read it digitally
Merry Christmas... decent little haul, I almost pulled the trigger on manifest destiny from Omnibuddys review