Great handbag! I have been searching for this handbag in the size 25. If you ever decide to sell this bag, please let me know! You are right! There are soooo many fakes and I have been scammed on Poshmark twice in an attempt to buy the rogue 25 from this collection.
Thank you SO MUCH for pointing out how to identify the fakes 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
You are very welcome! 🧡🥰
Beautiful bag!😍😍
Thank you! You also have one. Are you keeping yours? 💖
@@liaswardrobe sure plan to! You?
@@CoachCraze no, I don’t. It’s gorgeous but it’s not me. I keep the Pez 😍
Great handbag! I have been searching for this handbag in the size 25. If you ever decide to sell this bag, please let me know! You are right! There are soooo many fakes and I have been scammed on Poshmark twice in an attempt to buy the rogue 25 from this collection.
I’m selling this right now. You can find me on FB and we can chat there.
Hi Lia, I messaged you on FB.