Come oooooon… Pizzeria sim should be at LEAST c tier. The inspection part of the game is unmatched in horror! Plus the actual night gameplay is terrifying. It should really be higher since sb isn’t all that scary too! 😂 Solid vid tho dude, and good list 👍🏽
The reason for my placement of Pizzeria Simulator is mostly because of the pizzeria part of the game, which often takes up a large part of the gameplay, which removes a lot of the horror aspect in my personal opinion. If it weren't for the Pizzeria part of the game, I probably would have put it in S tier. Also, thanks for your encouragement, it really helps! :D
pretty good, i would suggest putting security breach down a tier because it just feels more like a roblox game rather than a full polished experience you would typically expect from that publisher
Come oooooon… Pizzeria sim should be at LEAST c tier. The inspection part of the game is unmatched in horror! Plus the actual night gameplay is terrifying. It should really be higher since sb isn’t all that scary too! 😂
Solid vid tho dude, and good list 👍🏽
The reason for my placement of Pizzeria Simulator is mostly because of the pizzeria part of the game, which often takes up a large part of the gameplay, which removes a lot of the horror aspect in my personal opinion. If it weren't for the Pizzeria part of the game, I probably would have put it in S tier. Also, thanks for your encouragement, it really helps! :D
W vid keep up the work
Thanks! Btw, when will you finish your new channel? Or do you not have a date?
pretty good, i would suggest putting security breach down a tier because it just feels more like a roblox game rather than a full polished experience you would typically expect from that publisher
@@riax3431 Interesting description, but it's actually quite accurate now that I think about it.