In Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh they are not killed for any superstition. Rather it is killed for its popular meat(udumbu Kari). It is said to be difficult to consume yet healthy meat. Inhumane ways are employed to kill the animal.
In Marathi its called as Ghorpad ("घोरपड"). It is also killed for its meat and oil secreted by its flesh while cooking. The oil is said to be a cure for joint pain. Its natural home is also being destroyed for so-called development!
In Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh they are not killed for any superstition. Rather it is killed for its popular meat(udumbu Kari). It is said to be difficult to consume yet healthy meat. Inhumane ways are employed to kill the animal.
In Marathi its called as Ghorpad ("घोरपड"). It is also killed for its meat and oil secreted by its flesh while cooking. The oil is said to be a cure for joint pain. Its natural home is also being destroyed for so-called development!