In Ukrainian, the word "friend" is translated depending on his/her gender. If he is a boy or a man, then in Ukrainian it is translated as "друг" [druh]. If she is a girl or a woman, then in Ukrainian it is translated as "подруга" [podruha]. I think the same dependence exists in all Slavic peoples (at least it certainly exists in Russian, Belarusian and Polish languages)
Correction: for Switzerland it is "Freund / Ami / Amico"
In Ukrainian, the word "friend" is translated depending on his/her gender.
If he is a boy or a man, then in Ukrainian it is translated as "друг" [druh].
If she is a girl or a woman, then in Ukrainian it is translated as "подруга" [podruha].
I think the same dependence exists in all Slavic peoples (at least it certainly exists in Russian, Belarusian and Polish languages)
Romanian "Prieten" ends up with "ten" similar to Sanskrit "Pryiatam"( dearest one)
In Belarusian "Friend" is "Сябар" (Siabar), not "Друг" (Drug)
In Russian, both Drug and Priyatel' are used.
Clockwork Orange English "Droog"
Da correggere la Svizzera con l'aggiunta di italiano e romancio..
In spanich we dont Say amic , we Say amigo only
Aggiungerei la versione femminile se esiste.
Albania and Kosovo have the same language
And where is Georgian??!!
Not in Europe ?
How to write, not how to say.