All the commenters saying they did 18 on the bleep test at school, fair play. They are many different versions and difficulties of the bleep test though with varying distances, speeds of bleep and disqualification rules. This is the same level that pro football clubs and the army do. Average score for a premier league footballer/soldier is around 14 so if you're getting 18 on this version I look forward to supporting you at the Tokyo Olympics!
Oh man. I remember being excited for P.E thinking that I would do Football. Then I hear the two words "Bleep Test" come out of my P.E teacher's mouth. It was the most frustrating feeling ever. And I still do P.E...
Having never done the bleep test before, this video inspired me to go out and give it a go. I managed to get to level 8.1, and was shattered. Mad respect to all the hashtag lads, especially Seb. It really puts how fit these guys are into perspective.
Seb continuing to run by himself when he didn't have to is a testament to his character. I always tell my running trainees to go that point. I always tell them "you don't quit, your body quits"
How could one measure their strength though? I mean you can do a bench press challenge where you bench your body weight as many times as possible but it's all muscle memory really
Sean Henessy In America, or at least the part where we live, we have the same thing which is the pacer test. It counts the laps back and forth and i got 91(max) when I was in 3rd grade. I could have gone more though.
The bleeper test is rather funny thing since it tells you very little other than stamina. Because of the external strong rhythm the bleeps follow it asks of the human body to function at foreign pacing levels. Which in a not as athletic person it might cause Heart Failure. There is a test to determine whether or not you "can" do it without dying (I'm exaggerating) but it's basically walking among 4 cones, so it's total BS. When I was in high school I could barely do 7-9 minutes because of my lack of athleticism.
your uncle the academy players and other club players are on the same level as the rest of world, there are some fat people but dont sleep there are good footballer everywhere here
20 & 27 should've been eliminated several times. they never made it across the line before the beep. they're just cheating so that they don't seem weak.
Toby Rig what happens is if you miss a beep you have to make the next one and if you do then your fine but if you miss 2 beeps in a row then you're out
RYSE because it's good training. Our sports teacher last year made us do it once a term, we were in year 6, I got in the 5 range for my first one and ended up with an 8 (but I was injured for the first one).
TrickShot Gamer i know but hashtag united is just for fun :p i don't think they actually train together. By the way, that's seriously a great improvement!👍🏼
When I was in year 5 I got an 8.6 but 2 other guys in my class got 9.2 but I was still faster than anyone else in my year except for those 2 in my class
Hi Spencer. I just want to say that these vids are amazing. But when are Hashtag United merchandise going to be restocked? I am possibly going to buy one. Please reply to me telling me when
i remember watching this as a 10 year old, now i’m 16, about to leave school and hashtag are about to be promoted to step 7 of non league, mental how fast time flies.
I hate the bleep test I have to do it in school and in all sports I do .....especially football like all the time ...jesus I'm sick of it ....but I loved the video well done lads 👌😂⚽
Yes it can also be called the Beep test. It's known as both!
Spencer FC 1st reply ❤️
Spencer FC I hate this at school highest is 10:5
Do a pro club series
Spencer FC can you please reply I love your videos and it would mean the world to me
I got to 23.8 HAHAHA you are all losers
All the commenters saying they did 18 on the bleep test at school, fair play. They are many different versions and difficulties of the bleep test though with varying distances, speeds of bleep and disqualification rules. This is the same level that pro football clubs and the army do. Average score for a premier league footballer/soldier is around 14 so if you're getting 18 on this version I look forward to supporting you at the Tokyo Olympics!
do a one touch passing drill spen
good point spence, good effort from all the lads.
Spencer FC owned the fakers 👍
Spencer FC hi spence!!
Spencer FC
Seb is such a fun addition to your videos. I really like the attitude he brings. I'm turning into a big fan.
Wilco Boshoff thanks mate
Wilco Boshoff I am turning to a air condition
Seb On Golf a
Bruce442 Gaming and vlogs no
Would be interesting to redo this now that your going into non league to see how much you've improved
Tyler Rolfe look at them now😂
The question is, if Dan Brown & Ryan Adams had been there, where would they have finished???
Dan brown - 11.4
Ryan Adams - 14.1
Yeh spence
I would say Dan brown would get to 12.6
and Ryan would have given Seb a run for his money he would come in and be 2nd
Seb still would have won.
Spencer FC first ;)
Everyone used to cut school when they found out that they had a bleep test that day. man
Spencer FC I think you've been spammed mate.
I always liked it
I enjoyed it just because I was the last one standing 😅
swifty gibson same I used to make it to level 19 and above as I do cross country
do hashtag united ball control challenge reply if you agree spencer. Love your Videos
Abhi Kamboj yes abhi
Not a bad idea!
Spencer FC the header challenge
That's not real Spencer,If he's real,the background behind the letters in "Spencer FC" would be light blue
Seb got nutmeged by the the goalkeeper. 0:34.
MysticGaming I
Oh yea I saw that
Do the acrobatics challenge. Got to score with an overhead/bicycle/half turn volley of the floor etc.
Mid air rabona...
Ethan Campbell you go Daca
Anyone here after Hashtag are on the bbc in the emirates cup ?
HT Legg me
At around 20 seconds in, did anyone see AJW nutmeg Seb? Naughty!
Oops meant 30 not 20
10 Subs? Tes
The swag of the goalie
32 secs
lol a guy in my year got 0.2
sean mullins really
sean mullins my brother go 18.7
sean mullins I got level 16.7 in year 8
samsam Stephens why you lying or was it smaller because in the army they get to like 14
Make fifa cards for everyone. like all the tests should be related to fifa stats and at the end you can make fifa cards for everyone.
Kerri-Anne Scalia yea great idea
good idea
This is exactly what I was thinking all along. Wish you could create your own team on FIFA 17 :) I would so do Hashtag!
Oh man. I remember being excited for P.E thinking that I would do Football. Then I hear the two words "Bleep Test" come out of my P.E teacher's mouth. It was the most frustrating feeling ever. And I still do P.E...
I would have dropped PE immediately
I did
Sam Harding You can't drop PE, untill you're in sixth form.
Oh right, why is that? We can drop PE for year 10
+Sam Harding Yep
Having never done the bleep test before, this video inspired me to go out and give it a go. I managed to get to level 8.1, and was shattered. Mad respect to all the hashtag lads, especially Seb. It really puts how fit these guys are into perspective.
the one that pros do only goes up to 15.12 so u lot should calm about how u got 19 😂😂
BA9 there is different courses
The world record for the bleep test is 17.1, it’s most likely that almost anything above that is almost impossible
Seb u showed ur class out their. Like if u agree
BS Gaming form is temporary....
Seb On Golf true, hope u keep winning challenges, I got like 9 this year
+Seb On Golf class is permanent
a guy in my class in year 9 beat him lol
sam _ you have to remember that seb is 31
it's called the beep test in nz
Michael FC yes it is
Michael FC same in Australia
Michael FC same in the U.S.
Pacer test in USA
Michael FC in UK we call it bleep test
It is called a beep test in canada
lola ajegbomogun same in NZ
lola ajegbomogun Canadians for life
I live in the uk and we call it the beep test
It's the beep test in Australia... yeah beep
Master Morzah same for canada
Master Morzah yeah same for me in ENGLAND!!!!
it's called a pacer test in america
Kayden Hendricks I leaned it as the beep test here in California
Ghaza yeah I learned as the beep test as well but in Australia though
Ghaza for me in its the fitness gram and i live in California
beep test in singapore
Seb continuing to run by himself when he didn't have to is a testament to his character. I always tell my running trainees to go that point. I always tell them "you don't quit, your body quits"
Just saying, I'm only 3 years old and I got 46.8 on the bleep test...
McBazza32 it ends at 22
I think he was joking mate...
can i have one pl
Yeah Right
Meekhel Babazule it's on the internet must be true
"It's quite quick y'know" - Spencer as he's going approximately 0.057mph
My highest level was 16 and I'm only 3 years old
Tommy C LOL you are really good in that age ;)
if you're 3 years old, you wouldn't be able to type comments. you wouldn't be able to get past level 1.
Atomic Cookie i know i didnt mean what i Said it was a joke... Did you see the smiley at the end;)
+Don_Oliver there is no smiley
oh wait, I think k remember seeing you in your USA tour, sorry
Cue all the people who are like "i got a 16" when the average professional aussie rules player gets 14.5 and they have to run 15kms + a game
The fitness gram pacer test
Yeah, that's what I was thinking
Sam Pate what's your score?
Lol same
Sam Pate yes my score is 112
Phil Coutinho barely edge you mate 129
In the US we call them pacers, always a fun time 😂😂
Have they done a strength challenge yet?
They should do the sally up push up challenge.
Nick Wright's Conscience I was thinking more weight stuff that's actually strength they could do like the sidemen did
How could one measure their strength though? I mean you can do a bench press challenge where you bench your body weight as many times as possible but it's all muscle memory really
deadlift or squat better all body strength
When i was in year 9 im pretty sure i got 13.8 too, your legs feel like jelly after you genuinely cant walk.
A legit comment, yeah I know that feel.
in year 6 I got 10.1 and I had to lie down for like 30mins because I couldn't move my legs
Sean Hennessy i got to 13.4 or something back when is was in school
After that i just sat in the shower for half an our and missed the next class
Sean Henessy In America, or at least the part where we live, we have the same thing which is the pacer test. It counts the laps back and forth and i got 91(max) when I was in 3rd grade. I could have gone more though.
Same in year 9 I got 14.1.
The bleeper test is rather funny thing since it tells you very little other than stamina. Because of the external strong rhythm the bleeps follow it asks of the human body to function at foreign pacing levels. Which in a not as athletic person it might cause Heart Failure. There is a test to determine whether or not you "can" do it without dying (I'm exaggerating) but it's basically walking among 4 cones, so it's total BS. When I was in high school I could barely do 7-9 minutes because of my lack of athleticism.
Tim Dev I mean who thought that having a fish on a running test was a good idea
i havent even done it yet, im unfit doubt ill even be able to last a whole minute
how long did u spend writing this comment
Omfg this is called the pacer test in the US and I hate it 😒😭😭
EMH Vlogs ikr
It’s different though her you count 1 every bleep
your uncle the academy players and other club players are on the same level as the rest of world, there are some fat people but dont sleep there are good footballer everywhere here
1 tip. You shouldn't curve the turns as much. Great vids btw
Spenny, do the Hashtag United Slidng tackle challenge! It would be so funny to watch! Guys like if you agree so that Spencer can see it! :)
Sliding* :)
Shoutout to all the fat kids like me who swerved the bleep test😂😂
thanks for the shoutout
ToonFan14 - Football reviews
ToonFan14 - Football reviews that is rude man
ToonFan14 - Football reviews we beat u last night we r all Wednesday aren't we
I got a solid 4
We had THIS in school resently, but i think Adams would have won
Wow Sed really good at it
At school I die doing this test
George Moussa. I don't do it;)
obviously since your an arabic city fan thats been supporting them since 2008
my school I did 10.1 most
and ye I die to
City Legend 35 ... I live in AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺
The hashtag United crossbar challenge next spencer
Big fan of you Spencer and congrats Seb for the win that's so inspiring to carry on
In the NYC, we had something called the pacer test, the cones were 15 meters apart and it didn't go as fast. But a good score is 60+.
Ian Schwartz yeah me too I get about 105 on the pacer test
Ian Schwartz weird I live on Long Island and our's is 100 yes so a good score is like 20-30
Ian Schwartz dude pacer is faster than this for sure my pacer is 104 kind of bad tbh
Stop acting like 104 is bad cause its not, plus you are prob the one fat kid in the pacer test that always gets like 7
Ian Schwartz you are smug for calling it the pacer test
It's called the beep test in aus
spencer in my school we call it th pacer test and its 40 meters and we have two trys
in America, we usually have to do it in a gym
I've got the hashtag kit on top eleven it's sick and badge
Do a shot power challenge to know who has the most power in hashtag utd
Like do spencer can see
Yᗩᘔ 7 Actually not a bad idea 😂
Seb'll win
called it
did you really ?
Bokadem Yes lol I actually commented before it started, believe me or not, doesn't matter to me
I also predicted that 😂
Me 2
a kid in my school got to 14.2 in the bleep test while i got 3.6
3.6??? You are fat, aren't you?
up to level 7 is jogging... level 3 is basically walk!!
i gave up and got pushed
i am one of them skinny pepes
SSJ Vegeta lol I got 15
This and the penalty challenge video are my favorite hashtag challenge videos
Pffff, well I am not even born yet and I started the bleep test 4 years ago and I am still going. GET ON MY LEVEL!!!
lol I did the same version as you and I got 4.6 😂😂
20 & 27 should've been eliminated several times. they never made it across the line before the beep. they're just cheating so that they don't seem weak.
Toby Rig u can make it across the lone before the beep
At least they aren't as WEAK as your spelling.
it's not week mate it's weak
Toby Rig what happens is if you miss a beep you have to make the next one and if you do then your fine but if you miss 2 beeps in a row then you're out
I got a 15.4 but it’s a different version
I got 8.4 and I'm 13. Is it okay for someone in my age because it seems I lost against everyone in Hashtag including the keeper!
I’m 13 and got 12.4
I'm 13 and I got 12.1 do it's not to bad even tho I got 7 in year 5
Evidence or bs.... never seen kids run this test above 13 tbh
@@hoaxbusterhodler9676 ayo this was 4 years ago mad, im 17 now g😂
Hashtag United Cross Country!!!
Do a 100 metres sprint 200 metres and 400 metres and see who wins over all
I did the same test as you, the one for the military and Footballplayers.. I had 13.9 and my brother had 14.2
it's called the beep test isn't it?
at shool I got a 8.4
I'm Y7
+LIKE we I'm 8 and when my soccer team did it I got 12,9
iam 13 and i got 17 lvl 3 XD
PIG gamer go back to school and learn how to spell
First I don't speak English that often. My first language is swedish wich makes me kinda suck at English. Wich does make my everyday life harder
If u havent done this you are blessed.😂
The fitnessgram pacer test is a multi stage aerobic capacity test that is meant to get harder as it continues. Line up at the start.
I got a 47.2 and I'm two months old.
Anyone here always thought it was a beep test not a bleep test :/... All these years
I got 10.5 and I'm in year 8 but I think the distance was shorter
I got 10.7 in year 8 and now I got 12.1 in year 9
well done seb hashtag united u aree the best i would like to see u do crossbar challenge well done
Hashtag United header challenge
I did it at school it's mad
At our school we have to do as many laps, on a 200m track in 12 minutes, as we can.
I got a 13 which is very good.
we do the same man on a 400m track, everyone dreads that pe class haha my best is 10
Nick Gera we do it both bleek test and as many rounds in 12 minuten
Nick Gera it's call the cooper run had to do it for my GCSEs
Dirktenvelde my school does it to but each lap is 200 meters not 400
Nick Gera yeah same, Cooper's 12 minute run. We have to do that in GCSE PE sometimes.
That was crazy Seb, you deserve a sub
Who watching them dabbing in 2019?
I always got 216.537 on my test.
But I always do mine in the bathtub.
seb is the best all-rounder on the team. like if u agree
Hey Spencer just wondering where do you sit at West Ham I'm getting the new Hashtag United kit, I'm love it, your a legend
do a race
Why would you make the poor guys do that?!
RYSE because it's good training. Our sports teacher last year made us do it once a term, we were in year 6, I got in the 5 range for my first one and ended up with an 8 (but I was injured for the first one).
TrickShot Gamer i know but hashtag united is just for fun :p i don't think they actually train together.
By the way, that's seriously a great improvement!👍🏼
They do train, once a week.
RYSE thanks!
We do this in my school and I got the highest in my year with a score of 11.4!
what year are you in bro?
I know people who have gotten 13.9
When I was in year 5 I got an 8.6 but 2 other guys in my class got 9.2 but I was still faster than anyone else in my year except for those 2 in my class
I live in Ireland so I'm in 2nd year (not sure what the equivalent is but I'm 14 anyways)
Yeah a guy in the year above me who has a contract with Ipswich got 14.4
We need a part 2 of this
I absolutely hate the bleep test
I got 8.3
Daniel Davis I got level 9 and I'm 10 but I think it was 25 metres
But we couldn't go any further we weren't aloud to
Some1 in my school got 15.4 and I'm in year 9
STOP worst thing ever
If you haven't already subscribed
I did 20,000 and I'm only a baby
What 20,000 levals or runs
MILK SHAKE it’s a joke
spencer do the kick power test with the adidas micoach football
I'm 9 and I got 89.5 on my beep test
(All the kids in the comments today ffs)
The cooper run was worse
Anyone watching 2017
Ginger Ninja me
Hi Spencer. I just want to say that these vids are amazing. But when are Hashtag United merchandise going to be restocked? I am possibly going to buy one. Please reply to me telling me when
I tried the bleep test and got to 12.2 (no bragging rights)
Edit: I’ll like my own comment because no one else will 😢😭
I just done the bleep test today and scored 9.1 😁😁😁
I got 11.7 at school and I'm only 10.....
JammyJam I got 12 and I'm 13
ronan o donoghue nice:D
JammyJam i got 20.1
Sebastian Smith nice:D
im 13 and today we did pacers(american version) and i got 14.1
Did it right now, got an 13.0 and pretty happy with my result, the lega were burning at the end
The fitness gram pacer test is a multistage test that gets progressively faster as it continues
i remember watching this as a 10 year old, now i’m 16, about to leave school and hashtag are about to be promoted to step 7 of non league, mental how fast time flies.
Where can you buy a bleep test device (loud enough for outdoors) other than as a phone app in the UK?
How about a Hashtag United Crossbar challenge
That cheeky nutmeg by Andy at 0.37
Can you do a header challenger
James Lovett has the exact same time as me 12.7
Well done, Seb! Great commentary too # United
Here in America... Or where I live we have something similar but called the fitness gram pacer test we all hate it lol
on a 20 metre its called beep test in Australia I got 3.8 in year 7
I hate the bleep test I have to do it in school and in all sports I do .....especially football like all the time ...jesus I'm sick of it ....but I loved the video well done lads 👌😂⚽
I have this test on wednesday, gonna ace it!!