Hello, I'm a long time listener but this is my first time asking a question. I was wondering if there were any experiments with using rocket assisted or base bleed projectiles for naval weaponry, on shells or bombs? There seem to be a few advantages, namely longer range and increased velocity. Theoretically, it seems possible, since things like the Sturmtiger's 380mm rocket mortar and the Disney bomb were used during WW2. If not, why not? Thanks
The shape, length or presence of beards and mustaches were and are strictly regulated in land armies. Do similar rules existed in the various navies? PS: Do photos of beardless Drachinifel exist?
Why did _Dreadnought_ have that stubby mainmast between X and Y turrets? It seems like it'd've been better to either have a full-height mainmast (which might actually be useful for spotting etc.) or else eliminate the mainmast entirely to save on weight.
Fun fact about warships purging their sewage tanks at sea. If you listen to the sonar you hear the sound of something like popcorn. This is shrimp swarming and eating the contents of the flushed tanks. I learned this from a friend who was a navigator on an Ohio class boomer.
My grandfather used to tell me that in the u.s. Navy when a Kamikaze hit a ship they said firefighters Man your hoses, but when a Kamikaze hit a British carrier it was sweepers man your brooms. He was u.s. Navy in the war so there was a bit of envy for those armor Decks
5/38 sponsons. Dad was gunnery officer on COLLETT when she transided Panama in Oct 44 as a new build DD. She was escorting an Esses --not sure which one-- which had the added sponsons. Apparently, none of these had transited the canal before this. While the ship, by design, fit comfortably in the locks. no one had checked out the sponsons. Yes, the ship fit the locks, but the sponsons overlapped the top of the locks, and there were rows of light poles there that the sponsons couldn't clear. The skipper notified the appropriate authorities there would be a delay while the lights were removed, and got back the reply to ignore the light poles and transit. The sponsons turned out to be much tougher than the light poles, so the carrier performed her own lamppost removal program.
Zymotics - Zymotic disease was a 19th-century medical term for acute infectious diseases, especially "chief fevers and contagious diseases (e.g. typhus and typhoid fevers, smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, erysipelas, cholera, whooping-cough, diphtheria, etc.)".
Modern shipping is so massive, indeed even when a ship foundering is not a tanker, there is still a heavy environmental impact. When the bulk-carrier Apollo Sea disappeared in a storm off South Africa in June 1994, it created a massive spill on their coast both mainland and on various islands. this referring to the 18:54 question.
WWII oil spill "legacy". As a child in the early 1970s, it was not uncommon to find "tarballs" washed up on Yaupon Beach, NC (Camp Lejeune is a nearby landmark). We were told these tarballs were the remains of those spills. I am not posting this as fact, merely what we were told, 30 years after the "Happy Time".
We used to find those on Gulf Coast beaches as kids in the 80s. I don’t remember ever asking where they came from, but I assume it was mostly from sunken ships and random oil seepage.
The unspeakable meat product sold in supermarkets was developed in Bristol. "Herbert Hill Brain, a traditional butcher from Bristol, started making delicious heart warming family meals in 1925. His classic pork 'f-word' recipe & unique West Country sauce soon became a firm family favourite across the land."
The Type 23's were all given the names of Dukedoms with the exception of HMS Iron Duke hence were often known as the"Duke"class however there is a case for a class of training ships with a secondary humanitarian role named HMS Nuisance,HMS Simon,HMS Bounce and HMS Stripey named for A.B. Just Nuisance, Able Seacat Simon ,Admiral Collingwood's dog and HMS Warspite's cat
@@mcduck5 For me its the quality in his work. And when u think he missed something or overlooked something. Turns out thats its own video. The time Researching. The live personal guides on real ship. The live streams with the Goblet of Irn bru. The guy works 🙂🙂❤️❤️❤️
The algorithms that determine flight pricing weren't developed as a middle school science fair project ya know. They probably have hundreds of software engineers among others working on them even now
59:10 Note that most naval ports used to have foul water scows/barges, which collected waste from the ships in port then took it outside the port to dump at sea.
Dr Clarke is doing videos right now on 1930s RN sloop designs. A few of which were arguably "dual-purpose" since some were intended to be sent out initially unarmed to be used as survey ships. Built in any case to be quickly given their armament and used in their other role as an ASW/AAA escort.
The ship I was a "Plank Owner" of commissioned in 1971 was a straight piper with no holding thanks for domestic sewage. In San Diego, during this time period, there was an ongoing dispute between the navy , local authorities and regulatory agencies. The municipalities were faced with spending billions if dollar to upgrade wastewater plants while at the same time a carrier with 5000 people on board would pull into NAS North Island, and be straight piping without any treatment. I'm sure most ships of WWII were no different.
39m08s: perhaps not a major combatant, but one of the smaller craft the RN uses? I think it might be rather amusing if one of the small patrol craft at Gibraltar that responds to the Spanish is named HMS Nuisance. Might also be a fun naming convention if there are some ship’s cats and dogs to use too.
True , no one is perfect or has enough time. Neither has anyone who never made a mistake ever made anyrhing. One caveat is an appointment is an agreement to meet wjth someone else and missing that wastes their time. I'm OCD enough to hold that against anyone. Looking forward to the album! Would love you to play the Sage 😂
The Baltic Sea is currently at considerable risk of multiple oil spills due to multiple dozens or even hundreds of rusting and rotting wrecks from WWII becoming more and more fragile.
No Yamamoto does lead to one big difference: no PH raid (even assuming the Kido Butai still becomes a thing) and no rapid expansion strategy that plays into War Plan Rainbow 5.
My conclusion (without watching the vid yet) is Japan then focuses more on the Northern Resource Area without Yamamoto and cronies advocating for the Southern one, Stalin can't reinforce the German front with Zhukov's far east army that he used to save Moscow thanks to info from Richard Sorge. Germany and Japan beat Russia by Fall 1943 except for holdouts in the Urals. If Yamamoto hadn't been shot down by the P-38s in 1943, he would have been assassinated due to internal intrigue.
During the battle of Dakar Richelieu fired her big guns in anger and had three failures, including one “in-bore” explosion. Question… Had that not occurred then, would the faulty shell design have been caught by inspection or perhaps during some other gunnery exercise with similar results? I’m thinking not by inspection because the shells already would have passed several inspections before Dakar. If during a gunnery exercise (not in a hurry) it’s likely damage would only have been one barrel, not three. Thanks, Steve
I would think it would have happened eventually in a firing exercise, unless France just never fired live rounds in training. Richelieu probably didn’t have all that many live fire exercises before Dakar, seeing as she just barely made it into service before France fell.
I expect that once pollution of a lagoon or harbor was noticed and decided to be dealt with the solution would be developing a section of lighters with tanks to collect sewage and garbage from the ships and then transferring the contents to something larger (like an LST?) that could then leave the harbor, go a certain distance to sea, and discharge the tanks and sink the garbage. For a harbor with decent sewage processing capability the collected waste could be taken there instead. And for somewhere like Ulithi probably worked into the related infrastructure for supplying potable water and supplies to the fleet.
Your flight reminds me of 3rd class passenger class in the gilded era we’re going there eventually and got space so hop on. The only difference is while first class wined and dined while third class was packed down below but at least they got there at the same time. I think the trick is to plan your trip around the air service and its hubs Delta for example flys just about everywhere frequently in the northern hemisphere from Atlanta and or Detroit. The mass consolidations (all the cost cutting that came with) and TSA BS after 9/11 took all the fun out of flying in just about every way shape and form. I remember as a kid if I flew to a big city it was a major carrier usually Northwest and took Reno Air when visiting family in Lake Tahoe or California. No more regional carries these days at least not the super cheap crappy budget ones for the most part.
If you ever want to see a photo of a warship in a drydock that will have you scratching your head, it is so a ship upside down in the dock, resting on its superstructure and funnels. There are some around of ships of the Grand Fleet in a drydock in Rosyth in the 1930's.
It was fun yesterday in Erie, Pennsylvania. My son had a great time talking with you, as did the others . The private Drydock session was great. About the meeting of your wife, good story, but i still think it was an intentional setup of two mothers. 😂😂.
It's not only the vagaries of the US airfares. I remember being in Roma for business, and having then to go to Amsterdam. It would have been cheaper to return to New York and proceed to Amsterdam from there (even if I did it only via European airlines).
When they had that BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico they discovered microbes that basically ate oil. So oil spills in the ocean are not the problem it originally thought it was. Hence why the oceans did not die despite having huge amounts of oil spilt into them during world war 2.
Pedantic but true: These ships have yards. The yard-arm is a component of the yard, the very small piece of the yard outside of the lifts and it’s supporting iron, usually having a sheave for the sheave for the sheet for the sail and yard above. The whole thing is a yard, not a yard-arm.
Spotty or Spotted Dick was a common offering at my grammar school throughout the 1960s. I avoided the custard as the thick skin was always stirred into the nicer custard and it turned my stomach when I found some. For heaven's sake, what is wrong with the term...bowdlerisation gone mad?
On the topic of names for food that will get you in trouble: Brazil nuts come in an outer shell that is very dark brown, and are known as " toes," based on a perceived similarity in colour to the skin tone of many African people.
If oil is spilled out at sea, oil is a natural substance believe it or not and the ocean has a way of dealing with it, bacteria and such, when close to shore is where it poses a big environmental problem...
On that food item which must not be named, it is kind of amazing how many and different meanings a word for a budle of sticks can develop into (fascist, homosexual man, meatball, ciggarette, metalworking technique, knitting technique, and more)
The question about the armored flight deck is legitimate even after so many years of compiling data. The presence of armor certainly was a desired characteristic, although the 550 pound bomb protection scheme would have made the ships as vulnerable as the four Japanese carriers at Midway. What must always be remembered is the space consumed by the deck, which severely limited, the number of aircraft carried. As we look toward the closing months of the war and the Royal Navy finally getting a chance to operate against the Japanese, the record indicates that what we came to call, in my time, an alpha, strike, would have been severely restricted on any UK World War II carrier. They simply couldn’t carry enough planes to launch an effective strike and also defend themselves, to say nothing about being so short legged. Not only did the United States patch up the Royal Navy ships, they had to work overtime to keep them at sea.
Those cages mentioned for the hospital ship conversion (my spelling is wrong something like psuemotic) could that be a breathing apparatus if respirators weren't invented yet?
FWIW, Marvel Comics as a brand didn't exist under that name in the 40s and 50s so you weren't reading "spotted dick" there. You might (confusingly) have been reading a single book called Marvel Comics (and later Marvel Mystery Comics and later still Marvel Tales) during that general period, but the publisher was printing books under the Timely Comics brand and later Atlas Comics. The first actual Marvel Comics books - Patsy Walker #95 and Journey Into Mystery #69 - were printed in mid-1961, with Fantastic Four #1 later in the year - by which point the actual Marvel Tales comic had been gone for four years after reach 159 issues under three different titles and two different imprints. Early comics history is a somewhat hilarious mess of decidedly shady businessmen maneuvering to make money any way they could. Naval procurement had nothing on the comics industry when it came to cutthroat dealings and dirty tricks. :)
Yup! Let's name a ship after the dog so that 20 years from now people can be asking "Why would you name your ship nuisance?" like they now ask "why name your ship carcass?"
Probably just a matter of going down both at the same time and not letting one side get too far ahead from the other. The ships wouldn't have their turrets in place, so likely had a lot of stability to work with.
Zymotic - relating to or denoting contagious disease regarded as developing after infection, by a process analogous to fermentation. So things like typhus and typhoid fevers, smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, erysipelas, cholera, whooping-cough, diphtheria etc...
14:18 Ah good ol Wargaming, giving Kii the same turrets Nagato was built with instead of the new turret design that was made for the Tosa (whose turrets was later given to Nagato during her mid-1930s modernization), Kii, and Amagi-class capital ships.
@ 69yrs old I have grown up with the End of Empire and also as a school outing the beginning of Commonwealth, I remember the Gun Teams at the Military Tattoo's, But I also remember NOT following my Best school mate into the RN because of that Standing in the rigging thing they did, I let the Army take me up the biggest Mountains they could find instead, 😂😂😂😂😂
How could the underwater pop-up ambush be accomplished? Wouldn't there be dozens of kilograms of water plugging the barrel? There were reports of barrels blowing up with just a relatively lightweight muzzle cap, much more a barrel full of water.
It all sounds to me like a complex system with a lot of teething problems. I also expect that aircraft would have been these submarines nemesis since I expect they would have been slow diving, shallow max depth, and possibly much easier to spot from the air even at periscope depth.
The guns would presumably have had a plug of some kind to seal the muzzle while submerged, which could be either removed manually or opened remotely before firing.
Probably either a muzzle plug, or a compressed air system to blow the water out of the barrel. Some battleships already blew CO2 into the barrel after each firing anyway in order to extinguish any smoldering embers. It wouldn’t be too hard to adapt this to eject water.
Drach please do something more in depth on mine sweeping, As an ex mine warfare rating your comments here covered only really cover paravane sweeps which were more about ship protection than mine clearance. What about Oropesa, Team and Acoustic sweeps pioneered by the RN?
Hey drac i dont know if I am too blind or not tech savvy enough to navigate TH-cam but have you done any videos on just the USS hornet naval history for the one currently a museum in Alameda CA? Interesting in making the trek and your the most knowledgeable person I know on the subjects. Educate me?
Every British battleship class up to and including the Nelsons were fitted with torpedo tubes. Is there any evidence of a battleship actually using them in a combat situation?
is here, gave you a 👍! My notifications are on. I am a subscriber.🙂Now you know I am here. I have received notification of your video. Audio video is good.
30:56 "Have their own rangefinders, so it's not a massive problem" Me: double extra especially so if they're engaging from just a few hundred yards as described earlier.
I have to correct some language. "Yardarm" per the Oxford English dictionary is the extremity of the yard. That also is the usage I was taught when a sailor on a barque. Please, please teach and use the correct terms for those horizontal yards suspended on masts of ships! It is grating on the ears to hear you, Drach, so egregiously mistakenly speaking about a ship/barque/brig major part!
A lot of the longer international flights usually fly out of each airline’s hub airports. Then the airline flies to non-hub cities out of those hubs. Before the 1990s, it seems like the routes made more sense. There were a lot more airlines back then, and there weren’t so many fees and other complications involved in flying on 2 different airlines on your way to a destination. But now it’s more expensive to do it that way, and there may just not be any options since certain airports are basically almost exclusive to one major airline.
Surely at 20:20 tankers in those days carried refined fuel rather than today's crude heavy oil;' hence the massive fires when torpedoed. Obviously, there was bunker fuel from the ships' own tanks (and that was what covered the poor survivors in the oggin).
“In those days?” Then, as now, oil is lifted in crude form in thousands of fields around the world. Most of those fields do not have their own refining facilities. That crude oil must be shipped to a refinery, then shipped to end-users. In WW2, the bulk of refining capacity in the world was in the US. Many, many tankers went from oil fields around the world to the US, then out again. Almost any tanker en-route to US was carrying crude oil. There were a _lot_ of tankers. Many of those were sunk.
@@dougjb7848Just to add to that, a lot of the “refined fuel” referenced by the original poster as being carried in tankers was bunker oil, which is just one step above crude.
Pinned post for Q&A :)
Would the japanese navy sub force been more effective of they were more of a German/American model of hit the supply lines?
Naval actions of the spanish civil war?
Hello, I'm a long time listener but this is my first time asking a question. I was wondering if there were any experiments with using rocket assisted or base bleed projectiles for naval weaponry, on shells or bombs? There seem to be a few advantages, namely longer range and increased velocity. Theoretically, it seems possible, since things like the Sturmtiger's 380mm rocket mortar and the Disney bomb were used during WW2. If not, why not?
The shape, length or presence of beards and mustaches were and are strictly regulated in land armies. Do similar rules existed in the various navies?
PS: Do photos of beardless Drachinifel exist?
Why did _Dreadnought_ have that stubby mainmast between X and Y turrets? It seems like it'd've been better to either have a full-height mainmast (which might actually be useful for spotting etc.) or else eliminate the mainmast entirely to save on weight.
Fun fact about warships purging their sewage tanks at sea. If you listen to the sonar you hear the sound of something like popcorn. This is shrimp swarming and eating the contents of the flushed tanks. I learned this from a friend who was a navigator on an Ohio class boomer.
24:28 i appreciate your precision in word choice. Literally littoral. 😂
I caught that too and it made me smile!
My grandfather used to tell me that in the u.s. Navy when a Kamikaze hit a ship they said firefighters Man your hoses, but when a Kamikaze hit a British carrier it was sweepers man your brooms. He was u.s. Navy in the war so there was a bit of envy for those armor Decks
"Zymotic disease" is an old term, used to describe infections diseases: typhus, typhoid, smallpox, diphtheria, etc.
5/38 sponsons. Dad was gunnery officer on COLLETT when she transided Panama in Oct 44 as a new build DD. She was escorting an Esses --not sure which one-- which had the added sponsons. Apparently, none of these had transited the canal before this. While the ship, by design, fit comfortably in the locks. no one had checked out the sponsons. Yes, the ship fit the locks, but the sponsons overlapped the top of the locks, and there were rows of light poles there that the sponsons couldn't clear. The skipper notified the appropriate authorities there would be a delay while the lights were removed, and got back the reply to ignore the light poles and transit. The sponsons turned out to be much tougher than the light poles, so the carrier performed her own lamppost removal program.
Zymotics - Zymotic disease was a 19th-century medical term for acute infectious diseases, especially "chief fevers and contagious diseases (e.g. typhus and typhoid fevers, smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, erysipelas, cholera, whooping-cough, diphtheria, etc.)".
As someone who went to Erie today, I can confirm that Drach is indeed still alive in Western PA
Modern shipping is so massive, indeed even when a ship foundering is not a tanker, there is still a heavy environmental impact. When the bulk-carrier Apollo Sea disappeared in a storm off South Africa in June 1994, it created a massive spill on their coast both mainland and on various islands.
this referring to the 18:54 question.
WWII oil spill "legacy". As a child in the early 1970s, it was not uncommon to find "tarballs" washed up on Yaupon Beach, NC (Camp Lejeune is a nearby landmark). We were told these tarballs were the remains of those spills. I am not posting this as fact, merely what we were told, 30 years after the "Happy Time".
We used to find those on Gulf Coast beaches as kids in the 80s. I don’t remember ever asking where they came from, but I assume it was mostly from sunken ships and random oil seepage.
The unspeakable meat product sold in supermarkets was developed in Bristol. "Herbert Hill Brain, a traditional butcher from Bristol, started making delicious heart warming family meals in 1925. His classic pork 'f-word' recipe & unique West Country sauce soon became a firm family favourite across the land."
Someone gonna bring up "babies heads" or "sweet Fanny Adams"?
Here in Austria you can get as dessert a small round chocolate cake with cream and sometimes vanilla ice called "Mohr im Hemd" - N-word in a shirt.
What’s a good phrase I can Google that’s not large British meatball
Oh I see is it also a word that could be a bundle of sticks or possibly a cigarette?
In Melbourne, they refer to a vanilla slice as a “snot block”…
Hope you had a good time! Thank you for giving us the most watched channel [at least for me].
The Type 23's were all given the names of Dukedoms with the exception of HMS Iron Duke hence were often known as the"Duke"class however there is a case for a class of training ships with a secondary humanitarian role named HMS Nuisance,HMS Simon,HMS Bounce and HMS Stripey named for A.B. Just Nuisance, Able Seacat Simon ,Admiral Collingwood's dog and HMS Warspite's cat
GOD BLESS DRACH. Been subbed 4 years. Most underrated TH-camR.
He is certainly up there with lazerpig and Rian Mcbeth!
@@mcduck5 For me its the quality in his work. And when u think he missed something or overlooked something. Turns out thats its own video. The time Researching. The live personal guides on real ship. The live streams with the Goblet of Irn bru. The guy works 🙂🙂❤️❤️❤️
I can’t imagine my brain being so full of knowledge- must be painful.
@@robertenglehardt9706 he has to re read some of it i would expect. Like u say its a lot
06:01Drach says “Warmour” 06:15 Drach realises he has invented a new word and starts laughing.
Engineers should never question airfare models - it's too painful.
The algorithms that determine flight pricing weren't developed as a middle school science fair project ya know. They probably have hundreds of software engineers among others working on them even now
59:10 Note that most naval ports used to have foul water scows/barges, which collected waste from the ships in port then took it outside the port to dump at sea.
Very enlightening Dracxh, thank you for all the time & effort you put in to your videos.
Dr Clarke is doing videos right now on 1930s RN sloop designs. A few of which were arguably "dual-purpose" since some were intended to be sent out initially unarmed to be used as survey ships. Built in any case to be quickly given their armament and used in their other role as an ASW/AAA escort.
Thank you for another good video.
The ship I was a "Plank Owner" of commissioned in 1971 was a straight piper with no holding thanks for domestic sewage. In San Diego, during this time period, there was an ongoing dispute between the navy , local authorities and regulatory agencies. The municipalities were faced with spending billions if dollar to upgrade wastewater plants while at the same time a carrier with 5000 people on board would pull into NAS North Island, and be straight piping without any treatment. I'm sure most ships of WWII were no different.
Oropesa Float seems to come to mind. I think that is the paravane? Cutters with explosive bolts were attached to the cable.
39m08s: perhaps not a major combatant, but one of the smaller craft the RN uses? I think it might be rather amusing if one of the small patrol craft at Gibraltar that responds to the Spanish is named HMS Nuisance.
Might also be a fun naming convention if there are some ship’s cats and dogs to use too.
Thank you for your effort!!
True , no one is perfect or has enough time. Neither has anyone who never made a mistake ever made anyrhing. One caveat is an appointment is an agreement to meet wjth someone else and missing that wastes their time. I'm OCD enough to hold that against anyone. Looking forward to the album! Would love you to play the Sage 😂
The Baltic Sea is currently at considerable risk of multiple oil spills due to multiple dozens or even hundreds of rusting and rotting wrecks from WWII becoming more and more fragile.
No Yamamoto does lead to one big difference: no PH raid (even assuming the Kido Butai still becomes a thing) and no rapid expansion strategy that plays into War Plan Rainbow 5.
My conclusion (without watching the vid yet) is Japan then focuses more on the Northern Resource Area without Yamamoto and cronies advocating for the Southern one, Stalin can't reinforce the German front with Zhukov's far east army that he used to save Moscow thanks to info from Richard Sorge. Germany and Japan beat Russia by Fall 1943 except for holdouts in the Urals. If Yamamoto hadn't been shot down by the P-38s in 1943, he would have been assassinated due to internal intrigue.
34:02 You could have also mentioned the boiled suet pudding referred to as "boiled baby" or "drowned baby"
During the battle of Dakar Richelieu fired her big guns in anger and had three failures, including one “in-bore” explosion. Question…
Had that not occurred then, would the faulty shell design have been caught by inspection or perhaps during some other gunnery exercise with similar results? I’m thinking not by inspection because the shells already would have passed several inspections before Dakar. If during a gunnery exercise (not in a hurry) it’s likely damage would only have been one barrel, not three.
I would think it would have happened eventually in a firing exercise, unless France just never fired live rounds in training. Richelieu probably didn’t have all that many live fire exercises before Dakar, seeing as she just barely made it into service before France fell.
I expect that once pollution of a lagoon or harbor was noticed and decided to be dealt with the solution would be developing a section of lighters with tanks to collect sewage and garbage from the ships and then transferring the contents to something larger (like an LST?) that could then leave the harbor, go a certain distance to sea, and discharge the tanks and sink the garbage. For a harbor with decent sewage processing capability the collected waste could be taken there instead.
And for somewhere like Ulithi probably worked into the related infrastructure for supplying potable water and supplies to the fleet.
Your flight reminds me of 3rd class passenger class in the gilded era we’re going there eventually and got space so hop on. The only difference is while first class wined and dined while third class was packed down below but at least they got there at the same time. I think the trick is to plan your trip around the air service and its hubs Delta for example flys just about everywhere frequently in the northern hemisphere from Atlanta and or Detroit. The mass consolidations (all the cost cutting that came with) and TSA BS after 9/11 took all the fun out of flying in just about every way shape and form. I remember as a kid if I flew to a big city it was a major carrier usually Northwest and took Reno Air when visiting family in Lake Tahoe or California. No more regional carries these days at least not the super cheap crappy budget ones for the most part.
If you ever want to see a photo of a warship in a drydock that will have you scratching your head, it is so a ship upside down in the dock, resting on its superstructure and funnels. There are some around of ships of the Grand Fleet in a drydock in Rosyth in the 1930's.
Those "upside down" ships were the salvaged remains of the German High Seas fleet recovered from Scapa Flow.
@@richardcowling7381 I know and stated that!
It was fun yesterday in Erie, Pennsylvania. My son had a great time talking with you, as did the others . The private Drydock session was great. About the meeting of your wife, good story, but i still think it was an intentional setup of two mothers. 😂😂.
It's not only the vagaries of the US airfares. I remember being in Roma for business, and having then to go to Amsterdam. It would have been cheaper to return to New York and proceed to Amsterdam from there (even if I did it only via European airlines).
The oil spill question is pretty good. I always wonder what the environmental impact was when a Tanker went down.
In summary not very good
When they had that BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico they discovered microbes that basically ate oil. So oil spills in the ocean are not the problem it originally thought it was. Hence why the oceans did not die despite having huge amounts of oil spilt into them during world war 2.
@@TheJazsa80 no we Kill most marine life anyway with bombs testing and hunting. So we as a race covered that side of things. Killing for profit.
@@TheJazsa80 nonsense
Pedantic but true: These ships have yards. The yard-arm is a component of the yard, the very small piece of the yard outside of the lifts and it’s supporting iron, usually having a sheave for the sheave for the sheet for the sail and yard above. The whole thing is a yard, not a yard-arm.
But is terribly important, for checking the location of the sun, if thirsty...
Safe trip home Drach. Hope you liked the Pacific Northwest.
Thank you, all.
Steamed puddings as desserts are also known as "Duff" ie Plum Duff, Treacle Duff.
Spotty or Spotted Dick was a common offering at my grammar school throughout the 1960s. I avoided the custard as the thick skin was always stirred into the nicer custard and it turned my stomach when I found some. For heaven's sake, what is wrong with the term...bowdlerisation gone mad?
My Great uncle was assigned to the boiler room on the amythest. he said it was the scarist thing he ever did
Oil in the mid Atlantic, not the actual environment… - drach
On the topic of names for food that will get you in trouble: Brazil nuts come in an outer shell that is very dark brown, and are known as " toes," based on a perceived similarity in colour to the skin tone of many African people.
Thanks Drach.
If oil is spilled out at sea, oil is a natural substance believe it or not and the ocean has a way of dealing with it, bacteria and such, when close to shore is where it poses a big environmental problem...
There were numerous ships named HMS Tormentor, so I don't think that a HMS Nuisance is too big a stretch.
HMS Terror...is another one
Good way to wake up on a Sunday.
Hope your time in Salt Lake city is great
On that food item which must not be named, it is kind of amazing how many and different meanings a word for a budle of sticks can develop into (fascist, homosexual man, meatball, ciggarette, metalworking technique, knitting technique, and more)
Ahh yes. Best theme song on TH-cam. I love this jam. Drach yer cool too.
The question about the armored flight deck is legitimate even after so many years of compiling data. The presence of armor certainly was a desired characteristic, although the 550 pound bomb protection scheme would have made the ships as vulnerable as the four Japanese carriers at Midway. What must always be remembered is the space consumed by the deck, which severely limited, the number of aircraft carried. As we look toward the closing months of the war and the Royal Navy finally getting a chance to operate against the Japanese, the record indicates that what we came to call, in my time, an alpha, strike, would have been severely restricted on any UK World War II carrier. They simply couldn’t carry enough planes to launch an effective strike and also defend themselves, to say nothing about being so short legged. Not only did the United States patch up the Royal Navy ships, they had to work overtime to keep them at sea.
Those cages mentioned for the hospital ship conversion (my spelling is wrong something like psuemotic) could that be a breathing apparatus if respirators weren't invented yet?
a similar pudding was named Drowned/Boiled Baby pudding
FWIW, Marvel Comics as a brand didn't exist under that name in the 40s and 50s so you weren't reading "spotted dick" there. You might (confusingly) have been reading a single book called Marvel Comics (and later Marvel Mystery Comics and later still Marvel Tales) during that general period, but the publisher was printing books under the Timely Comics brand and later Atlas Comics. The first actual Marvel Comics books - Patsy Walker #95 and Journey Into Mystery #69 - were printed in mid-1961, with Fantastic Four #1 later in the year - by which point the actual Marvel Tales comic had been gone for four years after reach 159 issues under three different titles and two different imprints.
Early comics history is a somewhat hilarious mess of decidedly shady businessmen maneuvering to make money any way they could. Naval procurement had nothing on the comics industry when it came to cutthroat dealings and dirty tricks. :)
Spotted Dick, Knickerbocker glory and Banana Spilt some of my favs
Zymotic = Contagious.
Yup! Let's name a ship after the dog so that 20 years from now people can be asking "Why would you name your ship nuisance?" like they now ask "why name your ship carcass?"
I guess fitting armor must have been carefully choreographed to keep from capsizing the ship during fitting out?
Probably just a matter of going down both at the same time and not letting one side get too far ahead from the other. The ships wouldn't have their turrets in place, so likely had a lot of stability to work with.
Wow, didn't know you were in the States. If you're ever in Boston again I will gladly treat you to a pint.
Zymotic - relating to or denoting contagious disease regarded as developing after infection, by a process analogous to fermentation. So things like typhus and typhoid fevers, smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, erysipelas, cholera, whooping-cough, diphtheria etc...
14:18 Ah good ol Wargaming, giving Kii the same turrets Nagato was built with instead of the new turret design that was made for the Tosa (whose turrets was later given to Nagato during her mid-1930s modernization), Kii, and Amagi-class capital ships.
@ 69yrs old I have grown up with the End of Empire and also as a school outing the beginning of Commonwealth, I remember the Gun Teams at the Military Tattoo's, But I also remember NOT following my Best school mate into the RN because of that Standing in the rigging thing they did, I let the Army take me up the biggest Mountains they could find instead, 😂😂😂😂😂
Would the Admiral-class battlecruisers be ideal for a carrier conversion?
Answered more than twice before. Check the question list spreadsheets.
that meatballs name would be the British term for a cigarette and the past tense of the word get put together
How could the underwater pop-up ambush be accomplished? Wouldn't there be dozens of kilograms of water plugging the barrel? There were reports of barrels blowing up with just a relatively lightweight muzzle cap, much more a barrel full of water.
It all sounds to me like a complex system with a lot of teething problems. I also expect that aircraft would have been these submarines nemesis since I expect they would have been slow diving, shallow max depth, and possibly much easier to spot from the air even at periscope depth.
The guns would presumably have had a plug of some kind to seal the muzzle while submerged, which could be either removed manually or opened remotely before firing.
Probably either a muzzle plug, or a compressed air system to blow the water out of the barrel. Some battleships already blew CO2 into the barrel after each firing anyway in order to extinguish any smoldering embers. It wouldn’t be too hard to adapt this to eject water.
I still can remember him beeing on 1.2 k
Drach please do something more in depth on mine sweeping, As an ex mine warfare rating your comments here covered only really cover paravane sweeps which were more about ship protection than mine clearance. What about Oropesa, Team and Acoustic sweeps pioneered by the RN?
HMS Just Nuisance sounds more respectful than Boaty McBoatface.
Hey drac i dont know if I am too blind or not tech savvy enough to navigate TH-cam but have you done any videos on just the USS hornet naval history for the one currently a museum in Alameda CA? Interesting in making the trek and your the most knowledgeable person I know on the subjects. Educate me?
Scratch that found it!
Yep, there's a video that covers both WW2 Hornets :)
Every British battleship class up to and including the Nelsons were fitted with torpedo tubes. Is there any evidence of a battleship actually using them in a combat situation?
is here, gave you a 👍! My notifications are on. I am a subscriber.🙂Now you know I am here. I have received notification of your video. Audio video is good.
ok, are you trying to say Bayern? I was thin king the whole time you where talking about a strange french battleship :)
Algorithm support friendly comment!
30:56 "Have their own rangefinders, so it's not a massive problem"
Me: double extra especially so if they're engaging from just a few hundred yards as described earlier.
“What’s the range?”
“A solid rugby punt.”
I have to correct some language. "Yardarm" per the Oxford English dictionary is the extremity of the yard. That also is the usage I was taught when a sailor on a barque. Please, please teach and use the correct terms for those horizontal yards suspended on masts of ships! It is grating on the ears to hear you, Drach, so egregiously mistakenly speaking about a ship/barque/brig major part!
Did you skip Q&A for 324 and 325?
Their airline system sounds like our train system
A lot of the longer international flights usually fly out of each airline’s hub airports. Then the airline flies to non-hub cities out of those hubs. Before the 1990s, it seems like the routes made more sense. There were a lot more airlines back then, and there weren’t so many fees and other complications involved in flying on 2 different airlines on your way to a destination. But now it’s more expensive to do it that way, and there may just not be any options since certain airports are basically almost exclusive to one major airline.
Surely at 20:20 tankers in those days carried refined fuel rather than today's crude heavy oil;' hence the massive fires when torpedoed. Obviously, there was bunker fuel from the ships' own tanks (and that was what covered the poor survivors in the oggin).
“In those days?”
Then, as now, oil is lifted in crude form in thousands of fields around the world.
Most of those fields do not have their own refining facilities.
That crude oil must be shipped to a refinery, then shipped to end-users.
In WW2, the bulk of refining capacity in the world was in the US.
Many, many tankers went from oil fields around the world to the US, then out again.
Almost any tanker en-route to US was carrying crude oil.
There were a _lot_ of tankers.
Many of those were sunk.
@@dougjb7848Just to add to that, a lot of the “refined fuel” referenced by the original poster as being carried in tankers was bunker oil, which is just one step above crude.
Fly to Chicago, then to London
37th, 17 September 2023
Mr. Brains pork FA@@OTS!!!!!!
I get them here on occasion fun a local Asian marketplace believe it or not.