For the other amenities such as toothbrush, toothpaste or mouthwash, you will need to special request from the air stewardess. This is due to promote sustainability and reducing waste, it was stated in their instructions screens which you may not notice. ☺️
I took this product from Helsinki to Bangkok and thought it wasn’t great. It’s just a cheap seat with a lot of hype, it’s not near as good a Singapore airline business seat. The only reason the airline did this is to say themselves money.
I would say Finnair and Singapore Airlines are taking different approaches on both hard and software, at least on J class. Hardware wise, I like the sound proof material used yet I personally still prefer to have angled seats with adjustment.
I like the way you explain the flight experiences, kudos!
thank you for your compliments =)
yeah! I love to see airline reviews in Cantonese! Tks.
yeah, glad that you like it =)
至於餐飲方面,芬蘭航空本身佢最靚係餐酒而唔係餐飲,例如上次 4 月由 BKK 去 HEL,朝早 BKK 8 點起飛,下午 1 點半 HEL 抵達,合共大約 13:30 飛行時間,當時係朝早曼谷時間 9 點半派早餐,赫爾辛基時間 11 點半派午餐,中間接近 8 小時係上網工作及打機,由於屬於日間航班,根本訓唔到,而想訓時我覺得張床比較硬身,唔太舒服。
反而我於去程由 HEL 14:30 去 BKK 06:30 (+1) 係屬於夜機,再加上有可能係梳化座椅,反而我係訓到教。
最後建議主持人,下次飲佢 Nordic Fruit Wine,佢個深層次果香係與眾不同,值得飲醉先落機!
多謝你意見,下次試下啲酒先~ 好多Long haul PEY 都同regional J差唔多
For the other amenities such as toothbrush, toothpaste or mouthwash, you will need to special request from the air stewardess. This is due to promote sustainability and reducing waste, it was stated in their instructions screens which you may not notice. ☺️
真係點要坐過先知. 但如果長途如你所講隔音好, 易瞓着. 至少有個好感先.
歐洲航空公司, Achilles heel 係歐陸機,不是737就是320,兩種商務艙,與經濟艙座位係一樣,但中間就不劃位,用空位隔出,所謂歐陸商務艙。
歐洲long haul business好好多~
@@betopchan5211 科威特麻麻,其他都幾好呀~
@@90straveler 科威特,雖然多數舊艙,但科威特座位夠大。大過其他,座位大先係王道
thank you =)
I took this product from Helsinki to Bangkok and thought it wasn’t great.
It’s just a cheap seat with a lot of hype, it’s not near as good a Singapore airline business seat.
The only reason the airline did this is to say themselves money.
I would say Finnair and Singapore Airlines are taking different approaches on both hard and software, at least on J class. Hardware wise, I like the sound proof material used yet I personally still prefer to have angled seats with adjustment.