Hey Guys!👋 We are so close to 25K Subscribers!!!😍 My dream is to achieve 100K for Silver Button!🔳 I hope it come true one day. Here we are and I'm doing my thing!!! Love you guys so much❤️, I wouldn't be here without you 💋 You can check out original Demon Parasite Ratte from HomeAnimations here:👉th-cam.com/channels/-Bc-4nV2-Tk4Af2rqrmrjA.html What you think if we do Parasite or Steel Parasite Monster too?🙂 Also you can type which creation you want next in the comments below! 😇
1000/1000 pool is so good than all of them really let's all give androidlove a sub an like! An androidlove is getting more better an more sub he must get more subs than pewpiedie u must get 900millon subs
His opponent:I’m totally gonna defeat dis noobie hehehehehe!!! His opponent’s bullets:Does nothin to the tank Also his opponent:Oh CRAP!!! Android love:Defeats him Me:*Dies of laughter*
Hey Guys!👋 We are so close to 25K Subscribers!!!😍 My dream is to achieve 100K for Silver Button!🔳 I hope it come true one day. Here we are and I'm doing my thing!!! Love you guys so much❤️, I wouldn't be here without you 💋 You can check out original Demon Parasite Ratte from HomeAnimations here:👉th-cam.com/channels/-Bc-4nV2-Tk4Af2rqrmrjA.html
What you think if we do Parasite or Steel Parasite Monster too?🙂 Also you can type which creation you want next in the comments below! 😇
Congrats androidlove for 25k subs
What ypu gonna do in 25K subscriber
Thank you! 😊
I will keep doing vids!
congratulations guys get a good work silver hopefully 1 year get 1 million subscribe 😇😇😇
you build so amazeing tanks that i cant even build them your amazeing
Cool it look like demon ratte full season.
Yeah bro :)
Kv 6 was destroyed by the demon ratte.A pole land tank repaired Kv 6 and he became stronger
Yeah 😎
And kv 6 defeat ratte but he also gone forever 😞😞😞
Nice I like it I subbed and liked
Thank you for support it helps out a lot!😊
Best youtuber of super tank
Wow nice build you are such a nice builder
Wow that's mean androidlove u deserves 100k subs
Just kidding u deserve to have 900m subs
Thank you bro! 100K It's my dream. Let's see how far we can get :)
Wow l like this you so good
Thank you!😍
1000/1000 pool is so good than all of them really let's all give androidlove a sub an like! An androidlove is getting more better an more sub he must get more subs than pewpiedie u must get 900millon subs
Wow that is huge bro 😅thank you!😘
Hi like you video 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
Hi thank you! 🙂
His opponent:I’m totally gonna defeat dis noobie hehehehehe!!!
His opponent’s bullets:Does nothin to the tank
Also his opponent:Oh CRAP!!!
Android love:Defeats him
Me:*Dies of laughter*
This is soooo nice 👍👍👍
Omg Nice video 😀
Thank you! 🥰
You don't deserve 100k subs...
You deserve 100M subs! There is a playbutton of 100M ITS so cool than 100k silver play button
Ohh thank you for motivation! 😎 Yeah it's the best button!
What in the world
@@nicomartelo2482 what is it
In front is so Bad In behind is very good Good job 90%
Thank you for honest review :)
Now you make I give you lot likes
Thank you! :)
Cool good 👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😎😎😎😎
Thanks bro 😊
Puh elder teach me, old man
This Is NICE tank very
nice team
Finally You got 25k :D
Congratulations, u deserved them really hard!:)
Thank you for nice words! I still can't believe in that 🤩
android love can i ask you something?
Spongebob narrator voice: 10 months later
Put the bell button
Oky :)
neat cration kv45 in valhalla toon please :)
I will make it 🙂
kv45 easy
You need to make it longer
Wow, cool vid. Also we all want you to get 25k!!!!
(Edit) Happy 25k subs!!!!!. :3
Thank you! 🥰
@@AndroidLove happy 25k ( you deserve 100m!!!🏆🏆🏆🏆)
Also.....leo soon?. no pressure.
Also, if it takes a while to make, no worrys because i will always support you!!!😁😁😁
Thank you! Yes leo will be after few videos I'm just thinking which protoype to make :)
@@AndroidLove Thanks.
How do I get the map?!
There is no map you doofus
nice 👍👍👍
Thank you! 😊
Can you make kv 6☺️
Now do the Leviathan and Robostalin from homeanimations....
I will do them bro :) also you can check robostalin that I made :)
Сделай кв 6 плиз
Ready! :)
Ты топ (you top)
Thank you bro!🥰
Next stalingrad monstes
Ben Kuzey ve o süper tank oyunu bende de var
Mr. Saint is back, so please, make the Saint chamond
For sure I will make it 😊 welcome back my old friend!
@@AndroidLove thank you and thank you again lol
I missed you 🥰
@@AndroidLove lol
Android love pls kv 44 next
I hope Rudolph from Gerand will be next)
Already made bro :) look older video
Did you mean rudolf
Fitgeron pls
Very soon bro should be ready this week! 😎
@@AndroidLove tx(again)
Say that when I finish bro! :)
you watch home animation right? If you do,hit a like
Wow i like it ur such a great builder of demon ratte and if u made the new waffle and leviathan congrats.
Thank you! I will make them too 🙂
Ok thanks bye
how to make build ratte of tank thats demon ratte
You can see :)
Did you love android? I LOVE YOU I start that game love it👌👌😍😍
Не много башня маловат а так лайк
you got my final blueprint?
Which one bro you think? 🥰
me check
Its ad9r4iw5,and download NOW!!!
oh yea
Download it first and then invite to your clan😊😍😍😍😊
You Need To Make Steel Demon
Yeah I will try my best :)
Wow he know home animations
Yes I do :)
Зделай пожалуйста левиофана
can you make KB-44M?
How do you so good?
I mean how are you so good at this?
대형 탱크 대포 진짜만은 탱크만드러주새요.
The demon rette is not dead tank sheas cool he's killed the kB 6
What about faceless?
I made it here :)
Demon rattle is best
Wat level r u now
28 ☺️
@@AndroidLove nice
Make gt44 or crocodile tank on homeanimations
Oky bro :)
não sei quem é você mas eu sou novo no seu canal você é
I haven't seen old rattle befot
I will reedit old too 🙂
You are really a Creationar and i don't know.what to sayd👍😉 and i believe you'll try your best! without mine help.Keep Going!
Thank you for motivation bro! I will do my best in the future :)
Где мой коментарий?
Давай kv 54
Okey 🙂
I’m so happy because I’m level 22 now
Congrats :)
Tank you android love
Thank you man! :)
Make a TOG II
I will make it for sure bro!
pls androidlove put this comment into fidio you pls!
I can put your comment on the sundays video bro because for next one is full
@@AndroidLove thank you my friend
can you do su 100 Y plese
link of software
Nices song
Please make kv 44
yes bro! :)
Next leviathan
Very soon bro! 😊
Sooooo epic
Thank you :)
Dude i made that in slomo but its bouncy so i used frames
Ohh nice! ☺️
Are to the new kv 44 m
Ini sangat bagus vidionya jangan lupa suscribe yaaa
Сделай кв-54 от геранда
Okey :)
Make Soviet Ratte 2.0
LOL i fixed the Kv-44 building in super tank rumble
Make Leviathan from Homeanimations
I will :)
Hey androidlove cara membuat vk 44 bisa gak
Не правльно зделано ратте как я поднемусь на 28урувень я зделаю лутше щяс я 20лвл)
Я на 31лвл
@@АндрейМалахов-е5ф не врииии максемальный лвл 30 врееш
Он же не поймёт
Make Tog 10 From homeanimation
It's next bro 😜
@@AndroidLove ty
Please, you make a T-54 tank 😢
Yes bro I will make it but give me more time!😔
It's okay, don't be sad. I'll always support you
Thank you it helps really!
as long as you're happy
Always bro 😊
Thank you! 😊
Привет можеш зделать демон рате из лабиринта смерти и кв 6м
I made it bro :)
Do leviatha
I will do that! 🤩
You should make kv-54 now
Chinese Kv-54?
It's from gerand
I have this game but I am in lol 19
It's not bad actually for this game :)
Ratte wow
Alright :)
Tank hey you me water tank
Yeah :)
Video video
Yes :)
To find crocodile tank search homeanimations deadly games
Thank you for help!
@@AndroidLove i know the name of the crocodile tank his name is kb54 from homeanimations
Стелай рате который прошол лабиринт смерти и стелай как он выгледел такта
Oky :)
I have made a tank KV-45 hammer, can you give me some comment?
Yes bro! Can you share it pls? I want to see your creation
Ok bro. Thanks you .