Gura’s stories during their off collab sound like something out of a sitcom 😆. And the way she talks enthusiastically about everyone for two hours shows how much fun she had hanging out with the other girls!
*TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 2:38) -------------------- *[Gura’s* *Stories* *Meeting* *Everyone!]* 12:14 Meeting Ina! 16:10 Meeting Kiara! 23:03 Meeting Amelia! 24:57 Meeting Calli! 1:17:12 Meeting Mama Mori 1:18:09 Meeting Aunty Watson! 1:37:29 Meeting Jenma! 31:35/57:02 Bae Stories! 32:36/1:24:36 Fauna Stories! *[A* *Few* *Moments!]* 16:37 *Gura’s* *Kiara* *impression* 35:20 *Gura* *Talks* *about* *the* *“coin* *fiasco”* 1:14:14 *Gura’s* *plans* *to* *MENTALLY* *Dominate!* 1:23:05 *BROS* *DON'T* *DO* *THIS* *GURA* (Or do they?) 1:30:16 *Comparing* *armpits* *with* *Ame!* -------------------- *FULL* *TIMESTAMPS* 2:38 Hello! 3:40 Flies Talk / Noo Noo from Teletubbies 4:20 Mic is peaking? 4:49 “S*cky S*cky of flies just like Noo Noo ” - Gura 5:11 Members chatting / public chatting 6:12 “Abababalabalbalasb” - Gura 8:15 Naming Tye the fly! 8:39 Gura has a lot to talk about! 9:01 Wanting to play Holocure -------------------- 9:28 *Off* *Collab* *Discussion* *begins!* *[Meeting* *Ina]* 10:35 TOMORROW?! 10:43 *Gura* *saw* *Ina’s* *Back…* “Maa’am.. save some for the rest of us..” 12:16 Meeting Ina for the first time/ Tried to surprise her 12:49 She knew Ina saw her but she tried anyway! 13:16 They had a big Hug! 13:33 Ina doko? And she was just chilling in the corner sleeping 14:17 Ame has a very nice couch / They compared it to a Venus fly trap 14:43 My family calls them B*tt S*ckers 15:03 Gura got everyone snacks! *[Meeting* *Kiara]* 16:10 When Gura First met Kiara! 16:35 Gura’s Kiara impression 17:25 She didn't have the heart to.. 18:20 Her Birthday stream 19:39 Gura tried her best to be normal 20:46 Gura’s first meal with the myth members / Eating pizza with a fork and knife 22:11 She wasn’t really nervous around them/ it felt exciting 22:46 Touching them~ touching me! *[Meeting* *Ame]* 23:03 Who did she meet next? Meeting Amelia! 23:31 Ame was the only one who she didn't hug when they first met, but they had a good hug at the end *[Meeting* *Calli]* 24:57 First time meeting Calli! 25:37 What was Calli expecting? / Pink and girly Shark 26:23 Fashionable shark 26:43 Why didn't she swim with Kiara and Calli? 26:55 I had my Bikini top! - Gura 27:20 Only the top?” - chat 28:02 She had a lot of yummy food / Gura tummy problems *[Fashion* *Talk]* 28:33 Kiara was Really Fashionable 29:13 Ame shut down Gura’s Fashion talk! 30:29 Ina has Really Cool shoes 30:44 Does kiara have any weird habits? “ She woke me up once with a kikkeriki!” 31:04 Ina’s got drip 31:34 Who had the best toenails? Bae had the best toenails by far!! 31:53 How Gura likes to paint her toenails 32:36 She talked a lot about fashion with Fauna 33:33 *How* *was* *the* *arcade?* *“Sticky”* 34:06 Ina gave Everybody a squishy Pusheen 34:39 Kiara gave everybody chocolates! *[The* *Coin* *Fiasco]* 35:16 Fauna, Kiara, Ina, and Gura coin situation “We didn’t know what a quarter was” 35:53 They were buying food and They all swiped their cards the wrong way… 36:46 The cashier had to explain to them which coins were worth what.. 37:25 Kiara: “you Guys should know this…” 38:04 Half dollars are 50 cents? *[AmeSame]* 40:01 Does ame dress like a tomboy? 40:27 They all got dressed up and came out and did the spider man point 41:09 Ame and Gura share a brain 41:56 Ame would start talking to Gura and just walk away while continuing to talk *[Talking* *Quitely]* 42:35 Gura Talk quietly 43:16 Gura really thought they sounded good during Karaoke! 43:55 When Gura Speak up 44:48 Back in the day Time when Gura would cry when told to speak up 45:18 Back in tlantis Gura would never speak for thousands of years 45:37 Shoutout to quiet individuals! *[Fashion* *Talk* *continues!]* 45:54 Ina’s Fashion / Street Fashion? 46:21 Socks and sandals 46:56 Calli has drip! 47:46 Dad Fashion 48:01 Gura can’t say it… 48:57 Bantering is so much more fun when you can see Their f@ce 49:08 “Kiara calling me “Gura you little Sh*T” is so much better in person!” - Gura *[Her* *Notes* *on* *Ame]* 49:49 She Talked about eye contact with Ame 50:35 Short and cute and dorku dork, her hairs very shiny 50:48 They talked about f*rries oddly frequently… 51:21 Meeting Bubba 51:35 Ina loved Bubba! 51:53 Gura was Pretty natural with Bubba 52:43 Ame made her a sandwich 54:08 Gura’s not used to people making her food / “Is it normal to have people make food for you?” 54:47 How relatively simple things become a bigger ordeal for Gura 55:37 “It’s all Ogre now” 56:00 Who’s an Introvert/ Who’s an extrovert? 56:33 “You can always rely on the extroverted person” *[Bae]* 57:22 Bae was Gorgeous “She was so dressed up, and breathtaking” 58:17 She didn't much time to chat with bae
59:01 “It was so nice talking one on one with everyone!” “I cherished it so much” 59:45 What did Ina smell like? 1:00:45 They all smell like girls… accept bubba who smelt like a dog 1:01:13 *“The* *Mystery* *of* *the* *stinky* *feet”* Someone had stinky feet! *[Calli* *road* *trip]* 1:02:10 The road trip with Calli 1:02:58 Pasties 1:03:20 Gura doesn't drive “ Last time a drove i cried” *[Merch* *Talk]* 1:04:25 Why Gura decided against bringing her spongebob themed Uno Cards 1:06:13 Myth Figures 1:07:41 Gura wanted to have a daki but ran into some problems 1:08:36 What Daki was in Ame’s Room? (Mystery JP Holo member) 1:09:39 Gura is Daki height conformed “I kept making eye contact with it up against the wall” 1:11:09 Gura’s Myth Off Collab Holiday Idea! *[Fighting/mental* *strength]* 1:12:43 Any Pillow fights? 1:13:37 Who’s The weakest in Hololive? 1:14:14 “Break them in their brains.. And then their joins will follow…” 1:14:49 *Gura’s* *plans* *to* *MENTALLY* *Dominate!* *[Mama* *Mori* *and* *Aunty* *Watson]* 1:17:12 Gura’s Mama Mori 1:17:45 Gura didn't know how to complement her! 1:18:09 Aunty Watson 1:18:27 *Who* *gives* *the* *best* *Hugs?* 1:19:34 How was Air hockey? (Gura wandered off) 1:20:09 “Calli was a beast!” *[Embarrassing* *Stories]* 1:20:53 Any Embarrassing stories? 1:20:46 Gura fell asleep with the light on with the door open 1:21:45 Did anybody Fart? / “Maybe someone farted in the Mocap suit, cause we all shared those” 1:22:12 The mocap suit was “cold Moist” 1:23:05 *Bros* *don't* *do* *this* *Gura...* (Or do they?) *[Fauna]* 1:24:36 Fauna showed Gura her closet 1:25:46 They talked about a lot! 1:26:26 “Fauna is a fascinating person. She knows… so much..” 1:27:05 Story of when Gura lost her chapstick and bought one for 30 Dollars 1:28:38 Neutral flavored *[More* *AmeSame]* 1:30:16 Comparing armpits with Ame! 1:32:09 Ame’s tongue scar? 1:32:28 The part that looks like a B*tt Crack! 1:33:55 Gura wants the corner of the couch 1:34:16 Who has the worst posture? 1:34:55 Gura Was scrolling through instagram on the couch and.. 1:35:19 “I’m gonna scroll the superior algorithm’ - Tiktoker Ame *[Meeting* *Jenma]* 1:37:30 Meeting Jenma! 1:38:41 “Jenma is the best Manager in EN” - Snack bribed Gura 1:39:29 Is jenma single? 1:41:25 Jenma has Really Cool style 1:41:44 “Everyone's so beautiful in their own ways, and their personality” 1:42:08 “Staring with my heart, not my eyes” 1:42:39 Jenma brought Gura some Fanmail! 1:44:18 Gura Can’t keep track of The Manager names 1:44:42 Omega DEEZ Nuts *[Ending* *The* *Stream]* 1:45:59 "Do you feel weird and also Awkward?" 1:46:17 Playing Holocure tomorrow/ Other games she could play? 1:47:50 Mumei’s playing overwatch 2 1:48:53 Ina's doodle of Gura 1:50:24 "I feel weird" 1:51:35 Schedule Drop soon! 1:51:55 *Bye!* -------------------- Welcome back! Thanks for the stream Gura!
It's so nice to see a shark after a long time. We are glad that you enjoyed the trip. I enjoy listening to what you and other myth have done together. Thank you for always streaming!
comfy chatting time with goomba is something i have sorely missed. glad to have ya back sharkie and looking forward to the stream of stories that will be leaking out of ya as you rember them. your awkwardness and weirdness is apart of what makes you so mind meltingly adorable. im sure the other myth members feel the same
Its been great hearing everyone talk so positively about each other its so wholesome Glad you all had a blast together and it's great having you back streaming
Welcome back, Gura! Really happy to hear you had a great time with everyone. I've been enjoying hearing everyone's stories. I really like that idea you had of getting everyone together around Myth's anniversary, could make for a lot of fun!
it's great to have you back gombus! No worries about feeling awkward and ending it's very very normal and understandable! Looking forward to more mischief
Missed you, Gura! But I thought you guys had such good chemistry, a Myth off-collab is something I always wanted to see. I'm so happy it could become reality, and it would be exciting to have more join in. Be more open next time, I'm pretty sure they already know how weird you are
thanks for the stories gura! you and ame are so funny together . i'd love to see anniversary off-collabs like you described. public chats might scare you but you did well!
Myth off-collab is exactly what i thought how it would be: a comedy slice of life. Thank you for the cute stories, can't wait for more shark gaming too
Hearing how much fun and how happy everyone has been is nothing short of heartwarming. Thank you for letting us be part of this, it was a dream come true for all of us.
Oof, that part about talking quietly and feeling like crying when people in school constantly yell at you to speak louder and if you try to speak louder it hurts in your own ears... that hit sooo close to home. Whoah. Flashbacks to my own childhood. But the stream was really nice! So glad our shark had fun with her mates. (I especially enjoyed the Amesame moments. 💛💙)
It makes me really happy that you were all able to be so comfortable with each other. Here's to offcollabs being less rare from now on! Welcome home Gura.
Welcome back Gooba, missed having your streams around. Really happy you had so much fun with the girls, finally getting to meet them in person. The stories were really heartwarming especially with how caring Ame was towards you and how you had so much in common with faunya, talking about cute girly fashion. Looking forward to the upcoming streams.
thanks for the comfy chatting stream goomba, it felt like forever since last stream and we missed you lots. i'm glad you had a great time with all the other girls and i can't wait for holocure tomorrow!
Welcome Back Gura!! I'm happy to hear you had a great fun with that big collab with the Myth girls especially the one on one talks you had is sounds so cute. Looking forward to your streams this week.
Aw man. I missed this. So glad to have you back! Thanks for the stream Goomba! Welcome home! Don't forget about your birthday presents too Goomba! We got you a lot of stuff to read. Sorry about that.
It was such a beautiful stream Gura had so many stories to talk about, I am glad she is back to her own setup she is more used to, I really enjoyed the stream of Gura's return
Thanks for the stream, and welcome back!! It's nice to have you back to regular streaming after the crazy off collab stuffs, and it's nice to hear you talk about finally meeting the girls.. so many, interesting things with ame tho lol
Yay the Goobs is back and ready to game for us again! I know public chatting streams make you nervous so thank you for this, everyone got to hear your stories about the trip, sounds like it was a good one Super happy you all met up and were your weird selves together See you later for Holocure, you're strong as fluff bro
Kiara: People think I'm an extrovert, but I am not. Gura: LOUD PHOENIX Welcome back shork, it's so exciting to hear your stories from the collab. Once again, thank you for being here for and with us. Also the obligatory: Stinky f e e t!
That was such a chill stream loved every moment of it, and by the end I realised I’ve been sitting here for almost two hours. It was lovely and wholesome hearing Gura talk about her time with the other girls and it just sounded like they had such a blast together. Also the other girls are getting Nenodoroids, let’s go! All in all it was a great stream and Gura was as cute as ever, keep doing what you’re doing.
Thank you so much for the stream Gooba, spending time chatting and listening to your stories made me so happy I missed you so much I'm glad you were able to spend some time with the other Myth, you are the best!! and don't feel weird, there are many people who are used to live alone and living with other people feels something new recharge those streaming batteries and see you soon !! and Welcome back dear and cute Gooba💙
Comfy story time from our favorite shork. I think she cares more about being awkward around people then anybody else, but I can relate somehow. Social stuff can be kinda weird and daunting sometimes. Sharky 頑張って
Thanks for sharing with us all your stories and PV from the off collab. Looks like you really had a good experience even if you were a little stressed out at times. Rest well Gooba and thank you for doing your best. Welcome back Gooba, I wuv the Shork speak down shork 44:28 Ame cute 50:35
Sharing time and meals with people is huge. Got to spend today, the 4th, surrounded by people I care about. absolutely cherish them and the time we get together
Thanks for the comfy chatting gooba! We missed you a lot so its really good to have you back! Finally you got to meet everyone on myth (plus fauna and bae) we can see that you had a great time by how you talked about the experiences with everyone i really hope all of you can meet again sometime soon I would be so happy if you decide to come back to MH it was one of my favorites series i was so sad when you decided to abandon the game but it was understandable if it was really complicated or had a hard time understanding everything Anyways glad to have you back gooba! Have a good rest! 7 Take care chumbies see ya TOMORROW (okno ) for some holocure which has been my addiction these past days... damn gacha
Sounds like it was a fantastic time. Hope y'all can have another meetup sooner rather than later, whenever everybody's schedules and circumstances allow.
Love hearing all these stories from the off collab! I wish they could happen more often with EN like they do with the other branches, but what are you gonna do when everyone is so spread around the world. Crossing my fingers for Myth getting together again for the big 2nd anniversary!
Thank you for chatting with us today! I was smiling the whole time and you never need to apologize for talking about your passions! We love hearing about them Guwa so girly Missed you Goob, cant wait for HoloCure, It's so good!
1:30:30 i have been joking about this in community posts of the fanart of Ina's back for several days by now, but i never knew gura would say it herself Gura: F E E T Ina: B A C K Ame: P I T and now gura drops this knowlege? omg xD
Thanks for the awesome stream Sharkie! I enjoyed listening to your tales very much! You are best feesh! I would like it if you played more RDR2 please!!! Thank you my fren!
Happy to hear all the stories with the girls and mamam9ri and aunt watson. Really glad that you enjoyed your time with all of them and have fun during your birthday, collabs and off time. Keep having fun Gura and take care.
Gura’s stories during their off collab sound like something out of a sitcom 😆. And the way she talks enthusiastically about everyone for two hours shows how much fun she had hanging out with the other girls!
*TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 2:38)
*[Gura’s* *Stories* *Meeting* *Everyone!]*
12:14 Meeting Ina!
16:10 Meeting Kiara!
23:03 Meeting Amelia!
24:57 Meeting Calli!
1:17:12 Meeting Mama Mori
1:18:09 Meeting Aunty Watson!
1:37:29 Meeting Jenma!
31:35/57:02 Bae Stories!
32:36/1:24:36 Fauna Stories!
*[A* *Few* *Moments!]*
16:37 *Gura’s* *Kiara* *impression*
35:20 *Gura* *Talks* *about* *the* *“coin* *fiasco”*
1:14:14 *Gura’s* *plans* *to* *MENTALLY* *Dominate!*
1:23:05 *BROS* *DON'T* *DO* *THIS* *GURA* (Or do they?)
1:30:16 *Comparing* *armpits* *with* *Ame!*
2:38 Hello!
3:40 Flies Talk / Noo Noo from Teletubbies
4:20 Mic is peaking?
4:49 “S*cky S*cky of flies just like Noo Noo ” - Gura
5:11 Members chatting / public chatting
6:12 “Abababalabalbalasb” - Gura
8:15 Naming Tye the fly!
8:39 Gura has a lot to talk about!
9:01 Wanting to play Holocure
9:28 *Off* *Collab* *Discussion* *begins!*
*[Meeting* *Ina]*
10:35 TOMORROW?!
10:43 *Gura* *saw* *Ina’s* *Back…* “Maa’am.. save some for the rest of us..”
12:16 Meeting Ina for the first time/ Tried to surprise her
12:49 She knew Ina saw her but she tried anyway!
13:16 They had a big Hug!
13:33 Ina doko? And she was just chilling in the corner sleeping
14:17 Ame has a very nice couch / They compared it to a Venus fly trap
14:43 My family calls them B*tt S*ckers
15:03 Gura got everyone snacks!
*[Meeting* *Kiara]*
16:10 When Gura First met Kiara!
16:35 Gura’s Kiara impression
17:25 She didn't have the heart to..
18:20 Her Birthday stream
19:39 Gura tried her best to be normal
20:46 Gura’s first meal with the myth members / Eating pizza with a fork and knife
22:11 She wasn’t really nervous around them/ it felt exciting
22:46 Touching them~ touching me!
*[Meeting* *Ame]*
23:03 Who did she meet next? Meeting Amelia!
23:31 Ame was the only one who she didn't hug when they first met, but they had a good hug at the end
*[Meeting* *Calli]*
24:57 First time meeting Calli!
25:37 What was Calli expecting? / Pink and girly Shark
26:23 Fashionable shark
26:43 Why didn't she swim with Kiara and Calli?
26:55 I had my Bikini top! - Gura
27:20 Only the top?” - chat
28:02 She had a lot of yummy food / Gura tummy problems
*[Fashion* *Talk]*
28:33 Kiara was Really Fashionable
29:13 Ame shut down Gura’s Fashion talk!
30:29 Ina has Really Cool shoes
30:44 Does kiara have any weird habits? “ She woke me up once with a kikkeriki!”
31:04 Ina’s got drip
31:34 Who had the best toenails? Bae had the best toenails by far!!
31:53 How Gura likes to paint her toenails
32:36 She talked a lot about fashion with Fauna
33:33 *How* *was* *the* *arcade?* *“Sticky”*
34:06 Ina gave Everybody a squishy Pusheen
34:39 Kiara gave everybody chocolates!
*[The* *Coin* *Fiasco]*
35:16 Fauna, Kiara, Ina, and Gura coin situation “We didn’t know what a quarter was”
35:53 They were buying food and They all swiped their cards the wrong way…
36:46 The cashier had to explain to them which coins were worth what..
37:25 Kiara: “you Guys should know this…”
38:04 Half dollars are 50 cents?
40:01 Does ame dress like a tomboy?
40:27 They all got dressed up and came out and did the spider man point
41:09 Ame and Gura share a brain
41:56 Ame would start talking to Gura and just walk away while continuing to talk
*[Talking* *Quitely]*
42:35 Gura Talk quietly
43:16 Gura really thought they sounded good during Karaoke!
43:55 When Gura Speak up
44:48 Back in the day Time when Gura would cry when told to speak up
45:18 Back in tlantis Gura would never speak for thousands of years
45:37 Shoutout to quiet individuals!
*[Fashion* *Talk* *continues!]*
45:54 Ina’s Fashion / Street Fashion?
46:21 Socks and sandals
46:56 Calli has drip!
47:46 Dad Fashion
48:01 Gura can’t say it…
48:57 Bantering is so much more fun when you can see Their f@ce
49:08 “Kiara calling me “Gura you little Sh*T” is so much better in person!” - Gura
*[Her* *Notes* *on* *Ame]*
49:49 She Talked about eye contact with Ame
50:35 Short and cute and dorku dork, her hairs very shiny
50:48 They talked about f*rries oddly frequently…
51:21 Meeting Bubba
51:35 Ina loved Bubba!
51:53 Gura was Pretty natural with Bubba
52:43 Ame made her a sandwich
54:08 Gura’s not used to people making her food / “Is it normal to have people make food for you?”
54:47 How relatively simple things become a bigger ordeal for Gura
55:37 “It’s all Ogre now”
56:00 Who’s an Introvert/ Who’s an extrovert?
56:33 “You can always rely on the extroverted person”
57:22 Bae was Gorgeous “She was so dressed up, and breathtaking”
58:17 She didn't much time to chat with bae
59:01 “It was so nice talking one on one with everyone!” “I cherished it so much”
59:45 What did Ina smell like?
1:00:45 They all smell like girls… accept bubba who smelt like a dog
1:01:13 *“The* *Mystery* *of* *the* *stinky* *feet”* Someone had stinky feet!
*[Calli* *road* *trip]*
1:02:10 The road trip with Calli
1:02:58 Pasties
1:03:20 Gura doesn't drive “ Last time a drove i cried”
*[Merch* *Talk]*
1:04:25 Why Gura decided against bringing her spongebob themed Uno Cards
1:06:13 Myth Figures
1:07:41 Gura wanted to have a daki but ran into some problems
1:08:36 What Daki was in Ame’s Room? (Mystery JP Holo member)
1:09:39 Gura is Daki height conformed “I kept making eye contact with it up against the wall”
1:11:09 Gura’s Myth Off Collab Holiday Idea!
*[Fighting/mental* *strength]*
1:12:43 Any Pillow fights?
1:13:37 Who’s The weakest in Hololive?
1:14:14 “Break them in their brains.. And then their joins will follow…”
1:14:49 *Gura’s* *plans* *to* *MENTALLY* *Dominate!*
*[Mama* *Mori* *and* *Aunty* *Watson]*
1:17:12 Gura’s Mama Mori
1:17:45 Gura didn't know how to complement her!
1:18:09 Aunty Watson
1:18:27 *Who* *gives* *the* *best* *Hugs?*
1:19:34 How was Air hockey? (Gura wandered off)
1:20:09 “Calli was a beast!”
*[Embarrassing* *Stories]*
1:20:53 Any Embarrassing stories?
1:20:46 Gura fell asleep with the light on with the door open
1:21:45 Did anybody Fart? / “Maybe someone farted in the Mocap suit, cause we all shared those”
1:22:12 The mocap suit was “cold Moist”
1:23:05 *Bros* *don't* *do* *this* *Gura...* (Or do they?)
1:24:36 Fauna showed Gura her closet
1:25:46 They talked about a lot!
1:26:26 “Fauna is a fascinating person. She knows… so much..”
1:27:05 Story of when Gura lost her chapstick and bought one for 30 Dollars
1:28:38 Neutral flavored
*[More* *AmeSame]*
1:30:16 Comparing armpits with Ame!
1:32:09 Ame’s tongue scar?
1:32:28 The part that looks like a B*tt Crack!
1:33:55 Gura wants the corner of the couch
1:34:16 Who has the worst posture?
1:34:55 Gura Was scrolling through instagram on the couch and..
1:35:19 “I’m gonna scroll the superior algorithm’ - Tiktoker Ame
*[Meeting* *Jenma]*
1:37:30 Meeting Jenma!
1:38:41 “Jenma is the best Manager in EN” - Snack bribed Gura
1:39:29 Is jenma single?
1:41:25 Jenma has Really Cool style
1:41:44 “Everyone's so beautiful in their own ways, and their personality”
1:42:08 “Staring with my heart, not my eyes”
1:42:39 Jenma brought Gura some Fanmail!
1:44:18 Gura Can’t keep track of The Manager names
1:44:42 Omega DEEZ Nuts
*[Ending* *The* *Stream]*
1:45:59 "Do you feel weird and also Awkward?"
1:46:17 Playing Holocure tomorrow/ Other games she could play?
1:47:50 Mumei’s playing overwatch 2
1:48:53 Ina's doodle of Gura
1:50:24 "I feel weird"
1:51:35 Schedule Drop soon!
1:51:55 *Bye!*
Welcome back! Thanks for the stream Gura!
Thank you Gura. Thank you blessed timestamper.
Thanks for the timestamps
Damn bro. You must have a TON of free time!
Thnx. Gura plz pin this
@@Infinityxxxxxx And a ton of passion too😘😘
It's so nice to see a shark after a long time. We are glad that you enjoyed the trip. I enjoy listening to what you and other myth have done together. Thank you for always streaming!
comfy chatting time with goomba is something i have sorely missed. glad to have ya back sharkie and looking forward to the stream of stories that will be leaking out of ya as you rember them.
your awkwardness and weirdness is apart of what makes you so mind meltingly adorable. im sure the other myth members feel the same
Its been great hearing everyone talk so positively about each other its so wholesome
Glad you all had a blast together and it's great having you back streaming
I'm glad you had a lot of fun meeting up with everyone! The stories were so cute!! Glad to have you back with us now too.
Welcome back and thank you for the stories Gura!!! Glad you had a fun time off collabing
Welcome back, Gura! Really happy to hear you had a great time with everyone. I've been enjoying hearing everyone's stories. I really like that idea you had of getting everyone together around Myth's anniversary, could make for a lot of fun!
it's great to have you back gombus! No worries about feeling awkward and ending it's very very normal and understandable! Looking forward to more mischief
Sounds like you had plenty of fun with your friends welcome back gura and thank you for the stream
Thanks for the fun stories Gura, it's really nice to hear the different perspectives of everybody's experience with each other.
Missed you, Gura! But I thought you guys had such good chemistry, a Myth off-collab is something I always wanted to see. I'm so happy it could become reality, and it would be exciting to have more join in. Be more open next time, I'm pretty sure they already know how weird you are
Glad you had such a fun time with your friends, and thank you for all the amazing information and stories about them! You're pretty observant
Welcome back Gura! We all missed you, but we're glad you finally had the chance to hang out with the other girls after such a long time!
Thank you for sharing these stories with us Goomba, makes me happy to know you had a good time with the girls 💙
thanks for the stories gura! you and ame are so funny together . i'd love to see anniversary off-collabs like you described. public chats might scare you but you did well!
Myth off-collab is exactly what i thought how it would be: a comedy slice of life. Thank you for the cute stories, can't wait for more shark gaming too
Welcome back, really glad everyone enjoyed meeting in person and I'm glad you were able to enjoy it.
This chatting stream was nice, I'm glad you had a good time on your trip Gura. Don't worry about feeling too weird around us, we don't mind
welcome back Goooba!!
Thanks for sharing your experience with the girls, Love the Ame story with her superior algorithm
Hearing how much fun and how happy everyone has been is nothing short of heartwarming. Thank you for letting us be part of this, it was a dream come true for all of us.
Oof, that part about talking quietly and feeling like crying when people in school constantly yell at you to speak louder and if you try to speak louder it hurts in your own ears... that hit sooo close to home. Whoah. Flashbacks to my own childhood.
But the stream was really nice! So glad our shark had fun with her mates. (I especially enjoyed the Amesame moments. 💛💙)
This zatsu has so much
I especially liked the armpit talk
Welcome back shaaak!
It makes me really happy that you were all able to be so comfortable with each other. Here's to offcollabs being less rare from now on! Welcome home Gura.
Hello Goomba,welcome back
Welcome back Gooba, missed having your streams around.
Really happy you had so much fun with the girls, finally getting to meet them in person. The stories were really heartwarming especially with how caring Ame was towards you and how you had so much in common with faunya, talking about cute girly fashion.
Looking forward to the upcoming streams.
Welcome back and very funny stories about myth off collab! We also expect various game streams
We always support you goomb
Sounds like a lot happened on the trip! I'm glad they all got a chance to have fun together.
thanks for the comfy chatting stream goomba, it felt like forever since last stream and we missed you lots. i'm glad you had a great time with all the other girls and i can't wait for holocure tomorrow!
Thanks for the comfy chatting stream, sharky. It was really cool to hear your perspective on meeting everyone. Glad you had a good time
Thanks for all the fun stories and even taking some notes! Looking forward to the upcoming streams you have planned
welcome back Gooba! it was fun to learn about your adventures! see ya tomorrow!💙
Welcome Back Gura!! I'm happy to hear you had a great fun with that big collab with the Myth girls especially the one on one talks you had is sounds so cute. Looking forward to your streams this week.
Welcome back, Goob! I'm glad you had fun with your friends!
thanks for the chatting time gura
Thanks for chatting with us guwa! You've been saying public zatsus make you nervous but you did excellent today!
Aw man. I missed this. So glad to have you back! Thanks for the stream Goomba! Welcome home!
Don't forget about your birthday presents too Goomba! We got you a lot of stuff to read. Sorry about that.
Excited Gura talking about her friends is so cute
Nice chattin' with ya ol' chum.
Have a happy Gawrth of July!
Really great to have you back Goob! Glad you had lots of fun with Myth! Missed you!
Thank you for all the info about smells, very informative!
Welcome back sharky!
Welcome back Goomb. Hope you had a great time, may the future be kind and exciting to you and us all!
Missed you gura
Thank you for the stream
All of these stories of everyone being so sweet and cute endlessly warm my heart, I'm so happy myth is filled with such beautiful friendships
The most notable thing I learned is that Bae is smokin hot.
Welcome back goob Glad you had so much fun thank you for the stream
It was so nice to see you and hear you're stories. 💙
It was such a beautiful stream Gura had so many stories to talk about, I am glad she is back to her own setup she is more used to, I really enjoyed the stream of Gura's return
Thanks for the stream, and welcome back!! It's nice to have you back to regular streaming after the crazy off collab stuffs, and it's nice to hear you talk about finally meeting the girls.. so many, interesting things with ame tho lol
Yay the Goobs is back and ready to game for us again!
I know public chatting streams make you nervous so thank you for this, everyone got to hear your stories about the trip, sounds like it was a good one
Super happy you all met up and were your weird selves together
See you later for Holocure, you're strong as fluff bro
Kiara: People think I'm an extrovert, but I am not.
Welcome back shork, it's so exciting to hear your stories from the collab. Once again, thank you for being here for and with us.
Also the obligatory: Stinky f e e t!
Welcome back goom!! Thank you for all the stories
Okaeri Gura
That was such a chill stream loved every moment of it, and by the end I realised I’ve been sitting here for almost two hours. It was lovely and wholesome hearing Gura talk about her time with the other girls and it just sounded like they had such a blast together. Also the other girls are getting Nenodoroids, let’s go!
All in all it was a great stream and Gura was as cute as ever, keep doing what you’re doing.
I LOOVE the idea of yearly myth off-collabs! I hope Myth can experience the beautiful mountains and nature of Austria at some point!
Thank you so much for the stream Gooba, spending time chatting and listening to your stories made me so happy I missed you so much
I'm glad you were able to spend some time with the other Myth, you are the best!!
and don't feel weird, there are many people who are used to live alone and living with other people feels something new
recharge those streaming batteries and see you soon !! and Welcome back dear and cute Gooba💙
Welcome back Gura 💙💙💙
Thank you for the fun chatting Gura 💙💙💙rest well and take care
Thnaks for the stream Goob. It was nice to hear from you again. Sounds like you had a good time with the girls, hope you got plenty of rest too
I learned so much about the various smells of Hololive, thanks Gura
It’s nice to have just a chatting stream from Gura
Comfy story time from our favorite shork. I think she cares more about being awkward around people then anybody else, but I can relate somehow. Social stuff can be kinda weird and daunting sometimes. Sharky 頑張って
Welcome back Gura! It was interesting to hear your stories about off-collab. Glad you were able to meet with your friends
It sounds like y'all had a great time meeting up and hanging out together for the first time! It's good to have you back, Goomba
the whole coin debate was understandably hilarious
Thanks for sharing with us all your stories and PV from the off collab. Looks like you really had a good experience even if you were a little stressed out at times. Rest well Gooba and thank you for doing your best. Welcome back Gooba, I wuv the Shork
speak down shork 44:28 Ame cute 50:35
glad you had a good time
Thanks for the comfy stream, Gura! You and the girls are so cute together!
I love her way to much
Glad you’re back after your break from TH-cam, Gura! We missed you a lot, especially us!
glad to have you back sharky💙💙💙
Nice chat Gura
Welcome back sharky
Sharing time and meals with people is huge.
Got to spend today, the 4th, surrounded by people I care about.
absolutely cherish them and the time we get together
Thank you for the chill chit chat stream and welcome back, Gura!
Thanks for the off-collab stories, Gura! We missed you so much.
Gura's Lil PodCast
Yay shark back glad to see none of those “fans” spam commenting got y’all’s spirits down it sounds like y’all had a lot of fun 🍕
Thanks for the comfy chatting gooba!
We missed you a lot so its really good to have you back!
Finally you got to meet everyone on myth (plus fauna and bae) we can see that you had a great time by how you talked about the experiences with everyone i really hope all of you can meet again sometime soon
I would be so happy if you decide to come back to MH it was one of my favorites series i was so sad when you decided to abandon the game but it was understandable if it was really complicated or had a hard time understanding everything
Anyways glad to have you back gooba!
Have a good rest! 7
Take care chumbies see ya TOMORROW (okno ) for some holocure which has been my addiction these past days... damn gacha
Sounds like it was a fantastic time. Hope y'all can have another meetup sooner rather than later, whenever everybody's schedules and circumstances allow.
thanks for the stream gura , it was fun talking with you again and listening the stories of you meeting with the girls , see tou , good night
Love hearing all these stories from the off collab! I wish they could happen more often with EN like they do with the other branches, but what are you gonna do when everyone is so spread around the world. Crossing my fingers for Myth getting together again for the big 2nd anniversary!
Thank you for chatting with us today! I was smiling the whole time and you never need to apologize for talking about your passions! We love hearing about them Guwa so girly
Missed you Goob, cant wait for HoloCure, It's so good!
thank you for everything Gura ❤️
welcome back goobs
marble sculptures that look soft are a real thing! some marble sculptures are so realistic it's crazy. I totally understand!
Welcome back!! I've been very low on Guranium these past week.
1:30:30 i have been joking about this in community posts of the fanart of Ina's back for several days by now, but i never knew gura would say it herself
Gura: F E E T
Ina: B A C K
Ame: P I T
and now gura drops this knowlege? omg xD
I just love to listen her chat while her char's eyes are slightly unfocused 🤣looks really funny
Yayy!!! Gura's back!
2:40 START!
Nice to see you back, Goobus. Hope the trip was good!
Thanks for the awesome stream Sharkie! I enjoyed listening to your tales very much! You are best feesh! I would like it if you played more RDR2 please!!! Thank you my fren!
Gumbus is back, and she had a lot to share!
Thank you for the stream.
2 Holomembers meet for the first time: Hug each other dearly and squeak girly
Ame and Gura meet for the first time: 2 true bros meet
Happy to hear all the stories with the girls and mamam9ri and aunt watson. Really glad that you enjoyed your time with all of them and have fun during your birthday, collabs and off time. Keep having fun Gura and take care.
Welcome back, Gura!🥰