Why are people so critical?? That man is 63 years old. I think he looks fantastic! He has turned his health around from being sick to healthy and thriving. He has discovered what works for himself. Now he’s living his best life! We all should be so lucky!
Totally agree! What a thought leader and change maker. He’s a western medical doctor who is looking to improve the health of humanity for free! He shares and cares! People will say critical things to make themselves feel better. Instead of taking the knowledge he selflessly shares and using it to improve the quality of their lives. I am deeply grateful for Marks work. Thank you 🙏
His appearance has changed. I think people are just concerned. Usually when people notice a change they don’t say anything because it’s not the Internet where they can speak without thinking
@@lindafoster8182 agreed, his appearance has most definitely changed. I am extremely concerned about the C-19 jabs, which he was promoting. they are inherently toxic (I'm sure utube will remove this comment, as they don't respect free speech).
I am 63 and was diagnosed by a neurologist ( not a very good one) as early onset dementia with a side of delusional thoughts. In the meanwhile my personal MD contacted me to share that my recent physical showed I had diabetes. I googled symptoms for diabetes and cognitive brain function and sure enough memory issues can be part of diabetic symptoms. I totally changed my diet to support insulin resistance. (This is my 3rd round with high blood sugar #1) gestational diabetes with 2nd pregnancy at 26 #2) going into menopause I gained weight and my metabolism slowed way down, fixed it with becoming a certified yoga instructor and teaching fitness classes 3) at 63 I now have high blood sugar again! Now along with daily yoga I walk 3-5 miles a day which I love & I put myself on a diabetic diet which I am loving ❤ Now I test my blood sugar every couple of days just to keep track of any changes! My morning fasting blood sugar was 200 😬 and now it’s down to 120 😊 I still weigh 100lbs😂 I also take a between 10-20 supplements a day some I take daily and others are for specific symptoms. I look healthy and feel good. Trust your intuition, ask your body what is out of balance and be open to the answer. We are highly intuitive beings when we quiet our mind and listen for the answer🙏
Congrats on restoring your health. Great job. Neurologist , ( as you said, not avery good one) should have screened for medical issues / nutritional deficiencies that can affect the brain.
Pls watch Dr. Ada videos on u can eat bread, rice & potatoes!!! She gives great info! Pls watch her videos!!! Im 5’2”, weigh 115ish, beat pancreatic c!
Mark Hyman is my favorite functional doctor. He teaches the most balanced diet, not restricting whole food groups unless something is truly unhealthy. He is kind and extremely intelligent and informed, He also looks gorgeous! So you jerks who are making rude comments go look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are so mean critical and insecure.
How can anyone be mean to this guy. Honestly. He can be long winded if you just want the 45 second cliff notes but his intent and content is fantastic.
I am from an area of Pennsylvania where people are living well into their 90's. In fact the aunt of someone I know just died at 106. This is a generation that grew up with midwife's, home gardens, animal protein that was organically raised prior to the category of organic plus organ meats like tripe, canning. Gluten, grains were not the main actor in our diet. Rosemary, sage, oregano, thyme, fennel, bay leaf are all components of our diets.
Snapshot of Mark Hyman’s Daily Meal Plan Breakfast: A shake (post workout) consisting of pegan protein powder, pomegranate concentrate, cranberry concentrate, macha powder, frozen berries, baobab tree, maca, açaí powder (polyphenol blends) along with pre-and probiotics. Lunch: A can of mackerel or sardines with arugula, fennel, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, and olives. Dinner: 3-5 veggie dishes; roasted shiitake mushrooms, broccolini stir-fried with garlic and ginger, a Japanese sweet potato, finish it off with a tomato, cucumber, avocado, hearts of palm, fennel, cilantro salad with olive oil and vinegar. Works to have a plentiful amount of vegetables, the centerpiece of the meals, and the protein or meat is a side dish.
Same happened to me with antibiotic Erythromycin and the dentist! I did my own research and threw away the pills they said I would take for the rest of my life because they said I had colitis?!!!!! That was 15 years ago and I’m not on any medication
He is so right!! I follow him for many years and he helped so much with my joints and my way of living. I'm 59 and wants to do my best to keep living a decent life. This world is trying VERY HARD for us to have an unhealthy living with the sugar they put on every thing. I see in our non fortunate communities suffering from obesity in children to start because EVERY THING "HEALTHY" it's so expensive and sometimes it's no even ORGANIC. Praying for our lives and our children to live a healthy life.
For a main meal, a large portion of cooked, hot or cold Broccoli with tomatoes , cucumber, olives , cottage , cheese , with chicken, salmon or tofo . A XL plate full of the above, will fill your belly and less than 700 calories.
In Ayurveda, it was said one who has “Meda” issues which means digestive issues will have all other diseases. And it’s not a new discovery, it’s been there for thousands of years.
My son regressed into autism at 3 years old and it turned out he contracted clostridia c difficile in hospital as an infant. I am fighting to heal his gut. He also has a lot toxins like mercury, aluminum, thallium, lead, tin and Antimony. The clostridia is out now and his behavior improved because he was very aggressive and now he is so sweet and he is using sone few words. Thank dr. Hyman
Gabe Brown is a farmer in North Dakota who is changing how farming is done. He is restoring soil to good health with good microbiota. It is amazing and he is far out ahead of everyone else on this.
Greetings from Denmark. ❤ Waching a MD not knowing how important clean food is. Be in hospital, no MD talk of healthy food as a very important help to recovery.
Dhru, you are the best and most informed interviewer I have listened to. I focus on health and wellness and listen to some of the top doctors like Mark Hyman, William Li, Neal Barnard , Michael Gregor ,Esselstyns, Campbell , Dr Ornish, Fuhrman, Amen.... I'd love to hear you interview some of them as well. I think you're wonderful and a pleasure to actually listen to you with your wisdom. Thank you🎉
I have read that the US is one of the few nations in the world that does not eat a fermented food daily. Since I read that, I added a serving of plain, whole milk yogurt with cream on top from grass fed cows with no antibiotics, trans, mono, or poly unsaturated fats. It has only saturated fats. No artificial anything. I usually add nuts, berries, or other fruits to it. I eat a small portion as I need to and am losing weight. I have noticed a difference in gut, bowel health when I don't eat it for a even a few days. I am a fan of fermented foods, at least, of yogurt. I think the war on saturated fats is one of the worst things medical science has done to the American people. We evolved eating saturated animal fats, along with wild fruits, berries which contain natural sugars and edible wild plants. It's absurd to have ever thought saturated fats were our problem in heart and other diseases. A diet high in processed foods, sugars, and bad carbs are the more likely causes of heart disease.
People who have taken the time to be educated about how to eat a healthy KETO diet are amazed that they can have all the yummy cheese, yogurt - including the stuff with the cream on top, and all the protein they can handle and lose tons of weight. Just as long as they avoid carbs. The wife and I were already heavily avoiding gluten and carbs. so making the switch from calorie counting to KETO was heavenly. One year later and both of us have lost lots of weight - me, 37 pounds, her, 25. Without ever feeling hungry!
Kefir is easy to make and has more colony-forming gut bacteria than yogurt. Saurkraut isn't hard to make and is a great way to get more fermented food into your diet.
Great content as usual. In-depth and detailed. Not for the person that is not truly passionate and interested in health and fitness. Not for people who just want a quick fix. Most people do not have self control and lack patience and attention. Much of this go’s way above there heads because they do not understand basic body functions and physiological effects of food, exercise, and brain function. The more in-depth followers and people with more knowledge find the videos very thoughtful, interesting, entertaining, and of course thorough. Thank you
Because medical aids force clients to support BIG PHARMA for a quick fix and actually they cause longterm suffering, specially in this global GEO ENGINEERING time
It's true what this person commented. I would love to share this video with many people but they just don't care about this type of information, and they see its 1hr long so they dont listen to it... in my case, I listen to these videos while I do the dishes or eat for example, to learn more everyday.
"Don't let your ideology direct your biology." ~ Dr. Mark Hyman That goes well witth one of my favorite quotations: “Ideology is the death of science; the death of religion and the death of people.” ~ Captain Peter Hartsock, U.S. Public Health Service
Kudos to Dr Wahls for blazing the trail to health for MS patients. She is currently studying her version of the Paleo Diet and the Keto diet for MS. And a shout out to all of the people who are willing and able to participate in the study. It takes dedication and hard work to get good results.
THANK YOU FOR ALL THE INFO!! GINGER AND SPIRULENA AND KELP are a plus for me. Make my own vege caps..ginger powder. Buying at "bulk bin" always fresher!! I notice the difference.
I've been vegan over 30 years but I still find it hard to eat all the good things I want to eat. One month it's dark chocolate, then it's Kimchi, then I'll remember I haven't had broccoli for a couple of weeks. Then bananas and oats have fallen off the rotation. There are just so many things I want to include in my diet but I can't manage to eat them all consistently. Herbs and spices are easier because I can add them to what I'm eating without being too filling. I will add rosemary to my diet more often now too since its in my garden. I love beans and especially love chick peas. I can eat as much as I want. But yes to newbies, be careful, your micro biome needs to adjust, a big bowl of beans all of a sudden might give you a pain in the gut and wind. I grow Jerusalem artichoke, the worst for wind, and can eat it cooked, straight out the garden, no problems now. My guy has adjusted.
So I studied a minute amount on Long Latency desease, and I am thinking, so possibly some virus that we get today, that could kill us in the years to come could be averted by having these enzymes in our gut today. This is such great information. I will keep this video and study it over and over again, till I can hopefully help myself to a better me.
Yes! If I were you, I’d look up Lou Corona. He has the Good stuff. Digestive Enzymes, then the Enzymes for the catabolic .. the Enzymes that break down the undigested carbs, fats and proteins, while rebuilding the cells and creating new tissues in the body. Regeneration of cells.
I took your knowledge on Walmart, with you saying they had some organic vegetables. You were right. Not an enormous amount but just switching the bad ones out with them is bound to help. Thank you for yhe info.
Dr Hyman is great. I follow him. He should warn people about Lectins though. Lectins tear up your gut. In Italy Tomato skin and seeds are removed because of the lectins.
If you eat a broad, healthy diet, supplements primarily give you expensive pee. Never take advice about taking supplements from someone who is enriched by selling them.
Look up Functional doctors or Naturalpathic doctors and you will find that they have access to vitamins that work for you and herbs from your area. The U.S. doesn't have everything. Plus if you get it shipped it will cost you a fortune.
A friend told me their daughter had minimal gut issues but she did a program to donate her eggs for a couple with fertility issues and now lives in constant pain daily. They think it's from the medication used. They've tried everything to help and nothing worked. Imagine a 22 ywsr old doing something so selfless and now she lives in chronic pain daily. They dont know what else to do to help her. Have you heard of anything like this?
Jack Kruse pointed out that Jeff Leach's work showed how alterations to food intake in near equatorial environment did squat all in the way of affecting the microbiome. Is really all just about food intake - or can we also talk more about some other facets too?
I'm currently on antibiotics for my IBS D, which doesn't seem to be helpful yet. I've never had issues until last year. It's been AWFUL! I Eat pretty well, so I can't seem to figure out why this is happening except maybe the Covid vaccines? I've had every test possible and my GI doctor just concluded IBS??
i read a paper recently about effects of prebiotics like fructooligosachride and glactooligosachride , gluco decreased the levels of butrate by lowering the bacteria that produces butruc acid, both reduced it, so causing issues with glucose metabolism, so they are not good?
Gee Doc, my word. Start eating raw organic garlic. Get a good size clove cut it in half then crush it with the side of a butter knife or spoon wait 10 minutes chew or just swallow. Great start. Check it out look it up. Been doing it for years. I'm 62 like you. I'm not a health coach. Mostly Keto. I lost my appendix and I still didn't feel well and thankfully I stumbled onto utube did lots of research and I am so glad I did It's funny about garlic many years ago when I was 16 I think I got worms from my parakeet I used to kiss him love him hold him the sweetest little thing. But I went to doctor and he had me eat garlic damn it went away. Apparently I forgot that. Love your show. Take care stay well. 😊
thanks for the reminder about raw ginger my question is do you switch it down with orange juice after of chewing a while? I just don’t want to smell like garlic all day every day when I have to work around patients at work 😅 thanks
This information seems essential to a lot of people. I have to say though, the way of conveying this information is way too technical and there is an overload of new terms and processes thrown around every couple of sentences. The majority of people will need simple practical steps and it's unnecessary to know what happens on a biological and physiological level.
yes...but if you eat chlorella regularly the mercury vapors will bind to it. I had mine removed and it wasn't done correctly and I got a hugh mercury toxic dump . It was horrible. I went in and did some IV's which removed it and I am fine now.
If it doesn't say gmo free on label it is more likely gmo. Anything with a smart label has gmo. Scan it you will see the label. Soy. Corn is the highest gmo
I think you tend to get the bugs you need based on the food you eat. If you go carnivore you are probably going to have a small diversity, but you will be fine. The more food diversity you eat the more and more complex is you gut bacteria. That is when you are going to have problems because as you change food, your bacteria are going to compete. I think it is too simple to say good and bad. Problems come with change.
@@veganandlovingit What you think is of very little importance. But enjoy your Alzheiners and T2D, whilst people rejecting carbs are going to be clear headed.
@@chazwyman8951 well I'm 58, been vegan over 33 years already. Vegetarian b4 that. Went back to uni and completed a masters degree only 5 years ago, so I think I'm doing OK thanks. Try not to be too defensive pea brain.
the battery of youre car is not that big of a deal (wlan, 5g, bluetooth are much worser) . In generell EMF is not that harmful but its a stressor and a break from time to time is great but not realy necessary.
I can tell you I feed my microbiom gut white rice every single day of God with some oil and salt of course, I always pair it with universal latin Foods like chicken breast beef picadillo, legumes are a must like garbanzo mom style 🎉 kidney beans, black beans with latin season and pressure cooked is 🚒 salvation everyday
Also, Maureen, I wanted to let you know if you're interested in this particular green powder, I can help. They ship to several different countries, including the UK. It's a really good one.
Why are people so critical?? That man is 63 years old. I think he looks fantastic! He has turned his health around from being sick to healthy and thriving. He has discovered what works for himself. Now he’s living his best life! We all should be so lucky!
he is a bit of a schill tbh
Totally agree! What a thought leader and change maker. He’s a western medical doctor who is looking to improve the health of humanity for free! He shares and cares!
People will say critical things to make themselves feel better. Instead of taking the knowledge he selflessly shares and using it to improve the quality of their lives.
I am deeply grateful for Marks work. Thank you 🙏
His appearance has changed. I think people are just concerned. Usually when people notice a change they don’t say anything because it’s not the Internet where they can speak without thinking
@@lindafoster8182 agreed, his appearance has most definitely changed. I am extremely concerned about the C-19 jabs, which he was promoting. they are inherently toxic (I'm sure utube will remove this comment, as they don't respect free speech).
He looks tired...
I am 63 and was diagnosed by a neurologist ( not a very good one) as early onset dementia with a side of delusional thoughts. In the meanwhile my personal MD contacted me to share that my recent physical showed I had diabetes. I googled symptoms for diabetes and cognitive brain function and sure enough memory issues can be part of diabetic symptoms. I totally changed my diet to support insulin resistance. (This is my 3rd round with high blood sugar #1) gestational diabetes with 2nd pregnancy at 26 #2) going into menopause I gained weight and my metabolism slowed way down, fixed it with becoming a certified yoga instructor and teaching fitness classes 3) at 63 I now have high blood sugar again! Now along with daily yoga I walk 3-5 miles a day which I love & I put myself on a diabetic diet which I am loving ❤ Now I test my blood sugar every couple of days just to keep track of any changes! My morning fasting blood sugar was 200 😬 and now it’s down to 120 😊
I still weigh 100lbs😂 I also take a between 10-20 supplements a day some I take daily and others are for specific symptoms. I look healthy and feel good. Trust your intuition, ask your body what is out of balance and be open to the answer. We are highly intuitive beings when we quiet our mind and listen for the answer🙏
Preach ❤❤❤
Your story is certainly an inspiration to me. Thank you
Congrats on restoring your health. Great job. Neurologist , ( as you said, not avery good one) should have screened for medical issues / nutritional deficiencies that can affect the brain.
Pls watch Dr. Ada videos on u can eat bread, rice & potatoes!!! She gives great info! Pls watch her videos!!!
Im 5’2”, weigh 115ish, beat pancreatic c!
@@lindajones4849 also
Dr William Davis on healing your gut!!! Amazing info!!!😊
Mark Hyman is my favorite functional doctor. He teaches the most balanced diet, not restricting whole food groups unless something is truly unhealthy. He is kind and extremely intelligent and informed, He also looks gorgeous! So you jerks who are making rude comments go look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are so mean critical and insecure.
How can anyone be mean to this guy. Honestly. He can be long winded if you just want the 45 second cliff notes but his intent and content is fantastic.
There's always some to criticize..
They're uninformed...
Instead of researching..facts..
I just received doc's books...excited to start my journey ❤
So true - good luck on your journey. I find his discussion about why things work at least as important as that they work.
I am from an area of Pennsylvania where people are living well into their 90's. In fact the aunt of someone I know just died at 106. This is a generation that grew up with midwife's, home gardens, animal protein that was organically raised prior to the category of organic plus organ meats like tripe, canning. Gluten, grains were not the main actor in our diet. Rosemary, sage, oregano, thyme, fennel, bay leaf are all components of our diets.
I wished we all lived there!
@@rachelmartineau8102 we to
Snapshot of Mark Hyman’s Daily Meal Plan
Breakfast: A shake (post workout) consisting of pegan protein powder, pomegranate concentrate, cranberry concentrate, macha powder, frozen berries, baobab tree, maca, açaí powder (polyphenol blends) along with pre-and probiotics.
Lunch: A can of mackerel or sardines with arugula, fennel, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, and olives.
Dinner: 3-5 veggie dishes; roasted shiitake mushrooms, broccolini stir-fried with garlic and ginger, a Japanese sweet potato, finish it off with a tomato, cucumber, avocado, hearts of palm, fennel, cilantro salad with olive oil and vinegar.
Works to have a plentiful amount of vegetables, the centerpiece of the meals, and the protein or meat is a side dish.
I cannot eat so much
How do we find all this stuff?
@@miketressa9284 what country are you in? In England all this is in the supermarket or health food store. Or on the Internet.
I am in the USA..
@@miketressa9284 We have to be rich to be healthy in the USA...
Berries, oranges, pomegranate, pomegranate juice, green tea, apple, apple juice, dark chocolate
For Polyphenols right?
He is sharing all his knowledge and lives to help people Plus he is great to look at Thank you Mark for all your help
I think he’s super cute too!
I think it's his voice.
I am 63 I have the same weight as when i was 19, stop sugar, it kills you
YES! I stopped recently and feel much better. Lost 7 pounds as well. People are so hesitant, but it truly is the killer.
Same happened to me with antibiotic Erythromycin and the dentist! I did my own research and threw away the pills they said I would take for the rest of my life because they said I had colitis?!!!!! That was 15 years ago and I’m not on any medication
He is so right!! I follow him for many years and he helped so much with my joints and my way of living. I'm 59 and wants to do my best to keep living a decent life. This world is trying VERY HARD for us to have an unhealthy living with the sugar they put on every thing. I see in our non fortunate communities suffering from obesity in children to start because EVERY THING "HEALTHY" it's so expensive and sometimes it's no even ORGANIC. Praying for our lives and our children to live a healthy life.
Please share how u save your joints n like my comment so I'm notified. Ty in advance GBU SHALOM
For a main meal, a large portion of cooked, hot or cold Broccoli with tomatoes , cucumber, olives , cottage , cheese , with chicken, salmon or tofo .
A XL plate full of the above, will fill your belly and less than 700 calories.
In Ayurveda, it was said one who has “Meda” issues which means digestive issues will have all other diseases. And it’s not a new discovery, it’s been there for thousands of years.
Unfortunately, modern conventional medicine is behind the ball on how the body really works.
How do you cure that?
My son regressed into autism at 3 years old and it turned out he contracted clostridia c difficile in hospital as an infant.
I am fighting to heal his gut.
He also has a lot toxins like mercury, aluminum, thallium, lead, tin and Antimony.
The clostridia is out now and his behavior improved because he was very aggressive and now he is so sweet and he is using sone few words.
Thank dr. Hyman
10:00 h 10:00
Gabe Brown is a farmer in North Dakota who is changing how farming is done. He is restoring soil to good health with good microbiota. It is amazing and he is far out ahead of everyone else on this.
Olive oil, wild blueberries, mushrooms, tree nuts, seeds, broccoli, dark chocolate, fatty fish and green tea - for starters!
Greetings from Denmark. ❤
Waching a MD not knowing how important clean food is. Be in hospital, no MD talk of healthy food as a very important help to recovery.
This doctor is so down the Earth 🌎🌍🌎
I so agree 101% love and like down to earth carers, just as I'm fortunate with my Dr Dew-Anna in South Africa🎉🎉🎉
Do not feel bad, Dr. Mark . I do the same in the grocery store. I love it.❤
Dhru, you are the best and most informed interviewer I have listened to. I focus on health and wellness and listen to some of the top doctors like Mark Hyman, William Li, Neal Barnard , Michael Gregor ,Esselstyns, Campbell , Dr Ornish, Fuhrman, Amen.... I'd love to hear you interview some of them as well. I think you're wonderful and a pleasure to actually listen to you with your wisdom. Thank you🎉
Excellent resource. Really great for the audience as we are wanting to make healthier choices for our bodies.
My secret is I'm the Ninia
I think polyphenols everyday is the main helpful daily food he's talking about, as per the title, but tons of helpful info along with this theme.
I have read that the US is one of the few nations in the world that does not eat a fermented food daily. Since I read that, I added a serving of plain, whole milk yogurt with cream on top from grass fed cows with no antibiotics, trans, mono, or poly unsaturated fats. It has only saturated fats. No artificial anything. I usually add nuts, berries, or other fruits to it. I eat a small portion as I need to and am losing weight. I have noticed a difference in gut, bowel health when I don't eat it for a even a few days. I am a fan of fermented foods, at least, of yogurt.
I think the war on saturated fats is one of the worst things medical science has done to the American people. We evolved eating saturated animal fats, along with wild fruits, berries which contain natural sugars and edible wild plants. It's absurd to have ever thought saturated fats were our problem in heart and other diseases. A diet high in processed foods, sugars, and bad carbs are the more likely causes of heart disease.
People who have taken the time to be educated about how to eat a healthy KETO diet are amazed that they can have all the yummy cheese, yogurt - including the stuff with the cream on top, and all the protein they can handle and lose tons of weight. Just as long as they avoid carbs. The wife and I were already heavily avoiding gluten and carbs. so making the switch from calorie counting to KETO was heavenly. One year later and both of us have lost lots of weight - me, 37 pounds, her, 25. Without ever feeling hungry!
@@SethPublisher l
What are you talking about? Every weekend American's consume fermented Barley, grape, potato, corn, etc... soup!
Truly raw dairy for the win, raw milk nicely ferments at ambient temperatures. Ferment first then refrigerate if to suspend the fermentation.
Kefir is easy to make and has more colony-forming gut bacteria than yogurt. Saurkraut isn't hard to make and is a great way to get more fermented food into your diet.
The most common sense I have heard in a long time. I have been following Dr. Marks advice for 8 weeks and I feel 100% better in every way. Sharon UK
I can’t wait for Gut Food and “Young Forever”!!! I’m so grateful help is on the way 😃🙏🤩
Green tea, tomatoes, aspargus and overall green vegetables. You're welcome!
polyphenols :)
Where's the BEEF
Is this the thing we have to eat every day?
@Vincent thank you very much, l appreciate you!
@@miznaturallyfierce np! have a good day!
Great content as usual.
In-depth and detailed. Not for the person that is not truly passionate and interested in health and fitness. Not for people who just want a quick fix. Most people do not have self control and lack patience and attention. Much of this go’s way above there heads because they do not understand basic body functions and physiological effects of food, exercise, and brain function.
The more in-depth followers and people with more knowledge find the videos very thoughtful, interesting, entertaining, and of course thorough.
Thank you
Did you not have anything better to do than leave this comment?
Kind of arrogant, aren’t you?
*Way above 'their' heads
Because medical aids force clients to support BIG PHARMA for a quick fix and actually they cause longterm suffering, specially in this global GEO ENGINEERING time
It's true what this person commented. I would love to share this video with many people but they just don't care about this type of information, and they see its 1hr long so they dont listen to it... in my case, I listen to these videos while I do the dishes or eat for example, to learn more everyday.
Reading Eating to Extinction - which is along the lines of what 'we' have done to destroy 'food'.
"Don't let your ideology direct your biology." ~ Dr. Mark Hyman
That goes well witth one of my favorite quotations:
“Ideology is the death of science; the death of religion and the death of people.”
~ Captain Peter Hartsock, U.S. Public Health Service
Kudos to Dr Wahls for blazing the trail to health for MS patients. She is currently studying her version of the Paleo Diet and the Keto diet for MS. And a shout out to all of the people who are willing and able to participate in the study. It takes dedication and hard work to get good results.
I have MS, and I love Dr. Wahls!
Very informative, thank you!
Hello Mark. Can you speak on Kombucha and if this is something to take in assisting our guts? Thank you and looking forward to updates.
Wish he was one of my doctor thank you for your vidios.
THANK YOU FOR ALL THE INFO!! GINGER AND SPIRULENA AND KELP are a plus for me. Make my own vege caps..ginger powder. Buying at "bulk bin" always fresher!! I notice the difference.
He is just amazing. What a mind!
I just subscribed to gut food because I believe in your health journey, your research, and you! ♥️🌟💜🙌
you should not believe in anything, seek reality
I've been vegan over 30 years but I still find it hard to eat all the good things I want to eat. One month it's dark chocolate, then it's Kimchi, then I'll remember I haven't had broccoli for a couple of weeks. Then bananas and oats have fallen off the rotation. There are just so many things I want to include in my diet but I can't manage to eat them all consistently. Herbs and spices are easier because I can add them to what I'm eating without being too filling. I will add rosemary to my diet more often now too since its in my garden. I love beans and especially love chick peas. I can eat as much as I want. But yes to newbies, be careful, your micro biome needs to adjust, a big bowl of beans all of a sudden might give you a pain in the gut and wind. I grow Jerusalem artichoke, the worst for wind, and can eat it cooked, straight out the garden, no problems now. My guy has adjusted.
How long did it take for results?
Γιατρέ το βιβλίο σου ιδανικό βάρος είναι δώρο ζωής.Δεν έχω λόγια πως να σε ευχαριστήσω 🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏼🇬🇷
Olive leaf, prickly pear extracts, lactospore (special probiotic)
So I studied a minute amount on Long Latency desease, and I am thinking, so possibly some virus that we get today, that could kill us in the years to come could be averted by having these enzymes in our gut today. This is such great information. I will keep this video and study it over and over again, till I can hopefully help myself to a better me.
Yes! If I were you, I’d look up Lou Corona. He has the Good stuff. Digestive Enzymes, then the Enzymes for the catabolic .. the Enzymes that break down the undigested carbs, fats and proteins, while rebuilding the cells and creating new tissues in the body. Regeneration of cells.
great info ty
Thank you Dr Mark and guest thinking might be also a Dr! With respect in addressing
Thanks for sharing this information 👍❤️🙏🏻😁
Great advice. I'm a fan of Dr. Hyman now.
The answer to the headline in the thumbnail begins at 34 minutes.
Hahahahaa ….. thank you ❤️
Thank you💖
Thank you. Freedom . I owe You some of my time now.
Why don't you just tell us what we have to eat every day
@@michaelsrowland Geez
I took your knowledge on Walmart, with you saying they had some organic vegetables. You were right. Not an enormous amount but just switching the bad ones out with them is bound to help. Thank you for yhe info.
I do the same thing when I go to the grocery store. In fact, I don't eat anything that doesn't do something good for me.
Dr Hyman is great. I follow him. He should warn people about Lectins though. Lectins tear up your gut. In Italy Tomato skin and seeds are removed because of the lectins.
i was wondering! i know they eat tons of tomatoes and wondered about all the lectins.
It’s such a shame l won’t be able to have access to any of Dr Hymans supplements, l am from Australia and sadly they don’t ship here.
If you eat a broad, healthy diet, supplements primarily give you expensive pee. Never take advice about taking supplements from someone who is enriched by selling them.
Look up Functional doctors or Naturalpathic doctors and you will find that they have access to vitamins that work for you and herbs from your area. The U.S. doesn't have everything. Plus if you get it shipped it will cost you a fortune.
A friend told me their daughter had minimal gut issues but she did a program to donate her eggs for a couple with fertility issues and now lives in constant pain daily. They think it's from the medication used. They've tried everything to help and nothing worked. Imagine a 22 ywsr old doing something so selfless and now she lives in chronic pain daily. They dont know what else to do to help her. Have you heard of anything like this?
Thank you for sharing those insights
Jack Kruse pointed out that Jeff Leach's work showed how alterations to food intake in near equatorial environment did squat all in the way of affecting the microbiome. Is really all just about food intake - or can we also talk more about some other facets too?
Stress is a huge factor, and chemicals. But food is the #1 factor. Because it affects how the gut responds ..
May i please know what kind of test to be done to find if you have leaky gut or brain problem. I apreaciate very much your valued reply.
Smoothie: Pomegranate, cranberries concentrate, matcha powder, frozen berries, superfood, baobab tree, MACA, prebiotics, probiotics, prebiotic powders.
so sugar bomb
@@JM-co6rf yeah i agree. Try this other approach called "Candida Diet Plan" by Eric Bakker th-cam.com/video/R9327DEOWcc/w-d-xo.html
Not so. Berries have low glycemic count.
Many people don't have sigmoids or other parts of colons & many have colostomy bags. Can these be talk more about?
I’d love to being trial!
You are the best 🎯… meet you in LA, CA 🌻♥️❣️
Is this product available now? What’s the name of it?
dark chocolate recommendation?
Good night from Papua New Guinea.
Which brand is for Gut Food that Dr Hyman talks about that he has launched?
You speak truth 🎯🎯🎯♥️❣️
I'm currently on antibiotics for my IBS D, which doesn't seem to be helpful yet. I've never had issues until last year. It's been AWFUL! I Eat pretty well, so I can't seem to figure out why this is happening except maybe the Covid vaccines? I've had every test possible and my GI doctor just concluded IBS??
Oil and garlic saute w onion regularly
Start by going to health food stores.
Whole Foods carrys vegetables and fruits thst are sprayed and un-sprayed. Try to frequent your local health food store.
Hi what are your thoughts about trying Para Guard?
Great video, NOT too long, unless you don’t want to learn.
5:36 It was Hippocrates, not Socrates, was the source of “All disease begins in the G ut”
Brilliant interview, thanks.
Pumpkin seeds and stew tomatoes
Arugula is "a little more nutrient dense" than iceberg lettuce???
I'm 83 and always eat cake and biscuits and honey in coffee
Thank you!
Pesticides all-round and put into our food! Eat less live longer, mentioned today! Love certain foods, homemade natural!
I mean unless you go all ORGANIC....
i read a paper recently about effects of prebiotics like fructooligosachride and glactooligosachride , gluco decreased the levels of butrate by lowering the bacteria that produces butruc acid, both reduced it, so causing issues with glucose metabolism, so they are not good?
you can get used to eating raw onions pal and mix it in with stuff
Gee Doc, my word. Start eating raw organic garlic. Get a good size clove cut it in half then crush it with the side of a butter knife or spoon wait 10 minutes chew or just swallow. Great start. Check it out look it up. Been doing it for years. I'm 62 like you. I'm not a health coach. Mostly Keto. I lost my appendix and I still didn't feel well and thankfully I stumbled onto utube did lots of research and I am so glad I did
It's funny about garlic many years ago when I was 16 I think I got worms from my parakeet I used to kiss him love him hold him the sweetest little thing. But I went to doctor and he had me eat garlic damn it went away. Apparently I forgot that. Love your show. Take care stay well. 😊
thanks for the reminder about raw ginger my question is do you switch it down with orange juice after of chewing a while? I just don’t want to smell like garlic all day every day when I have to work around patients at work 😅 thanks
My brother made a garlic concoction in Highschool, for acne. It DIDN’T work at all, but we could smell him from 2 blocks away!!!
This guy is like Jesus rising from the dead! 😂 great video! Listening as I’m walking around rural Ireland 🇮🇪 on a sunny Sunday. ❤☘️
I'm in Dublin.... love this guy... I love rural Ireland also..wish I lived there. I could grow more of my own veg. 🇮🇪
Why is it that so many people that have had gut issues for many years go to a carnivore diet and all the gut issues are gone in weeks or months?
Because they’ve unintentionally done an elimination diet
What are natural poly...?
You look so good with a beard bro
This information seems essential to a lot of people. I have to say though, the way of conveying this information is way too technical and there is an overload of new terms and processes thrown around every couple of sentences. The majority of people will need simple practical steps and it's unnecessary to know what happens on a biological and physiological level.
I am interested in the technical, Thank You 😂
Knowledge is power. Empower yourself by learning the language and you won’t have to rely on an interpreter 😊 All the best on your journey to heath ❤
I understood it just fine. Listen closely and make inferences. Or listen again!
Dr see every poop is the only doctor getting shit done😂 Thanks for all your hard work.
And Siri adding Rosemary oregano, those things are great, but they’re also high and salyciates
Thank you so much, I can understand better thank's to translation in french ! ❤❤❤
can you get mercury poisoning from Dental amalgams ?
yes...but if you eat chlorella regularly the mercury vapors will bind to it. I had mine removed and it wasn't done correctly and I got a hugh mercury toxic dump . It was horrible. I went in and did some IV's which removed it and I am fine now.
How did you treat , or get rid of mercury in your body? 10:00
If you control your breath
You control your life
And your words
Fruit leaf teas and fresh clean air, phytochemicals move thru air and water.🐸
Which foods are GMO and how to avoid?
If it doesn't say gmo free on label it is more likely gmo. Anything with a smart label has gmo. Scan it you will see the label. Soy. Corn is the highest gmo
If you eat organic fruits and vegetables then you will be avoiding GMOs along with label reading on packaged foods that say no GMO.
Any processed foods, meat, fruits and vegetables
Food makes one feel good or bad!
What is polyphenols?
I think you tend to get the bugs you need based on the food you eat. If you go carnivore you are probably going to have a small diversity, but you will be fine. The more food diversity you eat the more and more complex is you gut bacteria. That is when you are going to have problems because as you change food, your bacteria are going to compete. I think it is too simple to say good and bad. Problems come with change.
but health comes with change too!
Well find out in 20/30 years how all these carnivores are doing. Personally, I don't think it will be good.
@@veganandlovingit What you think is of very little importance. But enjoy your Alzheiners and T2D, whilst people rejecting carbs are going to be clear headed.
@@chazwyman8951 well I'm 58, been vegan over 33 years already. Vegetarian b4 that. Went back to uni and completed a masters degree only 5 years ago, so I think I'm doing OK thanks. Try not to be too defensive pea brain.
@@chazwyman8951I think it’s more about processed foods & bad carbs and sugars. There should be a time for detox, cleansing & a time for balance.
Antibiotics mess me up, dental and got Lupus! Liver failure from Antibiotics and wasn't sick originally!
Hi my question is that a high percentage of polyphenols are destroyed during cooking,
Should we be eating more raw vegan food
Does sitting on a battery while driving an electric car increase your EMF exposure and how much EMF is unhealthy?
🤣 this has to be a joke
the battery of youre car is not that big of a deal (wlan, 5g, bluetooth are much worser) . In generell EMF is not that harmful but its a stressor and a break from time to time is great but not realy necessary.
I can tell you I feed my microbiom gut white rice every single day of God with some oil and salt of course, I always pair it with universal latin Foods like chicken breast beef picadillo, legumes are a must like garbanzo mom style 🎉 kidney beans, black beans with latin season and pressure cooked is 🚒 salvation everyday
The starch of white rice is not your enemy it is your friend , white rice is the best thing you can daily eat for longevity
I'm wondering if the green powders we've all come to love have the polyphenols left in them. Does anybody know?
What are green powders? from the UK
@@mosey09 Hi Maureen. Here's what I use. therootbrands.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/rg1-scaled.jpg
Also, Maureen, I wanted to let you know if you're interested in this particular green powder, I can help. They ship to several different countries, including the UK. It's a really good one.
@@mosey09 My drink which is green has spirulina and chlorella in it. I get it online from a company called Purium.
I love the longer video! Great content as always. Dr Mark you do look tired though.
Yes, I agree, very hard to overlook that he looks very aged and tired. Is he not following his own advice?
Maybe he's suffering after his divorce
He looks really tired, poor soul
I don't think his new facial hair is flattering, nor is the lighting in that studio - but I'm glad he's on with this info!
@@Arrasel did he recently divorce?
@@dainahakes5748 yes, he's been through a divorce
I think he ended with that chick that had some comedy show
She wasn't for him
Red onions are good thin sliced not at night
The best health knowledge