1st of gypsies is a offensive word for Roma xinthy ecetra , they are nowadays everywhere but they aren't turkic at least not from the roots. we were slavanized Danube bulgars, we were forced. but our dna is still very much turkic. sadly because of Russian propaganda most Bulgarians don't recon that.@Pan-Turkic Nationalist
zdravko popov Here goes another stereotypical Balkan nationalist... It's actually funny how rudely you act towards a person which tried to show its respect towards your nation and its history.
+David Blagic I agree. While I think it's good to have a certain amount of pride in one's own culture and country, history has shown that narrow minded nationalism is poison. Very sad that people are blinded by it. Mr Blagic please pay no attention to such fools. We are all Balkan brothers!!
Daniel D I could not agree more! :-D It's just sad how hardcore nationalism ruined Balkans. Thought I love my country, I also have respect for other countries and nations, especially for my Slavic and Orthodox brothers! :-D
The great Persian scientist Abu Zayd al-Balkhi 850-934 AD Says that Bulgarians worshipped the god EDFU and his idol FA In the same text he says the Turks worshipped BIr Tengri He clearly distinguishes between Bulgarians and Turks M . Tahir, Le livre de la creation de el-Balhi, Paris , 1899 ,v. IV, 56 Look panturks no tengri in Bulgaria
@@boyanbogdanov1854 Българският език е най-древният тракийски и славянски език. Затова са о той от всички славянски език е аналитичен, безпадежен, какъвто е и английският. Генетически българите са на 90% траки и са много далеч от всички азиатци, кавказки, иранци или памирци. Близостта на българския език с иранския се дължи на тракийското влияние върху персите. Б.Димитров много спекулира. Пренебрегват се всички древни сведения и артефакти. Траките поне 4 пъти са покорявали персите и са управлявали там. Говори се, че името на Аспарух, е иранско и идва от думата "аспа"- кон. Но това е заемка от тракийския език. Тази дума има 3 варианта при траките: адпа, испа и еспа. Името на Аспарух има също 3 вариации:Аспарух,Исперих и Есперих, както и цар Испор. Даже едно от имената на иранците е мидийци, по името на тракийското племе миди, управлявало персийските земи. Тези наши историци не се умориха да търсят нашите корени къде ли не в чужбина, за последно в Иран, но си затварят очите пред очевидното, че сме местен народ, траки. Не могат да преглътнат егото си, че са грешали и поддържали грешни теории, че дължат кариерите си на тези лъжи и продължават да измислят нови теории, като Б..Димитров. Поддържа се и лъжата за дошлите от север славяни. Всъщност славяни е общото самоназвание на всички тракийски народи и техните роднини, венетите (поляци, чехи, словаци, словенци и др.). Няма никакви следи от идването на някакви измислени славяни от север на Балканите. Няма! Всичко е тракийско. Българският език е най-древният тракийски и славянски език и затова само той е аналитичен, безпадежнъй, а всички останали славянски езици са синтетични, с падежи. Това означава че няма как българите са се славянизирани и за приели славянския език от ниско развитите славяни и са загубили езика и културата си? Как така победителите на Римската империя и на арабския халифат за има няма 100-150 години са били асимилирани от славяните, нямащи нито държава, нито организирана армия. Приказки за малки деца. Българите са конници. Но защо не се казва, че траките са първия конен народ в света, че най,- древните кости на опитомени коне в света са открити край Китен? Жените на българите били силно и имали права?! Но защо не се вижда, че още в древността тракийките са били равнопоставени с мъжете и е имало жени жрици, като Олимпия, майката на Александър Македонски. Надявам се знаете, че македонците са траки, а не гърци. Ако не, трябва много, много да четете. Б.Димитров има някои заслуги и дотам. Относно нашия произход той греши или по-скоро не иска да признае истината и грешките си. За съжаление. Та днес даже турците започват да се изкарват траки покрай тракийската Троя и т.н. Срамно е, че Димитров няма сили да признае истината. Та думата Кан, представена като иранска е същата като тюркския Хан. Няма разлика. Заменяме тюрките с иранци и сме в същото небесно лозе, в същата лъжа, че сме пришелци на Балканите и затова ни орязаха и територията няколко пъти. Лъжите на нашите историци допринесоха за това, както признава и Димитров.
@@petertodorov1792 pa iskreno ne vjerujem u teoriju da su bugari nekakvi turkic kosooki, ni ne izgledate tako niti je jezik takav, niti kultura,vjerojatno ste iranci nekakvi što automatski znači da smo rođaci,
@@sinisadabic5371 estestveno che sme rodnini, vsichki balkanski narodi sa genetichno blizki edni s drugi. Balgarite imame 1,5% iztochno aziatsko DNA podobno na drugite evropeyski narodi, taka che sus sigurnost tyurkskiyat primes e izklyuchitelno malak, nay-veroyatno ot kumani, pechenegi i tatari, no otnovo te sa bili malki izklyucheniya. Hvala!
Those are the descendants of Bulgarians who were refugees from the 1828-1830 Russo-Turkish war of Greek independence. Some of them settled in Crimea or other parts of Ukraine, others in Bessarabia (today's Moldova and the southernmost part of Ukraine) and some (including my ancestors) came back and settled around Varna.
@@papazataklaattiranimam yes , really old bulgar was turkic , but slavic old bulgarian is the first and oldest slavic language and the first to use the Cyrillic alphabet before russian
Im from New Zealand. My daughter is Bulgarian Maori, probably the first intertwining of the two bloodlines in history. ( As far as I know ) My daughter is so phenomenally beautiful and intelligent, you wouldn't believe how smart and mature this 8 year old girl is unless you saw her for yourself. Piano, tennis, singing, performing arts, swimming, mathematics, I could go on, basically, anything she wants to do, she does and excels very well. Her grandparents (Bulgarian) were Gold medalists in the Seoul Olympics. My grandparents were, what you would call in English "priests" or "pastors", fully followed Jesus and his teachings. I want to know if anyone has any information on Bulgarian prophets or just anything "historically Christian". I understand the religious wars and in a video here on TH-cam (history of Bulgaria) It states Bulgaria was officially named and known as "Christian" for 200 years. Thank you, I look forward to any finger being pointed in a direction for me. :)
"It states Bulgaria was officially named and known as "Christian" for 200 years. " I don't know where you've read that, but we were converted to Christianity in 864. We are mainly Orthodox Christians, but there are also some Catholics and Muslims. What information exactly you want?
@Voskre Glavincevska Don't spread lies. Macedonia is 70 yrs old country. You don't make difference between country and region. Macedonia is territory in ancient Greece ( Ellada). Later populated with bulgarians. After 1945 ( Tito the serbian dictator ) managed aggressive policy with pro serbian element in it to change macedonian mind set and home policy. Macedonia is originaly bulgarian territory, read history and stop stealing from your neighbours.
Such a nice comment. You should know that Bulgarians are traditionally very good at maths and are one of the nations with most medals at maths olympics. John Atanasoff, the founder of the first computer is of bulgarian origin. See here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Vincent_Atanasoff
Елица Енева Other Bulgarian scholars actively oppose the "Iranian hypothesis".[194][195] According to Raymond Detrez, the Iranian theory is rooted in the periods of anti-Turkish sentiment in Bulgaria and is ideologically motivated.[196]
He mentions Alexander the Great could not defeat only the old bulgarians. But he doesn't mention that Volga Bulgaria was the only state to defeat the Mongols.
The Mamluks sultanate defeated the Mongols and the Delhi Sultanate at the time ruled by sultan Alauddin Khiligi defeated the Mongols on many occasions.
@@Bayganu İVAN ASEN was a christian KUMAN : KIPÇAK TÜRK...............................KUMANOVA city of Macedonia was established by christian KUMAN TÜRKs.............TERTER and ŞİŞMAN Dynasties were also christian KUMAN TÜRKs.............. ...........+++ The first Romanian Prince was BASAR ABA......He was also christian KUMAN: KIPÇAK TÜRK....................Son of TOK TEMİR......................The BESARABİA region was named like that because of BASAR ABA................The ancestor of VLAD TEPEŞ ( DRAKULA )...........................Christian Türk DRAKULA.........................Definetely..........................
Bulgarians are descendants of the Iranian Bulgars who were Turkicized in language, but genetically and culturally still completely Iranian and kept some of their Iranian language. Cumans, Avars, and Bulgars were Iranian (Sarmatian) tribes who were Turkicized, and after these groups migrated west, the remnants of their peoples who stayed in the Steppes mixed with the invading Turko-Mongols and were either assimilated or Islamized.
How those Turanid Turkic tribes can be iranian with %0 iranian genetic or culture😂😂😂 As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30] The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil). en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Bulgaria Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’) A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ... www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198662778.001.0001/acref-9780198662778-e-820 Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century. www.britannica.com/biography/Boris-I The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.” books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press) The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion. www.bookrags.com/research/ahmad-ibn-fadlan-ued/#gsc.tab=0
Ако го беше чул кви простоти говори на хирата от него така шеше да го накалнеш.Сещаш ли се кат си му гомям фен как веднъж човек беше питал семейството му по време на турското робство как ли е живяло.И този негодник и кретен отговаря "Иване тя баба ти са я чукали отпрес отзад отгоре и отдолу па ти какво ме питаш" Егати долния пристак добре че си отиде че хирата да не му траят просташтината.
@@Dani2kGaming_GEIR bulgars were turkic at first but bulgars who moved to balkans mixed with iranian sarmatians and eventually slavized. Bulgars who moved to north founded volga bulgar state and kept their turkicness
@@Timurid1370 NONSENSE Bulgarians were never Turkic 1.Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show Tengrinism in Bulgaria 2.Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show the name Bulgarian comes from Bulgamak
@@Dani2kGaming_GEIR Bulgarians were never Turkic Bulgarians worshiped the Iranian god Siavush who was Slavisized to Siva Bog and Christianized to St. George
Паднахме, защото никой не иска силна непобедима България, а путин категорично отказа да се присъедините към нас, всички 4,5 републики с коренно българско население, но един ден и това, ще стане, русия се страхува от могъща стара България и затова винаги е гледала да изопачи историята НИ свята и стара!!!
The real Bulgarians they have nothing to do with the Slavs ..completely different race ! Today Danube Bulgarians are completely mixed , so big part of them is also Slavic but they still have the real Bulgarian line back from the old homeland!
Trump Aces I'm not entirely sure what you mean by Asian, but the Bulgars (which most certainly make up some percentage of today's Bulgarians' genes) have their origin in Asia, as you can see in the video. If you're talking about East Asian (Mongoloid, as some people may call it) descent, then yeah, it is true - you can definitely see people with east Asian facial features today in Bulgaria. Huns weren't from east Asia, and most of them most probably didn't look very different from many modern east Europeans/west Asians, although the Romans/Byzantines did describe Attila as having a Mongoloid appearance. The empire of Attila was huge however, and it probably consisted of many different Asian peoples, as well as Europeans (like Germans/Goths), so it's possible that the Huns or the Bulgars (Bulgars were in fact one of the Hunnic tribes - something they don't mention in this biased video) brought some people of east Asian descent with them. There were of course, the later Mongol invasions (13th c.) and Bulgaria was in fact ruled by a Mongol for a year or so.
Velik_Bulgarin Няма нужда да ме обиждаш. Не съм нито руснак, нито славянин (макар че не отричам че българите имаме и доста славянски гени). Ако ми прочетеш коментара пак ще видиш че не съм казал сме монголи или нещо такова. Съгласен съм като казваш че българите (или прото/пра/или каквото там за да се различават от нас, съвременните българи) имат ирански народ, тва не означава че не са били част от хунското нашествие в Европа (и не само). Мисля че трябва да прочетеш още история И археология от времето на голямото преселение. Не ми е ного ясно как манипулирам хората, не ми е и ясно ти от къде си взимаш сведиения - това за 90-те% дето си го написал в другия коментар не ми е ясно от къде го измисли
Slavic Kk И какво по-точно означана индоевропейци? Защото езика ни е индоевропейски, за това ли? Ами то и индийците, а и нашите цигани, също са индоевропейци. Истината е че ние българите сме резултат от смесването на много народи от различни етноси, включително и хора от източна Азия, колкото и нищожен да е бил генния им принос. Друг е въпросът колко българи (и не само! Особено и македонците дето обичат да казват че сме били татари) са готови за тази истина. Други тюрко-говорящи групи хора заселили се по нашите земи (ако хуните (и древните българи) въобще са говорили тюркски езици) които не споменах са печенегите и куманите, въпреки че и техния етнос е спорен, отчасти защото в историята куманите са описани като русокоси. Артефактите от територията на Българската империя на страна, има не малко намерени черепи с източно-азиатски черти. Ако не ти се занимава да се поровиш в археологията и историята, и ако живееш в голям град, просто се огледай около себе си съм сигурен че ще видиш поне един/една етнически/а българин/ка с очевидни монголоидни лицеви черти. За да не ме разбереш погрешно - това всичкото което го написах не искам да звучи като че ли смятам че сме монголи или нещо от сорта ;) А до Beelzebub Rules Below , мисля че езика и културата ни са доста славянски
@@Djanbari, глупости, българите са едни от първите хора на планетата. Тюрките са нямали нищо общо с България. Великата китайска стена е построена за да се предпазят от нас.
Good video! English translation is not perfect but the content is mostly historically sound. The Bulgars were definitely not Turks - they were Iranians (Persians) and not in anyway related to the Mongolian Turks. They only accepted their supremacy for political reasons and to survive. However for a very short period of time. In their country of origin - Bulchara ( the Persian province of Bactria) to this day there is clear distinction between Persians and Turko- Mongolians (who settled there at a later stage). Ask any Pashtun (biggest ethnicity in Afghanistan) if they are the same as the Khazara people (Mongolians) and they would point you to their ancient and very different cultures.
ÖLÜMLÜHAYATBUGÜNVARSINYARINYOKSUN As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30] The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil). en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Bulgaria Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’) A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ... www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198662778.001.0001/acref-9780198662778-e-820 Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century. www.britannica.com/biography/Boris-I The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.” books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press) The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion. www.bookrags.com/research/ahmad-ibn-fadlan-ued/#gsc.tab=0
@@petertodorov1792 Are Bulgars an Iranic people because the Scythians and Sarmatians and Alans were all Iranic Peoples and Bulgarians are partly an Iranic people and proto - Bulgarians were Iranic people.
every time I look for some Bulgarian history to watch all the Bulgarians say it is a lie. Well Which video is an accurate one?! Do any of you really know the truth. Its so stupid. 5 Bulgarians will say what is true and another 5 will say its lies or that some of it is wrong. My suggestion is for you lot to get this sorted
+James Mackenzie This one should be a correct one. The dude speaking is a historian who is held to a very high standard and is generally renowned for getting his facts straight and being objective (i know arguments from authority are not the bestest thing but you know his fame must come from somewhere right?)
+Ivan Gushkov thank you my friend. Theres no point in trying to learn the language without understanding at least some of the culture. Although there are quite a few thumbs down. I wont ask why
Ivan Gushkov yes, I see what you mean. I just looked at history of spain. its the same - people disagreeing. Oh well, this vid will be a start I suppose. Ill stay in touch. Im still collating all my words which should take me another 2 weeks or so then I start to study.
This video is product ot Bulgarian nationalism. Since 1989, Bulgarian nationalism continues to live off cosy reminiscences of the ‘Revival Process’ ideology. Anti-Turkish rhetoric is now reflected in the theories that challenge the thesis of Turkic origin of the Proto-Bulgars. Alongside the ‘Iranian’ or ‘Aryan’ theory, there appeared arguments favouring an autochthonous origin... The ‘parahistoric’ theories, very often politically loaded and have almost nothing to do with objective scientific research in the field of Proto-Bulgarian Studies, could be summarized in several directions:...3)‘Aryan roots’ and the ‘enigmatic Eurasian homeland’. Meanwhile, another group of authors is looking eagerly for the supposed homeland of the ancient Bulgarians in the vast areas of Eurasia, perhaps by conscious or unconscious opposition to the pro-Western orientation of modern Bulgaria. At the same time, with little regard for consistency, they also oppose the Turkic theory, probably because this is in sharp contradiction with the anti-Turkish feelings shared by nationalistic circles. (Dobrev 2005; 2007.) in Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Cristian Emilian ed., Quest for a Suitable Past: Myths and Memory in Central and Eastern Europe, Central European University Press, 2018, ISBN 9633861365, pp. 142-143.
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features. The Proto-Bulgarians had a somewhat eventful history prior to their arrival on the Balkan Peninsula. The earliest written sources indicate that they inhabited the region to the north of the Caucasus in the 4th century A.D. and had close contact with the Georgians and Armenians. They belonged to the Turkic ethno-linguistic group and their language resembled that of the Huns, Khazars, Avars and other tribes. (How the bulgarian state was founded-Dimiter Angelov) The Oghur, or Onogur or Ogur[3] languages (also known as Bulgar, Pre-Proto-Bulgar,[4]or Lir-Turkic and r-Turkic), are a branch of the Turkic language family. The only extant member of the group is the Chuvash language. The first to branch off from the Turkic family, the Oghur languages show significant divergence from other Turkic languages, which all share a later common ancestor. Languages from this family were spoken in some nomadic tribal confederations, such as those of the Onogurs or Ogurs, Bulgars, and Khazars.[5]Some scholars consider Hunnic a similar language[6] and refer to this extended grouping as Hunno-Proto-Bulgarian.[7] The only surviving language from this linguistic group is believed to be Chuvash.Harvard Professor Omeljan Pritsak in his study "The Hunnic Language of the Attila Clan" (1982)[10] concluded that the language of the Bulgars was from the family of the Hunnic languages, as he calls the Oghur languages.[11] According to Antoaneta Granberg : " the data is insufficient to clearly distinguish Huns, Avars and Bulgars one from another" - introduction, the second paragraph Bolgars are still Turk in Volga region.Mahmud al kashgari wrote bulgar language in his diwan lughat al turk before 1000 years. Even ilovelanguages made video about bulgar language(volga bulgar poet from Diwan Lughat al Turk)
Stop exaggerating with your nonsense. Islam is a religion, it does not mean that every Muslim is a Turk. It is very well explained on the basis of 40 years of work what it is true.
Bulgars were Onogur Turks according to Bulgars🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 Old Great Bulgaria or Great Bulgaria (Byzantine Greek: Παλαιά Μεγάλη Βουλγαρία, Palaiá Megálē Voulgaría), also often known by the Latin names Magna Bulgaria[3] and Patria Onoguria ("Onogur land"),[4] was a 7th-century state formed by the Onogur Bulgars on the western Pontic-Caspian steppe (modern southern Ukraine and southwest Russia).[5] Great Bulgaria was originally centered between the Dniester and lower Volga. Later Byzantine scholars implied that the Bulgars had previously been known as the Onogurs (Onoğur). Agathon wrote about the "nation of Onogur Bulğars"],Nikephoros I stated that Kubrat was lord of the Onogundurs, Theophanes referred to them as Onogundur Bulgars and Constantine VII remarked that the Bulgars formerly called themselves Onogundurs. Variations of the name include Onoguri, Onoghuri, Onghur, Ongur, Onghuri, Onguri, Onogundur, Unogundur, and Unokundur. There are several theories about the origin of the name Onogur. In some Turkic languages on means "10" and ğur "arrow"; and "ten arrows" might imply a federation of ten tribes, i.e. the Western Turkic Khaganate. Within the Turkic languages, "z" sounds in the easternmost languages tend to have become "r" in the westernmost Turkic languages; therefore, the ethnonym Oghuz may be the source of Oghur; that is, on Oğur would mean "ten clans of Oghuz". Old Great Bulgaria (Magna Bulgaria[29]), also known as Onoghundur-Bulgars state, or Patria Onoguria in the Ravenna Cosmography.[30][31][20] Constantine VII (mid-10th century) remarked that the Bulgars formerly called themselves Onogundurs.[32] Both names are best explained as corresponding to Onogundur, an old name in Greek sources for the Bulgars. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/khazars Nikephoros I stated that Kubrat was lord of the Onogundurs, Theophanes referred to them as Onogundur Bulgars and Constantine VIIremarked that the Bulgars formerly called themselves Onogundurs. Variations of the name include Onoguri, Onoghuri, Onghur, Ongur, Onghuri, Onguri, Onogundur, Unogundur, and Unokundur.
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Dear Peter Todorov the Bulgars and the Bulgarians were an Aryan/Iranic/Iranian/Indo - Iranian people who is descended from the ancient Aryan/Iranic/Iranian tribes such as the Scythians and the Sarmatians and the Alans and username Bulgarian Nationalist have said the real Bulgarians came from Bactria originally or from Balkhara or Balkh in Persian/Farsi!
@@delaramsalmassi4063 Dear Sister, The Bulgarians are from further east in the Tien Shan mountains. There is a Lake called the Bulgarian lake Barkol They went west with their relatives the Kushans The Kushans took over Balkh/Bactria The Bulgarians gave their name to Bukhara They then went to the Caucasus and Armenia One Bulgarian tribe the Barsils gave their name to the Elburz Mountains In eastern Iran there is a town named Barsil after them Armenian sources call them Sarmatians
за съжаление всеки път когато България се е разцепвала, новите държави помежду си са се смятали за 'други' а в последствие 'другите' се отказват да се самонаричат Българи
@@Hobott , интересното е, че всички държави от рацепената преди това, които не се наричат Българи изчезват. Като гледам и бракята макета на там са се запътили.
no they are sılavic,first bulgars are turkic from onogur(ten oguz) but sılavic population was so much more then bulgarians,, turkic bulgars and rulled this sılavic people until the east roman empire annexed first bulgarian empire, after this fall bulgars used sılavic language, but they named selfs bulgar not with a slavic word, and today they are saying we are bulgars and they are not,
@@senseypires8817 The slavic invasion did not happen as it is nowadays presented. The forest that they are supposes to have come out of cannot even support 10 000 people properly, since its is filled with swamps and huge trees. Agriculture is impossible and hunting is very hard. Tell me now, since apparently this sea of Slavs is supposed to flood the Balkans, how do enough of them survive there? Plus take in to consideration that Herodotus once said that after the Indians, the Thracians are the second biggest population. As for the turkik descent, that is false since DNA tests show that 25% of the population has lived in these lands since 30,000 years.
@@mart4144 yes same thing, we turks good at rule and fight, but not good at Agriculture, sılav = slave bulgars used sılav peaceful(or not) for the Agriculture after east roman empire annex the bulgaria turks used sılavic languages but sılavs used turkis name for national idetiy because sılav = slave, russians have wiking name, serbs have SERF name, most probably sılav thought if we are use bulgarian name our rivals can be avoid from use, because this name have a war history, that is all, but there is some intereting thing, turks and fake bulgarians( i said fake because today still bulgarian people in russia and they have state this is makes sılavic bulgarians fake) have no good historical frend ship but sılavic bulgarians using a turkish name,, very very interesting... and there is another thing, i said turk not turkic, because bulgarians have same origin with anatolian turks, same language not like other turkic people,,, even when ottoman captured all bulgaria, we found real bulgarians they were lived and isolated their language from sılavic others, we found this bulgars and they can speak turkish and they can understant us, they were cover their religion to islam, bu after all wars and fake bulgarian facist leaders they emigrated to turkey today nearly 1 million real bulgar living in turkey, they are not like anatolian turks they were living at bulgaria before the ottmans.
@@senseypires8817 I see. Only things that bother me are that 1st, Bulgaria never had slaves, dont know where you got that from. 2 Bulgaria is the root of the cyrlic alphabet and all cyrlic languages(comes from St.Cyrill and Methode). And at last, Bulgarians have an origin of Thrace. Thrace was the old name of our nation. We still use the same names for cities and rivers. We have the same cultures(if you look at artifacts). We do not have an Anatolian descent as you say we do.
@@mart4144 i said not fake bulgarians have descend from anatolia, i said REAL bulgarians descend from OGUZ turks, look at start of this discuss, there is a Kirghiz, and it is supposed the fake bulgarians turk, me and you knows that they are not,, and i said to him they are sılavic, not turk,that Kirghiz, supposed them turk because today still there is real bulgarians and they are turk and both side have same name, sılavs using and turks using, and this is making confusing, that is all, what is your problem ?
you as historian ar by laghing. utigurs and kutrigurs have stone towns? sorry where they are??? goths are getae dacians next rumuns. in one fact you are right.they come from Asia the original asiatic bulgars disippeard but not because mixed with Alexander soldiers,in Afganistan in fact is because the Basil the Bulgarocton(bulgars killer) wich hunted with passion all asiatic features. one question for you mister historian? do you think your
they are destroyed - the armenian writer at that time write about them basil ii had no interest in asiac feaures and also bulgarians have nothing to do with turiks or slavs
However the linguistic impact of the Iranian world on the Turkic Bulgars is indisputable. For instance the name of the founder of Danubian Bulgaria was Asparukh, which is old Iranian in origin: "The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe", Hyun Jin Kim, Cambridge University Press, 2013, ISBN 1107009065, p. 68.
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Nah u wrong. We come from middle asia. Our country was called old great bulgaria. When the nation was shattering Khan Kubrat told his sons to go west and to not to separate from each other. However they separated, the founder of bulgaria Khan Asparuh came through Dunav and told that the place he stands is going to be called Bulgaria. His brothers also founded countries but later they got destroyed . So some time passed and Bulgarians discovered that there is seven tribes called slavs. At the time they were attacked by the remainting part of roman empire and they decided to unite. In other word my friend you are completely wrong and if u come in Bulgaria and say that ur going out in a coffin
KONSTANTIN XXX thats the point u search from Wikipedia place that everyone can write whatever the fuck they want. Pls just don’t try to convince me that macedonia isn’t Bulgaria
My dear neighbors: all we have are the theories... we are complicated... I am glad to see how Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey etc. know better than is who are we 😀😀😀 Go and think about your origins and leave ours to us
Haus some say that we came from Iran, other from Volga. Some say that we were here before Bulgaria was even established and the Bulgars escaped the Balkan Peninsula because of some nature factors and after that we returned here. There are different theories... but they are all theories and even we can’t prove them on 100%. As I said- everyone is different
Robert Stennett actually bulgar comes from “burger” they come from Germanic tribes, that’s where they get there white looks (this is a joke obviously they are Slavic)
The Volga Bulgars were a Turkic-speaking people who established the second Muslim state in Europe (after the Emirate of Córdoba) in the early fourth/tenth century and ruled over extensive lands and a wide array of people around the middle Volga and Kama Rivers between the second/ninth and early seventh/thirteenth centuries. The Bulgars acted as middlemen between Central Asian merchants and the Rus, and the northern, mainly Finno-Ugric tribes whose main trading commodity was fur, which was greatly valued as a luxury item throughout the Islamic world. *Mako, Gerald. “The Conversion of the Volga Bulgars: Aḥmad b. Faḍlān b. Al-ʿAbbās b. Rāshid b. Ḥammād (Fl. Fourth/Tenth Century).” Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age: A Sourcebook, edited by Nimrod Hurvitz et al., 1st ed., University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2020, pp. 156-159.* The period is marked by the migration of the final “permanent residents” of the Balkan Peninsula to the region: these were, most important-because eventually most numerous-the Slavs, but also the Turks (first Bulgars and then Ottomans) *Wachtel, Andrew. “Early Balkan Everyday Life.” Everyday Life in the Balkans, edited by DAVID W. MONTGOMERY, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 2019, pp. 9-21.* The Samara is the last westward migrations and military campaigns of, first, the significant tributary of the Volga; past the Samara, the rivers Turkic-speaking Bulgars *Mochalov, Oleg D., et al. “Historic Records of the Economy and Ethnic History of the Samara Region.” A Bronze Age Landscape in the Russian Steppes: The Samara Valley Project, edited by Oleg D. Mochalov et al., Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press at UCLA, 2016, pp. 63-70.* The Volga Bulgars , a settled Turkic people, were a society that practiced Islam on the Eurasian steppe *“Siberia in Eurasian Context.” The Merchants of Siberia: Trade in Early Modern Eurasia, by Erika Monahan, 1st ed., Cornell University Press, 2016, pp. 71-104.* The Turkic Bulgars were among the first to benefit from the region’s commercial advantages by settling it in the fifth century c.e. and found- ing the city of Bolgar *“THE KAZAN SCHOOL.” Russian Orientalism: Asia in the Russian Mind from Peter the Great to the Emigration, by David Schimmelpenninck Van der Oye, Yale University Press, New Haven; London, 2010, pp. 93-121.* The confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers, to the east, was inhabited by the Bulgars, a Turkic people, and the southeastern steppes by the Khazars, another Turkic people who had formed a strong state in the seventh century, *“Russian Expansion in Kievan Times.” Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier to 1750, by George V. Lantzeff and Richard A. Pierce, McGill-Queen's University Press, MONTREAL; LONDON, 1973, pp. 21-30.* The Huns of the Western Steppe appear to have formed an element of the later Danubian Bulgars, a Turkic people who, under Asparukh, moved into the Balkans in 680 and founded *“The Age of Attila the Hun.” Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present, by CHRISTOPHER I. BECKWITH, Princeton University Press, Princeton; Oxford, 2009, pp. 93-111.* In the mid- ninth century Khan Boris ruled a pagan Bulgaria that was composed of both Turkic Bulgars and Slavs. *“The Micro-Christendom of Rus'.” Reimagining Europe, by Christian Raffensperger, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England, 2012, pp. 136-185.* the Turkic -speaking Volga- Kama Bulgars *“Muslims in Europe: Precedent and Present.” Muslims of Europe: The 'Other' Europeans, by H. A. Hellyer, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2009, pp. 101-120.* the Bulgars( Turkic speakers who invaded the Balkans in the seventh century) *“Round Two: The Rise and Spread of Agricultural Societies.” The Next World War: Tribes, Cities, Nations, and Ecological Decline, by ROY WOODBRIDGE, University of Toronto Press, 2004, pp. 49-58.* served as the secretary of an embassy sent by the Caliph al- Muqtadir to the king of the Turkish Bulgars then living on the lower reaches of the Volga River north of the Caspian Sea. *“THE BIG CHILL.” Cotton, Climate, and Camels in Early Islamic Iran: A Moment in World History, by Richard W. Bulliet, Columbia University Press, NEW YORK, 2009, pp. 69-95.*
Turkic -speaking Bulgars into the region now known as Bulgaria failed to alter its predominantly Slavic char- acter. The Bulgar ruling class eventually abandoned its Thrkic language and adopted Slavic so completely that no trace of Turkicspeech patterns can be found in any Old Slavic texts. *“Languages and Literatures.” East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500, by JEAN W. SEDLAR, University of Washington Press, Seattle; London, 1994, pp. 421-457.* Byzantine power was challenged by Thrkic-speaking Bulgars from the Ukrainian steppe who carved out a tribal state from the empire's Balkan lands. *“Foreign Affairs.” East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500, by JEAN W. SEDLAR, University of Washington Press, Seattle; London, 1994, pp. 362-400.* When the Turkic -speaking Bulgars first occupied their present *“Nobles and Landholders.” East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500, by JEAN W. SEDLAR, University of Washington Press, Seattle; London, 1994, pp. 58-83.* and with the Turkic people, the Bulgars , on the east bank of the Volga. *“Conclusions.” Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier to 1750, by George V. Lantzeff and Richard A. Pierce, McGill-Queen's University Press, MONTREAL; LONDON, 1973, pp. 221-230.* alleged to be constructions of the Turkic Bulgars , are notable. *Pundeff, Marin. “Bulgarian Historiography, 1942-1958.” The American Historical Review, vol. 66, no. 3, 1961, pp. 682-693.* They colonised areas of the eastern Balkans and in the seventh century other Slav tribes combined with the Proto-Bulgars, a group of Turkic origin, to launch a fresh assault into the Balkans. *Crampton, R. (2005). THE BULGARIAN LANDS FROM PREHISTORY TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE BULGARIANS. In A Concise History of Bulgaria (Cambridge Concise Histories, pp. 1-8). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.*
Hanim PRIMARY SOURCES do not support your fake turkic theory The great Persian scientist Abu Zayd al-Balkhi 850-934 AD Says that Bulgarians worshipped the god EDFU and his idol FA In the same text he says the Turks worshipped BIr Tengri He clearly distinguishes between Bulgarians and Turks M . Tahir, Le livre de la creation de el-Balhi, Paris , 1899 ,v. IV, 56 Look panturks no tengri in Bulgaria The great Persian scientist Abu Zayd al-Balkhi 850-934 AD Says that Bulgarians worshipped the god EDFU and his idol FA In the same text he says the Turks worshipped BIr Tengri He clearly distinguishes between Bulgarians and Turks M . Tahir, Le livre de la creation de el-Balhi, Paris , 1899 ,v. IV, 56 Look panturks no tengri in Bulgaria
Who said you are turk? Claiming Bulgarians are Turkic is an ignorant issue. But even in this video say that Bulgars and Bulgarians are same and Bulgars are not Turkic , that's not propoer knowledge. Bulgars were Turkic and they have created Great Bulgaria, but before Bulgars came to these lands, there had been a local people. They were called Thracians. İf Bulgars didn't make an Empire there. Your name would have been Thracian, that's it. Bulgars were just a aristocrat ruling class, but the people were not Turkic. -So are Bulgarians used to be Turkic and lost their identity? No they have never been Turkic either, maybe bulgars lost their identity but we don't know what happened to them. -Are Bulgarians and Bulgars same thing? Absolutely not, This new theory doesn't work and i don't know why do they make up this theory.
As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30] The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil). en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Bulgaria Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’) A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ... www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198662778.001.0001/acref-9780198662778-e-820 Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century. www.britannica.com/biography/Boris-I The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.” books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press) The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion. www.bookrags.com/research/ahmad-ibn-fadlan-ued/#gsc.tab=0
@T R sana dünyanın bütün üniversite kaynaklarını,tarihi belgeleri,ansiklopedi,genetik vs. atabilirim😂😂ön bulgarlar oğuzlar gibi bir türk kabilesidir antropolojik yapıları da turaniddir dilleri huncayla aynıdır
IMO there was definitely an Eastern Iranian presence in what is now Bulgaria before the Slavic people arrived. You can still see it in the language and some of the customs, even when the Bulgarians started speaking a Slavic language they still used some Eastern Iranian words. The Western Iranian words from Persian came into the language MUCH LATER via Ottoman Turkish.
@@Email5507 Fatlinda Islami You are not a Turk so why do you pretend to be a Turk? You are a 12 year old Albanian girl who lives with her mommy in Gostivar
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features.
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Hi Mirjana, unfortunately Racki isn't popular in Bulgaria nor his "contribution". How much do you know about the meaning of your first name,because is the same like my cousins name?
Bulgarians were from North Caspian steppe Scythian stock that were conquered by Khazar of Turkic tribe. Proto Bulgarians ethnically were related to Daha and Parthian tribes of central Asia that ruled in Iran for centuries after Alexander's conquest of Persia and Sogdiana
😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣nice joke As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30] The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil). en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Bulgaria Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’) A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ... www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198662778.001.0001/acref-9780198662778-e-820 Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century. www.britannica.com/biography/Boris-I The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.” books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press) The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion. www.bookrags.com/research/ahmad-ibn-fadlan-ued/#gsc.tab=0
@@papazataklaattiranimam As I said the geography of modern Bulgaria was occupied by Turkic warrior tribes. Turkish warrior tribal expansion started after 400 A.D. .We are talking about at list one thousand year earlier.
@@saeedmodanlou1874 Nonsense Bulgarians were never Turkic 1.Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show Tengrinism in Bulgaria 2. Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show the name Bulgarian comes from Bulgamak
Ottoman empire was based on arabic languege and people they have been asimilated into greeks/armenians today turkish people think they are turkic because of "turk-ey" first 4 latters does not make you turkic :) imgur.com/a/1RrAK2k also "In population genetics, research has been conducted to study the genetic origins of the modern Turkish people (not to be confused with Turkic peoples) in Turkey" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Turkish_people
“Previous genetic studies have generally used Turks as representatives of ancient Anatolians. Our results show that Turks are genetically shifted towards Central Asians, a pattern consistent with a history of mixture with populations from this region. These diversity patterns observed in the PCA motivated formal testing of admixture in Armenians and other regional populations.” www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/02/18/015396.full.pdf “In addition, although some degree of genetic continuity could be expected in Anatolia (i.e. in modern Turks), it should be noted that modern Turks are a hybrid population, comprising of the original Anatolian stock, Turkic people (i.e. of Central Asian ancestry). This is surely reflected in the modern Turkish Y-DNA” doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179474 Moreover, results pointed out that language in Anatolia might not have been replaced by the elites, but by a large group of people. Therefore, it can be concluded that the observations do not support the elite dominance model of Renfrew (1987 ; 1991). etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12607764/index.pdf The weight for the migration event predicted to originate from the branch ancestral to East Asia into current-day Turkey was 0.217 (21.7%). Although this implies a major population event from the East to West Asia, we note that these weights are not direct estimates of the migration rates. First, the original contributing populations to the ancestral population in Turkey are not known. For instance, we do not know the exact genetic relationship between current-day East Asian populations and the Turkic speakers from Central Asia who migrated into Anatolia about 1,000 years before present. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4236450/ (Note:%21.7 doesn’t mean %21.7 Turk because first Turks were %40-45 east eurasian not %100 so it means %50 Turk by blood) abload.de/img/untitled-1b3k6r.png media.discordapp.net/attachments/747058885797347388/747081098621616188/74270248_151753982884837_667409747107905536_n.png media.discordapp.net/attachments/746376025944096778/784377847082647582/unknown.png DNA from a 2,000-year-old burial site in Mongolia has revealed new information about the Xiongnu, a nomadic tribe that once reigned in Central Asia. Researchers in France studied DNA from more than 62 skeletons to reconstruct the history and social organization of a long-forgotten culture. Skeletons from the most recent graves also contained DNA sequences similar to those in people from present-day Turkey. This supports other studies indicating that Turkish tribes originated at least in part in Mongolia at the end of the Xiongnu period. www.genomenewsnetwork.org/articles/07_03/ancient.shtml The people of modern-day Iran and Turkey trace their genetic heritage to the ancient Persians and the Turkic ethnic people, respectively. www.myheritage.com.tr/ethnicities/broadly-west-asian/ethnicity-worldwide-distribution Historically, the racial classification of the Turkic peoples was sometimes given as "Turanid". Turanid racial type or "minor race", subtype of the Europid (Caucasian) race with Mongoloid admixtures, situated at the boundary of the distribution of the Mongoloid and Europid "great races".[53][54] en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/G25_PCA_East_Mediterranean.png_-_Anatolia_and_the_surrounding.png Some malevolent people or people who do not know enough about the subject try to exaggerate the rate of Turks and Armenians in Anatolia. For example, it is possible to encounter people who claim that approximately 50% of Anatolian Turks are of Greek or Armenian origin. However, when the Ottoman Tahrir registers belonging to the years 1520-1530 are examined, it is concretely revealed that even 93% of the Anatolian people belonged to Turkmen tribes and communities. The non-Muslim population ratio of approximately 10% has remained at the same rates in the last periods of the Ottoman Empire. In some parts of Anatolia, with the effect of Islamization, a small number of indigenous people, who were Muslims, were dissolved in the Turks. Moreover relocation and exchange with the separated Greeks and Armenians from Turkey Turkey genetic structure is completely different from the Turks. Although there was a partial change in the demographic structure of eastern Anatolia with the settlement of Kurds in Eastern Anatolia in the 16th century, it was easier for Muslim Turks and Kurds to merge in that region. Since the 19th century, a significant portion of non-Muslim immigration that took place in Turkey Turks (Caucasus and Balkan Turks) reccommended. These also partially affected the existing population and genetic structure. As a result, his "ethnic Turks", "Turkmen" or "nomads" as a defining Turkey Turkey genetically Central Asians (Turkmenistan) seems to be quite close to the Turkmens. Turkey is quite obvious they resemble each other in the middle compared the genetic structure of Turkish and Turkmen. Turks and Turkmens belong to the Oghuzs in the historical process and show similarities with each other, both in terms of language, culture or ethnicity. you maintain genetic and historical research, Turkey shows that the Turkmen origin, in other words, the Turkish Anatolian Turks. www.haplogruplar.com/turkiye-turklerinin-orta-asyali-turkmenlerle-genetik-akrabaligi/
@@Nomadicenjoyerplus everything u linked proved the point that modern turkeys are hellenized by alexandar whole antolia which mean turkish people carry greek dna :)
@@Nomadicenjoyerplus most of today greeks are not hellenic in first place but you are dna is south italian/greek at 60% of dna testers i do check soem forums since turkey is banned dna test i wonder why LOL so turks who live in other country did tests and shows higher procent of south italian/greek of turkets and around 30-40% balkans is even less 2% central asia :D
Lmao at all people trying to debunk the information of this video, as if you have any choice over your roots. This makes Bulgarians no different from the Macedonians in reality if this behavior is representative of their general population. The Turkic, Slavic and Thracian origin stories are all wrong and proven wrong in detail here, and you ignore all of it because the fact that you're related to some Asiatic people you used to think were Arabs or "Gypsies" upsets your Eurocentric weak minds. Dimitrov remains one of the most acclaimed historians of Bulgaria after his death, however much how of a self-employed political agent he was.
BulgaroSlav this video is product of bulgarian nationalism As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30] The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil). en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Bulgaria Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’) A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ... www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198662778.001.0001/acref-9780198662778-e-820 Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century. www.britannica.com/biography/Boris-I The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.” books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press) The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion. www.bookrags.com/research/ahmad-ibn-fadlan-ued/#gsc.tab=0
@BulgaroSlav I have spoken to 5 to 6 Bulgarians in the last 2 years and one of them is Peter Todorov and the other is Bulgarian Nationalist and they both told me Bulgarians are an Aryan/Iranic/Iranian people. Is this true or not?
in the late 1950's, I was in Turkey from USA . My passport had allowed me to visit in Bulgaria but I was not paid much - Eisenhower vetoed small pay raises :)
I'm sorry, may be i must to use or speak indonesian language : " Sedikit memberi penjelasan kepada anda bahwa tidak semua fenotip fisik orang asia adalah mongoloid ( kulit kuning, mata sipit, wajah bulat lebar, hidung pesek ada juga yang sedikit mancung, rambut hitam lurus, bertubuh pendek ), saya rasa penjelasan anda itu lebih tertuju kepada ciri fisik orang china, mongol, tibet, dan orang orang asia timur lainnya. Dalam catatan china kuno ciri ciri bangsa turki sebenarnya ( karena sebagian besar bangsa turki dahulu pernah menempati wilayah tersebut tepatnya di wilayah china uatara dan barat, seperti suku oghuz, suku uygur, suku, suku tatar, suku karluk, suku kuman , suku kipchak dan suku suku turki lainnya ) berkulit putih, kelopak mata normal tidak sipit, wajah tidak terlalu lebar namun lebih oval, hidung mancung sedang bahkan juga ada yang lebih mancung, rambut bergelombang namun juga ada yang lurus, warna rambut bervariasi ( ada yang hitam, coklat, merah bahkan pirang ), warna bola mata juga bervariasi tidak seperti kebanyakan orang asia pada umumnya ( ada yang coklat muda, abu abu, hijau, biru, almound ), sekian dulu karena ini hanya permulaan bukan berarti selesai.
@@PETrov_Yo Brother She is a 12 year old Albanian girl called Fatlinda Islami She lives in Gostivar with her mommy She hates Bulgarians because she found out her real dad is Bulgarian not Albanian
people.ucalgary.ca/~vandersp/Courses/texts/jordgeti.html#huns this is the Getica of Jordan, writen in 551 ac, and there is said that Tracia is created after the Guds (Goths, gets, los godos) went from the Lithuania- Kaliningrad- Poland part of Europe, were was Scandza located where Vysla(Vystula) goes into the Baltic sea. There were 3 big migrations- 4000 years ago, befor war of Troy, then when Dacia created (approx 500 bc) and then after the christ to the Black sea where Ukraina is now. Even the Herodotus mentioned in his history that there were Tracs- alies of Troy ( and probably they set up the Troy) and after the defeat of Troy they set up the Rome. And because of the Getae (Goths, Guds, Tracs) the Bulgaria kingdom was able to born and Kievan Russia also- because the Aryans from Lithuania had the knowledge and experience and the power to create the States. Later Grand Duchy of Lithuania set up also
Чак ми идва да се разплача след тоя клип. Нещата които учих от 2008 до 2020 година нямат нищо общо... Никога не се бях замислял логически как едно малка група на Аспарух ще воюва с Византия, та и да спечели.
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab%E2%80%93Byzantine_wars има определено пристрастие от професора, тъй като Източната Римска Империя по това време е водила друга битка, която той дори не споменава. Честно казано ме разочарова, защото се смеем на Македонците, а ние сме същите относно нашата история - промити от комунистическия режим.
Комунистически режим няма приятел. Сега живееш във пропаднал Хамериканска Демокрация и сме на дъното по-всичко.. Така, че не обиждай комунизма като не си живял по-негово време. В комунизма беше рай и хората живяха добре..
@@yourboyisd0p3 Bravo, that is! Браво, така е, но не само от комунистическият болшевишки режим, в крадливата расия, която изопачи, пренаписа и омаскари цялата Българска история, това са фактите, има карти пазени, който 3-я Райх ги е изнамерил и пазил, после , незнайно как са запазени и сега намират път, повечето са публикувани в черният интернет/там не си и не можете да влезете, поне с това което ползвате!!!! Самите византийци гърци, също са си позволявали да изопачават нашата история несъмнено как, но това, което направиха от болшевишкият кремъл, относно нашата история, е мазало, няма държава и пр., която толко нагло и с успех пренаписва българската ни история, НАМА, но хората са с промит мозък, дори и добри и интелигентни люде, още защитават русия и идеята й, няма как, така са учили, лошото е, че след като им се казва, те пак си знаят същото, ЗАПОМНЕТЕ това!!! Българите са владетели на Ариянският дух и един ден трябва света да научи за велика България, срещу, която има заговор, не случайно, да сме глуха пътека и най-не извергнатият народ от индивидуалисти!!!
Не тъжи Николай! Ние,пак ще бъдем велики! Никой няма да превземаме,просто сами ще искат да бъдат българи,тези които имат очи да видят и тези ,които има уши да чуят ...
According to Prof. Raymond Detrez, who is a specialist in Bulgarian history and language, such views are based on anti-Turkish sentiments and in serious scholarly circles it is well known that the Bulgar language was a Turkic one: Developing cultural identity in the Balkans: convergence vs divergence, Raymond Detrez, Pieter Plas, Peter Lang, 2005, ISBN 90-5201-297-0, p. 29
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Браћо Бугари, смирите страсти! У сваком случају, англо-саксонци владају и над Вама и над нама Србима и свим осталим Словенима. Уместо да се свађамо и ратујемо међусобно, требало би да сарађујемо.
първо: ЩОМ ГОВОРИШ ЗА ЧИСТА НАЦИЯ НЕ четеш това което ти пиша за ЧИСТА НАЦИ МОЖЕ ДА ГОВОРИМ ОТ 6 ВЕК ПРЕДИ ТОВА НЯМАМЕ ФОРМИРАНН БЪЛГАРСКИ ЕТНОС второ: за Турците В българия съм ти дал достатачно доказателства впредишните ми постове АДЕ ЧЕТИ Мидхат Паш.Той е бил образован човек, завършил Сорбоната и в статия във френско списание през 1868 година пише: В днешните български земи има около милион, милион и нещо мюсюлманско население, което няма нищо общо с турския етнос, а това са мюсюлмани, наследници на ислямизирани, по-често насилствено, българи. АКО ИСКАШ ДА СПОРИШ СПОРИ С МИДХАТ ПАША НЕ С МЕН една от най-големите и опасни заблуди у нас е, че има някакви български турци. Първото следствие от тази измама е свързано с претенциите на Турция да брани техните интереси, което тя с превелико удоволствие прави. До степен да се е обзавела у нас със своя „пета колона” и чрез нея да оказва често силно влияние в свой интерес върху нашата външна и вътрешна политика. Трябва да отбележим, че в същата посока действа и руската дипломация, която на Балканите има за своя основна политическа линия да не допусне възраждането на Голяма България отпреди падането ни под Османско владичество. След Освобождението в Североизточна България при първото преброян;ване на населението като турци са се определили само около 4 хиляди души и 105 хиляди като татари. Впоследствие под руски натиск и главно поради користните теснопартийни интереси на българските политици тези татари са се превърнали в турци. За сведение на неизкушените в нашата истинска история, татарите само преди около 200 години са наричани карабулгар, те са наши кръвни родственици, приели исляма за разлика от нас в Дунавска България. Заселили са се в тази част на страната ни по различно време, но най-нагъсто през ХVІІ век. Т. нар. турци в Южна България и особено в Източните Родопи са потомци на ислямизирани българи пак през същото столетие. Фактът, че това е станало предимно като доброволен акт, не променя нещата. И тези хора там са потомци на българи, те са наши кръвни братя и сестри. Те са помаци, които са позабравили това, защото говорят на някакъв стар турско-български диалект. Ето го и обяснението на обстоятелството, че между българите и „българските турци” няма наслоена злоба, няма етническо напрежение, а има всички условия за разбирателство. Дели ни само вярата, но днес и това е разрешим проблем, стига да работим за общата ни родина, а не за съседна държава.
dzhoshkun mahmudov Моите почитания към интереса ти свързан с българската история, но трябва да отбележа, че си от обратната страна.Тоест не си от моята страна.Съветвам те да четеш изворовия материал!Чети статията в оригинал на френски и ще ти светне лампичката ,че си в грешка.Това ,което предлагаш на аудиторията е Уикипедия.Това е несериозно!Особено като се има пред вид , че това твоето: "Чети до края" се отнася не до изворов материал ,тоест не до изказването на Мидхат паша , а до някакъв допълнителен коментар на неговто изказване.Та този коментар от днешна, доста изкривена гледна точка, се опитва след 140 години да ни светне какво е мислил по онова време пашата.Хайде моля без глупости!Ако искаш да те уважават хората не може да ползваш такива коментари нито като извор ,нито като каквото и да е доказателство на която и да е теза!Това е просто несериозно и няма нищо общо с историята!И ако искаш да си поизясниш картинката за себе си вземи ,че попрегледай материалите свързани с ДНК генеалогията на българите!Поинтересувай се защо в Турция спряха ДНК изследванията и защо засекретиха резултатите, даже и специален закон са приели по този въпрос доколкото се чува из научните среди.За да те облекча ще ти спомена,че у днешните български граждани има само 1,5% носители на турски гени.Ако приемем ,че тези гени са само сред тези ,които се мислят за турци в България, то излиза,че 15% от българските турци имат турски ген.Останалите 85% са без него!Много тъжно за Пантюркизма.И за да си по-спокоен ще ти кажа какво ми подхвърли един турски генетик.Човек,който е дълбокоуважаван като специалист и извън Турция.Според него: "Република Турция направи най-мащабното изследване в света и го засекрети защото, между Истамбул ,река Марица и българо-турската граница 90 % от гражданите носят български гени.В самия Стамбул с български гени са само 2%. По западното крайбрежие на Мала Азия носителите на български ген са почти 60%.В централен Анадол българския ген е около и под 1% ,което е в рамките на статистическата грешка.Изследването беше засекретено защото се оказа,че на изток в турски Кюрдистан в някой райони с български ген се оказват 40% от гражданите.По време на Османската империя е имало масови преселвания на българи от европейските вилаети в Кюрдистан."След тази информация аз бях стъписан.Професорът като ме погледа колко съм шокиран кротко добави,че в 60% от гените си той е българин, но е възпитан ,че е турчин и в тяхния род винаги се е говорело на турски и са се смятали за турци.Нямаше какво да му кажа.А на теб ще напомня ,че Мустафа Кемал паша е мюсулманин,чиито матерен език е български.Поинтересувай се как той определя България и какво мисли за враговете на България.Историческите и генетични реалности са едно а пропагандата и политиката са съвсем друго нещо.И не е пропаганда а научна истина ,че български турци в България почти няма, 75 000 души, но виж турци с български корен в Турция са милиони, без да го знаят.И моля пиши на Кирилица ,за да те уважаваме като събеседник!
Bulgars (Turkic bulgha-'to mix, stir up, disturb', i.e. 'rebels') A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiungnu and subsequently by warfare between the Rouran/Avar and northern Wei states. in Oliver Nicholson, The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity, Oxford University Press, 2018, ISBN 0192562460, p. 271.. The area was thus intimately known at an early stage to the Byzantine Empire. By the late seventh century Bulgar ( Turkic ) tribes had crossed the Dan- ube southward and formed the basis of a kingdom under the khans. “Orthodox Life under and after Islamic Dominion.” The Eastern Orthodox Church: A New History, by JOHN ANTHONY McGUCKIN, Yale University Press, New Haven; London, 2020, pp. 181-214. On the other hand, Arzhantseva argues that some of the fortresses were captured by the Turkic peoples who were likely to be Kuban Bulgars Vorderstrasse, Tasha. “Buddhism on the Shores of the Black Sea: The North Caucasus Frontier between the Muslims, Byzantines, and Khazars.” The Archaeology of Medieval Islamic Frontiers: From the Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea, edited by A. Asa Eger, University Press of Colorado, Louisville; Colorado, 2019, pp. 168-194. The Bulghars coming into the Balkans in the seventh and eighth centuries soon lost their Turkic language and accepted Christianity in its Greek guise. Amitai, Reuven. “ISLAMISATION IN THE SOUTHERN LEVANT AFTER THE END OF FRANKISH RULE: SOME GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AND A SHORT CASE STUDY.” Islamisation: Comparative Perspectives from History, edited by A. C. S. Peacock, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2017, pp. 156-186. The Horde’s population was mostly comprised of different Turkic- speaking groups such as the Cuman-Qipchaqs and the Volga Bulghars KOVÁCS, SZILVIA. “Taydula: A Golden Horde Queen and Patron of Christian Merchants.” Along the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia: Generals, Merchants, and Intellectuals, edited by Michal Biran et al., 1st ed., University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2020, pp. 194-212. now known to us only from fragments of the Turkic language of the Bulghars on the middle Volga in early Islamic times and from modern Chuvash Bosworth, C. Edmund. “THE ORIGINS OF THE SELJUQS.” The Seljuqs: Politics, Society and Culture, edited by CHRISTIAN LANGE and SONGÜL MECIT, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2011, pp. 13-21. in the 460s that we have firm evidence for Turkic-speaking peoples. The Oghuric Turks (Oghurs, Shara Oghurs, Ono- ghurs, Bulghars , and others), however, spoke a form of Turkic that is distinct from what has come to be termed Common Turkic. Golden, Peter B. “Some Thoughts on the Origins of the Turks and the Shaping of the Turkic Peoples.” Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World, edited by Victor H. Mair, University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, 2006, pp. 136-157. The Volga Bulgars were a Turkic -speaking people who established the second Muslim state in Europe (after the Emirate of Córdoba) Mako, Gerald. “The Conversion of the Volga Bulgars: Aḥmad b. Faḍlān b. Al-ʿAbbās b. Rāshid b. Ḥammād (Fl. Fourth/Tenth Century).” Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age: A Sourcebook, edited by Nimrod Hurvitz et al., 1st ed., University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2020, pp. 156-159. Kama and the Volga, was dominated by the Bul- gars, a Turkic people who had settled there in the seventh century. “The Volga.” Rivers in Russian Literature, by Margaret Ziolkowski, University of Delaware Press, Newark, 2020, pp. 63-101. Bulgar - Turkic tribes known as Onogurs, us, there is much consensus regarding their cultural achieve- from which the name Hungarian derives. “Central Europe, 9th Century.” Historical Atlas of Central Europe: Third Revised and Expanded Edition, by Paul Robert Magocsi, University of Toronto Press, Toronto; Buffalo; London, 2018, pp. 10-12. The Turkic -speaking Bulgars themselves appear not to have been very numerous, perhaps no more than ten thousand warriors who took over the leadership of a larger group Wachtel, Andrew. “Early Balkan Everyday Life.” Everyday Life in the Balkans, edited by DAVID W. MONTGOMERY, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 2019, pp. 9-21. The Bulgar peoples had settled in present-day Bulgaria in the seventh century, forming the so-called First Bulgarian Empire. The Bulgars were originally a Turkic people who had intermarried with Slavs after settling in the Balkans. “Who Has Authority over Newly Christianized Nations?” Twenty Questions That Shaped World Christian History, by Derek Cooper, 1517 Media, Minneapolis, 2015, pp. 137-154. At the time,the new Khazar qaganate was expanding westward,squeezing out the Onogurs,or Bulghars as they begin to be named. One of the Kuvrat’s sons,the Asparuch (Asparux,Isperih) now celebrated as the founder of Bulgaria,forcibly crossed to the Danube arpund 679 to occupy imperial territory Moesia after defeating the forces of Constantine IV (668-685). The event is recorded in the preserved text of a Hebrew letter of a Khazar qahan,who wrote that the Vununtur(=Onogurs=Bulghars) has fled across the Duna,the Danube. Even if numerous for the steppe,Asparuch’s pastoralist warriors and their families were of necessity relatively few as compared to the agricultural Slav population that lived south of the Danube,and thus the Turkic-speaking Bulghars were assimilated linguistically by the Slav majority to form the medieval and modern Bulgarians. This particular ethnogenesis occuree gradually over a period of more than two centuries: there was the Turkic qan (or khan) Krum (803-814),Qan Omurtag (814-831),Qan Presian (836-852),then the wan who converted Boris I (852-889);then came Tsar Symeon (893-923), Tsar Peter I (927-970),and so on.But this transformation of Turkic shamanists into Slavic Christians did nothing to diminish the warlike character of the empire’s new neighbours. Because even warlike neighbours can be useful at times,the relations between the empire and the new Bulghar qaganate encompassed every possible variation,from intimate allience to all out-war,as exemplified by the career of the Bulghar qan or khan Tervel (or Tarvel-Terbelis in our Greek sources),the successor and probably son of Asparukh who ruled for some twenty-one years within the period 695-721,extant chronologies being inconsistent. “Bulghars and Bulgarians.” The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire, by EDWARD N. LUTTWAK, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England, 2009, pp. 173 The strategic and economic importance of this juncture is clear: in an age when much long-distance travel was by water, the confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers provided a three-way maritime link between Europe, the Near East, and East Asia. The Turkic Bulgars were among the first to benefit “THE KAZAN SCHOOL.” Russian Orientalism: Asia in the Russian Mind from Peter the Great to the Emigration, by David Schimmelpenninck Van der Oye, Yale University Press, New Haven; London, 2010, pp. 93-121. The confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers, to the east, was inhabited by the Bulgars, a Turkic people, and the southeastern steppes by the Khazars, another Turkic people who had formed a strong state in the seventh century, barring alike the westward movement of other nomadic tribes “Russian Expansion in Kievan Times.” Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier to 1750, by George V. Lantzeff and Richard A. Pierce, McGill-Queen's University Press, MONTREAL; LONDON, 1973, pp. 21-30. The Bul- gars, a Turkic people, unlike the Slavic Croats and Serbs, moved south ofthe Danube in 679 and soon created a state, in which the numerically small Proto- Bulgarelement in due course became completely assimilated with the Slavic majority “Antecedents and Antipodes.” The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics, by IVO BANAC, Cornell University Press, Ithaca; London, 1984, pp. 21-140. The word boyar is of Turkic origin, introduced into the Balkan Peninsula by the Bulgars in the 7th century. As the Turkic -speaking Bulgar conquerors became Slavicized, they joined with the Slavic clan chiefs
“Nobles and Landholders.” East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500, by JEAN W. SEDLAR, University of Washington Press, Seattle; London, 1994, pp. 58-83. " Bulgar " originally designated a Turkic -speaking people; now it designates the Slavic-speaking people who assimilated them. “National Symbols and the International Recognition of the Republic of Macedonia.” The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World, by Loring M. Danforth, Princeton University Press, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, 1995, pp. 142-184.
Nice theory kiddo😅😅 According to Raymond Detrez, the Iranian theory is rooted in the periods of anti-Turkish sentiment in Bulgaria and is ideologically motivated.[196] According to Prof. Raymond Detrez, who is a specialist in Bulgarian history and language, such views are based on anti-Turkish sentiments and in serious scholarly circles it is well known that the Bulgar language was a Turkic one: Developing cultural identity in the Balkans: convergence vs divergence, Raymond Detrez, Pieter Plas, Peter Lang, 2005, ISBN 90-5201-297-0, p. 29
Ами като за начало Александър Македонски е умрял хиляда години преди Българите да стигнат Европа :) (Управление: 336-10 юни 323 г. пр. н. е.) Това е все едно да кажеш че викингите не са могли да покорят Съветския Съюз.
@@mirceadacialorantbrescia4340 Gokturks took their alphabet from the Sogdians Then you took your civilization from the Arabs and the Persians Then you took your final alphabet from the West You were never able to create your own original civilization
Извадка от интервю на френския президент Франсоа Митеран (може да се намери на сайта на френското президентство):"...Moi je forme beaucoup de voeux pour le peuple bulgare pour lequel j'ai, en le connaissant un peu, pas assez bien entendu, une vraie sympathie. Je ne connais pas assez, non plus, sa culture mais je sais de quelle façon il fait vraiment partie des peuples fondamentaux, de ceux qui ont fait la civilisation de notre continent. "...
In Silesia is tale that Silesia has been founded by Bulgari. Before in Silesia was Hrobracki kraj. After bulgarian co quest name has been renamed to Shild'laśya. But some ages later bulgarian bad ruling. And Silesian rise up. Silesian defeat Bulgari and create Great Moravia with Bohems and Nitrate people. Its real? I don't know. No witted proofs. But I believe that in every story or tale is some true.
The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari,[1] Proto-Bulgarians[2]) were Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes that flourished in the Pontic-Caspian steppe and the Volga region during the 7th century. They became known as nomadic equestrians in the Volga-Ural region, but some researchers say that their ethnic roots can be traced to Central Asia.[3] During their westward migration across the Eurasian steppe, the Bulgar tribes absorbed other ethnic groups and cultural influences in a process of ethnogenesis, including Indo-European, Finno-Ugric and Hunnic tribes.[4][5][6][7][8][9] Modern genetic research on Central Asian Turkic people and ethnic groups related to the Bulgars points to an affiliation with Western Eurasian populations.[9][10][11] The Bulgars spoke a Turkic language, i.e. Bulgar language of Oghuric branch.[12] They preserved the military titles, organization and customs of Eurasian steppes,[13] as well as pagan shamanism and belief in the sky deity Tangra.[14] The Bulgars became semi-sedentary during the 7th century in the Pontic-Caspian steppe, establishing the polity of Old Great Bulgariac. 635, which was absorbed by the Khazar Empire in 668 AD. In c. 679, Khan Asparukh conquered Scythia Minor, opening access to Moesia, and established the First Bulgarian Empire, where the Bulgars became a political and military elite. They merged subsequently with established Byzantine populations,[15][16] as well as with previously settled Slavic tribes, and were eventually Slavicized, thus forming the ancestors of modern Bulgarians.[17] The remaining Pontic Bulgars migrated in the 7th century to the Volga River, where they founded the Volga Bulgaria; they preserved their identity well into the 13th century.[12] The Volga Tatars and Chuvash people claim to have originated from the Volga Bulgars.[12][18]
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Bulgaria is oldest country in Europe. Bulgaria is first national state in Europe which adopt Christianity and Bulgarian church became first national independent church in Europe in year 927. Bulgarians created Bulgarian Civilization with Bulgarian language, Bulgarian alphabet Cyrillic and Orthodox Christianity. Bulgarians spread Christianity and the Bible, translated into Bulgarian language and written in Cyrillic, among the so-called "Slavs" and incorporated most of the "Slavs" into Bulgarian civilization, including the Russians. All so-called "Slavic" languages are created on the basis of Bulgarian language. Russian language and so-called "Slavic" languages on the Balkans are dialects of Bulgarian language. Today about 300 million people in Eurasia including Russia use Bulgarian writing system Cyrillic as the official alphabet. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Bulgarian_Empire en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simeon_I_of_Bulgaria en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillic_script
Колко много хора от други държави коментират.Няма лоша реклама.И какво мислите за Куманите.Асеновата и Шишмановата династия са от Кумански произход - факт. Даже и в днешна Македония има град Куманово.Много се подценява този фактор - лично мнение.
Съжалявам ги даже. По-скоро се питам, какво се опитват да докжат с това? Няма да могат да пренапишат историята така или иначе, ние винаги ще сме нацията, която сме и която е била. А те нека да си говорят, дали сме тюрки, турци, авари, хуни, славяни и т.н. Ние сме Българи! И поне знаем за своята история много повече от тях :) По-скоро за това ги е яд и се опитват да всяват смут.
Since 1989, Bulgarian nationalism continues to live off cosy reminiscences of the ‘Revival Process’ ideology. Anti-Turkish rhetoric is now reflected in the theories that challenge the thesis of Turkic origin of the Proto-Bulgars. Alongside the ‘Iranian’ or ‘Aryan’ theory, there appeared arguments favouring an autochthonous origin... The ‘parahistoric’ theories, very often politically loaded and have almost nothing to do with objective scientific research in the field of Proto-Bulgarian Studies, could be summarized in several directions:...3)‘Aryan roots’ and the ‘enigmatic Eurasian homeland’. Meanwhile, another group of authors is looking eagerly for the supposed homeland of the ancient Bulgarians in the vast areas of Eurasia, perhaps by conscious or unconscious opposition to the pro-Western orientation of modern Bulgaria. At the same time, with little regard for consistency, they also oppose the Turkic theory, probably because this is in sharp contradiction with the anti-Turkish feelings shared by nationalistic circles. (Dobrev 2005; 2007.) in Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Cristian Emilian ed., Quest for a Suitable Past: Myths and Memory in Central and Eastern Europe, Central European University Press, 2018, ISBN 9633861365, pp. 142-143.
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
When I walk around the streets, I can see completely different faces and features. I can see it among the whites in Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, England, Spain, Germany, France and wherever I have ever been. People have different genes among their so called 'own ethnic groups'. People that identify as 'Bulgarians' not necessarily have the same genetic origin. The same goes for other ethnic groups. It is impossible for people to have 'pure' genes of a certain 'ethnic' group. 'Bulgarian' is an identity. 'Greek' is an identity - sense of belonging to something, a human need being it to be to nation, organisation, sport or team if you want. I do not like how this former communist is telling me what am I and explaining the world where do my 'ancestors' come from. 'Bulgaria' is just a name kept from 'Bulgars' - genes, language etc is absorbed from diverse other pools. No Bulgarian has exactly the same genes with other Bulgarians. The same goes for Greeks, Serbians, French, Scottish etc.. I know that what I have been told is a lie. I know that i am something much more and I am mixture of diverse genes. Go and make yourself ancestry DNA test and see that you are not as pure as you think you are - wherever you come from - you, the reader of my comment. It ends up we are diverse yet all human. I believe on science and the future - not the stories from the past that do not have legitimate scientific outlook. Blood gives more data as to what you are made up of than you, being just told what are. Furthermore - history is a curse - it promotes hatered among the human capital and does not serve as tool to teach us lessons. History should be called 'archeology' and should outline that it covers at points evident, and moreover -theoretical outlook. It should not be mandatory in any system. The educational systems could brainwash the kids in a different way to give them higher developmental perspective, especially now in a technological world where we need new developmental perspectives.
And from this teory we get some questions. We know that Volga Bulgaria was one of the 3 most powerfull countries in the world. Why they didnt take back the lost teritory if this 2 countryes were so powerfull? Why Asparuh atack Roman Empire, when he know about the agreement? Why the belive about Tangra is found in house of Kubrat? Why no one say anything about a hudge country like that? How Asparuh lost so much of teritory on north whit such a powerfull army? And 1 very important question, why Asparuh take control of the west part of the country, when he have 3 bigger brothers?
Population genetic analysis indicated that Conquerors had closest connection to the Onogur-Bulgar ancestors of Volga Tatars. www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-53105-5 hizliresim.com/stAHqu (Bulgar genetic proximity) Thus supporting the view that Tatars may be descendents of ancient Bulgars. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22520580/ Onogur-Bulgars had been part of the Hunnic people, and after the death of Attila’s son Irnik, European Hun remains fused with the Onogurs. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/250688v1.full However, given the common Turkic genetic background of the Bulgars and Khazars, these ethnicities may be difficult to tell apart either archaeologically or genetically. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2019.12.15.876912v1.full.pdf Most Tatars trace their descent to Volga Bulgars, a medieval Turkic people who have inhabited the Middle Volga and lower Kama region. online.ucpress.edu/search-results?page=1&q=Bulgars Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Exile www.readcube.com/articles/10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe009
Here some middle ages proofs about that.. Joannes Zonaras (12th century): "[...] Paeonians - Latins or Thracian people, Macedons. These are so-called Paeonians. Paeonians are Bulgarians [...]" Johannes Tzetzes (12th century): "[...] The Paeonians are Bulgarians [...]" Gilo Tusculanus (11th century): "[...] Bulgarians who are named Thracians according to the previous (older) monuments [...]" John Malalas (6th century): "[...] Achilles left with the Atreidai, bringing his own army of 3000 of the men known then as Myrmidons but known now as Bulgars [...]" Michael Attaleiates (11th century): "[...] The Moesi are certainly Bulgarians who later received their new name. [...] the Bulgarians are the Myrmidons [...]" Joan Ekzarh (10th century): "[...] The Thessalian Myrmidons of Achilles are Bulgarians [...]" Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator (5th century): "[...] The Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people [...]" Magnus Felix Ennodius (6th century): "[...] The Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people [...]" Demetrios Chomatenos (13th century): "[...] This Great father and enlightener of Bulgaria was from the European Moesians by origin, which the people usually know also as Bulgarians [...]" Anastasius Bibliothecarius (4th century): "[...] The Bulgarians have united their homeland in accordance to their blood right [...]" Leo the Deacon (10th century): "[...] For the Byzantines, the words Moesians, Scythians, and Bulgarians mean the same thing, they use them as synonymes [...] V-VI century - Ioannes Malalas: "The so called Achilles went with Atreidai and led his own army of three thousand men, then called Myrmidons and now Bulgarians" - page 97 www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/0491-0578,_Ioannes_Malalas,_Chronographia_(CSHB_Dindorfii_Recensione),_GR_LT.pdf picture from the text in Greek: facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150315761464099&set=o.122376701166845&type=1&theater - Michael Attaleiates: History - ''the Moesi ... are certainly Bulgarians who later received their new name ... Bulgarians Myrmidons ..." - John Zonaras: ''Paeonians - Latins or Thracian people of Macedonia. These are so-called Paeonians. Paeonians were Bulgarians. " - Johannes Tzetza: ''Pyros and Akamas (native) of the Thracian Hellespont, Maronietza Evfimos son of Treziius, Pirehmie, who was of the Paeonians they were all from the Bulgarians, from those of the river Axios, also called Vardar'' (see photo with Greek text). XI century - ''Bulgarians who are named Thracians according to the previous (old) monuments'' - „Hinc iter aggressi per fines Vulgariorum, quos vocitant Thracas, ut habent monumenta priorum“ - Fulcher of Chartres, a French priest, (a description of the first crusade in 1096) III-IV century - Mavro Orbin cites evidence of Marcus Aurelius Kasiodor that Bulgarians fought with the Romans about 390 AD. - Cassiodorus writes that the Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people - Ennodius Ticinensis (473-524, Bishop, court historian of the Gothic King Theodoric) indicate that Bulgarians are old Moesian and Illyrian people. - 4th century map (see photo) by St. Jerome (331-420) - Mesia hec & Vulgaria (Misia here and Bulgaria). It is composed by even older maps - Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea (270 to 33, called the "father of church history." The map is preserved in a copy of the 12th century. letopisec.blog.bg/photos/123281/original/Karta_Ieronim_4_vek22222.jpg I-II century -Flavius Josephus writes ''Dacians called Bulgarians'' In addition: - Ravennatis Anоnymi Cosmographia: „Inter vero Tratiam vel Macedoniam et Mysiam inferiorem modo Bulgari habitant, qui ex super scripta maiore Scythia egressi sunt.” upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Karte_Ravennat.jpg www.venstar.de/extra/App0003a.bmp - Demetrios Chomateno: Brief Life of Clement Ohridski - ''This great Father was a native from the European Moesians, people usually known as Bulgarians. They were displaced in the old days by the military power of Alexander of placement of Brusa, Olympus to the North Atlantic and the Dead Sea, and after a long time with terrible army crossed the Danube and invaded all the neighboring areas: Pannonia and Dalmatia, Thrace and Illyricum, and and much of Macedonia and Thessaly
Kubrat=Attila Csak másik időszámítás szerint. (krisztus születése, Nagy Sándor halála, Julianus naptár, Kusán naptár. Tévedésbők, ugyan az a történet többször is szerepel.
We are Slavs for sure. There are numerous videos that spread nonsense that promotes the idea of ''Bulgars'' or ''Thracians''. Bulgars are extinct (with possible descendents of theirs being the Chuvash and Tatar people). Thracains are also extinct, and unlike the Bulgars, the Thracians had an obviously visible impact, that being the genetic one on Bulgarians, Romanians, Serbs and some Greeks. But still, we are by origin and essence Slavic people just like any other Slavic nation. Bulgaria is an important part of the Slavdom, Cyrillic alphabet being the most notable example.
Yes, I try to PREACH where it´s possible. Despite I don´t approve WIKI and similar in many cases, you can always refer to WIKI regarding 681 AD. That year was found modern Bulgaria. During that time there exist no Turks nor Turkey - only Bulgaria and Byzantium. Simple. Further, Bulgaria/Vulgaria is written on a Byzantine map already in the 2th c. AD. No Turks or Türks exist. In China, Bulgarians were known as Huns, much older than any invented Türks, who are actually descendents from a mixture between older Koreans and older Bulgars (Huns). It´s quite clear and shouldn´t be confusing. Those who try to confuse are probably TROLLS, or really stupid ppl.
@AC LOL, Bulgarians are NATIVE Europeans and Oldest on the Balkans - even in Europe. Bulgarians arriving from the East is “Fake news” and is not based on any historic facts nor documents. There is not a single Latin/Greek/Byzantine source which states that Bulgarians are Newcommers or “Türkic”. On the contrary, all ancient sources write that Bulgarians are the Oldest. They are ancient Thracians-Pelasgians: Paeonians, Macedonians, Mizians/Moesians, Tribali, Dacians, Geths, etc… ALL ARE ANCIENT BULGARIANS with different names. Well Germans, for example, have 4 different name - it means not that they are 4 different ppl.
@AC Further, regarding the Bulgarian looks, you can just see pictures from early Middle Ages (when there existed not other European countries but Bulgaria), that Bulgarians look European/Caucasian. There exist no ethnic “Slavic” ppl and never existed. Allk is a LIE. When Bulgarians-Paeonians lived in Central Europe in the 5th c AD, there existed no “Hungary”. And Àtilla was Bulgarian, not Turkish or Avar. I hope you have learn something, dude.
Ето линк от прабългарска бронзова розетка. Фокусирайте вниманието си върху средните руни прости. www.bulgarkamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/401f33674ad6be7aafb39f23f62ba129_1229083120.jpg Сега проверете старите руни и символа на племето Кайи, които са приети от техните предци. bg.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%8A Любопитен съм от отговорите на днешните славяни, които се наричат българи.
@Peter Todorov You're conclusion is wrong. The first people which call themselves Bulgarians was not older than turkic words. From that logic you can start Bulgarian history from the first human in Africa.
@Peter Todorov What was the difference between the style of Proto-Bulgarians and descendants of Kai which defend the area where today now Bulgaria is? The irony is that the Kai comes with the same IYI on the flag to Bulgaria like the Proto Bulgarians. Same mindset and the language of the military elite of Proto Bulgarians was not so far from the Turkic language like slavic language. It must feel like déjà-vu for the slavic people in Bulgaria.
@Peter Todorov The concept and spirit of Proto-Bulgarians doesn't exits today in Bulgaria. The Chuvash people saved more from the concept of the old Bulgarians. The spirit of old Bulgarian lived today by Chuvash people and not in Bulgaria.
Bulgha- bulgar, bulgamak, means mixed, mix people( tribes) stir, combined. name "bulgar" bulgaria" itself , is turkish origin, and explaining tribe that is combined from different tribes, ( mixed, not pure) . Bulgarian mixture ( result are the people that live in state of Bulgaria today) is recognized by many. There is no question for all minor Asia , Kavkaz, all the way to the Afganistan- and Mongolia people , what and who are bulgarians . But modern bulgarians even that they know they foggy origin, are trying to invent new theories about their origin, more romantic, for political reasons
@@aybala4127 that is not true even the professor in the video said it we are from the ancient iranian region and they were not turkish not persian not arab we were some different kind of peoples and what Bulgars were is probably lost to genetic history because of the frequent moving and uniting with other tribes unless we can somehow isolate all the non Bulgar genes and see what's left
Bulgarians and Greeks are brothers. We are happy to be your neighbors and you should be proud of your history and heritage. If only our other neighbors were like you. The Skopjians do not want to accept the truth about their history and try to claim our Macedonian Greek history and ancestry of Alexander the Great. They are Bulgarians and Slavs that settled in the formerly Greek provinces of Paeonia and northern Macedonia. Our eastern neighbors, the Turks, are even worse. They have always been imperialists and want to re-invade Europe and conquer the Aegean islands of Greece. You are our favorite neighbors, you are peaceful and speak the truth about who you are.
Dimitrios Z How doublefased declarations! I dont believe you.Alexander l l is a tracian, not hellen. Slavic are also thracians and skithians, not any new people, came in the Balkan peninsula in 6--7centuries.The slavs were emegined by Mauro Orbiny in1601year in his book "About the glory slavs, falls named sclavorum."He wrote that the slavs in the Balkans did not come from anywhere,thay were there many centuries B.C.,and Alexander lll was in relationship with tham.
You people want to re-write history in a way that suits you and your existence. The whole world is laughing at you and your mock nation and country. The Macedonians have always been Greek. They spoke Greek, they wrote in Greek, they worshiped the Greek Olympic Gods, they took part in the Olympic Games where only Greeks were allowed. You people speak Bulgarian, have Bulgarian traditions and coulture (music, dancing, art, etc) and came to this area in the 7th century A.D. (1.000 years after the time that you claim as your history). You are 100% Bulgarians (and 1.000.000 gypsies) and have no relation to Macedonia apart from the fact that you occupy a small part of Macedonia which in any case is only 1/4 of your country. th-cam.com/video/5Y4RbnZEOr8/w-d-xo.html
Dimitrios You and the Bulgarians are brothers for sure!!! Talk about rewrite history..... Leave the Macedonians alone. They are not Greeks ,like you or like you want them to be, so stop trying to bully them. The whole world in fact is laughing at you and the trouble your pathetic country creates in Europe.
Great work Bro ,We are Erdogan's frontline soldier in the war to take back Bulgaristan We Turks are the rightful owners of Bulgaristan not these slavs ERDOGAN=NEW OSMANLI EMPIRE 2021
@@moeharvard You two Turkish ladies want to rule the world for Erdogan But Erdogan betrayed your Uighur brothers www.voanews.com/east-asia-pacific/turkey-cracks-down-uighur-protesters-after-china-complains
You guys been lied from the official history books.First all this tripes are coming from the same place where the 7 trips were living. The turm Slavic been invented in 15th century and replace the word Bulgarian.But both words mean gods people. You wander why that was done.I can gladly
According to Raymond Detrez, the Iranian theory is rooted in the periods of anti-Turkish sentiment in Bulgaria and is ideologically motivated.[196] According to Prof. Raymond Detrez, who is a specialist in Bulgarian history and language, such views are based on anti-Turkish sentiments and in serious scholarly circles it is well known that the Bulgar language was a Turkic one: Developing cultural identity in the Balkans: convergence vs divergence, Raymond Detrez, Pieter Plas, Peter Lang, 2005, ISBN 90-5201-297-0, p. 29
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
You are saying Turks are/ were mongoloid , bulgars are different, you are giving reference itugur, kitugur, onogur as bulgars ..Do you really know what these words are..meaning..e.g onogur..meaning 10 uyghur , dokuzogur ..nine Uygur..these are giving the sum of uyghur tribes (turkic)who came together ..Bulgar..bolgar..Balkar..same folks..Their cousins avar..pechenek..uz( oguz) .Kuman... khipcak ,slezensky magyar hun are all Ural/ altai... turkic ..you are speaking bulgarian of today which is mostly slavic, in 6th century if it would be the same then you should say kaizer..char ..khenet..not Khan Kubat. which is turkic way to define king ..
@@pompacitokmakci Fatlinda Islami You are not a Turk so why do you pretend to be a Turk? You are a 12 year old Albanian girl who lives with her mommy in Gostivar You are too embarrassed to be an Albanian so you pretend to be a Turk
@@pompacitokmakci Fatlinda Islami You are not a Turk so why do you pretend to be a Turk? You are a 12 year old Albanian girl who lives with her mommy in Gostivar
Please explain this mixed theory of yours? I can tell you that every human is mixed from day 1. Every nation that exists has been created by several different peoples joining together. Always has been like this. Another thing the make Y-Dna marker never changes, it is always passed down from father to son. So no matter who one has a child with the sons marker will always remain the same as the fathers. In this way we can tell who is what. Mixing means nothing, it does not erase the past as the past is deep in ones veins. All the Bulgar people are related as they have always been. Today just separated by borders. Greetings
The so called Old Bulgarians have arrived in Europe ..they are not Europeans in their origins ...that is exactly what I mean when I say that in their origins they are different race and originally had nothing to do with Slavs ....actually many historical books are telling us that the Slavs tribes were enslaved by the Bulgarians. Thats why Vladimir Rasate hated them , thats why his father Boris - Mihail 1 blinded him as a punishment as Vladimir was killing Slavs and destroying churches when he was appointed by his father as a ruler of the Bulgarian Kingdom!
I thought maybe I would learn some history of the Bulgarian nation, because what I know is covered in mystery but seemed interesting, but like every video on Balkan history, the topic is a morass of competing and propagandist claims that a casual viewer cannot separate which is true and which is false. Greeks, Turks, Slavs Albanians and sometimes Romanians congregate and you hear everything from actual history to the utter fantasies of modern nation builders. It makes a man tired. No matter how open minded and friendly and pan-balkan love you have, some of the comments here will trigger you.
Agree,The only way to separate the truth out of politics is relying on archeological artefacts.Unfortionately artefacts could stay hidden by purpose as is in our case while travelling across today's different countries and leaving our kings graves in foreign lands.I am grateful to Ukraine about announced Kubrats treasure,but kings Samuil remains and stone stella stay in Greece and they're not exposed for the public.Many artefacts are in Russia,especially the early christianity books in Glagolic and Cyrilic we gave to Rus in 9th century to step on /Rus formally accepted christianity in 10th century.
I am Greek and I respect my neighboors Bulgarians. Just an advice....dont deal with the balkans. They have only; a bad ironic comment to make to you and most times it is a shit. Just to make you feel bad. Everyone in the balkans wants to tell to thei neighboors what they are and he is not looking for his origins. My advice is only for you to take cool such comments. The real educated people know history and know how to respect history past present future of every nation. Love from a neighboor in Greece!
Most balkans say to their neighboors what they are...so funny. If I know I am Greek and I feel Greek and I respect the Greek culture noone can change me that. What is the reason to try make the neighboor feel bad??? Most comments here come from nationalist uneducated people who are saying bullshits and they want just arguements. So do not pay attention to every shit here. If you feel Bulgarian and you respect your culture noone can tell you who you are or who you are not. We are what we feel and what we grew up with and noone can change that from us. DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO NATIONALISTS WHO SAY SHITS WITHOUT HISTORICAL PROOFS. MAKE DISCUSSION ONLY WITH EDUCATED PEOPLE WHO HAVE READ HISTORY AND USE PROOFS AND LOGIC IN THEIR WAY OF THINKING. Good luck friend.
@@nextlevelbrosagency Thank you! We Greeks accept bad comments from the albanians all the time who blame us for everything and they try to change our history. I really cant find a clue to enter a page and leave toxin poisonous comments for neighboors and their culture. If you dont like a neighboor just leave him. When we dont like or we dont respect someone we just ignore him..no need to enter a page leaving bad comments. If someone deals with you and try to make you feel bad, he is certainly jealous of you...Keep that in mind. And never pay attention to nationalists because they are toxic brainwashed and uneducated. They will fall you down to their unexisted level and they will make you sick. Good luck!
Bulgarians never did try to conquer we were the major part of the huns,others were impressed by our strenth thus started following us.Our callendar shows sigh of high intelligence that goes back to 5000 BC (Before Jesus) So you all might think we may be turk's or arabians or whatever but we existed long before them we did pass their lands,our language is 1/3 of the world even if is changed by the passing year's.There are old historians from other country's who know more than we do about ourself's,But there is one fact that show's we are the reason people have become to this high tech civilization.Also our leaders were Kans not Khans,we were passing probably the whole world before we did settle down.Since alot of other *races* of people did follow us its obvious we would *mate each other*There for people who went to live where the sun is hot *Africa*became black people who went to Asia became with eye's mutation to storms.People DNA can adapt to the current situation just like now even if we do not releaze it if u somehow take someone from before 500 year's in current day he wll die from thousands of sickness and stuff.Tho still not clear our history is great,the latest history shows even tho we were under slavery from Ottoman empire,Our army never have lost an battle *Nor won a war* Our army main weapon were *Horse*!!!!
+zdravko popov Това, че прабългарите са част от хунския съюз, е най-добре пазената тайна! Просто защото е толкова очевидна, че никой не й обръща внимание :)
+zdravko popov Къде са доказателствата, че Българите са допринесли до високото технологично развитие на света? Трудно ми е да повярвам, че номадски народ живеещ в палатки ще е допринесъл повече за развитието на човечеството от, например, философията и науката на древните Гърци или архитектурата, икономиката, правото, политиката и изкуството на Римската Империя, векове преди Българските племена.
ty lmao
Which one, many god over there :D
God bless you Nikolaos!
Να σαι καλά φίλος.
@Ellinika Stream Clips ?
Greetings from Republic of Chuvashia (Volga Bulgaria)
Здравей Братко от Чувашия. Не се притеснявай да ми пишеш.
Той нито те разбира, нито може да ти отговори на словенобългарски.
@Accelerated ya that ridiculous
1st of gypsies is a offensive word for Roma xinthy ecetra , they are nowadays everywhere but they aren't turkic at least not from the roots. we were slavanized Danube bulgars, we were forced. but our dna is still very much turkic. sadly because of Russian propaganda most Bulgarians don't recon that.@Pan-Turkic Nationalist
Pan-Turkic Nationalist watch this video again,my
misguided friend
Very interesting! I didn't know Bulgarian history was so strange and full of migrations and colonizations! Greetings from neighboring Serbia!
+David Blagic It's almost intresting that you have no clue you are bulgarian who did migrate long ago
zdravko popov Here goes another stereotypical Balkan nationalist... It's actually funny how rudely you act towards a person which tried to show its respect towards your nation and its history.
+David Blagic
I agree. While I think it's good to have a certain amount of pride in one's own culture and country, history has shown that narrow minded nationalism is poison. Very sad that people are blinded by it. Mr Blagic please pay no attention to such fools. We are all Balkan brothers!!
Its not about nations and all people came from 1 place and they were not bound by nations and stuff
Daniel D
I could not agree more! :-D It's just sad how hardcore nationalism ruined Balkans. Thought I love my country, I also have respect for other countries and nations, especially for my Slavic and Orthodox brothers! :-D
This was quite interesting. Thanks for adding subtitles.
The great Persian scientist Abu Zayd al-Balkhi 850-934 AD
Says that Bulgarians worshipped the god
EDFU and his idol FA
In the same text he says the Turks worshipped BIr Tengri
He clearly distinguishes between Bulgarians and Turks
M . Tahir, Le livre de la creation de el-Balhi, Paris , 1899 ,v. IV, 56
Look panturks no tengri in Bulgaria
Yes, this is a very interesting presentation. Now, i am learning Basic Bulgarian phrases. I see that Bulgarian Language an interesting language.
It's very different from the other slavic languages. Its grammar is much closer to English grammar than to Serbian which is interesting to the least.
@@boyanbogdanov1854 Българският език е най-древният тракийски и славянски език. Затова са о той от всички славянски език е аналитичен, безпадежен, какъвто е и английският. Генетически българите са на 90% траки и са много далеч от всички азиатци, кавказки, иранци или памирци. Близостта на българския език с иранския се дължи на тракийското влияние върху персите. Б.Димитров много спекулира. Пренебрегват се всички древни сведения и артефакти. Траките поне 4 пъти са покорявали персите и са управлявали там. Говори се, че името на Аспарух, е иранско и идва от думата "аспа"- кон. Но това е заемка от тракийския език. Тази дума има 3 варианта при траките: адпа, испа и еспа. Името на Аспарух има също 3 вариации:Аспарух,Исперих и Есперих, както и цар Испор. Даже едно от имената на иранците е мидийци, по името на тракийското племе миди, управлявало персийските земи. Тези наши историци не се умориха да търсят нашите корени къде ли не в чужбина, за последно в Иран, но си затварят очите пред очевидното, че сме местен народ, траки. Не могат да преглътнат егото си, че са грешали и поддържали грешни теории, че дължат кариерите си на тези лъжи и продължават да измислят нови теории, като Б..Димитров. Поддържа се и лъжата за дошлите от север славяни. Всъщност славяни е общото самоназвание на всички тракийски народи и техните роднини, венетите (поляци, чехи, словаци, словенци и др.). Няма никакви следи от идването на някакви измислени славяни от север на Балканите. Няма! Всичко е тракийско. Българският език е най-древният тракийски и славянски език и затова само той е аналитичен, безпадежнъй, а всички останали славянски езици са синтетични, с падежи. Това означава че няма как българите са се славянизирани и за приели славянския език от ниско развитите славяни и са загубили езика и културата си? Как така победителите на Римската империя и на арабския халифат за има няма 100-150 години са били асимилирани от славяните, нямащи нито държава, нито организирана армия. Приказки за малки деца. Българите са конници. Но защо не се казва, че траките са първия конен народ в света, че най,- древните кости на опитомени коне в света са открити край Китен? Жените на българите били силно и имали права?! Но защо не се вижда, че още в древността тракийките са били равнопоставени с мъжете и е имало жени жрици, като Олимпия, майката на Александър Македонски. Надявам се знаете, че македонците са траки, а не гърци. Ако не, трябва много, много да четете. Б.Димитров има някои заслуги и дотам. Относно нашия произход той греши или по-скоро не иска да признае истината и грешките си. За съжаление. Та днес даже турците започват да се изкарват траки покрай тракийската Троя и т.н. Срамно е, че Димитров няма сили да признае истината. Та думата Кан, представена като иранска е същата като тюркския Хан. Няма разлика. Заменяме тюрките с иранци и сме в същото небесно лозе, в същата лъжа, че сме пришелци на Балканите и затова ни орязаха и територията няколко пъти. Лъжите на нашите историци допринесоха за това, както признава и Димитров.
I support Bulgaria. Greetings from Greece
We always supporting my neighbords❤
God bless you, Friend!
@@aybala4127 you are angry because you are not an empire anymore and everyone hate turks :D
@ 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🤘🤘💪💪💪
@@vakavakata1218 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤘💪💪💪💪💪💪🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
I rememer when I was 7-8 years old and asked my father: Are we slavs? He replied: No, we are bulgarians.
but if you are iranian than we are related,greetings from croatia
Volite nasu bracu Hrvate
@@petertodorov1792 pa iskreno ne vjerujem u teoriju da su bugari nekakvi turkic kosooki, ni ne izgledate tako niti je jezik takav, niti kultura,vjerojatno ste iranci nekakvi što automatski znači da smo rođaci,
@@sinisadabic5371 estestveno che sme rodnini, vsichki balkanski narodi sa genetichno blizki edni s drugi. Balgarite imame 1,5% iztochno aziatsko DNA podobno na drugite evropeyski narodi, taka che sus sigurnost tyurkskiyat primes e izklyuchitelno malak, nay-veroyatno ot kumani, pechenegi i tatari, no otnovo te sa bili malki izklyucheniya. Hvala!
@@runegold321 e gotovo sve razumio :))
Now that explains when my dad was telling me that when he was in Ukraine parts some of it they spoke olden Bulgarian
Those are the descendants of Bulgarians who were refugees from the 1828-1830 Russo-Turkish war of Greek independence. Some of them settled in Crimea or other parts of Ukraine, others in Bessarabia (today's Moldova and the southernmost part of Ukraine) and some (including my ancestors) came back and settled around Varna.
Old Bulgar is an Oghur Turkic language not slavic
@@papazataklaattiranimam thats even older bulgarian but old bulgarian is the oldest slavic language
@@JustSlav98 medieval bulgarian language
@@papazataklaattiranimam yes , really old bulgar was turkic , but slavic old bulgarian is the first and oldest slavic language and the first to use the Cyrillic alphabet before russian
Im from New Zealand. My daughter is Bulgarian Maori, probably the first intertwining of the two bloodlines in history. ( As far as I know )
My daughter is so phenomenally beautiful and intelligent, you wouldn't believe how smart and mature this 8 year old girl is unless you saw her for yourself.
Piano, tennis, singing, performing arts, swimming, mathematics, I could go on, basically, anything she wants to do, she does and excels very well.
Her grandparents (Bulgarian) were Gold medalists in the Seoul Olympics.
My grandparents were, what you would call in English "priests" or "pastors", fully followed Jesus and his teachings.
I want to know if anyone has any information on Bulgarian prophets or just anything "historically Christian". I understand the religious wars and in a video here on TH-cam (history of Bulgaria) It states Bulgaria was officially named and known as "Christian" for 200 years.
Thank you, I look forward to any finger being pointed in a direction for me. :)
"It states Bulgaria was officially named and known as "Christian" for 200 years. "
I don't know where you've read that, but we were converted to Christianity in 864. We are mainly Orthodox Christians, but there are also some Catholics and Muslims. What information exactly you want?
@Voskre Glavincevska Don't spread lies. Macedonia is 70 yrs old country. You don't make difference between country and region. Macedonia is territory in ancient Greece ( Ellada). Later populated with bulgarians. After 1945 ( Tito the serbian dictator ) managed aggressive policy with pro serbian element in it to change macedonian mind set and home policy. Macedonia is originaly bulgarian territory, read history and stop stealing from your neighbours.
hay you can check for Petar Deunov, Baba Vanga, Dyado Vlaycho, Bogomils, Boyan Maga, etc.
Slavicized Thraco-Polynesian. Nice mix.
Such a nice comment. You should know that Bulgarians are traditionally very good at maths and are one of the nations with most medals at maths olympics. John Atanasoff, the founder of the first computer is of bulgarian origin. See here
We just found out my grandma is half Bulgarian. My mom and I were tested and have 15 to 20 percent west Asian dna ☺️☺️☺️
@ Абе, ти май не схващаш сарказма.
Turkic claim :)
Елица Енева
Other Bulgarian scholars actively oppose the "Iranian hypothesis".[194][195] According to Raymond Detrez, the Iranian theory is rooted in the periods of anti-Turkish sentiment in Bulgaria and is ideologically motivated.[196]
Елица Енева
Sword of Justice Wikipedia isn’t a valid thing. Anyone can edit it you know
Привет от волжских булгар ( татар)
от Дунавска България
Привет от Дунавска България!
Привет из Дунайская Болгария.
Привет от Дунавска България
He mentions Alexander the Great could not defeat only the old bulgarians. But he doesn't mention that Volga Bulgaria was the only state to defeat the Mongols.
Not realy Memluks were defated the Mongol army as well.
Danubian Bulgaria also ambushed and defeated mongols in the Balkan Mountains during Ivan Asen 2 reign
The Mamluks sultanate defeated the Mongols and the Delhi Sultanate at the time ruled by sultan Alauddin Khiligi defeated the Mongols on many occasions.
and the dai viet defeated the mongols
@@Bayganu İVAN ASEN was a christian KUMAN : KIPÇAK TÜRK...............................KUMANOVA city of Macedonia was established by christian KUMAN TÜRKs.............TERTER and ŞİŞMAN Dynasties were also christian KUMAN TÜRKs.............. ...........+++ The first Romanian Prince was BASAR ABA......He was also christian KUMAN: KIPÇAK TÜRK....................Son of TOK TEMİR......................The BESARABİA region was named like that because of BASAR ABA................The ancestor of VLAD TEPEŞ ( DRAKULA )...........................Christian Türk DRAKULA.........................Definetely..........................
Bulgarians are descendants of the Iranian Bulgars who were Turkicized in language, but genetically and culturally still completely Iranian and kept some of their Iranian language. Cumans, Avars, and Bulgars were Iranian (Sarmatian) tribes who were Turkicized, and after these groups migrated west, the remnants of their peoples who stayed in the Steppes mixed with the invading Turko-Mongols and were either assimilated or Islamized.
no,their language was indo-european
Dukagjin 🤣🤣😂😂 f off kid
How those Turanid Turkic tribes can be iranian with %0 iranian genetic or culture😂😂😂
As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30]
The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil).
Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’)
A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ...
Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century.
The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.”
books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press)
The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion.
Eastern Bulgars , Bulgars Ancient Turkic people originating in the region n and e of the Black Sea.
Volga Bulgaria was a northeastern European Turkic state that formed during the 9th century and continued into the first four decades of the 13th century.
Bulgars, Eastern bŭl´gärz, -gərz [key], Turkic-speaking people, who possessed a powerful state (10th-14th cent.) at the confluence of the Volga and the Kama, E European Russia.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press.
(Cambridge University Press)
Population genetic analysis indicated that Conquerors had closest connection to the Onogur-Bulgar ancestors of Volga Tatars.
hizliresim.com/stAHqu (Bulgar genetic proximity)
Thus supporting the view that Tatars may be descendents of ancient Bulgars.
Onogur-Bulgars had been part of the Hunnic people, and after the death of Attila’s son Irnik, European Hun remains fused with the Onogurs.
However, given the common Turkic genetic background of the Bulgars and Khazars, these ethnicities may be difficult to tell apart either archaeologically or genetically.
Most Tatars trace their descent to Volga Bulgars, a medieval Turkic people who have inhabited the Middle Volga and lower Kama region.
Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived.
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features.
According to Antoaneta Granberg : " the data is insufficient to clearly distinguish Huns, Avars and Bulgars one from another" - introduction, the second paragraph :
Both names are best explained as corresponding to Onogundur, an old name in Greek sources for the Bulgars. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/khazars
More Sources:
Cumans didn’t look like 👳🏾♂️😂😂
Hairy and unibrow
Excellent presentation.
Very informative!
Thank you for sharing.
Като гледам и слушам професор Божидар Димитров, лека му пръст и светла памет, чувствам гордост, че съм българин.
Урната (прахът) му разпилян над Созополския залив -- предсмъртно желание на Великият БЪЛГАРИН Божидар Димитров!
Ако го беше чул кви простоти говори на хирата от него така шеше да го накалнеш.Сещаш ли се кат си му гомям фен как веднъж човек беше питал семейството му по време на турското робство как ли е живяло.И този негодник и кретен отговаря
"Иване тя баба ти са я чукали отпрес отзад отгоре и отдолу па ти какво ме питаш"
Егати долния пристак добре че си отиде че хирата да не му траят просташтината.
Беше голям приятел, но го премахнаха, защото, щеше да спечели всички избори, истински човек и българофил, патриот и националист!
@Jd Pv bullshits
@Jd Pv неграмотен идиот
My DNA test says I am Bulgarian. I was born in America. Hi ancestors.
Greetings from Sofia :)
Is anybody here actually bulgarian such as myself?
I am part Bulgarian
Аз съм Българка
The Great Nut българи юнаци
@Jd Pv No. Bulgarians are Slavic and Bulgars were Turkic.
@@bartoszszczepaniak169 okay cry pal
i think in the past bulgarians were related to Iranic tribes such as :sarmatians,is that right?
Yes Bulgarians are Sarmatians like the Ossetians but their language is Slavisized
@@petertodorov1792 interesting,yeah i know they are slavic right now,but some people say that they were proto turkic people,is that right?
@@Dani2kGaming_GEIR bulgars were turkic at first but bulgars who moved to balkans mixed with iranian sarmatians and eventually slavized. Bulgars who moved to north founded volga bulgar state and kept their turkicness
Bulgarians were never Turkic
1.Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show Tengrinism in Bulgaria
2.Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show the name Bulgarian comes from Bulgamak
Bulgarians were never Turkic
Bulgarians worshiped the Iranian god Siavush who was Slavisized to Siva Bog and Christianized to St. George
In india also so many villages of bulhaara and balayan and bal and bulkhiya also
Срам че паднахме от такава висота.
Паднахме, защото никой не иска силна непобедима България, а путин категорично отказа да се присъедините към нас, всички 4,5 републики с коренно българско население, но един ден и това, ще стане, русия се страхува от могъща стара България и затова винаги е гледала да изопачи историята НИ свята и стара!!!
@@Anmobgoccult20 Абе ти нормален ли си бе нямаме нищо общо с тези татари после защо македонците ни наричат така тяхният ген е по различен от нашият
@@bulgariannationalist1637 за кви татари мрънкаш бе Аутист? Виж си видеата
@@bulgariannationalist1637 ти пиян ли си? Неадекватен ли си какъв си кой ще ти се подиграва. Какви 5 лева бахти глупавите хора
The real Bulgarians they have nothing to do with the Slavs ..completely different race ! Today Danube Bulgarians are completely mixed , so big part of them is also Slavic but they still have the real Bulgarian line back from the old homeland!
Is it true that Bulgarian have some Asian decent? Beside the Huns conquest.
Trump Aces I'm not entirely sure what you mean by Asian, but the Bulgars (which most certainly make up some percentage of today's Bulgarians' genes) have their origin in Asia, as you can see in the video. If you're talking about East Asian (Mongoloid, as some people may call it) descent, then yeah, it is true - you can definitely see people with east Asian facial features today in Bulgaria.
Huns weren't from east Asia, and most of them most probably didn't look very different from many modern east Europeans/west Asians, although the Romans/Byzantines did describe Attila as having a Mongoloid appearance. The empire of Attila was huge however, and it probably consisted of many different Asian peoples, as well as Europeans (like Germans/Goths), so it's possible that the Huns or the Bulgars (Bulgars were in fact one of the Hunnic tribes - something they don't mention in this biased video) brought some people of east Asian descent with them.
There were of course, the later Mongol invasions (13th c.) and Bulgaria was in fact ruled by a Mongol for a year or so.
Velik_Bulgarin Няма нужда да ме обиждаш. Не съм нито руснак, нито славянин (макар че не отричам че българите имаме и доста славянски гени). Ако ми прочетеш коментара пак ще видиш че не съм казал сме монголи или нещо такова. Съгласен съм като казваш че българите (или прото/пра/или каквото там за да се различават от нас, съвременните българи) имат ирански народ, тва не означава че не са били част от хунското нашествие в Европа (и не само). Мисля че трябва да прочетеш още история И археология от времето на голямото преселение.
Не ми е ного ясно как манипулирам хората, не ми е и ясно ти от къде си взимаш сведиения - това за 90-те% дето си го написал в другия коментар не ми е ясно от къде го измисли
pavel h Пълни глупости си написал. Българите винаги са били индоевропейци. Колкото италианците и французите са източноазиатци, толкова и българите.
Slavic Kk И какво по-точно означана индоевропейци? Защото езика ни е индоевропейски, за това ли? Ами то и индийците, а и нашите цигани, също са индоевропейци.
Истината е че ние българите сме резултат от смесването на много народи от различни етноси, включително и хора от източна Азия, колкото и нищожен да е бил генния им принос. Друг е въпросът колко българи (и не само! Особено и македонците дето обичат да казват че сме били татари) са готови за тази истина. Други тюрко-говорящи групи хора заселили се по нашите земи (ако хуните (и древните българи) въобще са говорили тюркски езици) които не споменах са печенегите и куманите, въпреки че и техния етнос е спорен, отчасти защото в историята куманите са описани като русокоси.
Артефактите от територията на Българската империя на страна, има не малко намерени черепи с източно-азиатски черти. Ако не ти се занимава да се поровиш в археологията и историята, и ако живееш в голям град, просто се огледай около себе си съм сигурен че ще видиш поне един/една етнически/а българин/ка с очевидни монголоидни лицеви черти.
За да не ме разбереш погрешно - това всичкото което го написах не искам да звучи като че ли смятам че сме монголи или нещо от сорта ;)
А до Beelzebub Rules Below , мисля че езика и културата ни са доста славянски
Very interesting, so Bulgaria is an unknown ancient civilization located far away from where it is actually
Bulgarian kalendar is oldest 7000 years.
@@БориславМарков-ч1э Absolutely YES, The Chines kalendar is a proto Bulgarian kalendar, this is only truth, and ect., ect., ect.!!!!
И от там не сме дошли, а и от там сме се върнали ;) Там където българинът е минал град е останал ;) Помнете
Прабългарите са тюркски племена
@@Djanbari Успех ;)
5000 subs with 0 videos challenge докажи го
@@Djanbari защо говорите глупости???
@@Djanbari, глупости, българите са едни от първите хора на планетата. Тюрките са нямали нищо общо с България. Великата китайска стена е построена за да се предпазят от нас.
Good video! English translation is not perfect but the content is mostly historically sound.
The Bulgars were definitely not Turks - they were Iranians (Persians) and not in anyway related to the Mongolian Turks. They only accepted their supremacy for political reasons and to survive. However for a very short period of time.
In their country of origin - Bulchara ( the Persian province of Bactria) to this day there is clear distinction between Persians and Turko- Mongolians (who settled there at a later stage). Ask any Pashtun (biggest ethnicity in Afghanistan) if they are the same as the Khazara people (Mongolians) and they would point you to their ancient and very different cultures.
Daniel Culpepper Bulgars were Iranic peoples by origin both Persians and Bulgars were Iranic peoples by origin even the name Krum is of Iranic origin
Why have they used the Kayi Symbol of Oguz Branch, Dude?
they were turks you idiot
As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30]
The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil).
Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’)
A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ...
Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century.
The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.”
books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press)
The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion.
Eastern Bulgars , Bulgars Ancient Turkic people originating in the region n and e of the Black Sea.
Volga Bulgaria was a northeastern European Turkic state that formed during the 9th century and continued into the first four decades of the 13th century.
Bulgars, Eastern bŭl´gärz, -gərz [key], Turkic-speaking people, who possessed a powerful state (10th-14th cent.) at the confluence of the Volga and the Kama, E European Russia.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press.
(Cambridge University Press)
Population genetic analysis indicated that Conquerors had closest connection to the Onogur-Bulgar ancestors of Volga Tatars.
hizliresim.com/stAHqu (Bulgar genetic proximity)
Thus supporting the view that Tatars may be descendents of ancient Bulgars.
Onogur-Bulgars had been part of the Hunnic people, and after the death of Attila’s son Irnik, European Hun remains fused with the Onogurs.
However, given the common Turkic genetic background of the Bulgars and Khazars, these ethnicities may be difficult to tell apart either archaeologically or genetically.
Most Tatars trace their descent to Volga Bulgars, a medieval Turkic people who have inhabited the Middle Volga and lower Kama region.
Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived.
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features.
According to Antoaneta Granberg : " the data is insufficient to clearly distinguish Huns, Avars and Bulgars one from another" - introduction, the second paragraph :
Both names are best explained as corresponding to Onogundur, an old name in Greek sources for the Bulgars. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/khazars
More Sources:
Its so sweet the way you and Fatlinda Islami post together
It's like you are walking down the street holding hands
@Mādai if we are not Bulgars, then Greeks aren't ancient Greeks.
Fake turk
Why does turkey betray the real Turks--
The Uighurs
@@petertodorov1792 Are Bulgars an Iranic people because the Scythians and Sarmatians and Alans were all Iranic Peoples and Bulgarians are partly an Iranic people and proto - Bulgarians were Iranic people.
@@delaramsalmassi4063 Hello
every time I look for some Bulgarian history to watch all the Bulgarians say it is a lie. Well Which video is an accurate one?! Do any of you really know the truth. Its so stupid. 5 Bulgarians will say what is true and another 5 will say its lies or that some of it is wrong. My suggestion is for you lot to get this sorted
+James Mackenzie This one should be a correct one. The dude speaking is a historian who is held to a very high standard and is generally renowned for getting his facts straight and being objective (i know arguments from authority are not the bestest thing but you know his fame must come from somewhere right?)
+Ivan Gushkov
thank you my friend. Theres no point in trying to learn the language without understanding at least some of the culture. Although there are quite a few thumbs down. I wont ask why
James Mackenzie hey of course its not all truth here mate, I personally take everything i watch with a grain of salt... :)
Ivan Gushkov
yes, I see what you mean. I just looked at history of spain. its the same - people disagreeing. Oh well, this vid will be a start I suppose. Ill stay in touch. Im still collating all my words which should take me another 2 weeks or so then I start to study.
James Mackenzie what exactly is your connection with Bulgaria? Sounds interesting!
This video is product ot Bulgarian nationalism.
Since 1989, Bulgarian nationalism continues to live off cosy reminiscences of the ‘Revival Process’ ideology. Anti-Turkish rhetoric is now reflected in the theories that challenge the thesis of Turkic origin of the Proto-Bulgars. Alongside the ‘Iranian’ or ‘Aryan’ theory, there appeared arguments favouring an autochthonous origin... The ‘parahistoric’ theories, very often politically loaded and have almost nothing to do with objective scientific research in the field of Proto-Bulgarian Studies, could be summarized in several directions:...3)‘Aryan roots’ and the ‘enigmatic Eurasian homeland’. Meanwhile, another group of authors is looking eagerly for the supposed homeland of the ancient Bulgarians in the vast areas of Eurasia, perhaps by conscious or unconscious opposition to the pro-Western orientation of modern Bulgaria. At the same time, with little regard for consistency, they also oppose the Turkic theory, probably because this is in sharp contradiction with the anti-Turkish feelings shared by nationalistic circles. (Dobrev 2005; 2007.) in Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Cristian Emilian ed., Quest for a Suitable Past: Myths and Memory in Central and Eastern Europe, Central European University Press, 2018, ISBN 9633861365, pp. 142-143.
Nope ! Fuck allah
NO Bulgarian supports the FAKE turkic theory
cry pan turk. we aren't turdic.
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features.
The Proto-Bulgarians had a somewhat eventful history prior to their arrival on the Balkan Peninsula. The earliest written sources indicate that they inhabited the region to the north of the Caucasus in the 4th century A.D. and had close contact with the Georgians and Armenians. They belonged to the Turkic ethno-linguistic group and their language resembled that of the Huns, Khazars, Avars and other tribes.
(How the bulgarian state was founded-Dimiter Angelov)
The Oghur, or Onogur or Ogur[3] languages (also known as Bulgar, Pre-Proto-Bulgar,[4]or Lir-Turkic and r-Turkic), are a branch of the Turkic language family. The only extant member of the group is the Chuvash language. The first to branch off from the Turkic family, the Oghur languages show significant divergence from other Turkic languages, which all share a later common ancestor. Languages from this family were spoken in some nomadic tribal confederations, such as those of the Onogurs or Ogurs, Bulgars, and Khazars.[5]Some scholars consider Hunnic a similar language[6] and refer to this extended grouping as Hunno-Proto-Bulgarian.[7]
The only surviving language from this linguistic group is believed to be Chuvash.Harvard Professor Omeljan Pritsak in his study "The Hunnic Language of the Attila Clan" (1982)[10] concluded that the language of the Bulgars was from the family of the Hunnic languages, as he calls the Oghur languages.[11]
According to Antoaneta Granberg : " the data is insufficient to clearly distinguish Huns, Avars and Bulgars one from another" - introduction, the second paragraph
Bolgars are still Turk in Volga region.Mahmud al kashgari wrote bulgar language in his diwan lughat al turk before 1000 years.
Even ilovelanguages made video about bulgar language(volga bulgar poet from Diwan Lughat al Turk)
Stop exaggerating with your nonsense. Islam is a religion, it does not mean that every Muslim is a Turk.
It is very well explained on the basis of 40 years of work what it is true.
@@jsuisheureux1425 stfu history thief
You are the history thief.
You Turks stole the entire Islamic civilization from the Arabs and the Persians and contributed nothing original
cry pan turk. we aren't turdic.
Bulgars were Onogur Turks according to Bulgars🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
Old Great Bulgaria or Great Bulgaria (Byzantine Greek: Παλαιά Μεγάλη Βουλγαρία, Palaiá Megálē Voulgaría), also often known by the Latin names Magna Bulgaria[3] and Patria Onoguria ("Onogur land"),[4] was a 7th-century state formed by the Onogur Bulgars on the western Pontic-Caspian steppe (modern southern Ukraine and southwest Russia).[5] Great Bulgaria was originally centered between the Dniester and lower Volga.
Later Byzantine scholars implied that the Bulgars had previously been known as the Onogurs (Onoğur). Agathon wrote about the "nation of Onogur Bulğars"],Nikephoros I stated that Kubrat was lord of the Onogundurs, Theophanes referred to them as Onogundur Bulgars and Constantine VII remarked that the Bulgars formerly called themselves Onogundurs. Variations of the name include Onoguri, Onoghuri, Onghur, Ongur, Onghuri, Onguri, Onogundur, Unogundur, and Unokundur. There are several theories about the origin of the name Onogur. In some Turkic languages on means "10" and ğur "arrow"; and "ten arrows" might imply a federation of ten tribes, i.e. the Western Turkic Khaganate. Within the Turkic languages, "z" sounds in the easternmost languages tend to have become "r" in the westernmost Turkic languages; therefore, the ethnonym Oghuz may be the source of Oghur; that is, on Oğur would mean "ten clans of Oghuz".
Old Great Bulgaria (Magna Bulgaria[29]), also known as Onoghundur-Bulgars state, or Patria Onoguria in the Ravenna Cosmography.[30][31][20] Constantine VII (mid-10th century) remarked that the Bulgars formerly called themselves Onogundurs.[32]
Both names are best explained as corresponding to Onogundur, an old name in Greek sources for the Bulgars.
Nikephoros I stated that Kubrat was lord of the Onogundurs, Theophanes referred to them as Onogundur Bulgars and Constantine VIIremarked that the Bulgars formerly called themselves Onogundurs. Variations of the name include Onoguri, Onoghuri, Onghur, Ongur, Onghuri, Onguri, Onogundur, Unogundur, and Unokundur.
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Dear Peter Todorov the Bulgars and the Bulgarians were an Aryan/Iranic/Iranian/Indo - Iranian people who is descended from the ancient Aryan/Iranic/Iranian tribes such as the Scythians and the Sarmatians and the Alans and username Bulgarian Nationalist have said the real Bulgarians came from Bactria originally or from Balkhara or Balkh in Persian/Farsi!
Dear Sister,
The Bulgarians are from further east in the Tien Shan mountains.
There is a Lake called the Bulgarian lake Barkol
They went west with their relatives the Kushans
The Kushans took over Balkh/Bactria
The Bulgarians gave their name to Bukhara
They then went to the Caucasus and Armenia
One Bulgarian tribe the Barsils gave their name to the Elburz Mountains
In eastern Iran there is a town named Barsil after them
Armenian sources call them Sarmatians
@@petertodorov9540 So did the Bulgarians come from Tien Shan area in China?
@@petertodorov9540 Dear brother is the city Bukhara in Uzbekistan come from the name Bulgarians?
In the Shanameh Bukhara was founded by Siavush
Who is the Bulgarian/Sarmatian god of truth, light
And righteousness
Бог да го прости🙏
Rip Profesor Dimitrov.
Bulgarians are at the root of world history
we all are. no one came from Mars.
People just want to feel important and relevant, that's all.
Alexandur Plamenov Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha
@Kevin M Bulgarian man made computers.
@@mev6524 He was a half-Bulgarian American and didn't speak a word of Bulgarian. Stop exaggerating, Bulgarians.
за съжаление всеки път когато България се е разцепвала, новите държави помежду си са се смятали за 'други' а в последствие 'другите' се отказват да се самонаричат Българи
Напълно си прав. Чудя се, защо такава страст влагаме да се отричаме от произхода си? В Македония е най-яркото потвърждение на това правило.
@@Hobott , интересното е, че всички държави от рацепената преди това, които не се наричат Българи изчезват. Като гледам и бракята макета на там са се запътили.
Im from Krgyzstn We are Turkic people too. Sorry My English is So Bad. Bulgarain is By Turkic origin too??
no they are sılavic,first bulgars are turkic from onogur(ten oguz) but sılavic population was so much more then bulgarians,, turkic bulgars and rulled this sılavic people until the east roman empire annexed first bulgarian empire, after this fall bulgars used sılavic language, but they named selfs bulgar not with a slavic word, and today they are saying we are bulgars and they are not,
@@senseypires8817 The slavic invasion did not happen as it is nowadays presented. The forest that they are supposes to have come out of cannot even support 10 000 people properly, since its is filled with swamps and huge trees. Agriculture is impossible and hunting is very hard. Tell me now, since apparently this sea of Slavs is supposed to flood the Balkans, how do enough of them survive there? Plus take in to consideration that Herodotus once said that after the Indians, the Thracians are the second biggest population. As for the turkik descent, that is false since DNA tests show that 25% of the population has lived in these lands since 30,000 years.
@@mart4144 yes same thing, we turks good at rule and fight, but not good at Agriculture, sılav = slave bulgars used sılav peaceful(or not) for the Agriculture after east roman empire annex the bulgaria turks used sılavic languages but sılavs used turkis name for national idetiy because sılav = slave, russians have wiking name, serbs have SERF name, most probably sılav thought if we are use bulgarian name our rivals can be avoid from use, because this name have a war history, that is all, but there is some intereting thing, turks and fake bulgarians( i said fake because today still bulgarian people in russia and they have state this is makes sılavic bulgarians fake) have no good historical frend ship but sılavic bulgarians using a turkish name,, very very interesting... and there is another thing, i said turk not turkic, because bulgarians have same origin with anatolian turks, same language not like other turkic people,,, even when ottoman captured all bulgaria, we found real bulgarians they were lived and isolated their language from sılavic others, we found this bulgars and they can speak turkish and they can understant us, they were cover their religion to islam, bu after all wars and fake bulgarian facist leaders they emigrated to turkey today nearly 1 million real bulgar living in turkey, they are not like anatolian turks they were living at bulgaria before the ottmans.
@@senseypires8817 I see. Only things that bother me are that 1st, Bulgaria never had slaves, dont know where you got that from. 2 Bulgaria is the root of the cyrlic alphabet and all cyrlic languages(comes from St.Cyrill and Methode). And at last, Bulgarians have an origin of Thrace. Thrace was the old name of our nation. We still use the same names for cities and rivers. We have the same cultures(if you look at artifacts). We do not have an Anatolian descent as you say we do.
@@mart4144 i said not fake bulgarians have descend from anatolia, i said REAL bulgarians descend from OGUZ turks, look at start of this discuss, there is a Kirghiz, and it is supposed the fake bulgarians turk, me and you knows that they are not,, and i said to him they are sılavic, not turk,that Kirghiz, supposed them turk because today still there is real bulgarians and they are turk and both side have same name, sılavs using and turks using, and this is making confusing, that is all, what is your problem ?
you as historian ar by laghing. utigurs and kutrigurs have stone towns? sorry where they are??? goths are getae dacians next rumuns. in one fact you are right.they come from Asia the original asiatic bulgars disippeard but not because mixed with Alexander soldiers,in Afganistan in fact is because the Basil the Bulgarocton(bulgars killer) wich hunted with passion all asiatic features. one question for you mister historian? do you think your
they are destroyed - the armenian writer at that time write about them
basil ii had no interest in asiac feaures
and also bulgarians have nothing to do with turiks or slavs
However the linguistic impact of the Iranian world on the Turkic Bulgars is indisputable. For instance the name of the founder of Danubian Bulgaria was Asparukh, which is old Iranian in origin: "The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe", Hyun Jin Kim, Cambridge University Press, 2013, ISBN 1107009065, p. 68.
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Fun Fact
Bulgaria is Indo European
Какво е indo-European?
Indo european language family
God speaks in Bulgarian language.
Nah u wrong. We come from middle asia. Our country was called old great bulgaria. When the nation was shattering Khan Kubrat told his sons to go west and to not to separate from each other. However they separated, the founder of bulgaria Khan Asparuh came through Dunav and told that the place he stands is going to be called Bulgaria. His brothers also founded countries but later they got destroyed . So some time passed and Bulgarians discovered that there is seven tribes called slavs. At the time they were attacked by the remainting part of roman empire and they decided to unite. In other word my friend you are completely wrong and if u come in Bulgaria and say that ur going out in a coffin
macedonia is Bulgaria macedonia is Bulgaria
KONSTANTIN XXX thats the point u search from Wikipedia place that everyone can write whatever the fuck they want. Pls just don’t try to convince me that macedonia isn’t Bulgaria
@Just Man can u give me link where u got that information. It also has to be approved by historic. Not online Historic tho, a real one with a degree
Just Man This romania in 10 minutes not bulgaria
I wonder what will come out if I make a DNA test. I am Bulgarian a very mixed one. Maybe I have some Asian in me as well.. Hummm
Ruru Lorey himalaisko hahaha
I did not know I was Bulgarian.. but South/ east Asian and indian showed up on my dna test as well.
OK so I made a DNA test... 47% Balkan, 35 Greek, 13% Asia (China,Bhutan, India mixed )... some Finish and Ashkenazi Jews 😀 for the rest
Dna tests aren’t accurate they are honestly a scam
My dear neighbors: all we have are the theories... we are complicated... I am glad to see how Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey etc. know better than is who are we 😀😀😀
Go and think about your origins and leave ours to us
Haus some say that we came from Iran, other from Volga. Some say that we were here before Bulgaria was even established and the Bulgars escaped the Balkan Peninsula because of some nature factors and after that we returned here. There are different theories... but they are all theories and even we can’t prove them on 100%. As I said- everyone is different
@ Bravo!
Hahahahahahah bro 8th and 9th century for us was called the golden century. We had lands laying on three seas
Being a Turk is nothing to be ashamed of. Your ancestors were slavized
@@mirceadacialorantbrescia4340 we not this is propaganda :D
I think Bulgars descent from North Iranian Persians who escaped the fall of the Achemidian Empire and began to live in the Caucass regions of Asia.
Forget the persian idea...
RLDragonStrider Bulgars are Iranic peoples according to many historians just like Persians, Pashtuns, Ossetians, Jats etc
Robert Stennett actually bulgar comes from “burger” they come from Germanic tribes, that’s where they get there white looks (this is a joke obviously they are Slavic)
Robert Stennett bulgarians aren’t slavic we have less than 10% blonde hair,light eyes and fair skin....
I don’t judge by my looks cuz Im half bulgarian (half black) but i live in Bulgaria and that what I see around me ain’t no slavs
The Volga Bulgars were a Turkic-speaking people who established the second Muslim state in Europe (after the Emirate of Córdoba) in the early fourth/tenth century and ruled over extensive lands and a wide array of people around the middle Volga and Kama Rivers between the second/ninth and early seventh/thirteenth centuries. The Bulgars acted as middlemen between Central Asian merchants and the Rus, and the northern, mainly Finno-Ugric tribes whose main trading commodity was fur, which was greatly valued as a luxury item throughout the Islamic world.
*Mako, Gerald. “The Conversion of the Volga Bulgars: Aḥmad b. Faḍlān b. Al-ʿAbbās b. Rāshid b. Ḥammād (Fl. Fourth/Tenth Century).” Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age: A Sourcebook, edited by Nimrod Hurvitz et al., 1st ed., University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2020, pp. 156-159.*
The period is marked by the migration of the final “permanent residents” of the Balkan Peninsula to the region: these were, most important-because eventually most numerous-the Slavs, but also the Turks (first Bulgars and then Ottomans)
*Wachtel, Andrew. “Early Balkan Everyday Life.” Everyday Life in the Balkans, edited by DAVID W. MONTGOMERY, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 2019, pp. 9-21.*
The Samara is the last westward migrations and military campaigns of, first, the significant tributary of the Volga; past the Samara, the rivers Turkic-speaking Bulgars
*Mochalov, Oleg D., et al. “Historic Records of the Economy and Ethnic History of the Samara Region.” A Bronze Age Landscape in the Russian Steppes: The Samara Valley Project, edited by Oleg D. Mochalov et al., Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press at UCLA, 2016, pp. 63-70.*
The Volga Bulgars , a settled Turkic people, were a society that practiced Islam on the Eurasian steppe
*“Siberia in Eurasian Context.” The Merchants of Siberia: Trade in Early Modern Eurasia, by Erika Monahan, 1st ed., Cornell University Press, 2016, pp. 71-104.*
The Turkic Bulgars were among the first to benefit from the region’s commercial advantages by settling it in the fifth century c.e. and found- ing the city of Bolgar
*“THE KAZAN SCHOOL.” Russian Orientalism: Asia in the Russian Mind from Peter the Great to the Emigration, by David Schimmelpenninck Van der Oye, Yale University Press, New Haven; London, 2010, pp. 93-121.*
The confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers, to the east, was inhabited by the Bulgars, a Turkic people, and the southeastern steppes by the Khazars, another Turkic people who had formed a strong state in the seventh century,
*“Russian Expansion in Kievan Times.” Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier to 1750, by George V. Lantzeff and Richard A. Pierce, McGill-Queen's University Press, MONTREAL; LONDON, 1973, pp. 21-30.*
The Huns of the Western Steppe appear to have formed an element of the later Danubian Bulgars, a Turkic people who, under Asparukh, moved into the Balkans in 680 and founded
*“The Age of Attila the Hun.” Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present, by CHRISTOPHER I. BECKWITH, Princeton University Press, Princeton; Oxford, 2009, pp. 93-111.*
In the mid- ninth century Khan Boris ruled a pagan Bulgaria that was composed of both Turkic Bulgars and Slavs.
*“The Micro-Christendom of Rus'.” Reimagining Europe, by Christian Raffensperger, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England, 2012, pp. 136-185.*
the Turkic -speaking Volga- Kama Bulgars
*“Muslims in Europe: Precedent and Present.” Muslims of Europe: The 'Other' Europeans, by H. A. Hellyer, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2009, pp. 101-120.*
the Bulgars( Turkic speakers who invaded the Balkans in the seventh century)
*“Round Two: The Rise and Spread of Agricultural Societies.” The Next World War: Tribes, Cities, Nations, and Ecological Decline, by ROY WOODBRIDGE, University of Toronto Press, 2004, pp. 49-58.*
served as the secretary of an embassy sent by the Caliph al- Muqtadir to the king of the Turkish Bulgars then living on the lower reaches of the Volga River north of the Caspian Sea.
*“THE BIG CHILL.” Cotton, Climate, and Camels in Early Islamic Iran: A Moment in World History, by Richard W. Bulliet, Columbia University Press, NEW YORK, 2009, pp. 69-95.*
Turkic -speaking Bulgars into the region now known as Bulgaria failed to alter its predominantly Slavic char- acter. The Bulgar ruling class eventually abandoned its Thrkic language and adopted Slavic so completely that no trace of Turkicspeech patterns can be found in any Old Slavic texts.
*“Languages and Literatures.” East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500, by JEAN W. SEDLAR, University of Washington Press, Seattle; London, 1994, pp. 421-457.*
Byzantine power was challenged by Thrkic-speaking Bulgars from the Ukrainian steppe who carved out a tribal state from the empire's Balkan lands.
*“Foreign Affairs.” East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500, by JEAN W. SEDLAR, University of Washington Press, Seattle; London, 1994, pp. 362-400.*
When the Turkic -speaking Bulgars first occupied their present
*“Nobles and Landholders.” East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500, by JEAN W. SEDLAR, University of Washington Press, Seattle; London, 1994, pp. 58-83.*
and with the Turkic people, the Bulgars , on the east bank of the Volga.
*“Conclusions.” Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier to 1750, by George V. Lantzeff and Richard A. Pierce, McGill-Queen's University Press, MONTREAL; LONDON, 1973, pp. 221-230.*
alleged to be constructions of the Turkic Bulgars , are notable.
*Pundeff, Marin. “Bulgarian Historiography, 1942-1958.” The American Historical Review, vol. 66, no. 3, 1961, pp. 682-693.*
They colonised areas of the eastern Balkans and in the seventh century other Slav tribes combined with the Proto-Bulgars, a group of Turkic origin, to launch a fresh assault into the Balkans.
*Crampton, R. (2005). THE BULGARIAN LANDS FROM PREHISTORY TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE BULGARIANS. In A Concise History of Bulgaria (Cambridge Concise Histories, pp. 1-8). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.*
PRIMARY SOURCES do not support your fake turkic theory
The great Persian scientist Abu Zayd al-Balkhi 850-934 AD
Says that Bulgarians worshipped the god
EDFU and his idol FA
In the same text he says the Turks worshipped BIr Tengri
He clearly distinguishes between Bulgarians and Turks
M . Tahir, Le livre de la creation de el-Balhi, Paris , 1899 ,v. IV, 56
Look panturks no tengri in Bulgaria
The great Persian scientist Abu Zayd al-Balkhi 850-934 AD
Says that Bulgarians worshipped the god
EDFU and his idol FA
In the same text he says the Turks worshipped BIr Tengri
He clearly distinguishes between Bulgarians and Turks
M . Tahir, Le livre de la creation de el-Balhi, Paris , 1899 ,v. IV, 56
Look panturks no tengri in Bulgaria
1. Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show the name Bulgarian comes from bulgamak?
2.Give PEIMARY SOURCES that show tengrinism in Bulgaria
We are Bulgarians.We are real warriors!
We are not turks WE ARE BULGARIANS
Floki Vilgerðarson no
Who said you are turk? Claiming Bulgarians are Turkic is an ignorant issue. But even in this video say that Bulgars and Bulgarians are same and Bulgars are not Turkic , that's not propoer knowledge. Bulgars were Turkic and they have created Great Bulgaria, but before Bulgars came to these lands, there had been a local people. They were called Thracians. İf Bulgars didn't make an Empire there. Your name would have been Thracian, that's it. Bulgars were just a aristocrat ruling class, but the people were not Turkic.
-So are Bulgarians used to be Turkic and lost their identity? No they have never been Turkic either, maybe bulgars lost their identity but we don't know what happened to them.
-Are Bulgarians and Bulgars same thing? Absolutely not, This new theory doesn't work and i don't know why do they make up this theory.
Ismail güler have you heard about the bulgars ? Huh huh HUH?!???
Wea are not turks,but Kubrat was hun.Khan is turkic word
@@mladenangelov4186 Kubrat and Asparuh Han Its Turkic name and Blood
Violin, didn't you invent the violin?
As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30]
The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil).
Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’)
A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ...
Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century.
The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.”
books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press)
The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion.
Eastern Bulgars , Bulgars Ancient Turkic people originating in the region n and e of the Black Sea.
Volga Bulgaria was a northeastern European Turkic state that formed during the 9th century and continued into the first four decades of the 13th century.
Bulgars, Eastern bŭl´gärz, -gərz [key], Turkic-speaking people, who possessed a powerful state (10th-14th cent.) at the confluence of the Volga and the Kama, E European Russia.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press.
(Cambridge University Press)
Population genetic analysis indicated that Conquerors had closest connection to the Onogur-Bulgar ancestors of Volga Tatars.
hizliresim.com/stAHqu (Bulgar genetic proximity)
Thus supporting the view that Tatars may be descendents of ancient Bulgars.
Onogur-Bulgars had been part of the Hunnic people, and after the death of Attila’s son Irnik, European Hun remains fused with the Onogurs.
However, given the common Turkic genetic background of the Bulgars and Khazars, these ethnicities may be difficult to tell apart either archaeologically or genetically.
Most Tatars trace their descent to Volga Bulgars, a medieval Turkic people who have inhabited the Middle Volga and lower Kama region.
Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived.
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features.
According to Antoaneta Granberg : " the data is insufficient to clearly distinguish Huns, Avars and Bulgars one from another" - introduction, the second paragraph :
Both names are best explained as corresponding to Onogundur, an old name in Greek sources for the Bulgars. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/khazars
More Sources:
@T R kopyalayıp not defterine kaydedersen bana destek vermiş olursun :)
@T R discordun var mı
@T R milliyetçi bulgarlar hariç hiç kimse inanmıyor çöp bir iddia aynı sümerlerin türklüğü gibi :)
@T R sana dünyanın bütün üniversite kaynaklarını,tarihi belgeleri,ansiklopedi,genetik vs. atabilirim😂😂ön bulgarlar oğuzlar gibi bir türk kabilesidir antropolojik yapıları da turaniddir dilleri huncayla aynıdır
@T R word indir telefona ve bilgisayarına sonra bilgisayrdan kopyalıp word e at sonra telefondan da wordden kullanabilirsin
IMO there was definitely an Eastern Iranian presence in what is now Bulgaria before the Slavic people arrived. You can still see it in the language and some of the customs, even when the Bulgarians started speaking a Slavic language they still used some Eastern Iranian words. The Western Iranian words from Persian came into the language MUCH LATER via Ottoman Turkish.
bulgars were turkic nothing to with iranians.
@Éran Zamin You shut up pls
Gülşah Türk videoyu yapan türk düşmanı ekonomist 2 sene önce tahtalı köyü boyladı😅😅
@@gulsahsaglam5170 sende Turanid yüz mü var bana mı öyle geldi
Fatlinda Islami
You are not a Turk so why do you pretend to be a Turk?
You are a 12 year old Albanian girl who lives with her mommy in Gostivar
Is your mother a Thracian? :))))))
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features.
Why does Turkey betray the Uighurs?
BogAria! Bog - God, Aria - Thrace! 😉
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Highly interesting! How much do we know about the contribution of Franjo Rački, a 19th century Croatian historian, to Bulgarian historiography?
Hi Mirjana, unfortunately Racki isn't popular in Bulgaria nor his "contribution". How much do you know about the meaning of your first name,because is the same like my cousins name?
Bulgarians were from North Caspian steppe Scythian stock that were conquered by Khazar of Turkic tribe. Proto Bulgarians ethnically were related to Daha and Parthian tribes of central Asia that ruled in Iran for centuries after Alexander's conquest of Persia and Sogdiana
😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣nice joke
As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30]
The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil).
Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’)
A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ...
Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century.
The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.”
books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press)
The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion.
Eastern Bulgars , Bulgars Ancient Turkic people originating in the region n and e of the Black Sea.
Volga Bulgaria was a northeastern European Turkic state that formed during the 9th century and continued into the first four decades of the 13th century.
Bulgars, Eastern bŭl´gärz, -gərz [key], Turkic-speaking people, who possessed a powerful state (10th-14th cent.) at the confluence of the Volga and the Kama, E European Russia.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press.
(Cambridge University Press)
Population genetic analysis indicated that Conquerors had closest connection to the Onogur-Bulgar ancestors of Volga Tatars.
hizliresim.com/stAHqu (Bulgar genetic proximity)
Thus supporting the view that Tatars may be descendents of ancient Bulgars.
Onogur-Bulgars had been part of the Hunnic people, and after the death of Attila’s son Irnik, European Hun remains fused with the Onogurs.
However, given the common Turkic genetic background of the Bulgars and Khazars, these ethnicities may be difficult to tell apart either archaeologically or genetically.
Most Tatars trace their descent to Volga Bulgars, a medieval Turkic people who have inhabited the Middle Volga and lower Kama region.
Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived.
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features.
According to Antoaneta Granberg : " the data is insufficient to clearly distinguish Huns, Avars and Bulgars one from another" - introduction, the second paragraph :
Both names are best explained as corresponding to Onogundur, an old name in Greek sources for the Bulgars. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/khazars
More Sources:
@@papazataklaattiranimam As I said the geography of modern Bulgaria was occupied by Turkic warrior tribes. Turkish warrior tribal expansion started after 400 A.D. .We are talking about at list one thousand year earlier.
Bulgarians were never Turkic
1.Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show Tengrinism in Bulgaria
2. Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show the name Bulgarian comes from Bulgamak
@@papazataklaattiranimam по-добре млъкни тъпак
Ottoman empire was based on arabic languege and people they have been asimilated into greeks/armenians today turkish people think they are turkic because of "turk-ey" first 4 latters does not make you turkic :) imgur.com/a/1RrAK2k
"In population genetics, research has been conducted to study the genetic origins of the modern Turkish people (not to be confused with Turkic peoples) in Turkey"
“Previous genetic studies have generally used Turks as representatives of ancient Anatolians. Our results show that Turks are genetically shifted towards Central Asians, a pattern consistent with a history of mixture with populations from this region. These diversity patterns observed in the PCA motivated formal testing of admixture in Armenians and other regional populations.”
“In addition, although some degree of genetic continuity could be expected in Anatolia (i.e. in modern Turks), it should be noted that modern Turks are a hybrid population, comprising of the original Anatolian stock, Turkic people (i.e. of Central Asian ancestry). This is surely reflected in the modern Turkish Y-DNA”
Moreover, results pointed out that language in Anatolia might not have been replaced by the elites, but by a large group of people. Therefore, it can be concluded that the observations do not support the elite dominance model of Renfrew (1987 ; 1991).
The weight for the migration event predicted to originate from the branch ancestral to East Asia into current-day Turkey was 0.217 (21.7%). Although this implies a major population event from the East to West Asia, we note that these weights are not direct estimates of the migration rates. First, the original contributing populations to the ancestral population in Turkey are not known. For instance, we do not know the exact genetic relationship between current-day East Asian populations and the Turkic speakers from Central Asia who migrated into Anatolia about 1,000 years before present.
(Note:%21.7 doesn’t mean %21.7 Turk because first Turks were %40-45 east eurasian not %100 so it means %50 Turk by blood)
DNA from a 2,000-year-old burial site in Mongolia has revealed new information about the Xiongnu, a nomadic tribe that once reigned in Central Asia. Researchers in France studied DNA from more than 62 skeletons to reconstruct the history and social organization of a long-forgotten culture. Skeletons from the most recent graves also contained DNA sequences similar to those in people from present-day Turkey. This supports other studies indicating that Turkish tribes originated at least in part in Mongolia at the end of the Xiongnu period.
The people of modern-day Iran and Turkey trace their genetic heritage to the ancient Persians and the Turkic ethnic people, respectively.
Historically, the racial classification of the Turkic peoples was sometimes given as "Turanid". Turanid racial type or "minor race", subtype of the Europid (Caucasian) race with Mongoloid admixtures, situated at the boundary of the distribution of the Mongoloid and Europid "great races".[53][54]
Some malevolent people or people who do not know enough about the subject try to exaggerate the rate of Turks and Armenians in Anatolia. For example, it is possible to encounter people who claim that approximately 50% of Anatolian Turks are of Greek or Armenian origin. However, when the Ottoman Tahrir registers belonging to the years 1520-1530 are examined, it is concretely revealed that even 93% of the Anatolian people belonged to Turkmen tribes and communities. The non-Muslim population ratio of approximately 10% has remained at the same rates in the last periods of the Ottoman Empire. In some parts of Anatolia, with the effect of Islamization, a small number of indigenous people, who were Muslims, were dissolved in the Turks. Moreover relocation and exchange with the separated Greeks and Armenians from Turkey Turkey genetic structure is completely different from the Turks. Although there was a partial change in the demographic structure of eastern Anatolia with the settlement of Kurds in Eastern Anatolia in the 16th century, it was easier for Muslim Turks and Kurds to merge in that region. Since the 19th century, a significant portion of non-Muslim immigration that took place in Turkey Turks (Caucasus and Balkan Turks) reccommended. These also partially affected the existing population and genetic structure.
As a result, his "ethnic Turks", "Turkmen" or "nomads" as a defining Turkey Turkey genetically Central Asians (Turkmenistan) seems to be quite close to the Turkmens. Turkey is quite obvious they resemble each other in the middle compared the genetic structure of Turkish and Turkmen. Turks and Turkmens belong to the Oghuzs in the historical process and show similarities with each other, both in terms of language, culture or ethnicity. you maintain genetic and historical research, Turkey shows that the Turkmen origin, in other words, the Turkish Anatolian Turks.
Arabic script not Arabic language
@@Nomadicenjoyerplus everything u linked proved the point that modern turkeys are hellenized by alexandar whole antolia which mean turkish people carry greek dna :)
@@cruelty5780 Native Anatolian dna is not hellenic dna
@@Nomadicenjoyerplus most of today greeks are not hellenic in first place but you are dna is south italian/greek at 60% of dna testers i do check soem forums since turkey is banned dna test i wonder why LOL so turks who live in other country did tests and shows higher procent of south italian/greek of turkets and around 30-40% balkans is even less 2% central asia :D
Lmao at all people trying to debunk the information of this video, as if you have any choice over your roots. This makes Bulgarians no different from the Macedonians in reality if this behavior is representative of their general population. The Turkic, Slavic and Thracian origin stories are all wrong and proven wrong in detail here, and you ignore all of it because the fact that you're related to some Asiatic people you used to think were Arabs or "Gypsies" upsets your Eurocentric weak minds. Dimitrov remains one of the most acclaimed historians of Bulgaria after his death, however much how of a self-employed political agent he was.
BulgaroSlav this video is product of bulgarian nationalism
As the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[36][24][26][30]
The Bulgars (also Bolgars or proto-Bulgarians[40]) were a semi-nomadic people of Turkic descent, originally from Central Asia, who from the 2nd century onwards dwelled in the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of river Volga (then Itil).
Bulgars (< Turkic bulgha- ‘to mix, stir up, disturb’, i.e. ‘rebels’)
A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian-Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiongnu (late 3rd cent. ... ...
Many Slavic tribes lived within the boundaries of the state, together with the proto-Bulgarians, a tribe of Turkic origin that had settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 7th century.
The Bulgars were a Turkic tribal confederation that gave rise to the Balkan Bulgar and Volga Bulgar states.The ethynonym derives from the Turkish bulgha-,”to stir,mix,disturb,confuse.”
books.google.com.tr/books?id=c788wWR_bLwC&pg=PA354&redir_esc=y&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=Bulgars&f=false (Harvard University Press)
The Volga Bulgars, a Turkish tribe then living on the east bank of the Volga River, ... the laws of Islam to the Bulgars, who had recently converted to the religion.
Eastern Bulgars , Bulgars Ancient Turkic people originating in the region n and e of the Black Sea.
Volga Bulgaria was a northeastern European Turkic state that formed during the 9th century and continued into the first four decades of the 13th century.
Bulgars, Eastern bŭl´gärz, -gərz [key], Turkic-speaking people, who possessed a powerful state (10th-14th cent.) at the confluence of the Volga and the Kama, E European Russia.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press.
(Cambridge University Press)
Population genetic analysis indicated that Conquerors had closest connection to the Onogur-Bulgar ancestors of Volga Tatars.
hizliresim.com/stAHqu (Bulgar genetic proximity)
Thus supporting the view that Tatars may be descendents of ancient Bulgars.
Onogur-Bulgars had been part of the Hunnic people, and after the death of Attila’s son Irnik, European Hun remains fused with the Onogurs.
However, given the common Turkic genetic background of the Bulgars and Khazars, these ethnicities may be difficult to tell apart either archaeologically or genetically.
Most Tatars trace their descent to Volga Bulgars, a medieval Turkic people who have inhabited the Middle Volga and lower Kama region.
Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived.
The Turkic languages are clearly interrelated, showing close similarities in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Historically, they split into two types early on, Common Turkic and Bolgar Turkic. The language of the Proto-Bolgars, reportedly similar to the Khazar language, belonged to the latter type. Its only modern representative is Chuvash, which originated in Volga Bolgarian and exhibits archaic features.
According to Antoaneta Granberg : " the data is insufficient to clearly distinguish Huns, Avars and Bulgars one from another" - introduction, the second paragraph :
Both names are best explained as corresponding to Onogundur, an old name in Greek sources for the Bulgars. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/khazars
More Sources:
@Sword of Justice Let it go.
@BulgaroSlav I have spoken to 5 to 6 Bulgarians in the last 2 years and one of them is Peter Todorov and the other is Bulgarian Nationalist and they both told me Bulgarians are an Aryan/Iranic/Iranian people. Is this true or not?
@wratch-gd2jq You are most likely a pan - Turk or a zionist to say such things!
in the late 1950's, I was in Turkey from USA . My passport had allowed me to visit in Bulgaria but I was not paid much - Eisenhower vetoed small pay raises :)
What do you mean?
I'm sorry, may be i must to use or speak indonesian language : " Sedikit memberi penjelasan kepada anda bahwa tidak semua fenotip fisik orang asia adalah mongoloid ( kulit kuning, mata sipit, wajah bulat lebar, hidung pesek ada juga yang sedikit mancung, rambut hitam lurus, bertubuh pendek ), saya rasa penjelasan anda itu lebih tertuju kepada ciri fisik orang china, mongol, tibet, dan orang orang asia timur lainnya. Dalam catatan china kuno ciri ciri bangsa turki sebenarnya ( karena sebagian besar bangsa turki dahulu pernah menempati wilayah tersebut tepatnya di wilayah china uatara dan barat, seperti suku oghuz, suku uygur, suku, suku tatar, suku karluk, suku kuman , suku kipchak dan suku suku turki lainnya ) berkulit putih, kelopak mata normal tidak sipit, wajah tidak terlalu lebar namun lebih oval, hidung mancung sedang bahkan juga ada yang lebih mancung, rambut bergelombang namun juga ada yang lurus, warna rambut bervariasi ( ada yang hitam, coklat, merah bahkan pirang ), warna bola mata juga bervariasi tidak seperti kebanyakan orang asia pada umumnya ( ada yang coklat muda, abu abu, hijau, biru, almound ), sekian dulu karena ini hanya permulaan bukan berarti selesai.
That's because we were told that we come of such chinese type of asian.
Yap, kata orang awam Asia identik dengan sipit , pesek, kuning Langsat, padahal Asia lebih beraneka ragam😄
Има една държава Велика много Велика казва се България 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬❤
Много, но велика я правим ние!
А, когато имаме,, ние,, то тогава имаме всичко, защото ние сме нация от,, индивидуалисти,,!
According to Raymond Detrez, the Iranian theory is rooted in the periods of anti-Turkish sentiment in Bulgaria and is ideologically motivated.[196]
She is a 12 year old Albanian girl called Fatlinda Islami
She lives in Gostivar with her mommy
She hates Bulgarians because she found out her real dad is Bulgarian not Albanian
Where is the next episode? I want to know much about mighty Bulgars.
There will hardly be a second episode! Professor Bozhidar Dimitrov passed away on July 1, 2018!
if turkish people are descandes of Oghuz Khan than north macedonians are descandes of Alexandar the Great hahahhahahahhaha
I LOVE BULGARIA 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
people.ucalgary.ca/~vandersp/Courses/texts/jordgeti.html#huns this is the Getica of Jordan, writen in 551 ac, and there is said that Tracia is created after the Guds (Goths, gets, los godos) went from the Lithuania- Kaliningrad- Poland part of Europe, were was Scandza located where Vysla(Vystula) goes into the Baltic sea. There were 3 big migrations- 4000 years ago, befor war of Troy, then when Dacia created (approx 500 bc) and then after the christ to the Black sea where Ukraina is now. Even the Herodotus mentioned in his history that there were Tracs- alies of Troy ( and probably they set up the Troy) and after the defeat of Troy they set up the Rome. And because of the Getae (Goths, Guds, Tracs) the Bulgaria kingdom was able to born and Kievan Russia also- because the Aryans from Lithuania had the knowledge and experience and the power to create the States. Later Grand Duchy of Lithuania set up also
Чак ми идва да се разплача след тоя клип. Нещата които учих от 2008 до 2020 година нямат нищо общо... Никога не се бях замислял логически как едно малка група на Аспарух ще воюва с Византия, та и да спечели.
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab%E2%80%93Byzantine_wars има определено пристрастие от професора, тъй като Източната Римска Империя по това време е водила друга битка, която той дори не споменава. Честно казано ме разочарова, защото се смеем на Македонците, а ние сме същите относно нашата история - промити от комунистическия режим.
Комунистически режим няма приятел. Сега живееш във пропаднал Хамериканска Демокрация и сме на дъното по-всичко.. Така, че не обиждай комунизма като не си живял по-негово време. В комунизма беше рай и хората живяха добре..
@@yourboyisd0p3 Bravo, that is! Браво, така е, но не само от комунистическият болшевишки режим, в крадливата расия, която изопачи, пренаписа и омаскари цялата Българска история, това са фактите, има карти пазени, който 3-я Райх ги е изнамерил и пазил, после , незнайно как са запазени и сега намират път, повечето са публикувани в черният интернет/там не си и не можете да влезете, поне с това което ползвате!!!! Самите византийци гърци, също са си позволявали да изопачават нашата история несъмнено как, но това, което направиха от болшевишкият кремъл, относно нашата история, е мазало, няма държава и пр., която толко нагло и с успех пренаписва българската ни история, НАМА, но хората са с промит мозък, дори и добри и интелигентни люде, още защитават русия и идеята й, няма как, така са учили, лошото е, че след като им се казва, те пак си знаят същото, ЗАПОМНЕТЕ това!!!
Българите са владетели на Ариянският дух и един ден трябва света да научи за велика България, срещу, която има заговор, не случайно, да сме глуха пътека и най-не извергнатият народ от индивидуалисти!!!
Не тъжи Николай!
Ние,пак ще бъдем велики!
Никой няма да превземаме,просто сами ще искат да бъдат българи,тези които имат очи да видят и тези ,които има уши да чуят ...
According to Prof. Raymond Detrez, who is a specialist in Bulgarian history and language, such views are based on anti-Turkish sentiments and in serious scholarly circles it is well known that the Bulgar language was a Turkic one: Developing cultural identity in the Balkans: convergence vs divergence, Raymond Detrez, Pieter Plas, Peter Lang, 2005, ISBN 90-5201-297-0, p. 29
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Как така българите са тюрки бе харпун?
Браћо Бугари, смирите страсти! У сваком случају, англо-саксонци владају и над Вама и над нама Србима и свим осталим Словенима. Уместо да се свађамо и ратујемо међусобно, требало би да сарађујемо.
Та ние сме братя какво да се сваджамо (караме) Дунавска България Ви обича 💕 всички по света независимо от вяра цвят и прочее,,, КАЗАХ!
първо: ЩОМ ГОВОРИШ ЗА ЧИСТА НАЦИЯ НЕ четеш това което ти пиша за
второ: за Турците В българия съм ти дал достатачно доказателства впредишните ми постове АДЕ ЧЕТИ
Мидхат Паш.Той е бил образован човек, завършил Сорбоната и в статия във френско списание през 1868 година пише: В днешните български земи има около милион, милион и нещо мюсюлманско население, което няма нищо общо с турския етнос, а това са мюсюлмани, наследници на ислямизирани, по-често насилствено, българи. АКО ИСКАШ ДА СПОРИШ СПОРИ С МИДХАТ ПАША НЕ С МЕН
една от най-големите и опасни заблуди у нас е, че има някакви български турци. Първото следствие от тази измама е свързано с претенциите на Турция да брани техните интереси, което тя с превелико удоволствие прави. До степен да се е обзавела у нас със своя „пета колона” и чрез нея да оказва често силно влияние в свой интерес върху нашата външна и вътрешна политика. Трябва да отбележим, че в същата посока действа и руската дипломация, която на Балканите има за своя основна политическа линия да не допусне възраждането на Голяма България отпреди падането ни под Османско владичество.
След Освобождението в Североизточна България при първото преброян;ване на населението като турци са се определили само около 4 хиляди души и 105 хиляди като татари. Впоследствие под руски натиск и главно поради користните теснопартийни интереси на българските политици тези татари са се превърнали в турци. За сведение на неизкушените в нашата истинска история, татарите само преди около 200 години са наричани карабулгар, те са наши кръвни родственици, приели исляма за разлика от нас в Дунавска България. Заселили са се в тази част на страната ни по различно време, но най-нагъсто през ХVІІ век.
Т. нар. турци в Южна България и особено в Източните Родопи са потомци на ислямизирани българи пак през същото столетие. Фактът, че това е станало предимно като доброволен акт, не променя нещата. И тези хора там са потомци на българи, те са наши кръвни братя и сестри. Те са помаци, които са позабравили това, защото говорят на някакъв стар турско-български диалект. Ето го и обяснението на обстоятелството, че между българите и „българските турци” няма наслоена злоба, няма етническо напрежение, а има всички условия за разбирателство. Дели ни само вярата, но днес и това е разрешим проблем, стига да работим за общата ни родина, а не за съседна държава.
Умно и грамотно казано!
Радвам се да видя човек като тебе тук! Браво!
dzhoshkun mahmudov
Моите почитания към интереса ти свързан с българската история, но трябва да отбележа, че си от обратната страна.Тоест не си от моята страна.Съветвам те да четеш изворовия материал!Чети статията в оригинал на френски и ще ти светне лампичката ,че си в грешка.Това ,което предлагаш на аудиторията е Уикипедия.Това е несериозно!Особено като се има пред вид , че това твоето: "Чети до края" се отнася не до изворов материал ,тоест не до изказването на Мидхат паша , а до някакъв допълнителен коментар на неговто изказване.Та този коментар от днешна, доста изкривена гледна точка, се опитва след 140 години да ни светне какво е мислил по онова време пашата.Хайде моля без глупости!Ако искаш да те уважават хората не може да ползваш такива коментари нито като извор ,нито като каквото и да е доказателство на която и да е теза!Това е просто несериозно и няма нищо общо с историята!И ако искаш да си поизясниш картинката за себе си вземи ,че попрегледай материалите свързани с ДНК генеалогията на българите!Поинтересувай се защо в Турция спряха ДНК изследванията и защо засекретиха резултатите, даже и специален закон са приели по този въпрос доколкото се чува из научните среди.За да те облекча ще ти спомена,че у днешните български граждани има само 1,5% носители на турски гени.Ако приемем ,че тези гени са само сред тези ,които се мислят за турци в България, то излиза,че 15% от българските турци имат турски ген.Останалите 85% са без него!Много тъжно за Пантюркизма.И за да си по-спокоен ще ти кажа какво ми подхвърли един турски генетик.Човек,който е дълбокоуважаван като специалист и извън Турция.Според него: "Република Турция направи най-мащабното изследване в света и го засекрети защото, между Истамбул ,река Марица и българо-турската граница 90 % от гражданите носят български гени.В самия Стамбул с български гени са само 2%. По западното крайбрежие на Мала Азия носителите на български ген са почти 60%.В централен Анадол българския ген е около и под 1% ,което е в рамките на статистическата грешка.Изследването беше засекретено защото се оказа,че на изток в турски Кюрдистан в някой райони с български ген се оказват 40% от гражданите.По време на Османската империя е имало масови преселвания на българи от европейските вилаети в Кюрдистан."След тази информация аз бях стъписан.Професорът като ме погледа колко съм шокиран кротко добави,че в 60% от гените си той е българин, но е възпитан ,че е турчин и в тяхния род винаги се е говорело на турски и са се смятали за турци.Нямаше какво да му кажа.А на теб ще напомня ,че Мустафа Кемал паша е мюсулманин,чиито матерен език е български.Поинтересувай се как той определя България и какво мисли за враговете на България.Историческите и генетични реалности са едно а пропагандата и политиката са съвсем друго нещо.И не е пропаганда а научна истина ,че български турци в България почти няма, 75 000 души, но виж турци с български корен в Турция са милиони, без да го знаят.И моля пиши на Кирилица ,за да те уважаваме като събеседник!
Bulgars (Turkic bulgha-'to mix, stir up, disturb', i.e. 'rebels') A Turkic tribal union of the Pontic steppes that gave rise to two important states: Danubian Balkan Bulgaria (First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018) and Volga Bulgaria (early 10th century-1241). They derived from Oghuric-Turkic tribes, driven westward from Mongolia and south Siberia to the Pontic steppes in successive waves by turmoil associated with the Xiungnu and subsequently by warfare between the Rouran/Avar and northern Wei states. in Oliver Nicholson, The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity, Oxford University Press, 2018, ISBN 0192562460, p. 271..
The area was thus intimately known at an early stage to the Byzantine Empire. By the late seventh century Bulgar ( Turkic ) tribes had crossed the Dan- ube southward and formed the basis of a kingdom under the khans.
“Orthodox Life under and after Islamic Dominion.” The Eastern Orthodox Church: A New History, by JOHN ANTHONY McGUCKIN, Yale University Press, New Haven; London, 2020, pp. 181-214.
On the other hand, Arzhantseva argues that some of the fortresses were captured by the Turkic peoples who were likely to be Kuban Bulgars
Vorderstrasse, Tasha. “Buddhism on the Shores of the Black Sea: The North Caucasus Frontier between the Muslims, Byzantines, and Khazars.” The Archaeology of Medieval Islamic Frontiers: From the Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea, edited by A. Asa Eger, University Press of Colorado, Louisville; Colorado, 2019, pp. 168-194.
The Bulghars coming into the Balkans in the seventh and eighth centuries soon lost their Turkic language and accepted Christianity in its Greek guise.
Amitai, Reuven. “ISLAMISATION IN THE SOUTHERN LEVANT AFTER THE END OF FRANKISH RULE: SOME GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AND A SHORT CASE STUDY.” Islamisation: Comparative Perspectives from History, edited by A. C. S. Peacock, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2017, pp. 156-186.
The Horde’s population was mostly comprised of different Turkic- speaking groups such as the Cuman-Qipchaqs and the Volga Bulghars
KOVÁCS, SZILVIA. “Taydula: A Golden Horde Queen and Patron of Christian Merchants.” Along the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia: Generals, Merchants, and Intellectuals, edited by Michal Biran et al., 1st ed., University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2020, pp. 194-212.
now known to us only from fragments of the Turkic language of the Bulghars on the middle Volga in early Islamic times and from modern Chuvash
Bosworth, C. Edmund. “THE ORIGINS OF THE SELJUQS.” The Seljuqs: Politics, Society and Culture, edited by CHRISTIAN LANGE and SONGÜL MECIT, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2011, pp. 13-21.
in the 460s that we have firm evidence for Turkic-speaking peoples. The Oghuric Turks (Oghurs, Shara Oghurs, Ono- ghurs, Bulghars , and others), however, spoke a form of Turkic that is distinct from what has come to be termed Common Turkic.
Golden, Peter B. “Some Thoughts on the Origins of the Turks and the Shaping of the Turkic Peoples.” Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World, edited by Victor H. Mair, University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, 2006, pp. 136-157.
The Volga Bulgars were a Turkic -speaking people who established the second Muslim state in Europe (after the Emirate of Córdoba)
Mako, Gerald. “The Conversion of the Volga Bulgars: Aḥmad b. Faḍlān b. Al-ʿAbbās b. Rāshid b. Ḥammād (Fl. Fourth/Tenth Century).” Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age: A Sourcebook, edited by Nimrod Hurvitz et al., 1st ed., University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2020, pp. 156-159.
Kama and the Volga, was dominated by the Bul- gars, a Turkic people who had settled there in the seventh century.
“The Volga.” Rivers in Russian Literature, by Margaret Ziolkowski, University of Delaware Press, Newark, 2020, pp. 63-101.
Bulgar - Turkic tribes known as Onogurs, us, there is much consensus regarding their cultural achieve- from which the name Hungarian derives.
“Central Europe, 9th Century.” Historical Atlas of Central Europe: Third Revised and Expanded Edition, by Paul Robert Magocsi, University of Toronto Press, Toronto; Buffalo; London, 2018, pp. 10-12.
The Turkic -speaking Bulgars themselves appear not to have been very numerous, perhaps no more than ten thousand warriors who took over the leadership of a larger group
Wachtel, Andrew. “Early Balkan Everyday Life.” Everyday Life in the Balkans, edited by DAVID W. MONTGOMERY, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 2019, pp. 9-21.
The Bulgar peoples had settled in present-day Bulgaria in the seventh century, forming the so-called First Bulgarian Empire. The Bulgars were originally a Turkic people who had intermarried with Slavs after settling in the Balkans.
“Who Has Authority over Newly Christianized Nations?” Twenty Questions That Shaped World Christian History, by Derek Cooper, 1517 Media, Minneapolis, 2015, pp. 137-154.
At the time,the new Khazar qaganate was expanding westward,squeezing out the Onogurs,or Bulghars as they begin to be named. One of the Kuvrat’s sons,the Asparuch (Asparux,Isperih) now celebrated as the founder of Bulgaria,forcibly crossed to the Danube arpund 679 to occupy imperial territory Moesia after defeating the forces of Constantine IV (668-685). The event is recorded in the preserved text of a Hebrew letter of a Khazar qahan,who wrote that the Vununtur(=Onogurs=Bulghars) has fled across the Duna,the Danube. Even if numerous for the steppe,Asparuch’s pastoralist warriors and their families were of necessity relatively few as compared to the agricultural Slav population that lived south of the Danube,and thus the Turkic-speaking Bulghars were assimilated linguistically by the Slav majority to form the medieval and modern Bulgarians. This particular ethnogenesis occuree gradually over a period of more than two centuries: there was the Turkic qan (or khan) Krum (803-814),Qan Omurtag (814-831),Qan Presian (836-852),then the wan who converted Boris I (852-889);then came Tsar Symeon (893-923), Tsar Peter I (927-970),and so on.But this transformation of Turkic shamanists into Slavic Christians did nothing to diminish the warlike character of the empire’s new neighbours. Because even warlike neighbours can be useful at times,the relations between the empire and the new Bulghar qaganate encompassed every possible variation,from intimate allience to all out-war,as exemplified by the career of the Bulghar qan or khan Tervel (or Tarvel-Terbelis in our Greek sources),the successor and probably son of Asparukh who ruled for some twenty-one years within the period 695-721,extant chronologies being inconsistent.
“Bulghars and Bulgarians.” The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire, by EDWARD N. LUTTWAK, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England, 2009, pp. 173
The strategic and economic importance of this juncture is clear: in an age when much long-distance travel was by water, the confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers provided a three-way maritime link between Europe, the Near East, and East Asia. The Turkic Bulgars were among the first to benefit
“THE KAZAN SCHOOL.” Russian Orientalism: Asia in the Russian Mind from Peter the Great to the Emigration, by David Schimmelpenninck Van der Oye, Yale University Press, New Haven; London, 2010, pp. 93-121.
The confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers, to the east, was inhabited by the Bulgars, a Turkic
people, and the southeastern steppes by the Khazars, another Turkic people who had formed a strong state in the seventh century, barring alike the westward movement of other nomadic tribes
“Russian Expansion in Kievan Times.” Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier to 1750, by George V. Lantzeff and Richard A. Pierce, McGill-Queen's University Press, MONTREAL; LONDON, 1973, pp. 21-30.
The Bul- gars, a Turkic people, unlike the Slavic Croats and Serbs, moved south ofthe Danube in 679 and soon created a state, in which the numerically small Proto- Bulgarelement in due course became completely assimilated with the Slavic majority
“Antecedents and Antipodes.” The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics, by IVO BANAC, Cornell University Press, Ithaca; London, 1984, pp. 21-140.
The word boyar is of Turkic origin, introduced into the Balkan Peninsula by the Bulgars in the 7th century. As the Turkic -speaking Bulgar conquerors became Slavicized, they joined with the Slavic clan chiefs
“Nobles and Landholders.” East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500, by JEAN W. SEDLAR, University of Washington Press, Seattle; London, 1994, pp. 58-83.
" Bulgar " originally designated a Turkic -speaking people; now it designates the Slavic-speaking people who assimilated them.
“National Symbols and the International Recognition of the Republic of Macedonia.” The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World, by Loring M. Danforth, Princeton University Press, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, 1995, pp. 142-184.
@Peter Todorov
Here's a video for you
1. Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show the name Bulgarian comes from bulgamak?
2.Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show tengrinism in Bulgaria
Nice theory kiddo😅😅
According to Raymond Detrez, the Iranian theory is rooted in the periods of anti-Turkish sentiment in Bulgaria and is ideologically motivated.[196]
According to Prof. Raymond Detrez, who is a specialist in Bulgarian history and language, such views are based on anti-Turkish sentiments and in serious scholarly circles it is well known that the Bulgar language was a Turkic one: Developing cultural identity in the Balkans: convergence vs divergence, Raymond Detrez, Pieter Plas, Peter Lang, 2005, ISBN 90-5201-297-0, p. 29
1. Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show the name Bulgarian comes from bulgamak?
2.Give PEIMARY SOURCES that show tengrinism in Bulgaria
Александър Македонски друг път е покорил българите.
Съжалявам моя грешка.
Alexander was BULGARIAN!
aleksandur makedonski ne e potrqbval da gi pokori kato cqlo shtoto sa saglasiha da budat negovi i da se priemat v negovata empariq .. ne e imala voina
i alexander ne e imal nishto obshto s bulgaria sushto.
Ами като за начало Александър Македонски е умрял хиляда години преди Българите да стигнат Европа :) (Управление: 336-10 юни 323 г. пр. н. е.) Това е все едно да кажеш че викингите не са могли да покорят Съветския Съюз.
Hungarians, Bulgarians, ... :)))))))))))))))) Who do the Romanians come from? :)))))
:)))))))))))) Turkish alphabet is Latin, in the past it was Arabic! ...
Lethean this video is completely joke🤣🤣
@@bogdanstanescu4509 are you joke? Before arabic we used our alphabet so called Göktürk. After that arabic then latin
Gokturks took their alphabet from the Sogdians
Then you took your civilization from the Arabs and the Persians
Then you took your final alphabet from the West
You were never able to create your own original civilization
Svetoslavъ Panayotovъ .Превод,,,,Bulgarians are the fondation of human history".
@@yellowhammer9103 why you think like that?
Извадка от интервю на френския президент Франсоа Митеран (може да се намери на сайта на френското президентство):"...Moi je forme beaucoup de voeux pour le peuple bulgare pour lequel j'ai, en le connaissant un peu, pas assez bien entendu, une vraie sympathie. Je ne connais pas assez, non plus, sa culture mais je sais de quelle façon il fait vraiment partie des peuples fondamentaux, de ceux qui ont fait la civilisation de notre continent. "...
In Silesia is tale that Silesia has been founded by Bulgari. Before in Silesia was Hrobracki kraj. After bulgarian co quest name has been renamed to Shild'laśya. But some ages later bulgarian bad ruling. And Silesian rise up. Silesian defeat Bulgari and create Great Moravia with Bohems and Nitrate people.
Its real? I don't know. No witted proofs. But I believe that in every story or tale is some true.
Not "Bulgari" - what you wrote was about the Avars!
Крайно време е да спрат споровете, защото малкото което е останало е на изчезване
The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari,[1] Proto-Bulgarians[2]) were Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes that flourished in the Pontic-Caspian steppe and the Volga region during the 7th century. They became known as nomadic equestrians in the Volga-Ural region, but some researchers say that their ethnic roots can be traced to Central Asia.[3] During their westward migration across the Eurasian steppe, the Bulgar tribes absorbed other ethnic groups and cultural influences in a process of ethnogenesis, including Indo-European, Finno-Ugric and Hunnic tribes.[4][5][6][7][8][9] Modern genetic research on Central Asian Turkic people and ethnic groups related to the Bulgars points to an affiliation with Western Eurasian populations.[9][10][11] The Bulgars spoke a Turkic language, i.e. Bulgar language of Oghuric branch.[12] They preserved the military titles, organization and customs of Eurasian steppes,[13] as well as pagan shamanism and belief in the sky deity Tangra.[14]
The Bulgars became semi-sedentary during the 7th century in the Pontic-Caspian steppe, establishing the polity of Old Great Bulgariac. 635, which was absorbed by the Khazar Empire in 668 AD.
In c. 679, Khan Asparukh conquered Scythia Minor, opening access to Moesia, and established the First Bulgarian Empire, where the Bulgars became a political and military elite. They merged subsequently with established Byzantine populations,[15][16] as well as with previously settled Slavic tribes, and were eventually Slavicized, thus forming the ancestors of modern Bulgarians.[17]
The remaining Pontic Bulgars migrated in the 7th century to the Volga River, where they founded the Volga Bulgaria; they preserved their identity well into the 13th century.[12] The Volga Tatars and Chuvash people claim to have originated from the Volga Bulgars.[12][18]
Why does Turkey betray the Uighurs?
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
Bulgaria is oldest country in Europe. Bulgaria is first national state in Europe which adopt Christianity and Bulgarian church became first national independent church in Europe in year 927. Bulgarians created Bulgarian Civilization with Bulgarian language, Bulgarian alphabet Cyrillic and Orthodox Christianity. Bulgarians spread Christianity and the Bible, translated into Bulgarian language and written in Cyrillic, among the so-called "Slavs" and incorporated most of the "Slavs" into Bulgarian civilization, including the Russians. All so-called "Slavic" languages are created on the basis of Bulgarian language. Russian language and so-called "Slavic" languages on the Balkans are dialects of Bulgarian language. Today about 300 million people in Eurasia including Russia use Bulgarian writing system Cyrillic as the official alphabet.
Колко много хора от други държави коментират.Няма лоша реклама.И какво мислите за Куманите.Асеновата и Шишмановата династия са от Кумански произход - факт. Даже и в днешна Македония има град Куманово.Много се подценява този фактор - лично мнение.
Съжалявам ги даже. По-скоро се питам, какво се опитват да докжат с това? Няма да могат да пренапишат историята така или иначе, ние винаги ще сме нацията, която сме и която е била. А те нека да си говорят, дали сме тюрки, турци, авари, хуни, славяни и т.н. Ние сме Българи! И поне знаем за своята история много повече от тях :) По-скоро за това ги е яд и се опитват да всяват смут.
Since 1989, Bulgarian nationalism continues to live off cosy reminiscences of the ‘Revival Process’ ideology. Anti-Turkish rhetoric is now reflected in the theories that challenge the thesis of Turkic origin of the Proto-Bulgars. Alongside the ‘Iranian’ or ‘Aryan’ theory, there appeared arguments favouring an autochthonous origin... The ‘parahistoric’ theories, very often politically loaded and have almost nothing to do with objective scientific research in the field of Proto-Bulgarian Studies, could be summarized in several directions:...3)‘Aryan roots’ and the ‘enigmatic Eurasian homeland’. Meanwhile, another group of authors is looking eagerly for the supposed homeland of the ancient Bulgarians in the vast areas of Eurasia, perhaps by conscious or unconscious opposition to the pro-Western orientation of modern Bulgaria. At the same time, with little regard for consistency, they also oppose the Turkic theory, probably because this is in sharp contradiction with the anti-Turkish feelings shared by nationalistic circles. (Dobrev 2005; 2007.) in Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Cristian Emilian ed., Quest for a Suitable Past: Myths and Memory in Central and Eastern Europe, Central European University Press, 2018, ISBN 9633861365, pp. 142-143.
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
When I walk around the streets, I can see completely different faces and features. I can see it among the whites in Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, England, Spain, Germany, France and wherever I have ever been. People have different genes among their so called 'own ethnic groups'. People that identify as 'Bulgarians' not necessarily have the same genetic origin. The same goes for other ethnic groups. It is impossible for people to have 'pure' genes of a certain 'ethnic' group. 'Bulgarian' is an identity. 'Greek' is an identity - sense of belonging to something, a human need being it to be to nation, organisation, sport or team if you want. I do not like how this former communist is telling me what am I and explaining the world where do my 'ancestors' come from. 'Bulgaria' is just a name kept from 'Bulgars' - genes, language etc is absorbed from diverse other pools. No Bulgarian has exactly the same genes with other Bulgarians. The same goes for Greeks, Serbians, French, Scottish etc.. I know that what I have been told is a lie. I know that i am something much more and I am mixture of diverse genes. Go and make yourself ancestry DNA test and see that you are not as pure as you think you are - wherever you come from - you, the reader of my comment. It ends up we are diverse yet all human. I believe on science and the future - not the stories from the past that do not have legitimate scientific outlook. Blood gives more data as to what you are made up of than you, being just told what are. Furthermore - history is a curse - it promotes hatered among the human capital and does not serve as tool to teach us lessons. History should be called 'archeology' and should outline that it covers at points evident, and moreover -theoretical outlook. It should not be mandatory in any system. The educational systems could brainwash the kids in a different way to give them higher developmental perspective, especially now in a technological world where we need new developmental perspectives.
Martin, I felt like I was reading my own thoughts!
That is very reasonable. But DNA markers are still too non specific to discriminate different ethnic groups.
And from this teory we get some questions. We know that Volga Bulgaria was one of the 3 most powerfull countries in the world. Why they didnt take back the lost teritory if this 2 countryes were so powerfull? Why Asparuh atack Roman Empire, when he know about the agreement? Why the belive about Tangra is found in house of Kubrat? Why no one say anything about a hudge country like that? How Asparuh lost so much of teritory on north whit such a powerfull army? And 1 very important question, why Asparuh take control of the west part of the country, when he have 3 bigger brothers?
Volga and Kazan Bulgars are speaking Turkish. All ancient Bulgars too. They are not İranian or Armenian.
There are no Volga (Kazan) bulgars. They've been exterminated by tatars (turkic people)
Volga Bulgars spoke Turkic long before mongol empire🤣🤣even Mahmud al Kashgari and Ahmad ibn Fadlan wrote
Population genetic analysis indicated that Conquerors had closest connection to the Onogur-Bulgar ancestors of Volga Tatars.
hizliresim.com/stAHqu (Bulgar genetic proximity)
Thus supporting the view that Tatars may be descendents of ancient Bulgars.
Onogur-Bulgars had been part of the Hunnic people, and after the death of Attila’s son Irnik, European Hun remains fused with the Onogurs.
However, given the common Turkic genetic background of the Bulgars and Khazars, these ethnicities may be difficult to tell apart either archaeologically or genetically.
Most Tatars trace their descent to Volga Bulgars, a medieval Turkic people who have inhabited the Middle Volga and lower Kama region.
Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived.
fuck allah
@@papazataklaattiranimam please take some braincells KOPIUM
Here some middle ages proofs about that.. Joannes Zonaras (12th century):
"[...] Paeonians - Latins or Thracian people, Macedons. These are so-called Paeonians. Paeonians are Bulgarians [...]"
Johannes Tzetzes (12th century):
"[...] The Paeonians are Bulgarians [...]"
Gilo Tusculanus (11th century):
"[...] Bulgarians who are named Thracians according to the previous (older) monuments [...]"
John Malalas (6th century):
"[...] Achilles left with the Atreidai, bringing his own army of 3000 of the men known then as Myrmidons but known now as Bulgars [...]"
Michael Attaleiates (11th century):
"[...] The Moesi are certainly Bulgarians who later received their new name. [...] the Bulgarians are the Myrmidons [...]"
Joan Ekzarh (10th century):
"[...] The Thessalian Myrmidons of Achilles are Bulgarians [...]"
Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator (5th century):
"[...] The Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people [...]"
Magnus Felix Ennodius (6th century):
"[...] The Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people [...]"
Demetrios Chomatenos (13th century):
"[...] This Great father and enlightener of Bulgaria was from the European Moesians by origin, which the people usually know also as Bulgarians [...]"
Anastasius Bibliothecarius (4th century):
"[...] The Bulgarians have united their homeland in accordance to their blood right [...]"
Leo the Deacon (10th century):
"[...] For the Byzantines, the words Moesians, Scythians, and Bulgarians mean the same thing, they use them as synonymes [...]
V-VI century
- Ioannes Malalas: "The so called Achilles went with Atreidai and led his own army of three thousand men, then called Myrmidons and now Bulgarians" - page 97 www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/0491-0578,_Ioannes_Malalas,_Chronographia_(CSHB_Dindorfii_Recensione),_GR_LT.pdf picture from the text in Greek: facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150315761464099&set=o.122376701166845&type=1&theater
- Michael Attaleiates: History - ''the Moesi ... are certainly Bulgarians who later received their new name ... Bulgarians Myrmidons ..."
- John Zonaras: ''Paeonians - Latins or Thracian people of Macedonia. These are so-called Paeonians. Paeonians were Bulgarians. "
- Johannes Tzetza: ''Pyros and Akamas (native) of the Thracian Hellespont, Maronietza Evfimos son of Treziius, Pirehmie, who was of the Paeonians they were all from the Bulgarians, from those of the river Axios, also called Vardar'' (see photo with Greek text).
XI century
- ''Bulgarians who are named Thracians according to the previous (old) monuments'' - „Hinc iter aggressi per fines Vulgariorum, quos vocitant Thracas, ut habent monumenta priorum“ - Fulcher of Chartres, a French priest, (a description of the first crusade in 1096)
III-IV century
- Mavro Orbin cites evidence of Marcus Aurelius Kasiodor that Bulgarians fought with the Romans about 390 AD.
- Cassiodorus writes that the Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people
- Ennodius Ticinensis (473-524, Bishop, court historian of the Gothic King Theodoric) indicate that Bulgarians are old Moesian and Illyrian people.
- 4th century map (see photo) by St. Jerome (331-420) - Mesia hec & Vulgaria (Misia here and Bulgaria). It is composed by even older maps - Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea (270 to 33, called the "father of church history." The map is preserved in a copy of the 12th century. letopisec.blog.bg/photos/123281/original/Karta_Ieronim_4_vek22222.jpg
I-II century
-Flavius Josephus writes ''Dacians called Bulgarians''
In addition:
- Ravennatis Anоnymi Cosmographia: „Inter vero Tratiam vel Macedoniam et Mysiam inferiorem modo Bulgari habitant, qui ex super scripta maiore Scythia egressi sunt.” upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Karte_Ravennat.jpg
- Demetrios Chomateno: Brief Life of Clement Ohridski - ''This great Father was a native from the European Moesians, people usually known as Bulgarians. They were displaced in the old days by the military power of Alexander of placement of Brusa, Olympus to the North Atlantic and the Dead Sea, and after a long time with terrible army crossed the Danube and invaded all the neighboring areas: Pannonia and Dalmatia, Thrace and Illyricum, and and much of Macedonia and Thessaly
Bulgarians are Thracians as Albanians are Illyrians, they are ancient peoples!🇦🇱🇧🇬
Здравей, Албански ми пиятею..... Изучи и виж,че албанците са част от нашите....
@Jd Pv Тебе не съм те учил да говориш така.... Мустсфа....
@Jd Pv Пирин е български, па ако сакаш ела си го вземи....
@Çağdaş lies. Only in your dreams. Just give up.
Says the Turkified Chengeney ruled by a Georgian Sultan
Kubrat=Attila Csak másik időszámítás szerint. (krisztus születése, Nagy Sándor halála, Julianus naptár, Kusán naptár.
Tévedésbők, ugyan az a történet többször is szerepel.
:) Were the Bulgarians Slavs?
We are Slavs for sure. There are numerous videos that spread nonsense that promotes the idea of ''Bulgars'' or ''Thracians''.
Bulgars are extinct (with possible descendents of theirs being the Chuvash and Tatar people). Thracains are also extinct, and unlike the Bulgars, the Thracians had an obviously visible impact, that being the genetic one on Bulgarians, Romanians, Serbs and some Greeks. But still, we are by origin and essence Slavic people just like any other Slavic nation. Bulgaria is an important part of the Slavdom, Cyrillic alphabet being the most notable example.
@@sandman5235-d6m :)))))))) Chiliric alfabet is greek alfabet for slav!
If it weren't for Bulgaria, Slavic languages wouldn't exist today.
Yes, I try to PREACH where it´s possible. Despite I don´t approve WIKI and similar in many cases, you can always refer to WIKI regarding 681 AD. That year was found modern Bulgaria. During that time there exist no Turks nor Turkey - only Bulgaria and Byzantium. Simple. Further, Bulgaria/Vulgaria is written on a Byzantine map already in the 2th c. AD. No Turks or Türks exist. In China, Bulgarians were known as Huns, much older than any invented Türks, who are actually descendents from a mixture between older Koreans and older Bulgars (Huns). It´s quite clear and shouldn´t be confusing. Those who try to confuse are probably TROLLS, or really stupid ppl.
@AC LOL, Bulgarians are NATIVE Europeans and Oldest on the Balkans - even in Europe. Bulgarians arriving from the East is “Fake news” and is not based on any historic facts nor documents. There is not a single Latin/Greek/Byzantine source which states that Bulgarians are Newcommers or “Türkic”. On the contrary, all ancient sources write that Bulgarians are the Oldest. They are ancient Thracians-Pelasgians: Paeonians, Macedonians, Mizians/Moesians, Tribali, Dacians, Geths, etc… ALL ARE ANCIENT BULGARIANS with different names. Well Germans, for example, have 4 different name - it means not that they are 4 different ppl.
@AC Further, regarding the Bulgarian looks, you can just see pictures from early Middle Ages (when there existed not other European countries but Bulgaria), that Bulgarians look European/Caucasian. There exist no ethnic “Slavic” ppl and never existed. Allk is a LIE. When Bulgarians-Paeonians lived in Central Europe in the 5th c AD, there existed no “Hungary”. And Àtilla was Bulgarian, not Turkish or Avar. I hope you have learn something, dude.
U see right here ur wrong and ur dumb af
i wanna hear about pra-chines or pra-italians or pra-mongolians hahahahhahahaha love anatolian greeks tell me what i am
got any more of them pixels
Ето линк от прабългарска бронзова розетка. Фокусирайте вниманието си върху средните руни прости.
Сега проверете старите руни и символа на племето Кайи, които са приети от техните предци.
Любопитен съм от отговорите на днешните славяни, които се наричат българи.
@Peter Todorov The Turkic Khanates are much older than Pliska Rosette. The Kai are the results of Turkic Khanates.
@Peter Todorov You're conclusion is wrong. The first people which call themselves Bulgarians was not older than turkic words.
From that logic you can start Bulgarian history from the first human in Africa.
@Peter Todorov What was the difference between the style of Proto-Bulgarians and descendants of Kai which defend the area where today now Bulgaria is? The irony is that the Kai comes with the same IYI on the flag to Bulgaria like the Proto Bulgarians. Same mindset and the language of the military elite of Proto Bulgarians was not so far from the Turkic language like slavic language. It must feel like déjà-vu for the slavic people in Bulgaria.
@Peter Todorov Today's Bulgarians have as much in common with the original Bulgarians as the Slavic Macedonians have with the original Macedonians.
@Peter Todorov The concept and spirit of Proto-Bulgarians doesn't exits today in Bulgaria. The Chuvash people saved more from the concept of the old Bulgarians. The spirit of old Bulgarian lived today by Chuvash people and not in Bulgaria.
Nagyon hasonlít a magyar őstörténelemre. Szerintem egy nép, csak másik törzs.
Bulgha- bulgar, bulgamak, means mixed, mix people( tribes) stir, combined.
name "bulgar" bulgaria" itself , is turkish origin, and explaining tribe that is combined from different tribes, ( mixed, not pure) .
Bulgarian mixture ( result are the people that live in state of Bulgaria today)
is recognized by many.
There is no question for all minor Asia , Kavkaz, all the way to the Afganistan- and Mongolia people , what and who are bulgarians . But modern bulgarians even that they know they foggy origin, are trying to invent new theories about their origin, more romantic, for political reasons
interesting considering there was no turkey in the times mentioned in the video .
maybe you mean arabic persian iranian or something ?
@@pquic Bulgars are all origin of great turkish familie
@@aybala4127 that is not true even the professor in the video said it we are from the ancient iranian region and they were not turkish not persian not arab we were some different kind of peoples
and what Bulgars were is probably lost to genetic history because of the frequent moving and uniting with other tribes unless we can somehow isolate all the non Bulgar genes and see what's left
@@pquic this prof who!he god??He knows about all history??BULGAR are TURKS.They came to bulgaria from BOLGAR NEARLY KASAN TOWN.!!!
@@pquic this land is TÜRKİSTAN.
Bulgarians and Greeks are brothers. We are happy to be your neighbors and you should be proud of your history and heritage. If only our other neighbors were like you. The Skopjians do not want to accept the truth about their history and try to claim our Macedonian Greek history and ancestry of Alexander the Great. They are Bulgarians and Slavs that settled in the formerly Greek provinces of Paeonia and northern Macedonia. Our eastern neighbors, the Turks, are even worse. They have always been imperialists and want to re-invade Europe and conquer the Aegean islands of Greece. You are our favorite neighbors, you are peaceful and speak the truth about who you are.
Dimitrios Z How doublefased declarations! I dont believe you.Alexander l l is a tracian, not hellen. Slavic are also thracians and skithians, not any new people, came in the Balkan peninsula in 6--7centuries.The slavs were emegined by Mauro Orbiny in1601year in his book "About the glory slavs, falls named sclavorum."He wrote that the slavs in the Balkans did not come from anywhere,thay were there many centuries B.C.,and Alexander lll was in relationship with tham.
You people want to re-write history in a way that suits you and your existence. The whole world is laughing at you and your mock nation and country. The Macedonians have always been Greek. They spoke Greek, they wrote in Greek, they worshiped the Greek Olympic Gods, they took part in the Olympic Games where only Greeks were allowed. You people speak Bulgarian, have Bulgarian traditions and coulture (music, dancing, art, etc) and came to this area in the 7th century A.D. (1.000 years after the time that you claim as your history). You are 100% Bulgarians (and 1.000.000 gypsies) and have no relation to Macedonia apart from the fact that you occupy a small part of Macedonia which in any case is only 1/4 of your country. th-cam.com/video/5Y4RbnZEOr8/w-d-xo.html
You and the Bulgarians are brothers for sure!!!
Talk about rewrite history.....
Leave the Macedonians alone. They are not Greeks ,like you or like you want them to be, so stop trying to bully them.
The whole world in fact is laughing at you and the trouble your pathetic country creates in Europe.
Thank you so much! Everything you said is true, love from Bulgaria!
Like it or not Bulgars are Turkish peoples and this is well known simply fact hehe
Great work Bro ,We are Erdogan's frontline soldier in the war to take back Bulgaristan
We Turks are the rightful owners of Bulgaristan not these slavs
You two Turkish ladies want to rule the world for Erdogan
But Erdogan betrayed your Uighur brothers
@@moeharvard you are just deluted xDD
oh really in fact that turks didn't exist at 630 AD nor 681 AD
You guys been lied from the official history books.First all this tripes are coming from the same place where the 7 trips were living. The turm Slavic been invented in 15th century and replace the word Bulgarian.But both words mean gods people. You wander why that was done.I can gladly
Bulgars were Turkic. Why deny it? You hate Turkey but what have Kazakhstanis, Tatars and all the Turks done to you.
because if you look at the dna results by western historians you can see we have very low % of turkic dna thats why..
it is not turkish this is just your propaganda that is trying to make turkey ancient country but it is not
Turkic are mongols. Do bulgarians look like mongols! Not at all!
@@adasha1417 turkic arent mongols lol
@@adasha1417 you ignorance says a lot
Yeah and we all came from africa at one point. It doesnt really matter now, does it ?
@@z1ll4jr53 did you come from another planet?
No I just don’t believe in pseudo scientific politically correct theories. It’s completely debunked it just takes basic research.
According to Raymond Detrez, the Iranian theory is rooted in the periods of anti-Turkish sentiment in Bulgaria and is ideologically motivated.[196]
According to Prof. Raymond Detrez, who is a specialist in Bulgarian history and language, such views are based on anti-Turkish sentiments and in serious scholarly circles it is well known that the Bulgar language was a Turkic one: Developing cultural identity in the Balkans: convergence vs divergence, Raymond Detrez, Pieter Plas, Peter Lang, 2005, ISBN 90-5201-297-0, p. 29
Nice propaganda, in reality: National Library of Medicine (US Government) - "...the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%...".
You are saying Turks are/ were mongoloid , bulgars are different, you are giving reference itugur, kitugur, onogur as bulgars ..Do you really know what these words are..meaning..e.g onogur..meaning 10 uyghur , dokuzogur ..nine Uygur..these are giving the sum of uyghur tribes (turkic)who came together ..Bulgar..bolgar..Balkar..same folks..Their cousins avar..pechenek..uz( oguz) .Kuman... khipcak ,slezensky magyar hun are all Ural/ altai... turkic ..you are speaking bulgarian of today which is mostly slavic, in 6th century if it would be the same then you should say kaizer..char ..khenet..not Khan Kubat. which is turkic way to define king ..
@mamaprudnavchaq 2 stupid u r why ? U dont understand what i wrote. Be sure i know Balkan and turkic history , dont be Jirinowsky.
@@zekihamzaoglu9608 Bulgars were Turanid Turks
@@zekihamzaoglu9608 this video is joke bro
Fatlinda Islami
You are not a Turk so why do you pretend to be a Turk?
You are a 12 year old Albanian girl who lives with her mommy in Gostivar
You are too embarrassed to be an Albanian so you pretend to be a Turk
Fatlinda Islami
You are not a Turk so why do you pretend to be a Turk?
You are a 12 year old Albanian girl who lives with her mommy in Gostivar
Please explain this mixed theory of yours? I can tell you that every human is mixed from day 1. Every nation that exists has been created by several different peoples joining together. Always has been like this. Another thing the make Y-Dna marker never changes, it is always passed down from father to son. So no matter who one has a child with the sons marker will always remain the same as the fathers. In this way we can tell who is what. Mixing means nothing, it does not erase the past as the past is deep in ones veins. All the Bulgar people are related as they have always been. Today just separated by borders. Greetings
The so called Old Bulgarians have arrived in Europe ..they are not Europeans in their origins ...that is exactly what I mean when I say that in their origins they are different race and originally had nothing to do with Slavs ....actually many historical books are telling us that the Slavs tribes were enslaved by the Bulgarians. Thats why Vladimir Rasate hated them , thats why his father Boris - Mihail 1 blinded him as a punishment as Vladimir was killing Slavs and destroying churches when he was appointed by his father as a ruler of the Bulgarian Kingdom!
I thought maybe I would learn some history of the Bulgarian nation, because what I know is covered in mystery but seemed interesting, but like every video on Balkan history, the topic is a morass of competing and propagandist claims that a casual viewer cannot separate which is true and which is false. Greeks, Turks, Slavs Albanians and sometimes Romanians congregate and you hear everything from actual history to the utter fantasies of modern nation builders. It makes a man tired. No matter how open minded and friendly and pan-balkan love you have, some of the comments here will trigger you.
Agree,The only way to separate the truth out of politics is relying on archeological artefacts.Unfortionately artefacts could stay hidden by purpose as is in our case while travelling across today's different countries and leaving our kings graves in foreign lands.I am grateful to Ukraine about announced Kubrats treasure,but kings Samuil remains and stone stella stay in Greece and they're not exposed for the public.Many artefacts are in Russia,especially the early christianity books in Glagolic and Cyrilic we gave to Rus in 9th century to step on /Rus formally accepted christianity in 10th century.
I am Greek and I respect my neighboors Bulgarians. Just an advice....dont deal with the balkans. They have only; a bad ironic comment to make to you and most times it is a shit. Just to make you feel bad. Everyone in the balkans wants to tell to thei neighboors what they are and he is not looking for his origins.
My advice is only for you to take cool such comments. The real educated people know history and know how to respect history past present future of every nation. Love from a neighboor in Greece!
Most balkans say to their neighboors what they are...so funny. If I know I am Greek and I feel Greek and I respect the Greek culture noone can change me that. What is the reason to try make the neighboor feel bad???
Most comments here come from nationalist uneducated people who are saying bullshits and they want just arguements. So do not pay attention to every shit here. If you feel Bulgarian and you respect your culture noone can tell you who you are or who you are not. We are what we feel and what we grew up with and noone can change that from us.
@@gia4579 You speak the truth Giannis.
@@nextlevelbrosagency Thank you! We Greeks accept bad comments from the albanians all the time who blame us for everything and they try to change our history. I really cant find a clue to enter a page and leave toxin poisonous comments for neighboors and their culture. If you dont like a neighboor just leave him. When we dont like or we dont respect someone we just ignore him..no need to enter a page leaving bad comments.
If someone deals with you and try to make you feel bad, he is certainly jealous of you...Keep that in mind.
And never pay attention to nationalists because they are toxic brainwashed and uneducated. They will fall you down to their unexisted level and they will make you sick. Good luck!
Bulgarians never did try to conquer we were the major part of the huns,others were impressed by our strenth thus started following us.Our callendar shows sigh of high intelligence that goes back to 5000 BC (Before Jesus) So you all might think we may be turk's or arabians or whatever but we existed long before them we did pass their lands,our language is 1/3 of the world even if is changed by the passing year's.There are old historians from other country's who know more than we do about ourself's,But there is one fact that show's we are the reason people have become to this high tech civilization.Also our leaders were Kans not Khans,we were passing probably the whole world before we did settle down.Since alot of other *races* of people did follow us its obvious we would *mate each other*There for people who went to live where the sun is hot *Africa*became black people who went to Asia became with eye's mutation to storms.People DNA can adapt to the current situation just like now even if we do not releaze it if u somehow take someone from before 500 year's in current day he wll die from thousands of sickness and stuff.Tho still not clear our history is great,the latest history shows even tho we were under slavery from Ottoman empire,Our army never have lost an battle *Nor won a war* Our army main weapon were *Horse*!!!!
+zdravko popov Това, че прабългарите са част от хунския съюз, е най-добре пазената тайна! Просто защото е толкова очевидна, че никой не й обръща внимание :)
:))) Хората говорят на изуст не объщат внимание на това което е очевидно..
zdravko popov По принципа: "да чете който нищо не знае, аз всичко си знам" :)
Браво Бранимир, точно така Е, БРАВО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+zdravko popov Къде са доказателствата, че Българите са допринесли до високото технологично развитие на света? Трудно ми е да повярвам, че номадски народ живеещ в палатки ще е допринесъл повече за развитието на човечеството от, например, философията и науката на древните Гърци или архитектурата, икономиката, правото, политиката и изкуството на Римската Империя, векове преди Българските племена.
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