Comme pratiquement toutes les productions du groupe, , il est au centre de tous les albums individuelsde chacun ! ! Mais tellement bien interprété par Method, et sa manière de bouger (pas glissés )
Metod Man - Forever , chodzący za dnia , Hrabia Dracula 🤣😂 Mef - Cały czas na powierzchni a nie w grobie - Stil , Dyskoteka , Wokal ❤☺️ Pamiętam Mefa nagrywki z B.I.G Smales w rękawiczce 🤣😂
@@YFGMBlogTv 3 yrs ago when I posted that comment…. They all lost music from that flood. That’s only expression of a perfectionist’s mindset, though. Can’t imagine Tical being any better after all these years. Because that album in itself was perfection
The thing I like about Method Man is that he doesn't hold back the delivery in his lyrics. He brings it every single time full throttle and never takes his foot off the gas of his raps. WU TANG FOREVER!!!!
They sure don't. They don't have the swagger that the Meth Man has, they can't freestyle like he can and they sure as hell ain't hard like him neither.
Kenya Robinson Maaaaan wtf happend to hip-hop?!?! It's like one day I woke up and there was this mumbling bullshit outta nowhere and it spread like bastard disease!! lol. Is it so hard to make decent music wtf is wrong with the world!
Kenya Robinson All true ma brother. This world's getting more fucked up by the day. Such a shame. I wanna go back to being a kid, born in the 90s when times were good :-D lol.
He's sick with it he gets into character he's ready to throw his s*** in battle on the floor and any motherfuker who step to him you going to put them in their place he's f****** wrong with his lyrics old school for real realshit
totally agree Meth is one of the true mc legends of all time,his flow and the tone of his voice is fucking amazing no one sounds like him, They dont make them like this anymore,young mc,s have alot to learn from true masters like Meth,plus when he rhymes he,s not trying to play the big gangsta todays new mcs are just trying and lying about how many bitches they banged and how many guns and money they have when usually the answer is none, hip hop is in a sad state of affairs,im sure there is some dope music out there but compared with the 80s and 90s it,s fucking hard to find. Peace out
@1up__ Nah, Meth is natural. 2pac forced a lot of his anger onto situations that didn't need it. 2pac was more hollywood acting. Meth was and is more chill about it.
BACK IN THE DAY I used to try and get them moves right ..I was playing this on repeat until something that was worthy of replacing it in the CD player dropped...WUTANG WAS NOT JUST A GROUP...IT WAS LIFE...THE SOUNDTRACK OF A 13 YEAR OLD RUNNING THE STREETS TAGGING,BOOSTING AND GETTING HIGH!!!...ROLLING WITH THE KREW AND OUR LIL BITTYS...LIFE WAS EPIC INDEED!!!
I know I’m wrong for this but, me and my daughter used to listen to this song. Thank goodness she turned out to just love all kinds of music and so sweet. This song cranks to this day. 😂
He could perform! Good damn! In '98 or so In Hawaii. Meth & ODB getting lost in the crowd with us violent Polynesians and not missing a beat! This Hawaiians dream came true seeing them live. I still live that performance out in my head almost everyday. What a blessing...
this man can never be touched, by past-present-future rap artists! period! many may try and come close but none shall succeed! ALL HAIL KING METHOD MAN!
"My rap flow does u right Tical & it will never steer U wrong... 'N ALL U B.A.N IN DA INDUSTRY- YO CAREERS WON'T BE LASTING LONG... ". Been bumpin since day 1. Still in 2018. Best method man joint ever. Period
Methodman is a legend in hip hop and maintained quality for 3 decades, rapped with the greats (alive& dead), from a legendary hip hop group and entertained us with creative characters in music videos e.g. 4,3,2,1 and Symphony 3000 etc. He is in my top 3 artist Alive
Classic, Yankees made Hip Hop on top of cold and ice in deep city streets. PROPS! So good, he is in the history books with KRS 1, Rakim, and all the others. WUtang!
One of only a few individuals who could glide across any flat surface in Timbs and make it look like he was ice skating ... and let's not even discuss his word play skills!! Method Man/Tical 4 LIFE!!! 💯😎🔥
LePierrack today's hip hop scene will never be like this stuff, this guy is right. show me some stuff that is as good as this is LePierrack. Ah and i am 32 years old before you say some ********.
LePierrack It went from good music in the 90's to crap like wayne, 50 and 2 chainz. Only to get worse. So cherish the 90's music while you can because it will not get better. The music industry has loosened their requirements for getting a record deal. Back in the day you had to be talented and really prove how talented you were to get a record deal which is why the music was so good back in early 2000's and earlier. But now with the introduction of technology you don't have to try so hard and the music industry doesn't care anymore as long as they are making money. So now they are letting mediocre to little talented people get deals and sell albums and this generation is accepting it as good music because they are attracted to the person singing the song. It all goes back to the old saying "fake rapper." Why do you think even fake rapper has been putting out garbage since 2009. they barely rap. they makes a song with a catchy beat and make a dance style or put some girls on video for twerking.they realizes that the industry doesn't care and it's so easy to make money by being lazy so why bother putting in so much effort into making good music. peace
LePierrack stop whatever you are smoking... Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots I give a holler to my sisters on welfare Tupac cares, if don't nobody else care And uhh, I know they like to beat ya down a lot When you come around the block brothas clown a lot But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up And when he tells you you ain't nothin' don't believe him And if he can't learn to love you you should leave him Cause sista you don't need him And I ain't tryin to gash up, I just call em how I see em You know it makes me unhappy When brothas make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy And since we all came from a woman Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman I wonder why we take from our women Why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it's time to kill for our women Time to heal our women, be real to our women And if we don't we'll have a race of babies That will hate the ladies, that make the babies And since a man can't make one He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one So will the real men get up I know you're fed up ladies, but you gotta keep your head up
I was in the Army stationed at Corry Station Pensacola FL, circa 96/97 when this Album dropped.. Corry Station was actually a Naval Base and the hook from this song reminds me of the NAVY for some.. the trumpet/Horns in the background.... I was a video Broadcaster in the Army and actually sampled this song on the Credits of a Video Project I directed on the Naval Air Museum. It flowed well
Back in the day this was the song that did it for me. This was the one single song that made me a die-hard hip hop fan. This song right here. This song is my favorite rap song of all time and it's so underrated. I used to Bang this song over and over again in the car with my friends! Those were such good days. Out of all the songs on tical, this one for me is by far number one! There will never be another era of Hip Hop like this again
I remember in high school when this song first came out. Wow. When they played this at the school dances. Every one when crazy. Had these two breezes vibing next to me
A RZA production masterpiece!!
Comme pratiquement toutes les productions du groupe, , il est au centre de tous les albums individuelsde chacun ! ! Mais tellement bien interprété par Method, et sa manière de bouger (pas glissés )
That’s right! Just like the rest of his master works 💪🏼
@@berns84350 🥴🥴
RZA - producent, Forever , To Jego brzmienie, jest inne , nawet inne niż nowojorskie 🙌
Metod Man - Forever , chodzący za dnia , Hrabia Dracula 🤣😂
Mef - Cały czas na powierzchni a nie w grobie - Stil , Dyskoteka , Wokal ❤☺️
Pamiętam Mefa nagrywki z B.I.G Smales w rękawiczce 🤣😂
Method Man at his best. The Tical album is a pure classic.
Word! Grimy, rugged and raw.
Naw it could have been but even he said it was too much going on plus lost beats and songs due to that flood he didn’t like it
@@YFGMBlogTv 3 yrs ago when I posted that comment…. They all lost music from that flood. That’s only expression of a perfectionist’s mindset, though. Can’t imagine Tical being any better after all these years. Because that album in itself was perfection
@@YFGMBlogTv he said on Drink Champs that they mostly managed to restore the whole thing and improve on many aspects bar one or two songs
Tical dotarł do Polski w '96
i od tej pory jestem jego
fanem pozdrowienia z Polski
Still to this day nothing ever came close to what the WU did as a collective ..proud to grow up in this era fr
That horn sample is everything 🔥 🔥 🔥
When A Nigga Ready 2Go 2Warrrr!!!!
Sure is
And single bass too ❤
On chivalry2 I love this song playing in background lol😂😅
On chivalry2 I love this song playing in background lol😂😅
The thing I like about Method Man is that he doesn't hold back the delivery in his lyrics. He brings it every single time full throttle and never takes his foot off the gas of his raps. WU TANG FOREVER!!!!
yes man.thats how it must be to make a good song to listen.all these new chain bently rappers have no idea
They sure don't. They don't have the swagger that the Meth Man has, they can't freestyle like he can and they sure as hell ain't hard like him neither.
Kenya Robinson Maaaaan wtf happend to hip-hop?!?! It's like one day I woke up and there was this mumbling bullshit outta nowhere and it spread like bastard disease!! lol. Is it so hard to make decent music wtf is wrong with the world!
+Dj Fes Selfishness & egos. These "rappers" today are completely oblivious to the real social issues of our world and our nations communities.
Kenya Robinson All true ma brother. This world's getting more fucked up by the day. Such a shame. I wanna go back to being a kid, born in the 90s when times were good :-D lol.
Mr. Meth is still a lyrical hurrycane ! Watch ya step kid, every time ! Love
Ha!...the way method man goes into that first verse can make you crazy..dude is naturally talented..this is what new york used to sound like
Thulsa Doom not anymore yo, R.I.P ny music
Check it
He's sick with it he gets into character he's ready to throw his s*** in battle on the floor and any motherfuker who step to him you going to put them in their place he's f****** wrong with his lyrics old school for real realshit
Thulsa Doom straight go crazy music i love it
When rap music was actually hard hitting and relevant.
And still, it depend what you re listening to... Stop spotify lists, look by yourself 😉 bots are shttttt. Peace
I believe method man is the best.
Who agrees method man is up there with the legends
Fear Hunter Method Man is most definitely a hip hop legend
Fear Hunter He would have been. Once he was the voic.
totally agree Meth is one of the true mc legends of all time,his flow and the tone of his voice is fucking amazing no one sounds like him, They dont make them like this anymore,young mc,s have alot to learn from true masters like Meth,plus when he rhymes he,s not trying to play the big gangsta todays new mcs are just trying and lying about how many bitches they banged and how many guns and money they have when usually the answer is none, hip hop is in a sad state of affairs,im sure there is some dope music out there but compared with the 80s and 90s it,s fucking hard to find. Peace out
legendary TICAL
He is a legend
Still 30 years later, one of the best flows to ever grace a mic
1994! Seems like a million years ago. Damn, I miss that era!
True 👐
It won't long ago bruh, trust me, nothing we've seen was that long ago
1994 😭😭
This shit is still as dope as the day I first heard it at 17 now 43
1st heard it at 12, original verse is the best!!
Same! I’m 44 now and this track brings back so many good memories
Same same
Still hits hard !
I hear you brother,, 45 here.
At this time, Method Man was a réal rap superstar. And Kicked with Biggy and Pac on their last album ! Big respect Johny Blaze !
Nobody in the game had an iller sway/dance type move than Mef! I don't even know what to call it, but he was groovin!
chippc odb had a certain stance but yeah meth set standard of how a man can bop and not look like a twat
Yeah, he emanates charisma with every movement.
its the rap version of axl rose's sway from guns'n'roses...only legends can pull off the move..
The most charismatic rapper ever.
Method Man Forever
@1up__ Nah, Meth is natural. 2pac forced a lot of his anger onto situations that didn't need it. 2pac was more hollywood acting. Meth was and is more chill about it.
Here in 2023 and this shit still bangs more now that I’m 39. I remember being that 11 year old kid always waiting for this song to come on the radio.
Method Man: One of the most underrated dancers of all time.
U God said Method was actually a pretty gud dancer
I don't know if you are serious or playing ... funny though...
Slide game on point
He is certainly relaxed and funky, that is 90% of good dancing right there.
Haha! The trumpets sampled in this song are Herb Alpert's, "Treasure of San Miguel" from the 1960's. Look it up!
Method Man I'm from Poland in the 90s my father bought a satellite dish and I always watched MTV I miss the good old style record something
Ja też jestem z Polski
I method jest the best
This will always be one of my favorites of all time!!! 🤩I wonder if the current generation would be able to handle this style of music. 🤔
Love the way Meth dances when he raps!
Yeah, he emanates charisma with every movement.
Marcel Miller I agree..
Dude be feelin it!!
BACK IN THE DAY I used to try and get them moves right ..I was playing this on repeat until something that was worthy of replacing it in the CD player dropped...WUTANG WAS NOT JUST A GROUP...IT WAS LIFE...THE SOUNDTRACK OF A 13 YEAR OLD RUNNING THE STREETS TAGGING,BOOSTING AND GETTING HIGH!!!...ROLLING WITH THE KREW AND OUR LIL BITTYS...LIFE WAS EPIC INDEED!!!
Me too he be giggin!!
The women on the hooks ❤
Blue raspberry!
Look for more of Blue Rasberry’s incredible vocals in other Wu-Tang Masterpieces. Tical Stimulation and Raekwon’s Rainy Days to name a few.
No one road a beat like Meth. Every word landed perfectly with every note.
People now have no idea how popular Method Man was in 1995. He was legitimately up there with Biggie, Tupac, probably bigger.
Yep and he actually did I Collaborations with both Biggie and 2pac
Ask Method Man if he thinks he's better than Big Pun.
Big Pun is dead isn’t he...?
@@oneshoe7146 he passed away in his sleep and he is still better than 99.9% of emcees
Hands down one of the best hip hop tracks ever put out
1995 was his year
Method man is without a doubt one of the greatest rappers who ever lived...
Number one
that is true he is about 6ft 3 (1,9 meters)
He still lives...
And sexiest!!!!!
this gives me tears!
This was an Undercover #1 hit in NYC during summer!🥰😍
This was a #1 hit in Toronto period, still plays on radio till this day on some DAYTIME mixes
Where is the double like button?!?
I couldn't stop playing this song when I was younger
+NemRaps Basically fam..Classic still to this day......
NemRaps You could make music like this guy today. Here you sitting reacting to
Your the shit man
NemRaps frente frase. Franklin
Real Hip Hop That I'm still banging in 2019..
On the real G....
Word is bond
Still 03.2020
Songs that saved lives... epic memories of a rough youth... I'm still here..🙌🏾
Who's here in 2024? They don't do it like this anymore.
Sho Nuff don't
They Damn sure don't !!!!! GENERATION """ X. ""... The last of a dying breed 💯💯💯💯💯
Por desgracia ya no lo hacen asi
hip hop died in '01, but the nail in the coffin was like '07/'08
Sure not our rappers didn't wear pink dock shorts
I know I’m wrong for this but, me and my daughter used to listen to this song. Thank goodness she turned out to just love all kinds of music and so sweet. This song cranks to this day. 😂
When hip hop was HIP HOP.
When New York was New York. If the originators start to copy the lames then everybody's lame.
@@mackinshizzaveli4202 when each area had his own unique sound.
@@nunyabuziness1162 and before twilight made vampires gay
When Meth was Meth
@@Mr88B - Hey man, don't discriminate. Even vampires believe in LGBT rights!
So many legendary lines in this! I honestly think this is his best single out of many he created 💪🏾❤️
When he came out with this album, I knew he'd be in it for the long run‼️ U- God said it best "Method man had the most passion in the Wu"
Nobody freaks the beat like meth! He make u bounce , that NY head knock! I miss the whole era. .... Memories
He could perform! Good damn! In '98 or so In Hawaii. Meth & ODB getting lost in the crowd with us violent Polynesians and not missing a beat! This Hawaiians dream came true seeing them live. I still live that performance out in my head almost everyday. What a blessing...
this man can never be touched, by past-present-future rap artists! period! many may try and come close but none shall succeed! ALL HAIL KING METHOD MAN!
It’s 2020...and I’m still listening to this when it came out. Meth’s energy while he is rapping is undeniable
This was bonkers when it came out
Shit still is
i like how he dances while hes rapping
Like soulja boy! Lmao
+SantEurosia dont compare Method Man with that piece of shit
Method Man had some hella funky moves
he Sexy as Fuck my Next Husband Big Mef his Dancing Skills was so Dope!! and Still is
Rashawn Antoinio Yeah he said that he used to watch a lot of Bobby Brown DVD’s when he was younger.
This would be my entrance song if I were a boxer.
This is my entrance music to the bathroom.
+Bone Smug if I were a shark...I'd be a tiger....but that ain't gonna happen either is it?
you are a boxer.
What the hell fool, it's everybody's.
Lorel Latorilla
hence the background music sampled from.. Rocky
Method Man is ill on tha 🎤 ...PERIOD!!
His voice and flow is unique
Meth had the most swag and charisma outta the wu
Ghostface? ODB?
Hell yea fuck ghostface not odb tho he fire
Meth Was The Most Charismatic, Ghost Was The Most Illustrious/Stylish, ODB Was The Most Eccentric/Unpredictable
Charisma ok...but swag swag...that is ALL GHOSTFACE...WITH RAE AND CAPPADONNA A CLOSE SECOND ...
I’m 21yrs old and meth has been my favorite rapper ever since my pops first played him
"My rap flow does u right Tical & it will never steer U wrong... 'N ALL U B.A.N IN DA INDUSTRY- YO CAREERS WON'T BE LASTING LONG... ". Been bumpin since day 1. Still in 2018. Best method man joint ever. Period
I believe this is the greatest rap song ever
I feel some ODB vibes on this.. Method Man doesnt fail on the delivery!
Method man one of the dopest rappers ever
that second verse has to be one of the best verses ive heard at 1:55 he kept that flow
Blunt smoke in the air reveals my identity
He’s really goin for it, can’t think how much better it could have been with some better production - this whole album actually..
The Prodigy remix of this is well worth a listen.
This track is forever a legend
Methodman is a legend in hip hop and maintained quality for 3 decades, rapped with the greats (alive& dead), from a legendary hip hop group and entertained us with creative characters in music videos e.g. 4,3,2,1 and Symphony 3000 etc. He is in my top 3 artist Alive
I am Pump the Song every week in berlin germany 12 years❤ real hip hop from real mans from real street shit ❤
When I was a youth the beat got me juiced....ClasSick🔥🔥🔥💯
Classic, Yankees made Hip Hop on top of cold and ice in deep city streets. PROPS! So good, he is in the history books with KRS 1, Rakim, and all the others. WUtang!
One of only a few individuals who could glide across any flat surface in Timbs and make it look like he was ice skating ... and let's not even discuss his word play skills!! Method Man/Tical 4 LIFE!!! 💯😎🔥
Not many Emcees exude the charisma Mef does. Knew hed be a great actor
This beat is infectious! Dope AF! 🎉
You know good music 😊
0:35 I like how the song and lyrics just Kick in as if it's already been playing for 3 minutes
This song has changed my whole perspective of method man! Gotta give props and recognition to this o.g style
Gives me chills..
This out to y'all Mumble rappers.
They never heard of Meth. Niggas dont know the history
Yooooo I remember my older cousin putting me on this when I was 5 years old. SHIT was bangin then and still does to this day!
Whos still here at the end of 2020 ? Still fire!
No one ever thought of using that rocky beat like that pure legend I mean he rode this 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Who still rocking with Mef in 2024!!??
Hell yaeh
Wu tang is Forever
We here!
Dors nous d gadjo
My childhood❤this was on constant rotation in 8th grade
Skateboarding in the 90s with this in my headphones..don't get no better
What would the WU-TANG be without Method Man??? Method Man brings the life to the party!!! 🎵🎶🎵🎶
The M.E.T.H greatest ever. Real Hip Hop from N.Y.C
Uncompromised Hip Hop from NYC
Maaaaann this song at the club went so hard!! Mfkrs would get ROUDY with this banger!! Bring the RUCKUS!!!
Almost 20 years and this is still bad ass
One of the most underrated track of all time
Meth is cold fire on this track as he always is.. one of my favorites beat outta the WU camp
this shit was so real. no rapper from today can try do this so done... thumbs up for the wu-tang member legend Meth Johnny Blaze...
LePierrack today's hip hop scene will never be like this stuff, this guy is right. show me some stuff that is as good as this is LePierrack. Ah and i am 32 years old before you say some ********.
LePierrack Today's hip hop scene ain't worth it... Commercial shits, in which some teenage kids smoke weed and sing about how to party...
LePierrack It went from good music in the 90's to crap like wayne, 50 and 2 chainz. Only to get worse. So cherish the 90's music while you can because it will not get better. The music industry has loosened their requirements for getting a record deal. Back in the day you had to be talented and really prove how talented you were to get a record deal which is why the music was so good back in early 2000's and earlier. But now with the introduction of technology you don't have to try so hard and the music industry doesn't care anymore as long as they are making money. So now they are letting mediocre to little talented people get deals and sell albums and this generation is accepting it as good music because they are attracted to the person singing the song. It all goes back to the old saying "fake rapper." Why do you think even fake rapper has been putting out garbage since 2009. they barely rap. they makes a song with a catchy beat and make a dance style or put some girls on video for twerking.they realizes that the industry doesn't care and it's so easy to make money by being lazy so why bother putting in so much effort into making good music. peace
LePierrack stop whatever you are smoking...
Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice
I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots
I give a holler to my sisters on welfare
Tupac cares, if don't nobody else care
And uhh, I know they like to beat ya down a lot
When you come around the block brothas clown a lot
But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up
Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up
And when he tells you you ain't nothin' don't believe him
And if he can't learn to love you you should leave him
Cause sista you don't need him
And I ain't tryin to gash up, I just call em how I see em
You know it makes me unhappy
When brothas make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy
And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies, that make the babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one
So will the real men get up
I know you're fed up ladies, but you gotta keep your head up
Feng Sta lool method man and all your old favriot rappers bump the new shit you just dont know the right rappers
Meth the best hand work and the best voice in hip hop history
SIICK Movements for real!!
Bars!!! No more need be said!!! this is the Culture… wake up!!!
One the best horn samples in hip hop ever .....👌🫶
Herb Alpert 's Treasure Of San Miguel!!
This video used 2 scare me Back in The Day But Got Older And Started bumping this 🔥💯✌
I was in the Army stationed at Corry Station Pensacola FL, circa 96/97 when this Album dropped.. Corry Station was actually a Naval Base and the hook from this song reminds me of the NAVY for some.. the trumpet/Horns in the background.... I was a video Broadcaster in the Army and actually sampled this song on the Credits of a Video Project I directed on the Naval Air Museum. It flowed well
This joint used to get me crazy fired up back in the day. I'd be playing this in my walkman when I was getting ready to go thump.
OMG takes me back...the 90s
Patience real shit here
Yes please
My mom used to run this song! & now I see exactly why. #nostalgia this song goes so hard!!! 🔥☄️
Man, this beat is crazy 🔥🔥🔥🔥 RZA is a chef.
Just an old head here bumping this banger from one of the top 5 to ever do it..and it's almost 2024
The rental car!! The pistol
Methods word play still to this day ranks top 10
The buck stops here!
"Blunt smoke, in the air reveals my identity"
so true :D
Back in the day this was the song that did it for me. This was the one single song that made me a die-hard hip hop fan. This song right here. This song is my favorite rap song of all time and it's so underrated. I used to Bang this song over and over again in the car with my friends! Those were such good days. Out of all the songs on tical, this one for me is by far number one! There will never be another era of Hip Hop like this again
I remember in high school when this song first came out. Wow. When they played this at the school dances. Every one when crazy. Had these two breezes vibing next to me
1:55 best flow!!!
meth = flow :)
'The Iron Lung.'
XChozeeArts that's where he spazzed
Artist were real live super hero’s in this day bro….cmon man…this is electric… 🎺 !!!!……
I love the censored part in the chorus, it makes the song more raw
Brahhhhh that Fucking Flow though🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This Beat is PURE DOPE!!!!
This song gets my hyped everytime I hear it.. 2021 and still playing loud