When the third minute and four seconds, he wrote: the integration of speed for a time equal to the distance. True that the integration speed is equal to the wheel. Though my words wrong, please explain.
I know this was done years ago but it really bothers me that professors waste time writing on white or black boards and expect student to copy the gobbletygook down and what do they have? Not much. Excel existed back then. So did other math packages that could make the whole experience more interactive plus the students could see what happens when they make changes. I think I need to cover this topic correctly.
The expectation is for students to make their own notes or not. Videos are available. Writing on the board slows down the process as it takes time to comprehend new knowledge. It also shows students how an expert thinks. These videos were taken in a studio without any students in the class. Students have other resources available - textbook content, lecture videos, PowerPoint presentations, multiple-choice questions, blogs, simulations, and related physical problems. nm.mathforcollege.com/ Using math packages right away does not help understanding for most. It will help only after you have learned the basics. Interactive experiences without learning basics make us feel good and not necessarily improve learning. See our simulations though. nm.mathforcollege.com/numericalmethodssimulations/ You may be better off reading some books on how students learn. www.amazon.com/How-Learning-Happens-Paul-Kirschner/dp/0367184575 I believe that you have a learning style as well!!! www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/04/the-myth-of-learning-styles/557687/
i think you made a small error in that the range of the interpolation goes from 10
@aljazwey Please explain at what point in the video you saw the error.
This was first time I understood why we are using differentiation and intigration. in real problem
Thanks for this video.
There was an error in the Example :
Differential speed for a time equal to the distance .
Integration of variable speed in time equal to the wheel.
When the third minute and four seconds, he wrote: the integration of speed for a time equal to the distance.
True that the integration speed is equal to the wheel.
Though my words wrong, please explain.
I have a question for you professor . Is there an email id where I can put it in detail ? Looking forward to your response
I know this was done years ago but it really bothers me that professors waste time writing on white or black boards and expect student to copy the gobbletygook down and what do they have? Not much. Excel existed back then. So did other math packages that could make the whole experience more interactive plus the students could see what happens when they make changes. I think I need to cover this topic correctly.
The expectation is for students to make their own notes or not. Videos are available. Writing on the board slows down the process as it takes time to comprehend new knowledge. It also shows students how an expert thinks.
These videos were taken in a studio without any students in the class. Students have other resources available - textbook content, lecture videos, PowerPoint presentations, multiple-choice questions, blogs, simulations, and related physical problems. nm.mathforcollege.com/
Using math packages right away does not help understanding for most. It will help only after you have learned the basics. Interactive experiences without learning basics make us feel good and not necessarily improve learning. See our simulations though. nm.mathforcollege.com/numericalmethodssimulations/
You may be better off reading some books on how students learn. www.amazon.com/How-Learning-Happens-Paul-Kirschner/dp/0367184575
I believe that you have a learning style as well!!! www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/04/the-myth-of-learning-styles/557687/