Nancy's Work Experience placement at Printweek in London

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2023
  • Nancy, the editor of our school magazine #Osborne, was awarded a days work experience in London as her prize for being a runner-up 'Editor of the Year' at this years' 'Shine School Media Awards 2023'. Read more about that here:
    Nancy described her day below:
    I am very grateful I was able to be involved for work experience in LONDON of all places. But I do have to admit that some of the stuff was very interesting, like how the magazine is produced and made.
    Getting to London was a bit off trouble because of traffic. I’m not surprised there was traffic, its Monday and its London. Luckily, I was with a member of staff, Rebekah Ings, which made the journey there and back more entertaining.
    When we did arrive, we went into the church (yes, the office was in the church) to go into the office where we met Darryl Danielli, the editor and publisher of PrintWeek. Darryl led me to the PrintWeek office where I met most people who work in the company. I felt like the people working there did make the office livelier, it was nice hearing every one laugh and getting along, it also made the job less pressuring.
    The first thing I did was take interesting aspects out of an article and writing them in my own way. It was hard since trying to make die cutters sound interesting, well for me at least.
    After doing my first piece of work I had lunch, I realised I would rather do something more to do with graphic design. So, when we came back to the building, I asked if I could do something that involves graphic design. Darryl and another worker there told me I could check out their new official company website layout and find some things that the new layout can improve of. I really enjoyed doing that and I think I found some good points when I was showing my ideas in a little meeting.
    Of course, doing these kinds of jobs include a lot of team work and group effort, you need to see everyone’s views and opinions. I enjoyed near the end of the day since I found something I was comfortable in. I’m very grateful to the people who helped plan the work experience day :0)

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