From Baptist to Eastern Orthodox (w/ Richard Ramsey)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Richard Ramsey co-wrote and co-directed the soon to be released feature film, Unsung Hero. Watch the full interview here: • Everyday Orthodox - Me...
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    From Baptist to Eastern Orthodox (w/ Richard Ramsey)
    #orthodoxchurch #easternorthodox #orthodoxy #ancientfaith

ความคิดเห็น • 38

  • @TheMOV13
    @TheMOV13 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    Another baptist convert to Holy Orthodoxy here, from the Deep South (of England!)

  • @danielgaley9676
    @danielgaley9676 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    Please pray for my wife Cathy and I. She won't even give Orthodoxy a chance. Gets very angry. Thanks to all.

    • @MajorMustang1117
      @MajorMustang1117 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      It's normal. I would have been the same way only 3 years ago.
      Simply live your Faith. Don't speak of it unless she asks. Keep it simple with Jesus. Show God working in your heart all the more through your understanding and participation in the Sacraments. This is the only way to soften hearts.

    • 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yo Kathy gotta go bruh

    • @TheMOV13
      @TheMOV13 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MajorMustang1117 Excellent advice.

    • @TheMOV13
      @TheMOV13 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Excellent advice below from MajorMustang. Just out of interest though, what is it specifically that she gets angry about?

    • @thewatcher2145
      @thewatcher2145 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Orthodoxy has quite literally changed my life, and my wife noticed the difference. She was against it at first (she's non denominational)... Piggy backing off of what majormustang1117, I went about my business. I told my wife and kids, "I'm on a journey, and I won't ask you to make it yours. But you're welcome to come if you would like." Fast forward, and my wife noticed the change and became interested, and has now started going with me. Going beyond that, we have also been invited to our priests home for dinner so that we can have a discussion about it and our conversion together. So it's a beautiful thing when it's not forced, and the most important thing to have is patience and faith that it will all play out like it is supposed to. Also to keep in mind, Orthodoxy is great, but as I have heard Mari Mari Emmanuel state, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant etc. We are all worshipping God, Jesus together in a way that fits us. You cannot fault them for that, so long as their heart is in the right place.

  • @miastupid7911
    @miastupid7911 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Happy nameday to all the Elizabeths. Today is Saint Elizabeth's feast day in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. She was Saint John the Forerunner / Baptist's mother.

  • @Benjamin-David
    @Benjamin-David 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I was raised within the Presbyterian Church until the age of eight. After that, I had no ties to any church for a couple of decades. Over that period of time I felt that God was real, but in an agnostic sense. I wasn’t until I found Orthodoxy did experience Christianity.

  • @mnelson1960
    @mnelson1960 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Also Baptist to Orthodox (with a stop-off in Anglicanism) here. - From California

  • @drewbucher4210
    @drewbucher4210 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    What a wonderful conversion story! I'm also a former Baptist, but I'm glad to have this new home. God bless you and your family

  • @B33891
    @B33891 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I too had a very emotional experience with my first Forgiveness Sunday. Orthodoxy has felt like "coming home" from the minute I stepped foot in the church.

  • @Panda_Laconia
    @Panda_Laconia หลายเดือนก่อน

    Excellent, thank you

  • @tjkhan4541
    @tjkhan4541 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    With real respect, I didn’t really come away with what convinced the interviewee of Orthodoxy’s truth. He felt “a very palpable spirit of gentleness, meekness, humility, and a kind of sweetness,” around 2:25, which I don’t doubt; but I wish he would have talked about the various opposing truth claims he had to think through. More logos and less pathos. Anyway, grace to anyone who reads this.

    • @anthonyjohn981
      @anthonyjohn981 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Also with respect, when someone senses a spirit of humility in a Church, it is a big deal and is valid. I'm sure he can now go into opposing truth claims, but it sounds like he was initially drawn in by The Spirit.

    • @anond2015
      @anond2015 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@anthonyjohn981 I was and am drawn to Orthodoxy by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it's hard to explain why the way of Christ's Church speaks to the soul more than other paths.
      For me, the Liturgy and Orthodox spirituality feels like Life. The path that Jesus calls us to follow.

  • @mmaakkiinn
    @mmaakkiinn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Orthodoxy more than 2,000 years old..ORTHODOXY = Truth ...Christ's truth..the Faith given to us from the Apostles and early church fathers unchanged doctrine and traditions kept from since 33ad ...☦️ KALO PASCHA ☦️

    • @makenoimage
      @makenoimage 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      lets make a chart His first century church on one side...your 2000 year old version on the other...lets see if we can find some changes...doctrines developed since He "it is finished" the New Covenant way of life on the cross:
      His Way as He demonstrated yours 2000 years later
      Sabbath Sunday
      7 festivals How many st days?
      clean menu eat whatever
      His God 1 is now 3
      no images images to bow and serve
      Peter says your words are life yours claim the bread into flesh is
      there's more I'm sure but just a reminder that Hebrews 9:16-17 confirms the testimony of a testator comes into effect at his death...Paul follows up with NO CHANGES after the testator's death Galations 3:15 so you have 40 days He remained with His disciples to evidence demonstrated change from His lifestyle PRIOR His christening the New covenant to a room full of Jews...and signing it with His blood and SEALING it with His death...and STILL His disciples hurried to keep the Sabbath according to the commandment as Luke says...even Passover...obviously Pentecost...
      the claim is He taught CHANGE but until it is evidenced He is made a typical hypocrite pharisee teaching from Moses' seat this CHANGE and DOING another...
      it remains "live as He lived"..."love as He loved"...JUST AS...and not what man's tradition came up with decades and centuries later...

    • @mmaakkiinn
      @mmaakkiinn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@makenoimage ....☦️ praying for you 🙏

    • @makenoimage
      @makenoimage 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mmaakkiinn including "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" yes?...these images of saints were in heaven first...this liturgy...this way of life?

    • @mmaakkiinn
      @mmaakkiinn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@makenoimage ase mas re eksipne

    • @makenoimage
      @makenoimage 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mmaakkiinn His Spirit even used a donkey...surprised there arent more donkey ikons in remembrance
      He rode on one twice...with His mom and then later...but didn't paint it...
      get back to me when you can demonstrate in the scriptures which yours canonized this "Faith given to us from the Apostles and early church fathers unchanged doctrine and traditions kept from since 33ad" included image making and venerating

  • @Medhanie-lh5gr
    @Medhanie-lh5gr 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ጠያቂው ሰለመዳን በቂ እውቀት ስለሌለው በቀላሉ ነው የተሸወደው። ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ እየጠቀሰ መሟገት ነበረበት። ለምሳሌ መዳን ወይ ጽድቅ ወይ የዘላለም ህይወት ሊታጣ ይችላል ወይ? መዳን ሂደት ነው ቅጽበታዊ? ጥምቀትና ቅዱስ ቁርባን ለመዳን ያስፈልጋሉ ወይስ አያስፈልጉም? መዳን በእምነት ብቻ የሚለው መጽሐፍ ቅዱሳዊ ነው ወይ? ማቴ 25 ብራብ አብልተችሁኛል....እያለ የሚዘረዝረው ክፍልስ? የኦሪቱ በስራ ለመዳን እና የአዲስ ኪዳኑ የስራ ለመዳን አስፈላጊነት አንድ ነው ወይ? ብዙ መጠየቅ ይቻል ነበር።

    • @mmaakkiinn
      @mmaakkiinn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    • @anond2015
      @anond2015 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I used Google translate to see your question.
      Salvation is not a quiz with a bunch of questions. Salvation is Christ as mediator, forgiving us and offering a bridge to Heaven. Meanwhile, we try to obey His commands, such as giving to the needy and trying to "be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect."

  • @Elohimists
    @Elohimists 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sorry to hear that.
    You must be born again.
    Justified Saved Born Again
    Once we are born as an infant we then need to learn how to walk and talk. Just like when we first get "saved", so the saying goes.
    Believe in your heart that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead, confess Jesus as your Lord and you will be "saved". For with the heart you believe and are Justified "AND" with the Mouth Confession is made unto Salvation. Romans 10:9,10
    It's "not" faith alone, it's Faith And...
    1st John 1:9
    If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    Matthew 6:14,15
    For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours.
    "After" almost everyone was baptized in the water by John, Jesus said, you must be born again.
    Being born again means that you have received The Holy Spirit and bear good fruit and at least one gift.
    Don't let a Pentecostal Church tell you that you must speak in tongues to be saved. Tongues is only one of many gifts as does not determine Salvation. Refer back to Romans 10:8-13
    No one should condemn anyone for not having a gift because "faith" is not only a fruit from The Holy Spirit but, faith is also a gift. And, no one can see faith. 1st Corinthians 12:9 & Galatians 5:22
    Tongues is Not the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit. Being able to say Jesus is Lord is the initial evidence of The Holy Spirit. one can say Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit. 1st Corinthians 12:3
    1st Corinthians 14:1
    Earnestly pursue "love" (the fruit of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22,23) and eagerly desire spiritual gifts (1st Corinthians 12 -14) especially that you might prophecy.
    All the gifts are needed in the Body of Christ, (The Church)
    So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who 'ask' Him."
    Luke 11:13 New Living Translation
    1st Corinthians 12:13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free, and we were all given one Spirit to drink.
    The Holy Spirit will help you repent (turn away from sin) by reminding us of the Word. John 14:26 and convicting us. John 16:7-11
    Example Prayer: Almighty Father, I believe You raised Jesus from the dead, forgive me of my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit so I can bear good fruit and do Your will, in the name of Jesus my Lord and Christ, Amen.
    After praying from the heart, the Holy Spirit is "with" us but, He might not be "In" us yet. John 14:17
    Being baptized in water is not the only way to be filled/anointed by the Holy Spirit.
    When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. On their arrival, they prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit had "not" yet fallen upon any of them; they had simply been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:14-17
    May God's will be done in the name of His Son Jesus our Lord and Christ Amen.