If you look at her mouth, there is no coordination when finishing a verse, she is using playback, no hate but by observing one realizes. Don't take it personally @@jadebayoba7073
not the best solo. she's beautiful and an amazing singer but was not meant to be a performer. maybe an actress? but she does not have the same passion shown on stage for performing unlike jihyo & nayeon
You can definitely see it through her confidence and her song but this stage was not live, i think she can do 1000x better, she has done it before, although we can’t expect much more from a little performance on a music show
this is isolated vocals, not mr removed, meaning that this is backtrack included. however tzuyu is known to be quite stable, so she probably sounds just as good
@@chesiresaysthey’re probably one of those people that hate on actual live vocals for not being perfect because they think their faves sing live when they actually lip sync.
I wasn’t aware of how much Tzuyu could actually shine until this solo. She did amazing! Edit: wow I’m sorry I don’t Stan twice and rarely listen to their music guess I’m a “fake fan” now aren’t I 😐
@@awikwok3319 No Jyp has not allowed her shine. compared to every other member she has had nothing. No endorsements, no solo actives like game show host, and movies/tv. I think its more due to her connection to China and by that she isn't but china claims her country.
@@Psibound so according to you JYP be like: sure lets make our visual member and one of the most famous member left in dark alone 🥲 see how dumb your comment?
It's pre recorded tho, not her live vocals. Real live doesn't sound like that. Her mouth movement doesn't match the audio and her voice doesn't even shake when she does big movements. It is obviously pre recorded they just added breath sounds to make it more "real".
@@Br1dLt The point is she's been in the industry for so long yet she doesn’t sing live for her own solo debut? Even when her juniors are working hard to sound as stable as possible? This is probably something done by the department she's in, but it's disappointing.
Tzuyu might not be a powerful belter or super unique voice, but she got such a elegant and stable voice. That is just as amazing and makes her shine as an idol of 8 years. She truly is hardworking and talented woman
@@TheMdigi 노래 잘하는 트와이스가 왜 라이브를 안하니 이 얼석은 인간분들아😅 니들 심보가 문제다 트아이스가 이제까지 10년 가까이 공연을 하면서 립싱크를 하는 경우는 두 가지 상황일때다 간혹 행사 현장 상황이 라이브사운드시스탬이 안갖춰져 라이브가 절대 불가한 곳이거나 방송프로 당사자들이 쇼를 위해서 무대 퍼포먼스 위주로 시청자에게 안정적으로 쇼를 보여주기 위해 다양한 그림을 만들기 위해 할때다 보통 음방 컴백때 주로 하게되는데 트와이스는 새벽부터 하는 사전 녹화때도 올라이브로 해 녹음하고 그걸 몇장면 찍어 방송국에서 필요한 편집을 해 내보내는데 현장에선 분명 라이브를 할정도로 트와이스는 이제까지 데뷔 이후 즐기차게 라이브를 해왔다 인간들아 그건 제왑의 사훈이기도 하더만 그 결과 지금까지 5번째 월드투어를 하면서 진짜 퍼포먼스가 필요한 몇곡 빼고 그것도 초창기떄고 거의 전부를 줄기차게 올 라이브로 해왔고 작년 1년여년간 전무후무한 기록을 세우며 수십나라 수십 도시 총 51회의 이는 1~2주에 한번 꼴로 콘서트를 한 경우로 니들이 국내 그 장사군 언론 포탈 방송 음원사이트들의 온라인 장난질에 정신 쇄뇌 당할때 트와이스는 현실에서 엄청난 관중과 인류 역사를 쓰고 있었다 인간들아 콘서트를 올라이브로 하며 갈수록 트와이스의 공연에 감동한 대중가요의 본고장 미국 미주지역, 거긴 가수가 라이브를 안하면 쳐주지도 않는 그런 공연 문화를 가진 이들이 트와이스에 열광하고 존경까지 할 정도로 팬이 기하급수적으로 늘 정도고 지금도 현재진행중이다 라이브를 줄기차게 해온 노래 잘하는 트아이스가 왜 립싱을 하니 이 인간들아 니들 각자의 문제다 니들 뇌 삐뚤어진 문제로 자꾸 전 세계 최고의 그룹에 헛소리 하지마라 노랠 들을 줄 모르고 느낄 줄 모르게 된 니들 뇌 그넘 저넘 장사꾼들에 거짖 현실을 주입당한 니들 각자의 인식 부족을 탓해라 질시 칠투로 니들 뇌가 맛간 건지 진짜 한심들하다 여기다 추천 누른 것들은 뭐냐😊😊 정신챙기자 인생들아 ㅉㅉ 트와이스가 현실에서 인기 있는건 장난이 아니다 리얼 현실이다 노래를 잘해서 라이브퍼포먼스를 잘해서다 니들 어쩔때보면 가끔 북한 주민 같에 언론과 포탈 방송 유투버에 자기들 영혼이 털린즐도 모르고... 현대판 온라인 유령들... 하여튼 온라인 인터넷이 없을땐 앨범 숫자로 장난질 치며 쳐묵고 살더니 그것들이 이제 온라인 시대에선 온라인 유령들로 현실 조작질해 쳐묵고 사는 그것들 기획사 엔터것들 음원싸이트 개버릇 못주는 느낌 K팝은 트와이스의 재왑 같은 진짜 대중문화를 위해 엔터를 운영하는 진짜 k팝 엔터 정도 남고 나머지는 다 망할 것 같은 느낌 그넘 저넘 조작 기획사들 때문에 지난 수십년을 돌이켜보면 대중문화를 문화로 접근하지 않는 장사꾼들 언론 음싸 포탈 방송국것들이 문제다. 창작이란게 좋은게 안나와 안되면 그때는 망하고 새로운 더 좋은 창작자가 문화를 선도하고 나아가야 맞는건데 장사꾼들이라 온갖 술수를 부려 연명하려는 것들이 진짜 문제. 그러니 세계 최고의 활약과 성과를 이루고 진행중인 트와이스나 세계적인 언테로 거듭 진화하는 제왑 같은 진짜 잘해서 평가 받아서 사랑 받는 이들을 어떻게든 평가절하해보려 자기들 가지거나 장악한 플랫폼들 이미언론 기능 상실한 언론 포탈 미디어 등으로 장난질 치지 일본 J팝이 그런식으로 한때는 아시아를 넘어 잘나가는듯하다 몇몇 것들 아티스트가 아닌 아이돌 재롱질로 먹고 살다 독식에 망했다 국내도 할루빨리 그넘 저넘 장사꾼 기획사 언론 포탈 미디어 등등 것들을 빨리 망하게 하거나 그것들이 조작 컨트롤 못하개 해 진짜 대중문화를 앞으로 나가게 하는 장사꾼 마인드가 아닌 이들로 새로 도약 안하면 벌써부터 식상하다는 평가가 나오는 그 장사꾼들 창작의 관점이 아닌 대충 그룹 만들어 온라인 유령들로 조회수나 올리고 음원싸이트 조작 순위나 만들어 상품 대량 생산으로 끝장 나는 수가 있다 벌써 끝장나고 있다고 본다 유트버들도 이제 조회수때문에 그 유령 조회수라도 얻으려고 리엑션을 하는 느낌이 들고 서로 공생관계로 노래도 별로인걸 억지 강매하는 상황을 느낄 정도가 됐다고 보는게 맞을 거다 그런점에서 트와이스가 현실에서 보여지는 진짜 사람을 대상으로 하는 콘서트를 인류역사에서도 그 유례를 찾아 보기 힘들 정도로 잘하고 잇는 것은 이제 K팝은 트와이스 정도만 남고 온라인 유령들로 어찌 해먹고 해먹으려는 나머지는 정리되야 마땅하다 트와이스 때문에 현실 콘서트를 따라 하는 몇몇 트와이스가 얼마나 더 위대한지 그걸 서포트하는 제왑이 얼마나 올바른 선택으로 엔터사를 진짜 인류의 대중문화를 위해서 운영하는지 다시금 확인한다
Pre recorded but this is how she sings live as someone who’s been to tooons or twice concerts haha. Also she’s always been stable during their encores but never got the recognition so I hope we get an encore for this song!!
Yea I was thinking that. You can see her breaths and the power behind her vocals don’t always match her facial expression or her mouth in that moment. She obviously can sing live, and I’m sure she was singing live in the clip used, but this audio did not come from her mic. I say this with no shade to her, it just gives the wrong idea of how stable she is. No matter how talented an idol is, there’s only so much they can do to remain perfectly stable and exactly on pitch while dancing this much. It’s virtually impossible.
Exactly, i think it’s bcs it’s twice and people can’t accept that they lip sync sometimes, it’s not bad though, everyone has done lip syncing but it is wrong to praise her for her live vocals when they are not live.
Exactly..actually I feel twice is just going down with the quality of songs compared to what is coming from other artists. There are no experiments,so no risks, and no gains also. They want to play safe hindering their true potential and are unable to release a masterpiece. Now I don't even feel excited for any upcoming song either ,I just listen to it once when it's released ,realise it's bullshit and nonsense and never go back to listen it again, not even on shorts. Jihyo is amazing I feel sad that her solo didn't receive much deserved love. Crown, killing me good was amazing. Also what twice as a group is releasing are just random songs with beats. They are making me lose the interest I had in them for years. If like this I hope they give time to produce a single but good song as a group rather than making continuous random nonsense albums or just disband. Sorry My words may be a little harsh. But I am sick of seeing twice like this now. JYP truly is not being productive for any of its groups. Most are in their upcoming downfall Now I feel twice was wrong from the beginning. No members had any harmony in them when as a group it's the utmost requirement. Vocals are quite off and that's why many times only one or two girls sang the most part. Jihyo is great as a soloist. She has that power. Jeongyeon has great vocals yet to be appreciated but can't in this group. Momo as a singer is just no. Sana is great but her voice is also not that great. Others just are more shy thus nothing much to put out and just hide in the shadow of the group. Chaeyeong as a rapper is good but what is this rap in songs. It's like forcing a rap in between when the song itself is not requiring a rap and so the rap is not good too. Dahyun cannot be a rapper. As a singer nothing special also. Nayeon is ok for me. Not my style actually but she is good. Nayeon and jihyo are carrying this group yet no one appreciates Jihyo's talents as much she totally deserves. Same as that Chungha not being appreciated much when she is overflowing with talent hurts me.Tzuyu wants to be a talented type of artist. But after a month or so no one will remember this song. Pretty privileged. And that's why it's still relevant to the public eye. This public just wants to appreciate what is good to the eye and not talent. I wonder what she will do after twice disbands. But her family is rich so nothing much would actually come to them. I used to envy black pink for achieving more than twice although I totally knew they were talented and deserving yet I couldn't help. Now I realise it was meant to be blackpink is amazing in performance as an artist and as a group also.While twice was just not much near them. I would love to see if any other talented but mediocre group and artists who are not that rich but talented gets recognised more. Someone who is not that privileged but deserving.
@@sanakook256 ...the audience cheers has nothing to do with her lypsinc..? . She pre recorded her vocals not her performance ☠️ all idols do this on music bank. Right before the show, They pre sing the song while standing . Then they lypsinc the recording..
LITERALLY WAS LOOKING FOR THIS COMMENT. I fear for the future when AI can fabricate whatever shit and whoever will believe it just because there's sound and video to it 😢. If people can't be critical on the Internet to what they see and hear, then we could be in serious danger. And this isn't personally about Tzuyu or any of the idols. Some can actually sing really great, but why fake it so... just show the real deal. The REAL deal. Bad videoes on this channel also seem to be fabricated. In fact, many of them are just prerecorded or messed with. This channel SHOULD be a flop, if it weren't for how easily manipulated the media was. Just think of the power this channel holds. They can decide however much hate and love to bring upon groups and idols. Isn't that scary? I think that's something not to be messed with! I think people should be better at analyzing as well, no matter how much they love or WANT to believe their idols! And unfollow this channel asap!
I could hear every breath inwards, that she took very very clear. 😳. It's those years of practice practice that has helped her do it.
@@jadebayoba7073 ??
If you look at her mouth, there is no coordination when finishing a verse, she is using playback, no hate but by observing one realizes. Don't take it personally @@jadebayoba7073
@@jadebayoba7073is play back❤
She's not only a visual. She's a singer!! I love her so much. Her solo was probably the best solo in twice.
i love her but i cant agree with ur last sentence 😅
I think the best is abcd
not the best solo. she's beautiful and an amazing singer but was not meant to be a performer. maybe an actress? but she does not have the same passion shown on stage for performing unlike jihyo & nayeon
She did improve tho@@addictaedtokookie1622
She is the most biased in twice i like her so much and nayeon too but my bias is jihyo and her solo killin me good is so killing solo❤
You can see and hear she’s been in this industry for almost 10 years
You can definitely see it through her confidence and her song but this stage was not live, i think she can do 1000x better, she has done it before, although we can’t expect much more from a little performance on a music show
@@User-1il4748iif she was going to do better it would have been for her own debut
It's so good ❤
10 years and pre recorded okay
After 9 years, Tzuyu is finally getting the treatment she deserves! I’m so glad for her! Who will support Tzuyu forever 🤚?
Tzuyu vocal is so stable. I knew she was very talented, but I am even more impressed. Such a talented idol
Sorry to say this but it’s prerecorded
this is isolated vocals, not mr removed, meaning that this is backtrack included. however tzuyu is known to be quite stable, so she probably sounds just as good
shes barley dancing...
@@zomdawonthere’s more proof of her live vocals since ur underestimating her
@@aeeri.seriously thought I was the only smart one.
Wow powerful voice. Crystal clear.
Tzuyu #1
3rd generation idols are really something else 👑
Fr ❤
This is pre recorded… if it was a newer group you’d be complaining about the lip syncing.
@@chesiresays lol
@@chesiresaysthey’re probably one of those people that hate on actual live vocals for not being perfect because they think their faves sing live when they actually lip sync.
@@chesiresayscry about it
Jype really doesn't joke when it comes to live singing...Tzuyu shined like a star✨️
It's pre recorded girl
@@vidushisharma5234no it's not
@@vijivijay3377yes it is. you guys have literally no clue. go educate yourself on how to recognise pre recorded lip sync because clearly you can’t
@@a.j.1819 you can clearly hear her breathing
Uhm that's actually what prerecording is. It's not the studio ver where there's no breathing
We've been known she's insanely good, i don't know why people doubt her
Im insanely surprised at the amount of people that still claim she wasn't live, bae... Are we deaf
I wasn’t aware of how much Tzuyu could actually shine until this solo. She did amazing!
Edit: wow I’m sorry I don’t Stan twice and rarely listen to their music guess I’m a “fake fan” now aren’t I 😐
You mean other members outshine her? 😅
@@awikwok3319kpop fans are so sensitive. how do you see a compliment and try to twist it to mean something else.
@@awikwok3319 No Jyp has not allowed her shine. compared to every other member she has had nothing. No endorsements, no solo actives like game show host, and movies/tv. I think its more due to her connection to China and by that she isn't but china claims her country.
i’d hope she shines as a soloist considering its only her….
@@Psibound so according to you JYP be like: sure lets make our visual member and one of the most famous member left in dark alone 🥲 see how dumb your comment?
헐 왤캐 잘함???쯔위 보컬 되게 안정적이구나
It's pre-recorded dumbass!
Tyuzu sounds good ☺️
yas cofia no yo quería no😊
@@k-dailyy my bad 😭
I see you everywhere lol
@@zai_arts 🤭
쯰위가 이렇게 노래를 잘했었나 우와~~~
쯔위는 항상 무대 열심히 노래도 잘했음 ㅠㅠ
듣다보니 노래가 은근 중독성있음ㅋㅋㅋ 라이브도 안정적이네
원래도 보컬은 안정적인 멤버였음
원래도 외국인 멤버들 중에 제일 ㄱㅊ았음 ㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 투어 다니면서 그냥 전체적으로 다들 예전보다 더 잘해짐
I'm so happy tzuyu can finally shine! Her vocals are so good btw
Edit: Can yall stop fighting? Ik its pre recorded
Fr ❤
It's pre recorded tho, not her live vocals. Real live doesn't sound like that. Her mouth movement doesn't match the audio and her voice doesn't even shake when she does big movements. It is obviously pre recorded they just added breath sounds to make it more "real".
@@Yuu-d7bshe’s still the one singing the pre recorded audio 😭🙏
@@Yuu-d7b it's mrremoved
@@Br1dLt The point is she's been in the industry for so long yet she doesn’t sing live for her own solo debut? Even when her juniors are working hard to sound as stable as possible?
This is probably something done by the department she's in, but it's disappointing.
와 노래도 좋고 목소리도 좋고 라이브도 좋네…
SONG - 100%
VOCAL - 100%
DANCE - 100%
VISUAL - 100%
RAP - 100%
SLAY - 100%
TZUYU - 100%
Tzuyu vocals aren't joke!! She is one of the best vocals and visuals of nation!!❤❤❤
She doesn’t need auto tune,
Auto tune needs her
Shes litterly crouching up and down yet her voice bearly fluctuates..
Cause it's pre recorded
Baby look at her mouth at the last part😂
I'm pretty sure it's lar or lmr or something like that. Pre-recorded anyway. Idk why so many people think this is live singing
the stability of her voice is so strikingly good, never seen anyone so stable! amazing singing tzuyu!
It’s pre-recorded. Easy to sound stable that way.
@@Soulspeak24frown town
她聲音好甜又穩,身材好又漂亮氣質很好,cute ❤
Tzuyu might not be a powerful belter or super unique voice, but she got such a elegant and stable voice. That is just as amazing and makes her shine as an idol of 8 years. She truly is hardworking and talented woman
노력해서 안정적으로 라이브하다니 멋있어요❤
진짜 타고난 외모에 노력형 아이돌인 쯔위❤
Ang ganda ng boses nya.. d ako fan nila pero ngaun isa na ako sa humahanga sa kanya
노래도 열심히 하고 목소리도 너무 예쁘다
저렇게 춤도 추면서 부르는데도 호흡이 안정적이다~~^^ 쯔위 짱🎉🎉🎉
라이브가 아니니까
이게 진짜 라이브라고 생각하나?
@@TheMdigi넌 얼마나 지능이 낮으면 댓글 두줄을 이해 못하냐;;
@@TheMdigi 노래 잘하는 트와이스가 왜 라이브를 안하니 이 얼석은 인간분들아😅 니들 심보가 문제다 트아이스가 이제까지 10년 가까이 공연을 하면서 립싱크를 하는 경우는 두 가지 상황일때다 간혹 행사 현장 상황이 라이브사운드시스탬이 안갖춰져 라이브가 절대 불가한 곳이거나 방송프로 당사자들이 쇼를 위해서 무대 퍼포먼스 위주로 시청자에게 안정적으로 쇼를 보여주기 위해 다양한 그림을 만들기 위해 할때다 보통 음방 컴백때 주로 하게되는데 트와이스는 새벽부터 하는 사전 녹화때도 올라이브로 해 녹음하고 그걸 몇장면 찍어 방송국에서 필요한 편집을 해 내보내는데 현장에선 분명 라이브를 할정도로 트와이스는 이제까지 데뷔 이후 즐기차게 라이브를 해왔다 인간들아 그건 제왑의 사훈이기도 하더만 그 결과 지금까지 5번째 월드투어를 하면서 진짜 퍼포먼스가 필요한 몇곡 빼고 그것도 초창기떄고 거의 전부를 줄기차게 올 라이브로 해왔고 작년 1년여년간 전무후무한 기록을 세우며 수십나라 수십 도시 총 51회의 이는 1~2주에 한번 꼴로 콘서트를 한 경우로 니들이 국내 그 장사군 언론 포탈 방송 음원사이트들의 온라인 장난질에 정신 쇄뇌 당할때 트와이스는 현실에서 엄청난 관중과 인류 역사를 쓰고 있었다 인간들아 콘서트를 올라이브로 하며 갈수록 트와이스의 공연에 감동한 대중가요의 본고장 미국 미주지역, 거긴 가수가 라이브를 안하면 쳐주지도 않는 그런 공연 문화를 가진 이들이 트와이스에 열광하고 존경까지 할 정도로 팬이 기하급수적으로 늘 정도고 지금도 현재진행중이다 라이브를 줄기차게 해온 노래 잘하는 트아이스가 왜 립싱을 하니 이 인간들아 니들 각자의 문제다 니들 뇌 삐뚤어진 문제로 자꾸 전 세계 최고의 그룹에 헛소리 하지마라 노랠 들을 줄 모르고 느낄 줄 모르게 된 니들 뇌 그넘 저넘 장사꾼들에 거짖 현실을 주입당한 니들 각자의 인식 부족을 탓해라 질시 칠투로 니들 뇌가 맛간 건지 진짜 한심들하다 여기다 추천 누른 것들은 뭐냐😊😊 정신챙기자 인생들아 ㅉㅉ 트와이스가 현실에서 인기 있는건 장난이 아니다 리얼 현실이다 노래를 잘해서 라이브퍼포먼스를 잘해서다 니들 어쩔때보면 가끔 북한 주민 같에 언론과 포탈 방송 유투버에 자기들 영혼이 털린즐도 모르고... 현대판 온라인 유령들... 하여튼 온라인 인터넷이 없을땐 앨범 숫자로 장난질 치며 쳐묵고 살더니 그것들이 이제 온라인 시대에선 온라인 유령들로 현실 조작질해 쳐묵고 사는 그것들 기획사 엔터것들 음원싸이트 개버릇 못주는 느낌 K팝은 트와이스의 재왑 같은 진짜 대중문화를 위해 엔터를 운영하는 진짜 k팝 엔터 정도 남고 나머지는 다 망할 것 같은 느낌 그넘 저넘 조작 기획사들 때문에 지난 수십년을 돌이켜보면 대중문화를 문화로 접근하지 않는 장사꾼들 언론 음싸 포탈 방송국것들이 문제다. 창작이란게 좋은게 안나와 안되면 그때는 망하고 새로운 더 좋은 창작자가 문화를 선도하고 나아가야 맞는건데 장사꾼들이라 온갖 술수를 부려 연명하려는 것들이 진짜 문제. 그러니 세계 최고의 활약과 성과를 이루고 진행중인 트와이스나 세계적인 언테로 거듭 진화하는 제왑 같은 진짜 잘해서 평가 받아서 사랑 받는 이들을 어떻게든 평가절하해보려 자기들 가지거나 장악한 플랫폼들 이미언론 기능 상실한 언론 포탈 미디어 등으로 장난질 치지 일본 J팝이 그런식으로 한때는 아시아를 넘어 잘나가는듯하다 몇몇 것들 아티스트가 아닌 아이돌 재롱질로 먹고 살다 독식에 망했다 국내도 할루빨리 그넘 저넘 장사꾼 기획사 언론 포탈 미디어 등등 것들을 빨리 망하게 하거나 그것들이 조작 컨트롤 못하개 해 진짜 대중문화를 앞으로 나가게 하는 장사꾼 마인드가 아닌 이들로 새로 도약 안하면 벌써부터 식상하다는 평가가 나오는 그 장사꾼들 창작의 관점이 아닌 대충 그룹 만들어 온라인 유령들로 조회수나 올리고 음원싸이트 조작 순위나 만들어 상품 대량 생산으로 끝장 나는 수가 있다 벌써 끝장나고 있다고 본다 유트버들도 이제 조회수때문에 그 유령 조회수라도 얻으려고 리엑션을 하는 느낌이 들고 서로 공생관계로 노래도 별로인걸 억지 강매하는 상황을 느낄 정도가 됐다고 보는게 맞을 거다 그런점에서 트와이스가 현실에서 보여지는 진짜 사람을 대상으로 하는 콘서트를 인류역사에서도 그 유례를 찾아 보기 힘들 정도로 잘하고 잇는 것은 이제 K팝은 트와이스 정도만 남고 온라인 유령들로 어찌 해먹고 해먹으려는 나머지는 정리되야 마땅하다 트와이스 때문에 현실 콘서트를 따라 하는 몇몇 트와이스가 얼마나 더 위대한지 그걸 서포트하는 제왑이 얼마나 올바른 선택으로 엔터사를 진짜 인류의 대중문화를 위해서 운영하는지 다시금 확인한다
Tzuyu's voice is really good and consistent
헐 이게 라이브였구나 너무 잘한다 여신
여긴 제와피니깡
tzuyu our stable queen ❤
tzuyu solo is so well deserved!! its apparent through videos already but once you see her live, its truly life changing
She’s so perfect. We love u Tzuyu 💕
Omg shes so stable!!🫡
ikr she is the prettiest and most talented idol i've seen in my life
The fact that they were on tour so long really helped then be more confident in singing live
It’s pre-recorded she does sing good tho
노래도 잘하고 이쁘구❤
진짜 이쁘다~
I love her voice
와... 노래도 엄청 잘하네 jyp는 확실히ㅜ기본 실력은 되야 아이돌 될 수 있구나...ㄷㄷ 엄청 이뻐서 노래 못하지 않을까 했는데 설윤도 그렇고 다들 얼마나 노력했을지ㅜㅜ 이번 앨범 대박나길!!!
Damn that’s really impressive. I was not familiar with her game. Respect📈📈📈
Not live, it's perecorded but it's ok
She has such beautiful control over her vocals. She can make clean transitions between notes even when dancing.
its pre recorded but shes an awesome singer ❤
@oaby7553 lol, she has sang live many times before in twice are you alright
@oaby7553 so why did u reply to me??
@oaby7553 you replied to me first babes
역시 제왑피 식스틴 솔로무대가 생생한데 정말 대단해 ㅠ 이게 가수지!
She’s amazing 😮
Omg she's incredibly stable while dancing ?!
I'm very sure it's pre-recorded live vocals ❤️ but she seems pretty stable over all
I think it’s pre recorded but I don’t think her live vocals would be that different anyway since she sounds good live too
Pre recorded but this is how she sings live as someone who’s been to tooons or twice concerts haha. Also she’s always been stable during their encores but never got the recognition so I hope we get an encore for this song!!
She's always been stable! She's isn't a 10 year veteran for nothing
Baby look at her mouth at the last part😂
Supporting you since sixteen.. love you my ultimate bias, Tzuyu ❤ I'm so proud of your growth as an artist
성실하고 착한 쯔위!😊
Happy to see Tzuyu shine and that’s all that matters. She did a wonderful job!
My soul just left my body and is crying seeing Tzuyu with so much pride 😭😭
Reminder that this is NOT live, her vocals are pre-recorded. Obviously she shines like a star, I just worry about misunderstanding
Shut up, what do you know? You idiot!!
Yea I was thinking that. You can see her breaths and the power behind her vocals don’t always match her facial expression or her mouth in that moment. She obviously can sing live, and I’m sure she was singing live in the clip used, but this audio did not come from her mic. I say this with no shade to her, it just gives the wrong idea of how stable she is. No matter how talented an idol is, there’s only so much they can do to remain perfectly stable and exactly on pitch while dancing this much. It’s virtually impossible.
EXACTLY😭 but is SO obvious that she is not singing live
Its quite obvious tht it's not live but she's definately capable of pulling it off
와 라이브지려🎉
@@repap-eh2uo야 돌아다니면서 트둥이까지마. 사녹이겟지. 노래끝마다 숨소리잇자나.
진짜 예쁘다.
쯔위 일단 목소리가 너무 이쁘자너? 가요에 착 붙는 목소리다.
어쩜 데뷔때부터 미모가 여전히 천상계 그대로냐!
She doesn’t look like a child anymore.
이쁘고 노래 너무잘한다
그동안 참 열심히 했구나
Wow she's so stable❤
こんなにも正確で きちんと歌ってはるなんて ツウィ先輩 凄いです。
how come people can't tell when something is pre-recorded? lol "wowww this is so stable 😮" yes it was when she was standing still while recording it
Exactly, i think it’s bcs it’s twice and people can’t accept that they lip sync sometimes, it’s not bad though, everyone has done lip syncing but it is wrong to praise her for her live vocals when they are not live.
Fans of literally every group hate admitting to their faves lip syncing tho. It’s not specific to twice
Exactly..actually I feel twice is just going down with the quality of songs compared to what is coming from other artists. There are no experiments,so no risks, and no gains also. They want to play safe hindering their true potential and are unable to release a masterpiece. Now I don't even feel excited for any upcoming song either ,I just listen to it once when it's released ,realise it's bullshit and nonsense and never go back to listen it again, not even on shorts. Jihyo is amazing I feel sad that her solo didn't receive much deserved love. Crown, killing me good was amazing. Also what twice as a group is releasing are just random songs with beats. They are making me lose the interest I had in them for years. If like this I hope they give time to produce a single but good song as a group rather than making continuous random nonsense albums or just disband. Sorry My words may be a little harsh. But I am sick of seeing twice like this now. JYP truly is not being productive for any of its groups. Most are in their upcoming downfall
Now I feel twice was wrong from the beginning. No members had any harmony in them when as a group it's the utmost requirement. Vocals are quite off and that's why many times only one or two girls sang the most part. Jihyo is great as a soloist. She has that power. Jeongyeon has great vocals yet to be appreciated but can't in this group. Momo as a singer is just no. Sana is great but her voice is also not that great. Others just are more shy thus nothing much to put out and just hide in the shadow of the group. Chaeyeong as a rapper is good but what is this rap in songs. It's like forcing a rap in between when the song itself is not requiring a rap and so the rap is not good too. Dahyun cannot be a rapper. As a singer nothing special also. Nayeon is ok for me. Not my style actually but she is good. Nayeon and jihyo are carrying this group yet no one appreciates Jihyo's talents as much she totally deserves. Same as that Chungha not being appreciated much when she is overflowing with talent hurts me.Tzuyu wants to be a talented type of artist. But after a month or so no one will remember this song. Pretty privileged. And that's why it's still relevant to the public eye. This public just wants to appreciate what is good to the eye and not talent. I wonder what she will do after twice disbands. But her family is rich so nothing much would actually come to them. I used to envy black pink for achieving more than twice although I totally knew they were talented and deserving yet I couldn't help. Now I realise it was meant to be blackpink is amazing in performance as an artist and as a group also.While twice was just not much near them. I would love to see if any other talented but mediocre group and artists who are not that rich but talented gets recognised more. Someone who is not that privileged but deserving.
The media literacy is at an all time low for them 😭
@@BiPhBiPhBiPhBiPhI always try to convince myself its because its 10 ye year olds 😭
The fact that she sounds just like in the music video.
와 너무 잘한다.. ㅠ
When I hear her sing this song, I think of the Anime "Megazone 23 part 1 and 2" It reminds me of the singing character Eve. Love Tzuyu!
와 엠알제거 중 제일안정적인듯😮❤
흔들림 없이 진짜 베리굿 ❤
갑자기 왜 쯔위가 솔로지? 했는데 이유가 있었네 ㅋㅋ 라이브 이렇게 잘하는줄 몰랐다우
its funny how yall can’t tell this is prerecorded
Yeah 😭
Even if it is she did, she did an amazing job pre-recording it and did amazing in her performance.
사전녹화절대아님 ㅋ
@@Valuuu27 isnt all singing like that though?
@@んぴ-s9y この歌声は事前に録音されているものなので、
@@knmlk.yumyum 本来は録音の歌と、音源が流れるんですか?そこに加えて生歌ですか?
@@まいやん-b8f なるほど、それなら納得だ
These are just isolated vocals this was not live vocals
sorry but its not live its pre-recorded
@@selin4387 oh....🤦♀️
@@selin4387And the sounds of her breathing and the screaming of the audience are pre-filmed?
@@sanakook256 yes, they did this cause it was her first solo music bank
Her voice is like honey to my ears
세계에서 제일이쁜 요다
Of course shes a top tier idol with a 10 years of experience 😌
No its pre recorded
@@ashantigardner3182Are her breathing also synchronized and the audience's screaming pre-recorded?
@@sanakook256 ...the audience cheers has nothing to do with her lypsinc..? . She pre recorded her vocals not her performance ☠️ all idols do this on music bank. Right before the show, They pre sing the song while standing . Then they lypsinc the recording..
Those who can't tell this is pre-recorded need to get their ears checked.
They dumb frr
LITERALLY WAS LOOKING FOR THIS COMMENT. I fear for the future when AI can fabricate whatever shit and whoever will believe it just because there's sound and video to it 😢. If people can't be critical on the Internet to what they see and hear, then we could be in serious danger. And this isn't personally about Tzuyu or any of the idols. Some can actually sing really great, but why fake it so... just show the real deal. The REAL deal. Bad videoes on this channel also seem to be fabricated. In fact, many of them are just prerecorded or messed with. This channel SHOULD be a flop, if it weren't for how easily manipulated the media was. Just think of the power this channel holds. They can decide however much hate and love to bring upon groups and idols. Isn't that scary? I think that's something not to be messed with! I think people should be better at analyzing as well, no matter how much they love or WANT to believe their idols! And unfollow this channel asap!
real bro
Look 0:26
@@filipe7940 Proving the point or?
She's very beautiful. Her vocals improved so much.
太穩了 子瑜! 好正 聽到會起雞皮疙瘩的等級!!!!
It's like I heard the song recorded It's so stable I love twice ❤
진짜 개 찐으로 이정도 인줄 몰랐다 개잘한다 미쳤다
Incrível que a voz das meninas do twice são todas estáveis, perfeitas ❤😍