Yep. Especially on LG C2 OLED its still looks amazing. Sometimes if you play in dark room you can almost feel sun. Many new games can looks worse and we really need more story games like that.
@@AbeHopwood The visual difference is pretty negligible most of the time besides resolution. Textures, models, lighting, are all the same. The increase in resolution and frame rate definitely make the ps5 version the definitive version but effectively what we see in this video is more or less what the ps4 version looks like too.
Uncharted was the first ever single-player linear narrative game i played and i am so glad I did. I was so attached to the journey from the first game till uncharted 4, nathan drake is one of my fav charecters ever. Uncharted 4 was so much fun too the combat traversal and story and specially the set peices were too good. Also the best dirt mechanics right. My fave game series of all time
Uncharted 4 is just a complete, fun, well paced game with an intelligent story and a fulfilling ending. Just what I need when I want to play a quality game.
If only all the mechanics weren't so dogshit. I really wanted to enjoy the game and was stunned how shitty everything from shooting to climbing felt when I eventually got around to playing it. Newer Tomb Raider games are way more fun to actually play
@@ribtickle4143 Yeah defintely tomb raider with the same clunky animations for climbing and jumping and horrible shooting mechanics is better than UC4. Man you trippin
This game inspired more than any before. I loved those times in 2016, I had all the time in the world and playing this adventurous game was something truly amazing.
There are a scary amount of rains and storms in Bulgaria rn, they're also extremely powerful and the electricity goes out almost all times, we are way too hydrated
unrivaled content on yt. Whenever i'm feeling down or dehydrated, i always know the #1 christian gaming channel has the right hydration i need to get my life back on track. thanks papa. dont change
I enjoyed this when it came out. I was just thinking we have been waiting in a new GTA so long that we finished the recession in GTA and started another one. Remember when you got triple a games every 3 years. Halcyon days.
I love this game it’s literally amazing, me and my wife are getting married in a few weeks and we actually both watched you and when we first got together we literally watched you together and we always find eachother having a good laugh, thanks mate!
Wanted this back around when it first got announced, but didn't get a ps4. Ended up finally playing U4 in 2023 and WOW, it was worth the wait to play it on PC
You are so smooth i didnt realize the warthunder bit was an ad and genuinely was captivated thinking that you were switching games and were gonna do some sort of random game every minute bit, i was so shocked when i heard the words, thanks to warthunder for sponsoring this video that i had to drink a glass of water. Thanks for keeping me hydrated and thoroughly entertained you modest pelican you. ❤
Dude I was hoping you played uncharted 4 it’s one of my favorite games ever and I’ve beaten it so many times! Nathan Drake is so cool! (I’ve even met Nolan North)
your escape plan to get out of prison was almost flawless, one thing I would change is just say “Hey cutie” and wait a day for it to sink in, then be like “Ayo let me out” boom easy escape
Best gaming channel ever. Modest Pelican gets "it"... whatever "it" happens to be. He is funny as hell & doesn't take games or himself too seriously, which is pretty refreshing. If I had a child, I would sell him her or they to gypsy's & immediately use the money for a plane ticket to Australia to stalk---I mean "meet" him. Finally a reason to go down under besides just to meet Mad Max...Mad Max is real right? If not, that would be dishonest...low...
Uncharted 4 is one of my all-time favourites. There are less games which doesn't feel NPCs and characters like puppets as well as the story 10/10. This game which released around 13 and 14 still better than the latest games.
Late comment here but yes please I’d love to see part 2. So glad to see you playing Uncharted 4. It’s such a great game series & you should really begun from the first Uncharted game. Would love to see you play The Lost Legacy next as they go hand in hand.
I still play the multiplayer for Uncharted 4 to this day, it’s an absolutely incredible game. third person shooters have started to die out on the market, i’d love to see more of them.
Download War Thunder here you dodgy bird watchers:
I won't play game where I can't get quality hidration
ive been messaging you on insta for 366 days pls respond
@@relja16you can use battleships and if you get sunk your whole crew will be sufficiently hydrated
Love you peli
I’m pregnant and modest pelican is the baby daddy
I am still searching for a person who can say so much out of pocket stuff in a 10 minute timeframe like Modest Pelican can
never know his next move 🤣😅
My friend Thomas
I kinda wanna start a channel like this just for the fun of it
Out of pocket? You actually think he's not scripting these while editing?
him and Reggie have very similar vibes but Reggie’s vids are between 10-20 mins. love them both lol
Crazy to think this game came out 7 years ago. Visually it still holds up today.
It's mainly because there's a new PS5 remastered version, but yes the visuals are stunning
@@AbeHopwoodthe ps4 version looks just as good as the remastered version
@JLee_-eh5zf no? I'm replaying the ps5 version rn and theres 100% a visual boost. Maybe not much, but it's definitely better
Yep. Especially on LG C2 OLED its still looks amazing. Sometimes if you play in dark room you can almost feel sun. Many new games can looks worse and we really need more story games like that.
@@AbeHopwood The visual difference is pretty negligible most of the time besides resolution. Textures, models, lighting, are all the same. The increase in resolution and frame rate definitely make the ps5 version the definitive version but effectively what we see in this video is more or less what the ps4 version looks like too.
“The priest did not even say I was cute” 💀
“You turn 11 and it’s like you don’t even exist”
That’s because he wasn’t a kid
L priest
@@jakez5599😒 he didn't deserve me anyway
We watched the video too npc
Instead of treasure hunting, Nathan should have become a telecom tower technician with how well he can climb.
that pays so much money surprisingly if you aren't afraid of heights then prepare for the money XD
Bro would be fuckin loaded lmao
Or a catholic priest
Of course, we need part 2. A longer one with that full bike chase please, peli.
Uncharted was the first ever single-player linear narrative game i played and i am so glad I did. I was so attached to the journey from the first game till uncharted 4, nathan drake is one of my fav charecters ever. Uncharted 4 was so much fun too the combat traversal and story and specially the set peices were too good. Also the best dirt mechanics right. My fave game series of all time
@@imcookinI think they meant uncharted was the first ever storytelling game they ever played
@@imcookin yeah i meant played lol
Uncharted games are fantastic make sure to play The Lost Legacy it was the perfect cherry on top after uncharted 4
@simonreed8986 i did play it and loved it for me 3rd best uncharted after 2 and 4
Uncharted 4 is just a complete, fun, well paced game with an intelligent story and a fulfilling ending. Just what I need when I want to play a quality game.
If only all the mechanics weren't so dogshit.
I really wanted to enjoy the game and was stunned how shitty everything from shooting to climbing felt when I eventually got around to playing it.
Newer Tomb Raider games are way more fun to actually play
@@ribtickle4143 Yeah defintely tomb raider with the same clunky animations for climbing and jumping and horrible shooting mechanics is better than UC4. Man you trippin
fulfilling ending not really so many questions were left open
@l.m.l8598 it's way funner 😀
Props to Modest Pelican parents for being abusive!
Glad to know that there is still people who know how to raise children the christian way!
thanks to them we get to enjoy the most hydrated videos on the planet🙏🙏🙏
The game is racist.
peak reddit humor
Most anti-bullying left winger.
This game came out in 2017 and it still holds up pretty well in terms of graphic
2016! And yeah, one of the most beautiful games ever
Lost legacy came out in 2017
@@teodormiciol6503 Also gotten a remaster now.
@@JaylorTaylen18 Lost Legacy is soooooo underrated
Bruh 2017 isn't that long ago 💀
What are you 15?
This game inspired more than any before. I loved those times in 2016, I had all the time in the world and playing this adventurous game was something truly amazing.
“He can physically climb his way out of poverty” instant like, I fucking lost it 🤣
5:20 "Ausie broadband is more unstable than people who die their hair blue" I almost spilled my coffee here, lmao
It’s always a good day when modest pelican uploads
8:03 "...this guard has mistaken this game for Pokemon and is probably looking for Rattatas"
this is one of my favorite games of all time, would love a part 2
have you not played Lost Legacy?
“Orphans are stupid” couldnt agree more mr pelican
You know its a good day when papa peli uploads
There are a scary amount of rains and storms in Bulgaria rn, they're also extremely powerful and the electricity goes out almost all times, we are way too hydrated
1:10 fun fact: Tom Holland played Nathan Drake in the uncharted movie. He also played Spider man In the MCU
uncharted is probably one of my favourite game franchises of all time, im glad peli decided to play this on the channel
This man never fails to violate the main characters without making it feel weird.
as someone with no frickin gaming budget and gaming vicariously through TH-camrs, I would enjoy more of this game's content!
same man same hope y get a monster of a pc
This game and tlou 1 has a special place in my heart
2:48 ad skip
When youre getting older and your reflexes are getting slower and you get annihilated in COD you start to appreciate theese cinematic games
I wish he uploaded one game until he finishes it 😂
I'm pretty sure everyone would love it!
"orphans are stupid" Pelican quote of the week
Peli, you never fail to make me laugh out loud. And we sure are thirsty for part 2!
As a scot I personally love climbing with no pants 9:11
00:00 Starts
12:26 Ends
12:27 you dirty one piece little gremlin
"You turn 11 and suddenly theor not interested".. Was not expecting this high calibre of comedy. Bravo.
UC4 is the best "you're playing a movie" game.
Peli's ad transition was dodgy ☠
really wish this was a 30min video... just started playing this again a couple months ago... definitely a timeless game
It's the first game I played on my ps4, it really is a timeless game
unrivaled content on yt. Whenever i'm feeling down or dehydrated, i always know the #1 christian gaming channel has the right hydration i need to get my life back on track. thanks papa. dont change
Definitely need part 2! One of my favorite games of all time
Speedrun rdr 2
I enjoyed this when it came out. I was just thinking we have been waiting in a new GTA so long that we finished the recession in GTA and started another one.
Remember when you got triple a games every 3 years. Halcyon days.
Just finished this game. What a masterpiece, the story about the pirates and the gameplay was absolutely amazing!
I still recall spending a good 30 mins drifting in that car. I was too mesmerised with the graphics and the physics of the rocks, water and mud
You know you're a good youtuber if you're the one in a thousand that makes an ad fun to watch
PLEASE MAKE A PART TWO this is my favorite game ever and you are one of the best youtubers out there so it would be absolutely amazing
I love this game so much, thanks for playing it
I love this game it’s literally amazing, me and my wife are getting married in a few weeks and we actually both watched you and when we first got together we literally watched you together and we always find eachother having a good laugh, thanks mate!
Wanted this back around when it first got announced, but didn't get a ps4. Ended up finally playing U4 in 2023 and WOW, it was worth the wait to play it on PC
You are so smooth i didnt realize the warthunder bit was an ad and genuinely was captivated thinking that you were switching games and were gonna do some sort of random game every minute bit, i was so shocked when i heard the words, thanks to warthunder for sponsoring this video that i had to drink a glass of water.
Thanks for keeping me hydrated and thoroughly entertained you modest pelican you. ❤
"first, every church ever and now these guys." savage, I love it
Bro, this is gold.
Your ghost story got me shook.
a part two of this game would be neat
Dude I was just playing this on my ps5 when he uploaded this
Definitely do a part 2. This is one of my fav games I have played
Dude I was hoping you played uncharted 4 it’s one of my favorite games ever and I’ve beaten it so many times! Nathan Drake is so cool!
(I’ve even met Nolan North)
LOL, those bars at 7:41, he could fit right through, reminds me of the fence in Jurassic park...
We need a part 2 this was one of my favourite games
"I meet my brother and he's a really cool guy; he's into planking"😂😄😃😀🤣
your escape plan to get out of prison was almost flawless, one thing I would change is just say “Hey cutie” and wait a day for it to sink in, then be like “Ayo let me out” boom easy escape
Best gaming channel ever. Modest Pelican gets "it"... whatever "it" happens to be. He is funny as hell & doesn't take games or himself too seriously, which is pretty refreshing. If I had a child, I would sell him her or they to gypsy's & immediately use the money for a plane ticket to Australia to stalk---I mean "meet" him. Finally a reason to go down under besides just to meet Mad Max...Mad Max is real right? If not, that would be dishonest...low...
"the priest doesn't even say I look cute" oh my lol
Even the paid promotion is soo sarcastic.... Quality content
Bro really caught them lacking
How is it that he is clearly hitting lettered buttons on his controller, signified by the controls in HUD, if he is on a PlayStation? (His words)
Uncharted have been my comfort games since I was 11, part two PLEASE
I grew up with Jak and Daxter and knew Naughty Dog had an act for games back then. To see them evolve into the studio they are today is astonishing.
The Simpsons Hit & Run music over Uncharted 4 driving is gold.
That’s Jeremy Clarkson driving, screaming “speed and power!”
May in the passenger seat screaming “cocking Nora”
And Hammond in the back
Bro I would love to see you play the rest of this game, I love it
I like the story telling stuff about the ghost 😂😂definitely don't stop that
Love your take on story games. More content like this
"You'll be fighting in more places than my parents did right before their divorce"
"I can beat a black woman" is crazy. Modest Pelican never disappoints
would love the part 2 watching you play this game gives me flashbacks when i was playing this game on my ps 4
0:39 The Priest doesn’t even say I look cute you turn 11 and suddenly it’s like you don’t exist 💀🤣
Oh my god dude you are the most entertaining listen in a long time, every 10 seconds I'm losing it
"You'll be fighting in more places than my parents did before divorce" HAHAHA.... that's gold
I played uncharted 4 last year... First intro to the series, and first 4k HDR experience... I was very impressed
playing this game with my son was a wonderful experience
So you can rock climb and catch yourself mid jump with finger tips, but pulling your brother up a cliff is the line naught dog draws.
I literally just subscribed because of this guy's humor. love it bro keep it going.
I really hope that whole red rooter story is true
please make a second part, I loved that.
I just replayed all the Uncharted games! Such a great series and fun fun fun!
Uncharted 4 is one of my all-time favourites. There are less games which doesn't feel NPCs and characters like puppets as well as the story 10/10. This game which released around 13 and 14 still better than the latest games.
3:49 we have a plumbing company here called mr rooter lmao the vans have a winking guy on them lmao
Late comment here but yes please I’d love to see part 2. So glad to see you playing Uncharted 4. It’s such a great game series & you should really begun from the first Uncharted game. Would love to see you play The Lost Legacy next as they go hand in hand.
I still play the multiplayer for Uncharted 4 to this day, it’s an absolutely incredible game. third person shooters have started to die out on the market, i’d love to see more of them.
Greeks and gaming are my fav hobbies
uncharted is so underrated, I played everyone when I was younger and even now but I sadly no longer have a PlayStation
That was a really smooth warthunder ad, modest even…
There is some major untapped potential for classic Peli jokes to be had in Uncharted games. Make this a series for sure!!
I just started playing U4 last week for the first time. I really enjoy it
We need a part 2!
That war thunder ad Segway was the best thing I’ve ever seen
Thank u so much for doing a uncharted vid this is one of my favorite ytubers playing one of my favorite games
The only gaming youtuber I still watch love the vids cuz
War Thunder ad...
Halo music...
What a hydrated legend!
I used to play uncharted four so much when it came out, loved all the games
Cant wait to watch this! Just beat this game 2 weeks ago! Amazing game
It would be so cool if papa peli liked this
That ad transition 🥶🥶🥶