Lessons in Shaarei Kedushah - The Gates of Holiness - by Rabbi Chaim Vital - Introduction

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • The introduction to the work Shaarei Kedushah written by Rabbi Chaim Vital (1542-1620). Rabbi Chaim Vital was the student of the Arizal - Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (1534-1572). In this work, Rabbi Vital teaches us the secrets to ascending to the deepest levels of holiness and even attaining Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Inspiration).
    In this Shiur, we will be working through the introduction of his work, giving us an insight for what the entire book holds for us.
    We will also be looking at some other key points in what Kabbalah is as we work our way through the intro.
    It's a Shiur not to be missed!
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ความคิดเห็น • 18

  • @RF-no5rc
    @RF-no5rc ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you please continue

  • @brucerisen9825
    @brucerisen9825 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    There was spiritual coals of fire in my hands, thank you for this video, im not alone

    • @rebeliyah
      @rebeliyah  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Marvelous! Thanks so much for your comment Jay. Much appreciated! No - definitely not alone. I wish you much success in your journey!

  • @massagebyyoon
    @massagebyyoon 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Faith is The Knowledge of The Torah. Faithfulness is Knowing The Torah is The Truth and live by The Torah.

  • @ShoshanahShear
    @ShoshanahShear 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for this video. There is so much in it, well worth watching several times.

  • @lightbox33
    @lightbox33 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great introduction. Sholem!

    • @rebeliyah
      @rebeliyah  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks so much. Your comment gives me the encouragement to continue and the desire to share more! I think I'll have to continue with the lessons on Shaarei Kedushah! Much appreciated! Shalom!

  • @jennykuser6149
    @jennykuser6149 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    V'shamru vene Yisrael et haShabbat laasot et haShabat ldorotam brit olam.

  • @Me98764
    @Me98764 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    B"H. Thank you Rabbi Shear. It's an amazing "coincidence" that I arrived at this shiur at this particular time ... Sefirat ha Omer.

    • @rebeliyah
      @rebeliyah  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks Chaya for your support. Hope you enjoyed the Shiur.

  • @adrigama9910
    @adrigama9910 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Muito obrigada...from Brazil

  • @nathanielcastillo6340
    @nathanielcastillo6340 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They are works by the Ari in english that are super expensive. Wish I could find cheaper ones.

  • @user-ro1yz3uv5v
    @user-ro1yz3uv5v 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can you do a video teaching about the last censored section???

    • @rebeliyah
      @rebeliyah  6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I'm hoping to work through the entire text from the beginning to the end.
      I don't see the purpose of people jumping to the fourth section without having heard and understood the fundamental steps first. Rabbi Chaim Vital is taking us on a journey. It is a part of the program to move from chapter one to chapter four and to embrace the fourth section after having grown through the first three sections first. This is probably why the original printer chose not to allow that fourth section to be printed. It is, in fact, available today - but still, perhaps we should learn from it having not been printed that it something we should learn only when we have worked through the first three sections with care, sensitivity and concern.
      One has to actually implement the steps Rabbi Vital takes us through so that when one reaches that fourth section, one is ready to move with it - if one wants to. If not, I would imagine it to being similar to a person having no idea of what fire is or how to control it when it begins - and then just going ahead and lighting a match near some highly combustible materials.
      But - when a person sets up his safety barriers and knows what to be on the lookout for when the fire begins - so that he is more in control of the fire than the fire is in control of him, then he may light the fire and be prepared for the flames - without bringing himself, or quite frankly - anyone else to any harm.
      None of this is by any means "magic" - but rather becoming in touch with the forces of purity in the world. Not impurity - but purity. To do so means one must also align oneself with *those* forces - and stay clear away from those negative forces that will disrupt one's path that the Shaarei Kedushah will bring us to. One cannot just jump into that force of (pure / positive) energy when one has not prepared oneself sufficiently. The Shaarei Kedushah is a path for those interested in travelling the road of goodness, kindness and purity.

    • @user-ro1yz3uv5v
      @user-ro1yz3uv5v 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Reb Eliyahu
      Shalom and thanks for your response. Based on your 1st statement, i take it that you will eventually do a video on it. Am i correct?
      If there is 1 thing I have learned as a Rab, is that you should never underestimate your listeners! You would be suprised as to how many saints are out there ready but deprived! The issue is a lack of true Rabbanim, or as I like to say ascended Masters who can properly present, teach and reveal because they have mastered the material and walked it!
      With all due respect, while i understand your response, most meqabalim usually give this cookie cutter response as either a cop out or excuse because they dont know and cant teach it...
      If you do, however, the question is will you be like the ancient evil Rabbanim/Meqabelim who shut the gates of heaven to those who were worthy, or will you open the gates of heaven??

    • @rebeliyah
      @rebeliyah  6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I hope to get there. Remember that this is a public forum for sharing. Those who wish to learn privately at their own pace are always welcome.
      The only shut off from "Heaven" is from Heaven itself. The gates are open to everyone. Those who are real Mekubaliim do not shut off Heaven from anyone. Rest assured, Mekubalim are not in charge of heaven to decide who is worthy and who isn't. The only One to decide who is worthy is G-d Himself.
      When a person travels on a path to enter into the Shaarei Kedusha - that path is open to him as much as to anyone else. If you are sincere enough and prepared to travel that path - go ahead. There is nobody in this physical world who is stopping you.
      If of course you don't understand the text, then find someone who does and read through it with him and venture onwards.
      We live in a generation where there is a lot more available both in textual format as well as in the ability to attune oneself spiritually to good things - than there ever has been before. There is no lack of books available even for one who does not have a personal teacher. However... that being said, it is best to work forwards with someone who is already on that path simply because they will be able to guide you along the path you are going.
      There is nobody copping out of anything. It is easily available for everyone to read today. Indeed, that chapter you are asking about is readily available - and you are more than welcome to purchase the book yourself and feel free to read it from beginning to end and decide on your own what direction you feel you are ready for.
      Why blame anyone? No human can stop a soul from wanting to pursue its desire of cleaving to God. But - if Heaven chooses to hold the person back from their desire - only because it will be better for them - then that is what will happen as well.
      There are some awesome authentic sites that will help you understand the material. There are videos. It's all there for you. If you feel you aren't getting it from one - find another.
      A word of caution: Make sure you are connecting with people who are authentic in their journey and not looking for a quick fix. Choose the sites where it is clear that you are dealing with people who are tuned into the good side of things and not looking for that quick fix while not practising a proper Torah path. Otherwise, you'll be "travelling" to worlds which will do nothing for assisting in a proper close cleaving relationship with the Creator of the universe.

    • @user-ro1yz3uv5v
      @user-ro1yz3uv5v 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Amen Rab!
      Todah weShalom!

  • @AngelaMoses123
    @AngelaMoses123 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is more than One School of Kabbalistic Teachings. This is form is LURIAN and is from: Isaac Luria (1534-1572) . However there are others who don't believe in this form but do study the Kabbalah, As it was given to Adam, Moses, and then Abraham who was said to have written it on scrolls from which the Sepher Yetzirah originates, and from which Zohar was later written. Some believe that the Luric Kabbalah is corrupted.