You had our attention on your first video but this video describes yet another precious small town with its charm slipping away due to uncontrolled growth. Where has common sense gone in this country? Common sense is no longer common when $$$$ is in the mix. So sad how money takes precedence over the preservation of gems of which Aiken once was. Realtors and others are getting filthy rich at the expense of the forever demise of small town treasures. Yet another precious small town gem bites the dust. A sad day...
Thank you
You had our attention on your first video but this video describes yet another precious small town with its charm slipping away due to uncontrolled growth. Where has common sense gone in this country? Common sense is no longer common when $$$$ is in the mix. So sad how money takes precedence over the preservation of gems of which Aiken once was. Realtors and others are getting filthy rich at the expense of the forever demise of small town treasures. Yet another precious small town gem bites the dust. A sad day...