Very helpful Mark. Here’s a question with a qualifier - I am currently more of a coach B but recent changes in circumstances has pushed me to evolve and I NEED to be coach A. I do t have very much income yet but I am interested in learning how to scale - the question is, how can I be sure that your systems won’t just be a rehashing of Ignite the Fire or books of that like? I find myself in need of up to date and to the point info so I can take actionable steps. With all due respect, thank you.
Very helpful Mark. Here’s a question with a qualifier - I am currently more of a coach B but recent changes in circumstances has pushed me to evolve and I NEED to be coach A. I do t have very much income yet but I am interested in learning how to scale - the question is, how can I be sure that your systems won’t just be a rehashing of Ignite the Fire or books of that like? I find myself in need of up to date and to the point info so I can take actionable steps. With all due respect, thank you.