Happy Birthday Diane! You Rock. Thank you for bringing the Word of God to thousands of His people. So glad He made you and that we get to be friends and work together. Happy Birthday too to Iris. Here's a link to her cover song - it's outstanding. th-cam.com/video/2qFsIh0mNmo/w-d-xo.html
Happy Birthday to my son Jimmy Jr. And also to Diane. May God bless them with all their hearts’ desires. Fr Dave please pray for my son, Jimmy Jr. Who alienated himself from God. And told me he doesn’t even believe in God now. Once he was so much involved in things of God n even went to daily mass, spent many hours at adoration chapel, and I sent him on many spiritual retreats. Now he is so worldly n doesn’t want to hear about God. Please pray for his spiritual and moral conversion! And may God bless U! Enjoy your homilies and masses. One day I hope I cn go to Jersey to attend one of your masses.
Father Dave, THANK YOU!!!! Thank you for dedicating a prayer intention to me... this was the best birthday gift I could ever get! Your homily today was so beautiful. Something about all of your homilies are so special and they really change the way that I perceive day to day things. Again, thank you the shoutout- I can't stop smiling... this has made my entire year!!!! Hope I get to meet you someday! God bless you and Cragly; I love you both!!! And happy birthday, Diane!!! We love you!
Happy Birthday Iris. I listened to one of your videos after watching Fr. Dave's mass. You have a beautiful voice and have quite a bit of talent for your age. Think about signing up for American Idol. I think God has big plans for you. You are a beautiful girl. Good luck in your further endeavors.
Father Dave. I love how you talk about getting close to God by being in nature so natural. I love you and God so much. I I've in the mountains of north Carolina, and I feel God's presence with the cold wind the mountains and the woods and all the animals in the woods.
Happy 2nd Anniversary to Fr. Dave's online mass! (way back in March 2020 it was B.C. - Before Church location - when Fr D was self-quarantined and broadcasting from the rectory with only a crucifix and a Vikings logo as a backdrop, lol.) 2 yrs later and still going Faith strong. Thanks to all involved at St. Martha's for bringing us along on this spiritual journey. God Bless & All the Best!
When God made you a Priest he knew what he was doing. I can't imagine a Sunday without you. Cant imagine starting a week without your corny jokes and amazing laughter.....You are one of the many good things that happened because of the pandemic.....and of course the cute and beautiful Cragley.......p.s. you sing beautifully .............dorothy
Thank you Father Dave for being real. For being awake to what's really going on in the world. I wish more were awake like you. Many of us feel connected to you more for just this reason alone along with your strong faith in Jesus. Thank you for being down to earth. Thank you for shining your light and bringing peace to so many. One day it is my goal to make it to your state and listen to you in person. I wish you had mass every day. You really do make a difference in so many peoples lives. You are amazing and a true warrior of God. Also, your laugh is very unique and we love it and your jokes of course🤣God bless every step you take Father Dave Happy Birthday to Diane!!! May you br blessed with many more happy and healthy years🙏❤🎂🍧🍭🍬
Thank you so much for todays mass. I lost my daughters dog last night and st. Anthony was brought up to prayer for what you lost. Well right then and there I said a prayer to St. Anthony and with in a couple of hours someone called me and had my daughters dog to come and pick her up. I thanked God, St. Anthony and you Father Dave for the help that was given to me. God Bless you. I love your masses and how you relate the sermons to present times.
Whew! Thanks be to God! I'd recommend stopping in your local church and thanking God of course. St. Anthony always encouraged giving some food to the poor when prayers were answered. I think he'd also recommend giving food to the found dog too...since Anthony was a Franciscan after all. God bless all of you guys
Father Dave! Jesus bless you We need a light hearted happy attitude like you! We can get down on ourselves for making mistakes or things not going away. I've been praying more. With some fasting and almsgiving
Father Dave--we love your mass. You teach us that Jesus is a real person and he loves laughter and jokes and wants us to enjoy his celebration of Mass with joy and song. God bless you and your staff who work every week to bring this message to us.
Father Dave, thank you for your enthusiastic encouragement on the Lenten journey, with songs and prayers, and no flowers on the altar to remind us of the season. I like the sheep!
Thank you Father Dave for helping me keep Sunday Holy! I really appreciate your insights and homilies as well as your light hearted nature. My the Lord continue to bless you and your service. Amen.
Fr.Dave,We You have become a crucial part of our lives.We love your heart,attitude and words.You are the very best part of “covid”Hope you continue long after ❤️
Thank you Fr. Dave. I view your online mass when I can't make it to my church for health issues. BUT even when I make it to my church I also view your service in the evening. I hope you continue this online service 🙏
I always loved John Denver's music. When I was in college, my roommate (who also was a great skier) told me she loved his music also. She had gone through some difficult times in her teen years. She never told me about those times, saying that she did so many bad things. She told me that one winter while on a family ski trip in Colorado, she was at the top of a mountain and had a spiritual experience that changed her behavior and adopted Rocky Mountain High as her song, because it reflected what she experienced on that mountain. We would listen to that song together right before we took exams because we felt it would bring us luck as well as calm us.
The apostles were "Rocky Mountain High" when they were up on the mountain witnessing the "transfiguration" of our Lord. John Denver communed with the mountains and nature all the time and his songs reflect that. I have a Colorado Blue Spruce in my yard, and live in the valley surrounded by mountains, and I find the Lord there at all times. I just wish that I could hear God the Father say to me on the mountain, "This is my daughter, for whom I am well pleased." LOL. But, no such luck. I feel Jesus felt so supported when he heard his Father say those words, and the apostles' faith deepened. When I looked up at the blue skies yesterday before the snow came today, I saw this peaceful blue sky, and I thanked God that I do not see or hear bombs going off in my sky like the people of Ukraine are. I am so grateful I live in a peaceful country, and I offer this Mass for the people in Ukraine and for peace to come soon. Please pray for peace. Tomorrow is my birthday as well, I was born on a Sunday, and it falls this year on a Sunday. Happy Birthday Diane! Celebrate Life! ......and get Rocky Mountain High! Bethlehem, PA
Every Week for past 20 Years I havre walked Frenchman's Forest natural area in my neighborhood. I have recently during Lent decided to take a Rosary and say one during the walk. Its full of huge Florida Oaks and Gofer Turtles Birds some Gators and Sabal Palms. You can walk for about 4 miles and God is there. Thank you and Happy Birthday Diane.
Lots of mountain area in AZ. Great 👍 Just fabulous for seeking God. But,. It's important to get to Mass and pray. Peace and blessings. 😍 Life is a beach. 😆🎂
Happy 2nd Anniversary Fr. Dave and family! Happy Birthday to Diane (fellow birthday month baby🥳) Enjoy a great week and we will see you all next weekend! Love seeing Cragly at mass always!
Good morning Fr Dave we pray and thank you for going out and weekly do the online masses. I ask you to pray for our very special Priest of our Parish who has been diagnosed with cancer. He is such an awesome priest so we pray that his treatment will be a true healing and that he may be healed. I thank you for the profound words that you give us weekly as this we listen to you and listen to God. We trust and thank God for sending us friends that give us the help we need. Happy and blessed birthday Diane may your day be special in every way and thank you for your weekly readings. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇿🇦🇿🇦🏞🌅🌍🕊zita
Happy Birthday, Diane and Iris🎂💐 Wonderful singer for Holy Communion song really enjoyed this. Many thanks Fr. Dave for online Mass. I always learn something new and ponder your teachings love the" homework assignments." Thanks for sharing Cragly
St. Anthony, I pray to him often. Father Dave - Your words inspire my husband and me to be kinder and gentler with each other and the community. Best wishes for a beautiful Lenten Season. 🌷🌷
prayers for my amazing mother in law.. she fell yesterday and is having surgery today on her hip. happy happy day to Diane! and thank you father Dave for another homily that helps me see things in a differn't way😊
Happy Anniversary for being with us for the 2 years. Bless you. Happy birthday to Diane. And finally THankyou for recommending listening to Iris. What a beautiful voice
Happy Birthday, Diane. Thanks for all you do for those of us online. You help to create something very special and unique and bring us closer to God. I am very grateful to you. I hope you have a wonderful and special day. Thanks to Fr Dave, a great Mass as always on my next walk with my little dog, Poppy in the Aussie bush, I'll say a prayer for you and your parish. Big pat and pizza crusts to Cragly. Have a great week all of you🙏♥️
Father Dave, Thank You for a beautiful celebration of the Holy Mass! I am very grateful to God for putting the right people into my life at the right time (like you!). I do truly experience God in nature- at the beach AND in the mountains! Have a Blessed week! Happy Birthday to Diane!
Thank you Fr. Dave for your beautiful mass and homily. Happy 2nd anniversary. I hope you will continue to share His word through on line masses. Happy birthday to Diane and thanks for your part in the mass. You are special.
Hi Father Dave, another great homily. My daughter told me something about my two grandson’s, ages 18 and 16, that I thought you would like. One week after listening to your homily, and during the week, the boys repeated something you had said. You make such a impression on our young folks and I thank you for that. They also liked the way Cragley, strolls around the alter. They both are animal lovers. On May 5th, they will be making their Confirmation. Proud Grandma. God Bless you.
Great mass, as usual. Hope Diane enjoyed the best birthday ever! 💐🥂🎉 Hard to believe it has been two years that we’ve celebrated mass together…thanks to the wonderful people at St Martha’s. 😘🙏🏻
I loved you special mass you gave a beautiful sermon. I lose my husband of almost 40 years. You are so special i love all of your masses but today hit home thank you. I can't attend mass because i can't get around. But i look forward for you each week. God be with you.
Your homily really spoke to my heart and soul today. I pray short prayers during the day and I ask my guardian Angel for assistance quite often and I have never been disappointed. On my walks I pray the rosary. But I’ve stopped going to the church I’ve been a parishioner for going on 25 years. Our church has lost that sense of community with a new priest a few years ago. I love ‘going’ to your church services. God bless you and Cragly
God bless and thank you so much Father Dave! Your homily and teaching was so encouraging, enlightening and uplifting!!!🙏🏻✝️ And a very happy birthday to Diane thank you all for the online Mass and Good works that you do!🙏🏻
@@FatherDave Thankyou for your kind words. You speak to people's hearts when you talk and that is an amazing gift. God bless and may God give you the strength you need on your journey. Jamily
I love how you incorporate music and lyrics into your homilies. God bless from the Midwest -Alison PS I wish my dog, Ellie, was as well behaved as Cragley lol.
Thanks to all who continue to make these masses possible, esp. you Fr. Dave! Loved the part in today's sermon about radio waves (electromagnetic fields) and how we know they are there, even though we can't see or touch them! Happy b'day Diane!
Happy 2nd Anniversary Fr. Dave. And Happy Birthday🎂 Diane. Your energy is contagious. Keep singing, keep smiling, keep rocking out minds with your amazing sermons. See you next Saturday, Feast Day of Saint Joseph!!!!!!!❤️🔥❤️
Happy Birthday Diane! You Rock. Thank you for bringing the Word of God to thousands of His people. So glad He made you and that we get to be friends and work together.
Happy Birthday too to Iris. Here's a link to her cover song - it's outstanding. th-cam.com/video/2qFsIh0mNmo/w-d-xo.html
Oh my gosh her voice is really amazing!
She is so talented!!!
And Diane, I just love your bloopers and sense of humor!
Happy Birthday Diane!
Diane happy birthday and God bless you for all the good you do
Thanks for the link!🎵🎶🎵
Happy Birthday to all on March 14th!! Especially the 14 year old from Florida
Happy, Happy Birthday beautiful Diane!! 🙏🎶💕🙏👄🥂🥳❤🌞
What a beautiful reflection thank you so much for being such a good shepherd for Jesus.
We never thought two years ago the Lord would be using us this long.
thank you for being there while i am here
I pray for all the people in the Ukraine and to be a better employee and family member,
Happy Birthday to my son Jimmy Jr. And also to Diane. May God bless them with all their hearts’ desires. Fr Dave please pray for my son, Jimmy Jr. Who alienated himself from God. And told me he doesn’t even believe in God now. Once he was so much involved in things of God n even went to daily mass, spent many hours at adoration chapel, and I sent him on many spiritual retreats. Now he is so worldly n doesn’t want to hear about God. Please pray for his spiritual and moral conversion! And may God bless U! Enjoy your homilies and masses. One day I hope I cn go to Jersey to attend one of your masses.
Happy birthday to the both of you
Father Dave, THANK YOU!!!! Thank you for dedicating a prayer intention to me... this was the best birthday gift I could ever get! Your homily today was so beautiful. Something about all of your homilies are so special and they really change the way that I perceive day to day things. Again, thank you the shoutout- I can't stop smiling... this has made my entire year!!!! Hope I get to meet you someday! God bless you and Cragly; I love you both!!! And happy birthday, Diane!!! We love you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Iris. I listened to one of your videos after watching Fr. Dave's mass. You have a beautiful voice and have quite a bit of talent for your age. Think about signing up for American Idol. I think God has big plans for you. You are a beautiful girl. Good luck in your further endeavors.
@@stephencagnassola4632 Thank you!!!
@@maryannmaycen3124 Thank you so so much, Mary Ann! Definitely considering American idol...
God bless you! Stay safe
Iris, I can read in your comment how much you love our church and father day. Thank you for giving us the gift of your beautiful voice!
Father Dave explains are readings better than anyone has and he gives me peace
You give us a lot to do and it is very helpful.you are a great Priest of God.Thank you so much-loved
I agree 1000%
Father Dave. I love how you talk about getting close to God by being in nature so natural. I love you and God so much. I I've in the mountains of north Carolina, and I feel God's presence with the cold wind the mountains and the woods and all the animals in the woods.
Happy 2nd Anniversary to Fr. Dave's online mass! (way back in March 2020 it was B.C. - Before Church location - when Fr D was self-quarantined and broadcasting from the rectory with only a crucifix and a Vikings logo as a backdrop, lol.) 2 yrs later and still going Faith strong. Thanks to all involved at St. Martha's for bringing us along on this spiritual journey. God Bless & All the Best!
When God made you a Priest he knew what he was doing. I can't imagine a Sunday without you. Cant imagine starting a week without your corny jokes and amazing laughter.....You are one of the many good things that happened because of the pandemic.....and of course the cute and beautiful Cragley.......p.s. you sing beautifully .............dorothy
Thank you thank you thank you.
Thank you Father Dave for being real. For being awake to what's really going on in the world. I wish more were awake like you. Many of us feel connected to you more for just this reason alone along with your strong faith in Jesus. Thank you for being down to earth. Thank you for shining your light and bringing peace to so many. One day it is my goal to make it to your state and listen to you in person. I wish you had mass every day. You really do make a difference in so many peoples lives. You are amazing and a true warrior of God. Also, your laugh is very unique and we love it and your jokes of course🤣God bless every step you take Father Dave
Happy Birthday to Diane!!! May you br blessed with many more happy and healthy years🙏❤🎂🍧🍭🍬
Sermons just get better and better. Thank you Father Dave. Stay safe. Stay well. God bless you.
Thank you for all ur good wishes
We love you Diane. God bless you on your birthday
Happy birthday Diane. God bless you with good health and happiness always 💕💜💕
Happy Birthday Father Dave
Thank you Fr. Dave, you have been such a blessing to me and our family the past few months. 🙏💚
Thanks Father!
Thank you so much for todays mass. I lost my daughters dog last night and st. Anthony was brought up to prayer for what you lost. Well right then and there I said a prayer to St. Anthony and with in a couple of hours someone called me and had my daughters dog to come and pick her up. I thanked God, St. Anthony and you Father Dave for the help that was given to me. God Bless you.
I love your masses and how you relate the sermons to present times.
Whew! Thanks be to God! I'd recommend stopping in your local church and thanking God of course. St. Anthony always encouraged giving some food to the poor when prayers were answered. I think he'd also recommend giving food to the found dog too...since Anthony was a Franciscan after all. God bless all of you guys
Thanks father your words of wisdom
Thank you father Dave for bringing grace into our home.
Happy birthday Diane!
awesome mass father dave!
Thank you Fr. Dave. You bring Christ’s word alive for me. God bless.
Just discovered you...what a blast for this 85yr.old-died in the wool Catholic...Keep it up Father Dave.
dyed in wool...(:
Happy Anniversary Fr Dave as only God knows how thankful I am for bringing you into my life to help me get by my friend.
Happy Birthday Diane.
🎉Happy Belated Birthday Diane! Hope you had a great day!!
Father Dave! Jesus bless you We need a light hearted happy attitude like you! We can get down on ourselves for making mistakes or things not going away. I've been praying more. With some fasting and almsgiving
Prayers that my suv is cheap to fix
Thank you Father Dave.
You're welcome Theresa. You have a great patron saint,
Father Dave--we love your mass. You teach us that Jesus is a real person and he loves laughter and jokes and wants us to enjoy his celebration of Mass with joy and song. God bless you and your staff who work every week to bring this message to us.
Thank you, Father Dave! And a very happy birthday to Diane 🎂🥳
Your masses are the highlight of our week!!
Thank you so much for helping us be closer to God in these crazy times.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy birthday, and God bless Dianne!
Father Dave, thank you for your enthusiastic encouragement on the Lenten journey, with songs and prayers, and no flowers on the altar to remind us of the season. I like the sheep!
Dear Lord, bless Fr.Dave....change me 🙏
Thank you Father Dave for helping me keep Sunday Holy! I really appreciate your insights and homilies as well as your light hearted nature. My the Lord continue to bless you and your service. Amen.
Happy birthday Diana and Iris. God bless you both and many more. ❤🙏🏼❤🙏🏼❤🙏🏼
BLOOPERS at the end I LOVE IT!!!!!
I chose to watch this every Sunday now over the televised one I used to watch
Fr.Dave,We You have become a crucial part of our lives.We love your heart,attitude and words.You are the very best part of “covid”Hope you continue long after ❤️
Happy 2nd anniversary for these wonderful online masses Fr. Dave!
Thank you for talking about Grandparents being present during prayer.
Happy Birthday Diane!
Have a blessed week Fr. Dave! Happy Birthday Diane! 🙏🏻😊
Thank you Fr. Dave. I view your online mass when I can't make it to my church for health issues. BUT even when I make it to my church I also view your service in the evening. I hope you continue this online service 🙏
I always loved John Denver's music. When I was in college, my roommate (who also was a great skier) told me she loved his music also. She had gone through some difficult times in her teen years. She never told me about those times, saying that she did so many bad things. She told me that one winter while on a family ski trip in Colorado, she was at the top of a mountain and had a spiritual experience that changed her behavior and adopted Rocky Mountain High as her song, because it reflected what she experienced on that mountain. We would listen to that song together right before we took exams because we felt it would bring us luck as well as calm us.
P.S. I have no idea why "Wow! I never knew that!" shows up next to my name!
Colorado has 2 state songs and since 2007 "Rocky Mountain HIgh" is one of them.
@@vinceschauf9437 As it should be!
Happy birthday Diane showers of blessings to you dear
Thank you for bringing Gods word to the faithful.
Happy Birthday Diane! Thank you as always Fr. Dave!
Beautiful music, homily, and blessings to us all. Thank you, Team St. Martha!
Thanks again!!!
Fr. I do much enjoy you and the beautiful mass you have each Sunday. Thank you for allowing me to view your service. Bless you
The apostles were "Rocky Mountain High" when they were up on the mountain witnessing the "transfiguration" of our Lord. John Denver communed with the mountains and nature all the time and his songs reflect that. I have a Colorado Blue Spruce in my yard, and live in the valley surrounded by mountains, and I find the Lord there at all times. I just wish that I could hear God the Father say to me on the mountain, "This is my daughter, for whom I am well pleased." LOL. But, no such luck. I feel Jesus felt so supported when he heard his Father say those words, and the apostles' faith deepened. When I looked up at the blue skies yesterday before the snow came today, I saw this peaceful blue sky, and I thanked God that I do not see or hear bombs going off in my sky like the people of Ukraine are. I am so grateful I live in a peaceful country, and I offer this Mass for the people in Ukraine and for peace to come soon. Please pray for peace. Tomorrow is my birthday as well, I was born on a Sunday, and it falls this year on a Sunday. Happy Birthday Diane! Celebrate Life! ......and get Rocky Mountain High!
Bethlehem, PA
Happy Birthday Diane and Thank you Fr. Dave for the mass online. God Bless.
💚Thank you, Fr. Dave, Thank you, Heavenly Almighty Father, for your Love. Mother Mary, pray for healings. Jesus, guard our hearts and minds.🍀
Every Week for past 20 Years I havre walked Frenchman's Forest natural area in my neighborhood. I have recently during Lent decided to take a Rosary and say one during the walk. Its full of huge Florida Oaks and Gofer Turtles Birds some Gators and Sabal Palms. You can walk for about 4 miles and God is there. Thank you and Happy Birthday Diane.
Happy birthday Dianne 🙏
Thank you Fr. Dave!! You always reach me in my heart...and lately I have tears listening to you. God bless you!!
Lots of mountain area in AZ. Great 👍
Just fabulous for seeking God. But,. It's important to get to Mass and pray.
Peace and blessings. 😍
Life is a beach. 😆🎂
Happy birthday Diane! 🎉
Thanks Fr Dave for your always inspiring homilies. 🙏🏻♥️
Happy 2nd Anniversary Fr. Dave and family! Happy Birthday to Diane (fellow birthday month baby🥳) Enjoy a great week and we will see you all next weekend! Love seeing Cragly at mass always!
Wooohooo! What a strange and blessed journey it's been. Thanks for taking it with us.
Happy Birthday, Ms. Diane.
Happy Birthday Diane! Happy Birthday to Iris as well. Have a good week Fr. Dave. Praying for Peace.
Beautiful message,thank you Fr Dave!
Good morning Fr Dave we pray and thank you for going out and weekly do the online masses. I ask you to pray for our very special Priest of our Parish who has been diagnosed with cancer. He is such an awesome priest so we pray that his treatment will be a true healing and that he may be healed. I thank you for the profound words that you give us weekly as this we listen to you and listen to God. We trust and thank God for sending us friends that give us the help we need. Happy and blessed birthday Diane may your day be special in every way and thank you for your weekly readings. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇿🇦🇿🇦🏞🌅🌍🕊zita
I sure will Zita. May God deliver him and heal him especially thru the sacrament of the sick
So grateful for your sharing the Mass with us , Father Dave.
Happy Birthday, Diane and Iris🎂💐
Wonderful singer for Holy Communion song really enjoyed this.
Many thanks Fr. Dave for online Mass. I always learn something new and ponder your teachings love the" homework assignments."
Thanks for sharing Cragly
Thanks for the mass Father Dave, Diane and Jess. Happy birthday Diane 🌸🌸🌷🌷🌷🙏🙏
Happy Birthday 🎉 Diane, enjoy your special day , Thanks for all you do !
Thank Father Dave for another wonderful mass. God bless you all. See you next weekend!
St. Anthony, I pray to him often. Father Dave - Your words inspire my husband and me to be kinder and gentler with each other and the community. Best wishes for a beautiful Lenten Season. 🌷🌷
prayers for my amazing mother in law.. she fell yesterday and is having surgery today on her hip.
happy happy day to Diane! and thank you father Dave for another homily that helps me see things in a differn't way😊
I'm sorry to hear your mother in law fell. May God help her in her recovery and bring people into her life to aid her
Happy Anniversary for being with us for the 2 years. Bless you. Happy birthday to Diane. And finally THankyou for recommending listening to Iris. What a beautiful voice
Happy Birthday, Diane. Thanks for all you do for those of us online. You help to create something very special and unique and bring us closer to God. I am very grateful to you. I hope you have a wonderful and special day. Thanks to Fr Dave, a great Mass as always on my next walk with my little dog, Poppy in the Aussie bush, I'll say a prayer for you and your parish. Big pat and pizza crusts to Cragly. Have a great week all of you🙏♥️
You plant lots of seeds in our heart to blossom into good works Fr Dave. Thank you and God bless your hard working ministry. Amen
Father Dave, Thank You for a beautiful celebration of the Holy Mass! I am very grateful to God for putting the right people into my life at the right time (like you!). I do truly experience God in nature- at the beach AND in the mountains! Have a Blessed week! Happy Birthday to Diane!
Thank you Fr. Dave for your beautiful mass and homily. Happy 2nd anniversary. I hope you will continue to share His word through on line masses. Happy birthday to Diane and thanks for your part in the mass. You are special.
Happy birthday to Dianne!
Thank You Fr. Dave. God Bless You
I so thank you for your Mass. You are a wonderful priest. ❤️
Good bless Padre
Love you mas
Hi Frome Tijuana baja 🇲🇽
Thank you to the Vocalist for sharing his beautiful, heartopening voice in true ministry. [and, hi Cragley]
Hi Father Dave, another great homily. My daughter told me something about my two grandson’s, ages 18 and 16, that I thought you would like. One week after listening to your homily, and during the week, the boys repeated something you had said. You make such a impression on our young folks and I thank you for that. They also liked the way Cragley, strolls around the alter. They both are animal lovers. On May 5th, they will be making their Confirmation. Proud Grandma. God Bless you.
Great mass, as usual. Hope Diane enjoyed the best birthday ever! 💐🥂🎉 Hard to believe it has been two years that we’ve celebrated mass together…thanks to the wonderful people at St Martha’s. 😘🙏🏻
Thanks for keeping it real FD. Many Blessings.
I loved you special mass you gave a beautiful sermon. I lose my husband of almost 40 years. You are so special i love all of your masses but today hit home thank you. I can't attend mass because i can't get around. But i look forward for you each week. God be with you.
Your homily really spoke to my heart and soul today. I pray short prayers during the day and I ask my guardian Angel for assistance quite often and I have never been disappointed. On my walks I pray the rosary. But I’ve stopped going to the church I’ve been a parishioner for going on 25 years. Our church has lost that sense of community with a new priest a few years ago. I love ‘going’ to your church services. God bless you and Cragly
God bless and thank you so much Father Dave! Your homily and teaching was so encouraging, enlightening and uplifting!!!🙏🏻✝️ And a very happy birthday to Diane thank you all for the online Mass and Good works that you do!🙏🏻
Hello Father Dave, enjoyed watching your mass👍
Thank you Jamily. May God bring some good people into your life and keep you safe
@@FatherDave Thankyou for your kind words. You speak to people's hearts when you talk and that is an amazing gift.
God bless and may God give you the strength you need on your journey.
Happy Birthday Dianne
Happy Anniversary, For being on u tube,and offering Mass for my sonMarc, love ur weely Mass,&sense of humor always great 🙏
I love how you incorporate music and lyrics into your homilies. God bless from the Midwest
PS I wish my dog, Ellie, was as well behaved as Cragley lol.
Thanks to all who continue to make these masses possible, esp. you Fr. Dave! Loved the part in today's sermon about radio waves (electromagnetic fields) and how we know they are there, even though we can't see or touch them! Happy b'day Diane!
Good morning Fr Dave from Illinois🕊🙏🏽💜💙❤️🙏🏽🕊
Happy Birthday Diane.
Wonderful mass father...interesting part on the song refrain...happy birthday diane
Hey!! I don't care what anyone says I loved your singing! lol and the joke at the end! My Poppy would have loved that. Always put a smile on our faces
Happy 2nd Anniversary Fr. Dave. And Happy Birthday🎂 Diane. Your energy is contagious. Keep singing, keep smiling, keep rocking out minds with your amazing sermons. See you next Saturday, Feast Day of Saint Joseph!!!!!!!❤️🔥❤️