She is the best young girl that could happen to the old crusted Power Metal. She lives and loves the old vibes of this music and combines it with an unreal amount of talent and also with no fear of modern communication technology. She and her band play old school music in a fresh and modern way, they rock it, making old school musicians like Dio proud. Go on Britney, slay them all 🥰😁
@@ChaseCarneson Dude! Just....DUDE! 😰 She's like Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman /Diana Prince - unassuming and dorky (in the most adorable way) offstage, but powerful and commanding on it! Like Floor, she just proves that these singers we adore are down-to-earth and "normal" away from the "showbiz" thing. You sure had a Damn Good Day™. 🤘
Discovered bands like UTA, Nightwish, Ayreon, Spiritbox, Blind Guardian and more because of the reaction scene on TH-cam in the last couple of months. Have bought about 15 albums in that time. And I’m sure I’m not alone. More labels should see the value of getting their bands, music and name out there without going block crazy. I haven’t had so much fun with, and interest in, music for twenty years.
I'm so glad Brittney says that ppl find new music trough reactors and you shouldn't make it hard for them to react to the vids. I would never have found Unleash The Archers without reaction vids. I am now such a huge fan thanks to them.
Yeeees - it's happening - he's doing interviews! And you are a really great interviewer, great questions and you let the other person speak without interrupting. Next should be Floor or Tuomas (edit: or both :D)!
@@ChaseCarneson And I think it's not impossible. Especially Floor has become very close to her fans over the last few months with regular Instagram Live's and even an interview with another reactor. Try to reach out the them directly or their label/management. Worst thing that could happen - they say no.
Chase, you becoming an interviewer would be a gift not only to us, but also to your interviewees. So many journalists ask such basic and repetitive questions, making it clear that they haven't done much homework, that they barely understand the work on a superficial level, and that they were forced to do the interview by their boss without any investment of their own. I can only imagine a musician's excitement when they get to be inerviewed by someone like you.
A lesson for other artists who shit on reactors. I would have never discovered this band without reaction channels. Now I'm buying the albums, merch and telling everyone I know about them.
If not for YT and reactors I would have never discovered UTA, Band Maid and Lovebites. Now I own all of their albums (on CD), added few DVDs/Blurays and been to a live concert (BM Hamburg 2019) for the first time in more than 25 years. Pitch in a few online concert (BM) and earlier today I purchased UTA tickets for November 2021. In my opinion all bands, but especially the ones from Japan should ask their labels to loosen their old school stance on YT reactions, because by blocking/removing reaction videos they are essentially hurting their bands since they are definitely getting a lot less less exposure to a broader audience.
I can't help but love this woman. She's such a nice and easy going person, and pair that with her talent and just make my heart warm that people like her exist. Great interview Chase.
A big thanks to Brittney and the guys for getting Abyss out. Playing Apex and Abyss back to back more often than not in the car (and at home) since August. Even though I've lost no time at work (essential service industry) I've found that for months there have been few places to go on my 3 days off each week. Listening to music (sometimes 6-8 albums each of those 3 days) has really filled the void during the day....Great interview. Her brilliant intellect shone through. History and anthropology were my specialties at university and she's spot on with her analysis of their connections with past present and future.....And thanks Chase for asking about how to get merch....I just ordered a zipped up hoodie from indiemerchstores. I've gotten some Epica and Within Temptation from them in the past and find them trustworthy. Can't wait for it to arrive. Cheers!
I've known of UTA for years but never really gave them a good shot until I started seeing the Awakening reactions all over TH-cam and it's how I actually found this channel. You're one of the few reactors who have real input and analysis and it feels like more of a discussion than just a "reaction". Cool to see you get this interview and it's awesome how active Brittney is with the fans and community. if these reaction videos got blocked or buried I would have never discovered one of my favorite bands ever.
Legacy will blow your mind, Chase. But The Wind That Shapes The Land will make your head explode! ;-) Brittney, Scott, Andrew & Grant... Thank You So Much! Abyss is on continuous repeat loop here! Best album of 2020!
Thank you so much Brittney !!!!! You and the boys are making me happy. I am a big UTA fan since the first time I heard your great music. Fantastic band and your vocals are just phenomenal !!! Love you !!!
TH-cam and some record companies could learn a lot from Brittany's view on reaction channels!! 👍 ... Positive or negative free advertising can't be a bad thing can it!? ... What someone doesn't like someone else will!!
Negative reaction are INCREDIBLY rare, band like UtA, Ningen Isu and Band-Maid have shown that reaction channels generate a huge amount of interest in bands that the Main stream Radio and TV will not cover.
@@hammerhiem75 well that is at least partially because a lot of people pretend to like things to get followers. But I don't think that much is recommended that an open minded listener couldn't find anything enjoyable about.
Finally. Been seeing Brittney accepting interviews with reactors and I was thinking, what about my man Chase. When does he get his chance? Browse to TH-cam this morning and boom. FCK YES
B & C!!! You get an A!!!..... I just learned about the rugby connection! Great! I played rugby at Rugby once... Pity the lone Aussie against and among the Poms? LOL! Damn, cool mythology comments. Makes me appreciate Brittney even more! .... Eager to see you hear "LEGACY"!!!! Good job!
Job well done Chase; wonderful interview. Cheers to Brittney for giving her time & opening access to the band so we all can learn a bit about them. You & she are both a class act (applause inserted here).
I love new album Abyss by UTA. One of the best albums in 2020. I love all albums and all songs from this great band. Yes, Abyss is different from other albums by UTA, but it´s a divine album. All of songs are masterpieces :-).
Saturday: Hanging out with friends, watching my favourite football team winning and a have a good time: great! Sunday: Having like a little little little Hangover, watching the unbelievable talented and gorgeous Brittney Slayes and one of the most interesting and sympathetic reactioner on TH-cam Chase Carneson: unpayable!!! Thank you both so very much. Love and respect from a german Kitsune 🤘🏼🦊🤘🏼. Please stay healthy you all.
I immediately zeroed in on the D&D books! Love it! Plus, you both have amazing talent, Chase with his knowledge and analysis, and Brittney with her amazing lyrics, vocals and presentation.
Really cool to see Brittney and Chase in an interview together. Good questions and a lot to learn from... Especially the part about the history of europe i really FEEL, it´s also a big part of my life and where i get my inspiration from for my books and novels. It´s cool that this is totally relatable, so in her own way she writes books too, just with AWESOME music behind it, but i am an "musicial idiot", so i will never be able to do that... Thanks for that Chase and Brittney!
Because of her cover of Northwest passage I researched Henry Kelsey who was an amazing explorer in the late 1600s. Stan Rogers wrote him in the song as Kelso sea of flowers. So thanks for the link in discovering another very cool dude from the past. Being from Chilliwack and living Holland I love that I found this band.
UTA is not a band I can listen to all the time - a bit too frenetic - but I really appreciate what they do and Brittney Slayes comes across as both really smart and a delightful person - and an excellent singer of course. Great interview.
Brittney Slayes, yours is a bright light lass:) An engaging, intelligent, phenomenally talented and wonderfully warm human being. Even her speaking voice is mesmerizing. Super entertaining and insightful interview Chase, well done bro.
Legacy is the next vid? Sweeeeet. What a beautiful song. Might be my favorite UTA song ever. I hope Return to Me comes after that. Abyss exceeded all my expectations.
Nailed it, Chase! As a gallery represented visual artist I can say, without a doubt, the questions you asked were essentially the same I'd get in an artist talk or a Q&A session. Can also tell you're a bit "nerdy" about music because of the process questions. For me, it's not about the type of paper or the type of guitar used. Don't get me wrong, those are interesting and important, but it's more about the "why". Why did you make it, what's the inspiration for it, where did the ideas come from, what was the creation process like, how what it different that past projects. Those kinds of questions get to the heart of what an artist is trying to accomplish. The materials used are just the tools to get the project completed. The message is the most important thing. Are they master musicians? Yes. But they got to that level to better tell the story the way they see it in their head. But you have to get to a point where the fundamentals are no longer in the way of what you're trying to create. It's only then where the vision can be brought to life in successful ways. You asked perfect questions. Questions an artist really wants to answer. Great interview.
You remember that bit about the harmonies - you didn't know you needed them until they were there? That was this interview for me! Thanks for being a great start to my weekend again!
I didn't think she could be any cooler but also a Great interview with arguably the best female metal vocalist by perhaps the best TH-cam reactor. A great way to start my Saturday.
This is awesome!! Okay, I admit, NOW I'm going back to rewatch your reactions to this band Chase (I inexplicably skipped your first) and damn, just like Nightwish, how have I missed Unleash the Archers? Great personality, great voice, great band!! 🤘 A new fan, can't wait to hear more!!
"Aboot" 😁 her Canadian dipthong slipped out. Love her dorkiness. Also Chase, do you realize that when you're excited/nervous, you tend to talk fast? So glad she caught everything and you even made it on top of her list for reactors! Woohoo! And maybe can interview Andrew next for album guitarplay? She's right, Andy's active on Twitch. I actually stopped by his stream yesterday and he was making music. Hopefully, Britt will be back on Twitch too, would love to play Fall Guys with her lol.
Love that Brittney joined you for an interview. She's always such a lovely person and super talented. My vinyl for Abyss just arrived this week, now I have both it and Apex in my very limited record collection. But it was worth it, love this album.
Brilliant interview, Brittney definitely has her head screwed on... Congrats on this Chase, good job. Seem to have found yourself a new niche for yourself, sucker for hard work obviously 🤣. But seriously this was great and surprisingly easy to watch all the way through 👏👏👏👏
I'm so glad you got to interview Britney! What an awesome personality! On a side note you should really check out In Hearts Wake- Worldwide Suicide. That song is incredible.
I am very happy this finally got we almost heard the working tite for "Return to Me". "Legacy" is just an amazing song and this really showcases how much the band has grown in such a positive way. I truly can't wait for that video. Abyss has certainly been the shining moment of 2020 and so have you good sir!! You have amassed quite a following as well and I am happy for you. Cheers!
I love this band SO MUCH. I've listened to both Apex and Abyss so many damn times. I very much doubt UTA will ever tour within an hour or two of me so that makes me very sad. I did go a little crazy with the merch on this one. Bought the album, limited edition earbook, t-shirt, hoodie, hat, I think that' sit?
I'm super happy you got to talk to Brittney, this interview and how it turned out definitely made my week! Imo it felt like a super chill conversation, rather than "question 1, question 2, etc " that you unfortunately see with so many interviews. Very interesting questions on your part, and very thoughtful, I especially appreciate your last question on how to help out bands during these times. 10/10 interview Chase, you go!
Awesome job with the interview Chase. She seems like a very warm, intelligent and friendly person. It was fun, insightful and interesting. Dare I say, a chat between two wonderful human beings.
Hey great interview, great questions you really did your research, Britney is so talented and down to earth I got turned onto UTA in 2019, they are all so talented and so great live I hope they come to Sydney and I hope my band Fuel2Fire can open up for them.
Chase my man I’m so HAPPY you got this opportunity to do this interview! Brittney is so AWESOME .... what a GEM! Great questions... ( the album insight from Brittney ❤️). THANKS for bringing this too all of us.🤘
I (like many others) discovered UTC via "Awakening" and I just recently bought both Apex and Abyss on CD. I plan on listening to them back-to-back to follow the story.
Thank you very much for this amazing and excellent interview with Brittney, You´re doing a great work, Chase. I have a big respect to you. Keep up the great work :-).
Brittany is awesome. I would love to see her write out her story from the albums in a novel or comic book etc... And the new album is great. It is a different sound than Apex and I appreciate that they want to evolve and put out quality stuff. Great interview!!
This is a great interview. Brittney is so cool and erudite, and Chase's questions were thoughtful. Very entertaining. I didn't think I would sit through 26 minutes when it started but I sure did. Good job.
I’ve become enamored with Unleash the Archers since your react, and found Brittney to be incredibly humble and down to earth in your interview, which makes them even more compelling. And btw, I’ve loved the NW collabs with Julia! Keep ‘em coming! ;) Cheers! ~Don
That was wonderful, I knew you guys would click. Your respect and professionalism make a huge difference and she clearly responded to that. Great work, Chase!
I was supposed to do something, but then noticed this interview! She seems like such a cool, intelligent, down to earth person. And did I see Chase blush, or was it just lighting? 😁😁.
She is the best young girl that could happen to the old crusted Power Metal. She lives and loves the old vibes of this music and combines it with an unreal amount of talent and also with no fear of modern communication technology.
She and her band play old school music in a fresh and modern way, they rock it, making old school musicians like Dio proud.
Go on Britney, slay them all 🥰😁
Brittney. she is so cool and charming.
She was awesome to chat to.
@@ChaseCarneson your questions were the right ones. she seemed to enjoy the chat too. her interests are adorable too. have a good one, chase.
@@ChaseCarneson Dude! Just....DUDE! 😰 She's like Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman /Diana Prince - unassuming and dorky (in the most adorable way) offstage, but powerful and commanding on it!
Like Floor, she just proves that these singers we adore are down-to-earth and "normal" away from the "showbiz" thing.
You sure had a Damn Good Day™. 🤘
Discovered bands like UTA, Nightwish, Ayreon, Spiritbox, Blind Guardian and more because of the reaction scene on TH-cam in the last couple of months. Have bought about 15 albums in that time. And I’m sure I’m not alone. More labels should see the value of getting their bands, music and name out there without going block crazy. I haven’t had so much fun with, and interest in, music for twenty years.
I concur!
I'm so glad Brittney says that ppl find new music trough reactors and you shouldn't make it hard for them to react to the vids. I would never have found Unleash The Archers without reaction vids. I am now such a huge fan thanks to them.
Could not have said it better myself.
Yeeees - it's happening - he's doing interviews!
And you are a really great interviewer, great questions and you let the other person speak without interrupting. Next should be Floor or Tuomas (edit: or both :D)!
Glad you enjoyed it! Haha now that would be awesome.
@@ChaseCarneson And I think it's not impossible. Especially Floor has become very close to her fans over the last few months with regular Instagram Live's and even an interview with another reactor.
Try to reach out the them directly or their label/management. Worst thing that could happen - they say no.
@@marcel1416 True Dat!
Chase, you becoming an interviewer would be a gift not only to us, but also to your interviewees. So many journalists ask such basic and repetitive questions, making it clear that they haven't done much homework, that they barely understand the work on a superficial level, and that they were forced to do the interview by their boss without any investment of their own. I can only imagine a musician's excitement when they get to be inerviewed by someone like you.
Love her process and songwriting theorycrafting. She is a female Bruce Dickinson. Minus fencing but add rugby. :)
I'm amazed she's still got beautiful teeth. 😬
@@ChrisPage68 Oh stop. She was a 9. That is the glamor position. :D
she is everything. everybody loves Brittney Slayes. i am one of them.
Love the way Brittney engages with reactors and fans, she's so accessible.
Very genuine and down to earth
A lesson for other artists who shit on reactors. I would have never discovered this band without reaction channels.
Now I'm buying the albums, merch and telling everyone I know about them.
If not for YT and reactors I would have never discovered UTA, Band Maid and Lovebites. Now I own all of their albums (on CD), added few DVDs/Blurays and been to a live concert (BM Hamburg 2019) for the first time in more than 25 years. Pitch in a few online concert (BM) and earlier today I purchased UTA tickets for November 2021. In my opinion all bands, but especially the ones from Japan should ask their labels to loosen their old school stance on YT reactions, because by blocking/removing reaction videos they are essentially hurting their bands since they are definitely getting a lot less less exposure to a broader audience.
I can't help but love this woman. She's such a nice and easy going person, and pair that with her talent and just make my heart warm that people like her exist. Great interview Chase.
Brittney Slayes is just an awesome person....and she is the female Bruce Dickinson 🤘
All she needs is some fencing lessons and a cargo jet flight license
@@jimz6850 she also needs to become a train enthusiast 😂
Tank the Tech described her as Ronnie James Dio's daughter.
I said that to a mate of mine: that she's like a female Bruce Dickinson. Glad I'm not the only one that sees it.
A big thanks to Brittney and the guys for getting Abyss out. Playing Apex and Abyss back to back more often than not in the car (and at home) since August. Even though I've lost no time at work (essential service industry) I've found that for months there have been few places to go on my 3 days off each week. Listening to music (sometimes 6-8 albums each of those 3 days) has really filled the void during the day....Great interview. Her brilliant intellect shone through. History and anthropology were my specialties at university and she's spot on with her analysis of their connections with past present and future.....And thanks Chase for asking about how to get merch....I just ordered a zipped up hoodie from indiemerchstores. I've gotten some Epica and Within Temptation from them in the past and find them trustworthy. Can't wait for it to arrive. Cheers!
I've known of UTA for years but never really gave them a good shot until I started seeing the Awakening reactions all over TH-cam and it's how I actually found this channel. You're one of the few reactors who have real input and analysis and it feels like more of a discussion than just a "reaction". Cool to see you get this interview and it's awesome how active Brittney is with the fans and community. if these reaction videos got blocked or buried I would have never discovered one of my favorite bands ever.
Very good point. Glad we both found them.
She's just adorable. And such a badass. Love the new album.
Adorkable badass. The best kind.
Brittney rules 🤘🏼🤘🏼...and yes Chase.. so are you😉👍🏼
Haha thanks
Sooo cool. Congrats @Chase Carneson and thank you @Brittney Slayes for taking the time.
Legacy will blow your mind, Chase.
But The Wind That Shapes The Land will make your head explode! ;-)
Brittney, Scott, Andrew & Grant... Thank You So Much!
Abyss is on continuous repeat loop here! Best album of 2020!
Thank you all indeed. What an album so far.
Thank you so much Brittney !!!!! You and the boys are making me happy. I am a big UTA fan since the first time I heard your great music. Fantastic band and your vocals are just phenomenal !!! Love you !!!
Brittnay is so amazing.
💖☺️ Aah Chase. Thou dost blusheth so, my man. Your love & admiration layeth exposed. Great interview. 💥Brilliant.
TH-cam and some record companies could learn a lot from Brittany's view on reaction channels!! 👍 ... Positive or negative free advertising can't be a bad thing can it!? ... What someone doesn't like someone else will!!
Negative reaction are INCREDIBLY rare, band like UtA, Ningen Isu and Band-Maid have shown that reaction channels generate a huge amount of interest in bands that the Main stream Radio and TV will not cover.
@@hammerhiem75 well that is at least partially because a lot of people pretend to like things to get followers. But I don't think that much is recommended that an open minded listener couldn't find anything enjoyable about.
Finally. Been seeing Brittney accepting interviews with reactors and I was thinking, what about my man Chase. When does he get his chance? Browse to TH-cam this morning and boom. FCK YES
I appreciate you!
Yeahhhh Chase just had a fenomenal damn good day....and me too...thanx man...NW and Britney on the samen day...what a treat
Brittney so down to earth....and so true .. 💟. Great to see you both intereacting together 🎧.. stop on.. 👍
Nothing beats a good discussion between intelligent people. Well done.
Brilliant! Thank you Chase and Brittney.
Simply awesome 😎
I love her so much man. What an amazing musician and human, I really wish to see them live before I die.
Same. Gotta see them soon.
Brittney is awesome and so down to earth! Can't wait for the new video!
Gotta love B. Slayes, not only does she seem like a lovely individual. But also the amount of 'interviews' she does just on YT alone is impressive.
B & C!!! You get an A!!!..... I just learned about the rugby connection! Great! I played rugby at Rugby once... Pity the lone Aussie against and among the Poms? LOL! Damn, cool mythology comments. Makes me appreciate Brittney even more! .... Eager to see you hear "LEGACY"!!!! Good job!
Job well done Chase; wonderful interview. Cheers to Brittney for giving her time & opening access to the band so we all can learn a bit about them. You & she are both a class act (applause inserted here).
I love new album Abyss by UTA. One of the best albums in 2020. I love all albums and all songs from this great band. Yes, Abyss is different from other albums by UTA, but it´s a divine album. All of songs are masterpieces :-).
Really awesome
Great. I waiting so long on this interview. Brittney is awesome person.
Two of my favourite people... and... chase! pro!
Saturday: Hanging out with friends, watching my favourite football team winning and a have a good time: great! Sunday: Having like a little little little Hangover, watching the unbelievable talented and gorgeous Brittney Slayes and one of the most interesting and sympathetic reactioner on TH-cam Chase Carneson: unpayable!!! Thank you both so very much. Love and respect from a german Kitsune 🤘🏼🦊🤘🏼. Please stay healthy you all.
I immediately zeroed in on the D&D books! Love it! Plus, you both have amazing talent, Chase with his knowledge and analysis, and Brittney with her amazing lyrics, vocals and presentation.
Shout out to anthropology from Brittney Slayes! As an archaeologist I whole heatedly agree and approve. I channel my knowledge into my DMing 😎
Really cool to see Brittney and Chase in an interview together. Good questions and a lot to learn from... Especially the part about the history of europe i really FEEL, it´s also a big part of my life and where i get my inspiration from for my books and novels. It´s cool that this is totally relatable, so in her own way she writes books too, just with AWESOME music behind it, but i am an "musicial idiot", so i will never be able to do that... Thanks for that Chase and Brittney!
She was really open and happy to chat about anything. Makes the interview really easy.
Because of her cover of Northwest passage I researched Henry Kelsey who was an amazing explorer in the late 1600s. Stan Rogers wrote him in the song as Kelso sea of flowers. So thanks for the link in discovering another very cool dude from the past. Being from Chilliwack and living Holland I love that I found this band.
Great Interview Chase! Appreciate Brittney so much for participating in TH-cam content!
She's awesome. Thanks for that.
Great interview they are the future of power metal.
They're amazing. You're not wrong there.
UTA is not a band I can listen to all the time - a bit too frenetic - but I really appreciate what they do and Brittney Slayes comes across as both really smart and a delightful person - and an excellent singer of course. Great interview.
Yay!!!! We were all hoping you'd get to meet Brittney. Good job on keeping your cool!
That was cool. She’s super nice and amazingly talented.
Brittney Slayes, yours is a bright light lass:) An engaging, intelligent, phenomenally talented and wonderfully warm human being. Even her speaking voice is mesmerizing. Super entertaining and insightful interview Chase, well done bro.
All that talent and loves rugby , Brittney just gets better the more hear her . Great interview Chace looking forward to the next one .
Nice one Terry!!! Me too.
@@ChaseCarneson Floor Jansen. Doo iiiiit!
Damn, she's so lovely and rooted, I love her
Legacy is the next vid? Sweeeeet. What a beautiful song. Might be my favorite UTA song ever. I hope Return to Me comes after that. Abyss exceeded all my expectations.
It's incredible so far. Really blown away
I'm so happy for Chase, he really deserved this! I also love Britney, so this was a very good video to watch :)
Nailed it, Chase! As a gallery represented visual artist I can say, without a doubt, the questions you asked were essentially the same I'd get in an artist talk or a Q&A session. Can also tell you're a bit "nerdy" about music because of the process questions. For me, it's not about the type of paper or the type of guitar used. Don't get me wrong, those are interesting and important, but it's more about the "why". Why did you make it, what's the inspiration for it, where did the ideas come from, what was the creation process like, how what it different that past projects. Those kinds of questions get to the heart of what an artist is trying to accomplish. The materials used are just the tools to get the project completed. The message is the most important thing. Are they master musicians? Yes. But they got to that level to better tell the story the way they see it in their head. But you have to get to a point where the fundamentals are no longer in the way of what you're trying to create. It's only then where the vision can be brought to life in successful ways. You asked perfect questions. Questions an artist really wants to answer.
Great interview.
You remember that bit about the harmonies - you didn't know you needed them until they were there? That was this interview for me! Thanks for being a great start to my weekend again!
Aaaaaah I love that. Thanks for the kind words.
I've met Brittney a few times here in Edmonton she is an absolutely amazing person and have got to chat with her a couple times
I didn't think she could be any cooler but also a
Great interview with arguably the best female metal vocalist by perhaps the best TH-cam reactor. A great way to start my Saturday.
You're very kind Anthony. Was awesome chatting to her.
This is awesome!! Okay, I admit, NOW I'm going back to rewatch your reactions to this band Chase (I inexplicably skipped your first) and damn, just like Nightwish, how have I missed Unleash the Archers? Great personality, great voice, great band!! 🤘 A new fan, can't wait to hear more!!
Haha hope they're as good the second time around.
@@ChaseCarneson man I've rewatched your UTA reactions at least 3 or 4 times. Just like this interview! Love your stuff!
Man this is really awesome. Brittney is the so cool, Queen Brittney Slaying with her gourgeous smile and charisma.
"Aboot" 😁 her Canadian dipthong slipped out. Love her dorkiness. Also Chase, do you realize that when you're excited/nervous, you tend to talk fast? So glad she caught everything and you even made it on top of her list for reactors! Woohoo!
And maybe can interview Andrew next for album guitarplay? She's right, Andy's active on Twitch. I actually stopped by his stream yesterday and he was making music. Hopefully, Britt will be back on Twitch too, would love to play Fall Guys with her lol.
I always talk fast haha. Definitely glad she picked it all up 😂. I'd love to talk to Andy and Grant. Especially with Andy writing most of this album.
Talking fast is probably a South African thing, we do talk fast.
Watchu tawking aboot, eh? P.S iDon't 'think' WE share the same definition of 'dip-thong', Juliette.... P.P.S. Allo from Winnipeg!
@@johnnylaroux9517 😂🙋
Canadians don't actually say "aboot", maybe Newfies.
Great interview, Brittney is such a sweetheart.
That was the first album I've bought, in a very long time. I also bought a poster😉🖒
Love that Brittney joined you for an interview. She's always such a lovely person and super talented. My vinyl for Abyss just arrived this week, now I have both it and Apex in my very limited record collection. But it was worth it, love this album.
Glad you enjoyed it! That's awesome.
This interview is all the rage on the UTA facebook fan page. Good stuff.
She seems like a ton of fun! I agree with her, synthwave is awesome stuff. First time I heard Carpenter Brut's Trilogy I was like :O
Brilliant interview, Brittney definitely has her head screwed on... Congrats on this Chase, good job. Seem to have found yourself a new niche for yourself, sucker for hard work obviously 🤣.
But seriously this was great and surprisingly easy to watch all the way through 👏👏👏👏
She's awesome. Definitely has the right approach to all of this.
I'm so glad you got to interview Britney! What an awesome personality! On a side note you should really check out In Hearts Wake- Worldwide Suicide. That song is incredible.
Great interview, Chase (and Brittney, obviously)! 👍 Also, thanks for including the link to the indiemerchstore!
That is so awesome! Congrats on the continued success.
Thanks so much!!
I don't know how you keep it together. I would just be dumbfounded. Great job to you both!
Haha she's honestly very chilled and a genuinely lovely person.
I'd say it's about seeing a person who is as talented as Brittney is, as a person.
It's all the interviewee wants anyway.
WAIT WHAT???? OMG WHAT A SURPRISE!!! Neeed coffe for this one
Hope you enjoyed!!!
I am very happy this finally got we almost heard the working tite for "Return to Me". "Legacy" is just an amazing song and this really showcases how much the band has grown in such a positive way. I truly can't wait for that video. Abyss has certainly been the shining moment of 2020 and so have you good sir!! You have amassed quite a following as well and I am happy for you. Cheers!
What?! Oh man it's so cool 🙌🏻
I love this band SO MUCH. I've listened to both Apex and Abyss so many damn times. I very much doubt UTA will ever tour within an hour or two of me so that makes me very sad.
I did go a little crazy with the merch on this one. Bought the album, limited edition earbook, t-shirt, hoodie, hat, I think that' sit?
I'm super happy you got to talk to Brittney, this interview and how it turned out definitely made my week! Imo it felt like a super chill conversation, rather than "question 1, question 2, etc " that you unfortunately see with so many interviews. Very interesting questions on your part, and very thoughtful, I especially appreciate your last question on how to help out bands during these times. 10/10 interview Chase, you go!
Felt exactly the same to me. Relaxed and very conversational.
I just discovered this amazing band through your channel. Thank you for that! ❤
Superb interview Chase, I think we are all looking forward to the next one!
Bloody great interview Chase.
Awesome job with the interview Chase. She seems like a very warm, intelligent and friendly person. It was fun, insightful and interesting. Dare I say, a chat between two wonderful human beings.
Aaaah man. That's very nice of you to say.
@@ChaseCarneson Dare I say - A Damn Good Interview!
Chase, great Interview, Brittney is so sweet.
She's awesome. Really enjoyed chatting to you.
Shes very smart to interact like this with the fans!
It's the perfect PR - me for example bought the album "Apex" after the reaction to "Awakening"! I am not the only one I suppose.
The interviews from youtubers are eons past the old magazine and tv interviews from journalists. This was an amazing interview.
Thank you so much for that. Really enjoyed this one.
Hey great interview, great questions you really did your research, Britney is so talented and down to earth I got turned onto UTA in 2019, they are all so talented and so great live I hope they come to Sydney and I hope my band Fuel2Fire can open up for them.
"I forget the second half of the question now." xD I hope they will get comic book deals soon for Apex and Abyss. Britt's up for it.
Dark Horse should totally take her up on it, lol.
It would be epic.
Chase my man I’m so HAPPY you got this opportunity to do this interview! Brittney is so AWESOME .... what a GEM! Great questions... ( the album insight from Brittney ❤️). THANKS for bringing this too all of us.🤘
Appreciate you, Herf. Thanks buddy.
I (like many others) discovered UTC via "Awakening" and I just recently bought both Apex and Abyss on CD. I plan on listening to them back-to-back to follow the story.
Oh heck yes!!! I'm so stoked that Legacy is the next video!! 🤘🏾🤘🏾
Super amped.
Thank you very much for this amazing and excellent interview with Brittney, You´re doing a great work, Chase. I have a big respect to you. Keep up the great work :-).
Brittney slayes my heart
Brittany is awesome. I would love to see her write out her story from the albums in a novel or comic book etc... And the new album is great. It is a different sound than Apex and I appreciate that they want to evolve and put out quality stuff. Great interview!!
That's a great idea! I'm sure something will be out soon.
Great interview! loved it
I am so happy you finally got her on your channel. I know people have been pushing for that for a while. She's incredibly down to earth.
She's lovely. Very honest and open and friendly.
This is a great interview. Brittney is so cool and erudite, and Chase's questions were thoughtful. Very entertaining. I didn't think I would sit through 26 minutes when it started but I sure did. Good job.
Glad you enjoyed it Dean.
Wonderful interview, thank you!
Thank you for that 🙏🙏🙏
I’ve become enamored with Unleash the Archers since your react, and found Brittney to be incredibly humble and down to earth in your interview, which makes them even more compelling. And btw, I’ve loved the NW collabs with Julia! Keep ‘em coming! ;) Cheers! ~Don
This is coolest thing in universe.....and wider chase tati now or floor😁
I'm working on it
That was wonderful, I knew you guys would click. Your respect and professionalism make a huge difference and she clearly responded to that. Great work, Chase!
Thank you 🙏
I was supposed to do something, but then noticed this interview! She seems like such a cool, intelligent, down to earth person. And did I see Chase blush, or was it just lighting? 😁😁.
Love this album. She has nothing to worry about me ignoring it.