@@SaadAlzubaidi77 In RC4 encryption for the DMR system we use this protocol, after the use of the two algorithms KSA and PRGA resulting from applying them to the private key, plus the initialisation vector we get a keystream, the encryption as such is the result of performing an XOR of this keystream and the voice in clear, taking into account that in each super frame the initialisation vector is modified. The question is the following, if I have the encrypted voice, against which element should I perform this XOR to the encrypted voice if I do not know the key and therefore, the keystream.
I don't know what I have to confront the XOR to the encrypted frame so that it returns the keystream
Sorry, I don't know what you mean
@@SaadAlzubaidi77 In RC4 encryption for the DMR system we use this protocol, after the use of the two algorithms KSA and PRGA resulting from applying them to the private key, plus the initialisation vector we get a keystream, the encryption as such is the result of performing an XOR of this keystream and the voice in clear, taking into account that in each super frame the initialisation vector is modified.
The question is the following, if I have the encrypted voice, against which element should I perform this XOR to the encrypted voice if I do not know the key and therefore, the keystream.
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بس في مشكلة تظهر لي لما اسوي Run الخطوة ال في الدقيقة 23
Undefined function RC4 for input arguments of type char
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سلام عليكم استاذ ولو زحمة محتاجين نتواصل وياكم اذا اكو اميل او معرف تليكرام
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اريد لو سمحت كود خوارزميةRC4
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