I'm not qualified to comment on these games other than what i see. Ive never been to an arcade let alone play a game like that. It looked pretty hard to win. When i was growing up, an arcade consisted of 2 pinball machines. You could play for a quarter. We could play from 6 am till 8 pm. After a while i could play only using 1 quarter all day. I hope you can win big at the next game. Best wishes always. Stay safe. If i have to say if i like it or not, i would say not, it didnt let you win big.
It is synced to all other Konami medal games. Get an overhead view and it's quite a sight.
Also, find the Million Terminal and it will show who actually won the jackpot.
That was a fun game! I like the mouse
this game is fun!
Million Jackpot is a strange system, for sure, but it does connect all the Konami games together for that, yeah.
New Pusher Brah video!!!!!
"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." ---Thomas Jefferson
Id trade my first born to be able to go to japan and experience these arcades.
I'm not qualified to comment on these games other than what i see. Ive never been to an arcade let alone play a game like that. It looked pretty hard to win. When i was growing up, an arcade consisted of 2 pinball machines. You could play for a quarter. We could play from 6 am till 8 pm. After a while i could play only using 1 quarter all day. I hope you can win big at the next game. Best wishes always. Stay safe. If i have to say if i like it or not, i would say not, it didnt let you win big.
So you only win medals back and can’t use the medals for any prizes or anything?
You’re just paying to play a video game?
Medals cannot be exchanged for prizes
It is possible to deposit medals
Most people play using cards that can store game play data.(e-amusement pass)