That kind of behavior is completely unacceptable. i believe that the trip to the guidence counselor is in order (Edit): im gonna continue the cutscene sence you gave me 3 likes im proud of you guys
This is the truth behind me Story one in her mind she can hear giggles from the bathroom amira asked the teacher if she can go to the bathroom as she went in the bathroom stall she heard say HELP! As she got scared she ran out the bathroom as the teacher asked what’s wrong Ten minutes later- she walked home she heard screams from her mom’s bedroom she opened the door she saw blood and saw her mom on the ceiling fan she started crying because someone was trying to kill her sister too story two coming soon on October 1st
The actor of Yan Chan giggles is amazing! 👏
a shame that she quit voice acting ayano
@@Nyandertall Noooo, why?
@@BattyTheBat123bcs yandev turned out to be a creep
@@BattyTheBat123 Because Yandere Dev is a groomer??
@@Nyandertallyep, almost everyone at the project left
Good riddance
Me laughing at the teacher's dirtiest joke to pass the exam:
0:20 is my favorite one :D
“That kind of behaviour is completely unacceptable! A trip to the guidance counselor is In order!”
Me at 3 AM:
0:14 My favorite
Me too, this makes her look more psychopathic
me when the teacher cancels the project to next week that i stayed up all night doing
0:19 fav
0:14 The most realistic in my opinion
The echos tho 💀😭-
watching this at night- 💀
00:07 is the best!
me trying to hold my laugh after i just did the darkest thing ever :
If ayano’s starts giggling when her sanity is low she is giving a warning to the player to put her sanity up
Thanks for telling me about it and now when I play it how do I laugh in yan simulator
@@SARGE-h8i mash ctrl
@@KiaraQuinn.1 okay thanks
Me trying to get that one joke out
This fr be me in the middle of class trying not to laugh at something funny I remembered
i'm obsessed with this.
me when i remember something funy at the wrong tiem and i try to hold in a fat ass laugh but just let out a giggle
That kind of behavior is completely unacceptable. i believe that the trip to the guidence counselor is in order
(Edit): im gonna continue the cutscene sence you gave me 3 likes im proud of you guys
It should be obvious why you here
I think we could make sweet music together @@jaxson302
of all the..! Ugh...not only is it completely inappropriate to say things like that, it could also get you expelled from school!@@alex20746
@@thenemesis333 nnnooo W-wait *falls down like a drama queen* now senpai will never be mine
0:14 is my favv
Me trying to not laugh at the dumb people at school be like:
0:06 was my fav
When you have two hours of PE.
i also kill 7 students on double pe
This is so satisfying idk why
0:14 is the best!
Bruh im subscribing and giving you a notification
0:13 reminds me of tsukasa from tbhk
When someone tells me to control my laughter
Machela laws did a good job on voice acting *I hope i spelled her name right.*
It’s Michaela not mAcHelA
@@StillepicIdol15 don't gotta be rude about it
0:11 is my fav one!!
She has the cutest giggles tho
But danger
she sounds WAYYY more different then her regular laugh 🤨🤨
Because of her sanity it makes the giggles differents
hearing dis when ur in an abandoned house or smth
@@soggy_tunasandwich so true
How my friends describe my laugh:
nga no they dont
Bro i swear the echos when its low sanity is like pure heaven to my ears
Me when in the library
This is literally the TF2 meme where the mercs a-pose in a corner of an insane asylum and laugh to themselves manicly
i love yan chans laughs ❤❤
0:26 🛐🛐🛐🛐
0:20 is perfect
0:10 and 0:20 are my favorite 🙏
my fav is 0:20 honestly
0:06 and 0:20 is my fav btw
I love ayano hehe..
Me after I lose my phone for 1 milisecond:
Okay this is creepy
0:26 my fav
Her weeze is funny
0:21 ❤❤❤
Me ideas when ever the teacher leaves the class:
"when why eyes turn red...." Ahh
Lol 😭@@BlossomStarz71
Crazy? I was crazy once...
they locked me in a room, a rubber room.
@@shinobuswifey a rubber room with rats
and rats make me crazy@@Nyandertall
Lmao what’s this
Omg really???? Naur way that's so rare!!!
Imaginebtgat was your old sis😮
Imagine that was your Old sis
At 3.00Am
Fuck sake, stop spamming 🙄
@@alexashford1993erm sticky iPad who told you how to swear now go give your phone back to your momma or dad
Same to 0:20
0:08 0:15 0:18 0:21 🙌my favsss
0:20 0:26
0:13, 0:20
This is the truth behind me
Story one in her mind she can hear giggles from the bathroom amira asked the teacher if she can go to the bathroom as she went in the bathroom stall she heard say HELP! As she got scared she ran out the bathroom as the teacher asked what’s wrong
Ten minutes later- she walked home she heard screams from her mom’s bedroom she opened the door she saw blood and saw her mom on the ceiling fan she started crying because someone was trying to kill her sister too story two coming soon on October 1st
0:6 0:4 0:12 0:20
0:23 0:18
Hmm...My favourite is 0:23
so scary
0:06 my fav