So eye opening lecture by Swamiji ! God has given us this valuable human form, mind , intellect to think and choose and free will to work, He is the judge of our thoughts and deeds. According to our karma God gives us the fruits of our actions.How we utilise our body, mind and intellect and do the karma, it is completely our responsibility and by this we create our own destiny.
Hare Krishna.. I am trying to teach my kids about beauty of Hinduism. Sadly they don't understand hindi much. This channel's videos are really great source for us to understand about Sanatan Dharma. Thank you for all your efforts . Can you please add videos for Kartik month katha too?
pranam swamiji, i am a girl from india studying in 12th class. In my 17 years of lifespan, i have tried possibly all things and committed alot of sins. My family history is a mess but my parents depsite of all issues had one common goal that is me and my bright future. I have achieved alot of laurels, had alot of exposure in spoorts, extra curriculars. I was badly trapped in all the gen-z stuff. somehow god protected me from evil. One thing i had always wanted was a love story. i was always desired to be pure but this kali of kalyug has not psared anone. even though true love does exist, the world continues to be bad. I dont desire love anymore. I dont like any of the stuff my generation likes. I have very few good friends and i am blessed for that. I am 80% happy with my life, but the 20% void will be fulfilled only by being a vairagi. I self sabotage myself, and spend time watching tv serials wherein a purity is reflected like balika vadhu, yeh un dino ki baat hai, parvarish and certain movies too. But i knwo deep inside that i need to stop and be free. i wish to feel true happiness. i want to leave all of my attachments and just take this life as a duty and fulfil it. Living on maya, is like being an animal. Honestly i hate everything about this yug - how everybody likes to be sexualized, how people say thins they dont mean, how people live in mithya, how elders are not worthy of respect, how even the animals have become impure, how humans are the most pathetic, how sinful things are the new normal, etc etc there is a long list. Despite of all of this, i want to live, but as a vairagi and fulfil my duty of being here, sometimes i too get trapped in maya and end my time and my mind. bhagwan sach baaki sab jhoot. thankyou swamiji, your knowledge helps me hold steadfast on my higher self and leave lower self behind. BLESS ME TO BE FREE FROM MAYA AND HAVE INNER EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.
God has faith we all will reach perfection one day. Till then He keeps track of our karma and bestows results. But we don't have to worry about our destiny too much because we can create our future destiny by our current efforts. If we keep putting sufficient efforts we will reach perfection one day. Like that little gopi who perfected her selfless love for God, we can also create our own destiny by perfecting our selfless love for God. God is willing to become servant of those selfless devotees.
Through my struggles I found Jesus he has carried me this far. I keep faith. Even as I continue to struggle to support my children and myself I trust in you Jesus. Being a single mom things can be hard raising them alone. My husband passed years ago. Both of my children are autistic. I started homeschooling them last year and they are now thriving but unfortunately my hours to work are limited. I suffered a heart attack two years ago and Im battling lupus Lord I’m overwhelmed please heal me and give me strength. As I struggle to pay my rent each month and as I struggle to buy groceries. Honestly I want to give up. But I know God will make a way. Where there seems to be no way. I have faith! God has not forgotten me. Faith First!
God is watching every action of your's, even though he may not interfere. Keep Going🎉. His timing is perfect, which I am learning from my own life. My heart felt prayers for you🎉
Pranam guruji. This is really an awesome gyan on karma. Guruji could you pls let me know which part of the Bhagwatam relates the story abt the king and the charioteer. Pls let me know the canto n verse related to this story. 🙏
We pray and attend satsang. Karma concept difficult to understand as God gives punishment to good people.Chanting and reading bhagvat Gita bhagvadam helps bhagvadam
गीता ज्ञान दाता वास्तव में काल अर्थात ब्रह्म है अध्याय 11 श्लोक 32 में पवित्र गीता जी को बोलने वाला प्रभु कह रहा है कि ‘हे अर्जुन यह मेरा वास्तविक काल रूप है'। गीता अध्याय 7 श्लोक 13 में गीता ज्ञान दाता कहता है कि इन गुणोंके कार्यरूप सात्विक श्री विष्णु जी के प्रभाव से, राजस श्री ब्रह्मा जी के प्रभाव से और तामस श्री शिवजी के प्रभाव से तीनों प्रकारके भावोंसे यह सारा संसार - प्राणिसमुदाय मुझ काल के ही जाल में मोहित हो रहा है अर्थात् फंसा है इसलिए पूर्ण अविनाशीको नहीं जानता। गीता अध्याय 7 श्लोक 12 से 15 का भावार्थ है कि जो साधक स्वभाव वश तीनों गुणों रजगुण ब्रह्मा जी, सतगुण विष्णु जी, तमगुण शिव जी तक की साधना से मिलने वाले लाभ पर ही आश्रित रहकर इन्हीं तीनों प्रभुओं की भक्ति से जिन का ज्ञान हरा जा चुका है वे राक्षस स्वभाव को धारण किए हुए मनुष्यों में नीच, शास्त्र विधि विरुद्ध भक्ति रूपी दुष्कर्म करने वाले मूर्ख मुझ ब्रह्म को भी नहीं भजते गीता ज्ञान दाता ने स्वयम को नाशवान बताया है गीता ज्ञान दाता ने गीता अध्याय 2 श्लोक 12, अध्याय 4 श्लोक 5, अध्याय 10 श्लोक 2 में अपने आप को नाशवान यानि जन्म-मरण के चक्र में सदा रहने वाला बताया है। कहा है कि हे अर्जुन! तेरे और मेरे बहुत जन्म हो चुके हैं। तू नहीं जानता, मैं जानता हूँ। अपने जन्म को गीता ज्ञान दाता ने गीता अध्याय 4 श्लोक 9 में आलोकिक बताया है जो कि सत्य है लेकिन उसने ये स्पष्ट कर दिया कि वो जन्म मरण में है। गीता ज्ञान दाता ने अविनाशी परमात्मा किसी और को कहा है जो कि वास्तव में परमात्मा है अध्याय 15, श्लोक 16 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने कहा है कि इस संसारमें दो प्रकार के भगवान हैं नाशवान और अविनाशी परंतु गीता अध्याय 15 श्लोक 17 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने कहा है कि वास्तव में अविनाशी परमात्मा तो इन दोनों (क्षर पुरूष तथा अक्षर पुरूष) से दूसरा ही है। वही तीनों लोकों में प्रवेश करके सर्व का धारण पोषण करता है। वही वास्तव में परमात्मा कहा जाता है। गीता अध्याय 8 श्लोक 20 से 22 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने किसी अन्य पूर्ण परमात्मा के विषय में ज्ञान कहा है जो वास्तव में अविनाशी परमात्मा है। गीता ज्ञान दाता ने स्वयम को परम अक्षर पुरुष से उत्पन्न बताया है गीता अध्याय 3 श्लोक 14 से 15 में स्पष्ट है कि ब्रह्म काल की उत्पति परम अक्षर पुरूष से हुई है। वही परम अक्षर ब्रह्म ही यज्ञों में पूज्य है। (ये ब्रह्म काल ही गीता ज्ञान दाता है) गीता ज्ञान दाता ने किसी और पूर्ण परमात्मा को अपना इष्ट देव बताया है गीता अध्याय 18 के श्लोक 62 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने अर्जुन को किसी और पूर्ण परमात्मा कि शरण में जाने को कहा है। गीता अध्याय 18 के श्लोक 66 में भी गीता ज्ञान दाता ने अर्जुन को अपने से अन्य परम अक्षर ब्रह्म की शरण में जाने को कहा है। गीता जी के अध्याय 18 के श्लोक 64 तथा अध्याय 15 के श्लोक 4 में स्वयं गीता ज्ञान दाता कह रहा है कि हे अर्जुन! मेरा उपास्य देव (इष्ट) भी वही परमात्मा (पूर्ण ब्रह्म) ही है तथा मैं भी उसी की शरण हूँ तथा वही सनातन स्थान (सतलोक) ही मेरा परम धाम है। ऐसा काल ब्रह्म ने इसलिए कहा है क्योंकि ब्रह्म भी वहीं (सतलोक) से निष्कासित है। वास्तविक भक्ति विधि के लिए गीता ज्ञान दाता (ब्रह्म) किसी तत्वदर्शी संत की खोज करने को कहता है गीता अध्याय 4 श्लोक 34 में गीता ज्ञान दाता किसी तत्वदर्शी संत की खोज करने को कहता है। इस से सिद्ध होता है कि गीता ज्ञान दाता (ब्रह्म) द्वारा बताई गई भक्ति विधि पूर्ण नहीं है तथा अधूरी है। गीता अध्याय 3 श्लोक 14 से 15 में स्पष्ट है कि ब्रह्म काल की उत्पति परम अक्षर पुरूष से हुई है। वही परम अक्षर ब्रह्म ही यज्ञों में पूज्य है। (ये ब्रह्म काल ही गीता ज्ञान दाता है) गीता ज्ञान दाता ने किसी और पूर्ण परमात्मा को अपना इष्ट देव बताया है गीता अध्याय 18 के श्लोक 62 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने अर्जुन को किसी और पूर्ण परमात्मा कि शरण में जाने को कहा है। तीनों गुण काल ब्रह्म से उत्पन्न हुए हैं तथा उन गुणो से जो हो रहा है उसका निमित भी ब्रह्म ही है गीता अध्याय 7 श्लोक 12 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ब्रह्म कह रहा है कि तीनों देवताओं द्वारा जो भी उत्पति, स्थिति तथा संहार हो रहा है इसका निमित्त मैं ही हूँ। परन्तु मैं इनसे दूर हूँ। कारण है कि काल को शापवश एक लाख प्राणियों का आहार करना होता है। इसलिए मुख्य कारण अपने आप को कहा है तथा काल भगवान तीनों देवताओं से भिन्न ब्रह्म लोक में रहता है तथा इक्कीसवें ब्रह्मण्ड में रहता है। इसलिए कहा है कि मैं उनमें तथा वे मुझ में नहीं हैं।
Swami you told that we get what we do...what if my all past life was just a joke ...was having every features of duryodhana and now in this life wanna change my mind and become like karna it possible to happen in this life?
A karmic retribution/correction has to happen in a short period of time because life itself is short. If something bad happens to us as punishment for our supposed past misdeeds, we can't learn anything from it because we are not aware of the cause, and that means we would commit the same mistake again and again and thus accumulate bad karma. Why is God interested in us accumulating bad karma? So, this whole karmic system is fundamentally flawed, perhaps just a nice attempt at an explanation for ordinary people.
Dear fellow Seeker @sureshjawalkar2475, we are taught not to keep looking at our past, then why do you want to know what you were in the past life? The only thing is that we do good karma in this life so that we get closer to Brahm 🙏🏼
Guruji, Im not trying to be rude.. but I believe, go wants everyone to live happily and not to create sufferings for others, if so, if the justice is given in a next few years instead of waiting for the next birth, people will correct their mistakes. If in our court system, if the justice is delayed by few years we say justice delayed is justice denied, why is it not true for god too. The idea of punishment is to make sure people dont repeat the mistakes again and make sure both they and other around them lives happily, bringing justice in future lives does not achieve anything, as even if some one suffers w/o doing anything wrong now , but in the past , he might do good now, but how is he going to carry fwd in the next birth as he wont remember. Also if so , why in Mahabharata, mistakes of duruyodhana, the justice was given in the same birth. Also many would have seen, that not every good people get good things and not every bad person gets bad things, makes us question this karma concept itself. I would rather say people have to do good , because they want to do good , rather than to get good, as it might not happen that way too.
That is the real problem. Karmic retribution/correction has to happen in a short period of time because life itself is short. If something bad happens to us as punishment for our supposed past misdeeds, we can't learn anything from it because we are not aware of the cause, and that means we would commit the same mistake again and again and thus accumulate bad karma. So this whole karmic system is fundamentally flawed, perhaps just a nice attempt at an explanation for ordinary people.
So eye opening lecture by Swamiji ! God has given us this valuable human form, mind , intellect to think and choose and free will to work, He is the judge of our thoughts and deeds. According to our karma God gives us the fruits of our actions.How we utilise our body, mind and intellect and do the karma, it is completely our responsibility and by this we create our own destiny.
This video has the answer i was seeking... Radhe Radhe ❤
Hare Krishna.. I am trying to teach my kids about beauty of Hinduism. Sadly they don't understand hindi much. This channel's videos are really great source for us to understand about Sanatan Dharma.
Thank you for all your efforts .
Can you please add videos for Kartik month katha too?
Hare krishna❤
OMG!!! What motivation!!!! Fantastic Video 🎉 thank you guruji ❤
जय श्री राधे राधे 🙏
Radhe Radhe❤
pranam swamiji, i am a girl from india studying in 12th class. In my 17 years of lifespan, i have tried possibly all things and committed alot of sins. My family history is a mess but my parents depsite of all issues had one common goal that is me and my bright future. I have achieved alot of laurels, had alot of exposure in spoorts, extra curriculars. I was badly trapped in all the gen-z stuff. somehow god protected me from evil. One thing i had always wanted was a love story. i was always desired to be pure but this kali of kalyug has not psared anone. even though true love does exist, the world continues to be bad. I dont desire love anymore. I dont like any of the stuff my generation likes. I have very few good friends and i am blessed for that. I am 80% happy with my life, but the 20% void will be fulfilled only by being a vairagi. I self sabotage myself, and spend time watching tv serials wherein a purity is reflected like balika vadhu, yeh un dino ki baat hai, parvarish and certain movies too. But i knwo deep inside that i need to stop and be free. i wish to feel true happiness. i want to leave all of my attachments and just take this life as a duty and fulfil it. Living on maya, is like being an animal. Honestly i hate everything about this yug - how everybody likes to be sexualized, how people say thins they dont mean, how people live in mithya, how elders are not worthy of respect, how even the animals have become impure, how humans are the most pathetic, how sinful things are the new normal, etc etc there is a long list. Despite of all of this, i want to live, but as a vairagi and fulfil my duty of being here, sometimes i too get trapped in maya and end my time and my mind. bhagwan sach baaki sab jhoot. thankyou swamiji, your knowledge helps me hold steadfast on my higher self and leave lower self behind. BLESS ME TO BE FREE FROM MAYA AND HAVE INNER EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.
17 sal ki Kanya kay pas itna Gayan kahan say aya?
Thank you very very much, Swamiji!
Hare Krishna
God has faith we all will reach perfection one day. Till then He keeps track of our karma and bestows results. But we don't have to worry about our destiny too much because we can create our future destiny by our current efforts. If we keep putting sufficient efforts we will reach perfection one day. Like that little gopi who perfected her selfless love for God, we can also create our own destiny by perfecting our selfless love for God. God is willing to become servant of those selfless devotees.
Thank you swamigi feel truly blessed to receive your blessing
Where we are now is by our choices. Where we will be will also be by our choices... An enlightening lecture on day 1 of this new year ...🙏🙏🙏❤
Well, that's too simple. Where is that proverbial free will in practical life?
Through my struggles I found Jesus he has carried me this far. I keep faith. Even as I continue to struggle to support my children and myself I trust in you Jesus. Being a single mom things can be hard raising them alone. My husband passed years ago. Both of my children are autistic. I started homeschooling them last year and they are now thriving but unfortunately my hours to work are limited. I suffered a heart attack two years ago and Im battling lupus Lord I’m overwhelmed please heal me and give me strength. As I struggle to pay my rent each month and as I struggle to buy groceries. Honestly I want to give up. But I know God will make a way. Where there seems to be no way. I have faith! God has not forgotten me. Faith First!
There is no god worthy of worship except ALLAH
Sending you prayers and strength ! ❤️ you will prevail
God is watching every action of your's, even though he may not interfere. Keep Going🎉. His timing is perfect, which I am learning from my own life. My heart felt prayers for you🎉
@@islamaboyy588What does Allah mean?
@@islamaboyy588we call him krisna that's all.
Pranam guruji. This is really an awesome gyan on karma. Guruji could you pls let me know which part of the Bhagwatam relates the story abt the king and the charioteer. Pls let me know the canto n verse related to this story. 🙏
Last life assumes there will be a first life with no one bearing fruits of past karma. I wonder what that first life for everyone would be like..
We pray and attend satsang. Karma concept difficult to understand as God gives punishment to good people.Chanting and reading bhagvat Gita bhagvadam helps bhagvadam
Radhey Radhey..
Such wonderful interesting wisdom by Swamiji.. but sometimes the noisy background music is very unwelcome!!
गीता ज्ञान दाता वास्तव में काल अर्थात ब्रह्म है
अध्याय 11 श्लोक 32 में पवित्र गीता जी को बोलने वाला प्रभु कह रहा है कि ‘हे अर्जुन यह मेरा वास्तविक काल रूप है'।
गीता अध्याय 7 श्लोक 13 में गीता ज्ञान दाता कहता है कि इन गुणोंके कार्यरूप सात्विक श्री विष्णु जी के प्रभाव से, राजस श्री ब्रह्मा जी के प्रभाव से और तामस श्री शिवजी के प्रभाव से तीनों प्रकारके भावोंसे यह सारा संसार - प्राणिसमुदाय मुझ काल के ही जाल में मोहित हो रहा है अर्थात् फंसा है इसलिए पूर्ण अविनाशीको नहीं जानता।
गीता अध्याय 7 श्लोक 12 से 15 का भावार्थ है कि जो साधक स्वभाव वश तीनों गुणों रजगुण ब्रह्मा जी, सतगुण विष्णु जी, तमगुण शिव जी तक की साधना से मिलने वाले लाभ पर ही आश्रित रहकर इन्हीं तीनों प्रभुओं की भक्ति से जिन का ज्ञान हरा जा चुका है वे राक्षस स्वभाव को धारण किए हुए मनुष्यों में नीच, शास्त्र विधि विरुद्ध भक्ति रूपी दुष्कर्म करने वाले मूर्ख मुझ ब्रह्म को भी नहीं भजते
गीता ज्ञान दाता ने स्वयम को नाशवान बताया है
गीता ज्ञान दाता ने गीता अध्याय 2 श्लोक 12, अध्याय 4 श्लोक 5, अध्याय 10 श्लोक 2 में अपने आप को नाशवान यानि जन्म-मरण के चक्र में सदा रहने वाला बताया है। कहा है कि हे अर्जुन! तेरे और मेरे बहुत जन्म हो चुके हैं। तू नहीं जानता, मैं जानता हूँ। अपने जन्म को गीता ज्ञान दाता ने गीता अध्याय 4 श्लोक 9 में आलोकिक बताया है जो कि सत्य है लेकिन उसने ये स्पष्ट कर दिया कि वो जन्म मरण में है।
गीता ज्ञान दाता ने अविनाशी परमात्मा किसी और को कहा है जो कि वास्तव में परमात्मा है
अध्याय 15, श्लोक 16 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने कहा है कि इस संसारमें दो प्रकार के भगवान हैं नाशवान और अविनाशी परंतु गीता अध्याय 15 श्लोक 17 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने कहा है कि वास्तव में अविनाशी परमात्मा तो इन दोनों (क्षर पुरूष तथा अक्षर पुरूष) से दूसरा ही है। वही तीनों लोकों में प्रवेश करके सर्व का धारण पोषण करता है। वही वास्तव में परमात्मा कहा जाता है।
गीता अध्याय 8 श्लोक 20 से 22 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने किसी अन्य पूर्ण परमात्मा के विषय में ज्ञान कहा है जो वास्तव में अविनाशी परमात्मा है।
गीता ज्ञान दाता ने स्वयम को परम अक्षर पुरुष से उत्पन्न बताया है
गीता अध्याय 3 श्लोक 14 से 15 में स्पष्ट है कि ब्रह्म काल की उत्पति परम अक्षर पुरूष से हुई है। वही परम अक्षर ब्रह्म ही यज्ञों में पूज्य है। (ये ब्रह्म काल ही गीता ज्ञान दाता है)
गीता ज्ञान दाता ने किसी और पूर्ण परमात्मा को अपना इष्ट देव बताया है
गीता अध्याय 18 के श्लोक 62 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने अर्जुन को किसी और पूर्ण परमात्मा कि शरण में जाने को कहा है।
गीता अध्याय 18 के श्लोक 66 में भी गीता ज्ञान दाता ने अर्जुन को अपने से अन्य परम अक्षर ब्रह्म की शरण में जाने को कहा है।
गीता जी के अध्याय 18 के श्लोक 64 तथा अध्याय 15 के श्लोक 4 में स्वयं गीता ज्ञान दाता कह रहा है कि हे अर्जुन! मेरा उपास्य देव (इष्ट) भी वही परमात्मा (पूर्ण ब्रह्म) ही है तथा मैं भी उसी की शरण हूँ तथा वही सनातन स्थान (सतलोक) ही मेरा परम धाम है।
ऐसा काल ब्रह्म ने इसलिए कहा है क्योंकि ब्रह्म भी वहीं (सतलोक) से निष्कासित है।
वास्तविक भक्ति विधि के लिए गीता ज्ञान दाता (ब्रह्म) किसी तत्वदर्शी संत की खोज करने को कहता है
गीता अध्याय 4 श्लोक 34 में गीता ज्ञान दाता किसी तत्वदर्शी संत की खोज करने को कहता है। इस से सिद्ध होता है कि गीता ज्ञान दाता (ब्रह्म) द्वारा बताई गई भक्ति विधि पूर्ण नहीं है तथा अधूरी है।
गीता अध्याय 3 श्लोक 14 से 15 में स्पष्ट है कि ब्रह्म काल की उत्पति परम अक्षर पुरूष से हुई है। वही परम अक्षर ब्रह्म ही यज्ञों में पूज्य है। (ये ब्रह्म काल ही गीता ज्ञान दाता है)
गीता ज्ञान दाता ने किसी और पूर्ण परमात्मा को अपना इष्ट देव बताया है
गीता अध्याय 18 के श्लोक 62 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने अर्जुन को किसी और पूर्ण परमात्मा कि शरण में जाने को कहा है।
तीनों गुण काल ब्रह्म से उत्पन्न हुए हैं तथा उन गुणो से जो हो रहा है उसका निमित भी ब्रह्म ही है
गीता अध्याय 7 श्लोक 12 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ब्रह्म कह रहा है कि तीनों देवताओं द्वारा जो भी उत्पति, स्थिति तथा संहार हो रहा है इसका निमित्त मैं ही हूँ। परन्तु मैं इनसे दूर हूँ।
कारण है कि काल को शापवश एक लाख प्राणियों का आहार करना होता है। इसलिए मुख्य कारण अपने आप को कहा है तथा काल भगवान तीनों देवताओं से भिन्न ब्रह्म लोक में रहता है तथा इक्कीसवें ब्रह्मण्ड में रहता है। इसलिए कहा है कि मैं उनमें तथा वे मुझ में नहीं हैं।
Swami you told that we get what we do...what if my all past life was just a joke ...was having every features of duryodhana and now in this life wanna change my mind and become like karna it possible to happen in this life?
Does it matter if it does or does not happen in this life? 🙏
A karmic retribution/correction has to happen in a short period of time because life itself is short. If something bad happens to us as punishment for our supposed past misdeeds, we can't learn anything from it because we are not aware of the cause, and that means we would commit the same mistake again and again and thus accumulate bad karma. Why is God interested in us accumulating bad karma? So, this whole karmic system is fundamentally flawed, perhaps just a nice attempt at an explanation for ordinary people.
Every thing control by them also our karma may be ? Destiny may jo hotahe oh miljatahe or past good or bed karma wise we get results on this life
How do you explain Karma to Holocaust victims
How to know in which Yoni we were born in past life and what bad karmas we did ? Is it certain that we were human in past life ?
Dear fellow Seeker @sureshjawalkar2475, we are taught not to keep looking at our past, then why do you want to know what you were in the past life? The only thing is that we do good karma in this life so that we get closer to Brahm 🙏🏼
And Today Is Our Nation Poet's Birthday "IQBAL DAY"
Happy Birthday Allama Iqbal 🎉
👉soul 🌀universe? 🕛
Im not trying to be rude.. but I believe, go wants everyone to live happily and not to create sufferings for others, if so, if the justice is given in a next few years instead of waiting for the next birth, people will correct their mistakes. If in our court system, if the justice is delayed by few years we say justice delayed is justice denied, why is it not true for god too. The idea of punishment is to make sure people dont repeat the mistakes again and make sure both they and other around them lives happily, bringing justice in future lives does not achieve anything, as even if some one suffers w/o doing anything wrong now , but in the past , he might do good now, but how is he going to carry fwd in the next birth as he wont remember. Also if so , why in Mahabharata, mistakes of duruyodhana, the justice was given in the same birth. Also many would have seen, that not every good people get good things and not every bad person gets bad things, makes us question this karma concept itself. I would rather say people have to do good , because they want to do good , rather than to get good, as it might not happen that way too.
That is the real problem. Karmic retribution/correction has to happen in a short period of time because life itself is short. If something bad happens to us as punishment for our supposed past misdeeds, we can't learn anything from it because we are not aware of the cause, and that means we would commit the same mistake again and again and thus accumulate bad karma. So this whole karmic system is fundamentally flawed, perhaps just a nice attempt at an explanation for ordinary people.
Jai Gurudev❤
Jai Shri Krishna❤❤